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Healing Divides (Smokey Mountain Series Book 2)

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by Stella Moore

  Here it was. The moment of truth. She could back up, and tell him she wasn't interested, that this was going to be their only date. That was, honestly, what a part of her wanted to do. What the logical part of her mind said she should do. On the other hand, she could take a chance on him, on them, and see where it went.

  Taking a deep breath, she dove in head first. Looking him squarely in the eye, she said as calmly as she could manage, “I think you should spank me.” Jack studied her carefully for so long that she had to fight not to squirm under his scrutiny.

  “You’re sure about this?”

  Her heart went to Jell-O in her chest. This was what she craved. Someone who she could hand the reins over to, because she knew he had her best interests in mind.

  She nodded and took a fortifying sip of her wine. “I'm a firm believer in starting as you mean to go on. This is a good way for you to see if you can really handle spanking someone for discipline and not just foreplay. And for me to see if this is something I actually want.” She set the wine down and took another bite of the excellent steak in front of her. She looked up from her dinner to find him staring at her with an unreadable expression. “What?”

  “Do you really have no idea how fucking irresistible you are? The way you switch from sex kitten to meek and submissive to that snooty doctor voice? It kills me.”

  Nobody had ever accused her of being irresistible. If anything, they considered her utterly forgettable. “I have no idea what you're talking about,” she replied stiffly.

  “There's that snooty tone again. It makes me want to put you across my knee and spank you until you're begging me to stop, and then fuck you until you come screaming my name.”

  “I am not snooty,” she replied. Oh. That time she heard it a little.

  He reached for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I know you're not. It's just that tone of voice. It twists me up inside.” He sent her a rueful grin. “I'm sure that means there's something really wrong with me, but you can figure it out later. For now,” he looked down at their mostly empty plates, “I think it's time to get the check and go.”

  She couldn't have agreed more.

  Chapter 8

  The ride back to her house was filled with tense silence. The sexual energy in the air was so thick, you couldn't have cut it with a butter knife. And skirting the edges of that tension, she sensed nerves from both of them. Despite his natural dominance, she imagined Jack was feeling a good bit of pressure, since this was uncharted territory for him, too.

  Not that she was much better. She'd had a few not-so-serious relationships in college—nothing even hinting at what she felt with him. Briefly, she wondered what kind of research he'd done. The idea of him sitting at home reading How To manuals on spanking your lover made her giggle.

  “I didn’t realize the idea of getting your backside blistered was so amusing.”

  She sobered at his comment. “It’s not. Just nervous laughter, I guess.”

  His only response was a noncommittal “Hmmm” as he pulled up to the curb in front of her house. He helped her out of the car and she led the way inside. Laughter was now the furthest thing from her mind. There was a man in her house who wanted to spank her. To discipline her. The thought sent a shiver down her spine that she didn't quite suppress.

  Jack pulled her into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “It's going to be okay, sweetheart,” he assured her in his deep voice.

  Surprisingly, she felt herself relax into him.

  “Let's get started,” he said after holding her for a few moments. She nodded against his chest, then turned and led the way into the living room.

  “So, there’s the couch. I have chairs in the dining room if that would be better. Or we could go to my bedroom.” The nerves in her voice embarrassed her, and she hoped they weren’t as obvious to him.

  Jack smiled at her and sat on the couch. “This should do.” He patted his right knee. “Over you go,” he said.

  “Shouldn't you have me take my panties off first?”

  He arched an eyebrow. “When and how they come off is up to me. Now, unless you want an extra lesson in following directions, you'll get over my knee, now.”

  The strict tone managed to turn her on and piss her off at the same time. She might not be worldly or experienced, but she'd studied these relationships her entire adult life. He’d only ever spanked someone as a prelude to sex. Who the hell was he to tell her how things should be done?

  She crossed her arms across her chest defiantly, glaring down at him. “Look, I'm just trying to be helpful here. You may have done some research, but this is my life's work.”

  Less than two seconds later, she found herself hauled over his lap, with the hem of her dress yanked up over her hips. Then his hand connected with her bottom and she squealed at the shock of pain. He landed several more stinging spanks, then rested his hand on her bottom.

  “Now,” he began conversationally, rubbing small circles over her black lacy underwear. “Let's try this again. Are you ready to listen?”

  She huffed out an annoyed breath. “Yes.”

  “Okay. Sit up,” he said.

  Confused, she pushed herself up and perched on the edge of the couch with as much dignity as she could manage considering her dress was still bunched up around her waist.

  Jack caught her chin in one strong hand and turned her head towards him. “You agreed to let me spank you. Correct?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. Her stomach was doing somersaults and she wished he'd just get on with it.

  “So if I'm spanking you, who's in charge?”

  She hesitated. She knew the correct answer, of course, but her mouth suddenly felt as though it were full of sawdust.

  His grip tightened, not enough to be painful but enough to remind her that he was waiting for an answer. “You are,” she finally squeaked out.

  “Good. I did forget one thing a little while ago. You need a safeword. I do at least know that much.” The joking tone helped her relax a bit.

  “Fluffy,” she responded almost immediately. “It was the name of my favorite cat growing up,” she explained at his confused look.

  “Fluffy it is, then. Ready to give this another try?”

  This time when she nodded, he released her and gently guided her over his lap.

  “Tell my why you're getting this spanking,” he said in the no-nonsense tone she'd quickly grown to appreciate.

  “Um, I was rude. To you. For no reason.”

  He squeezed each of her bottom cheeks in turn. “Exactly. Since this is the first time for both of us, I'm just going to use my hand. But I think you'll discover that I can accomplish quite a bit with my hand alone.” With that, he began spanking her in earnest. He began by alternating cheeks, back and forth, keeping a steady, painful rhythm.

  Melissa found herself gritting her teeth and squirming over his lap as the burn built in her cheeks. When he switched things up and laid into the same spot a half dozen times in a row, she began to break. “Ow! Stop!” she cried, attempting to push herself off of his lap. But Jack just tightened his grip and gave the same attention to the opposite cheek.

  “I think it's time for these to come down,” he commented, pulling at the lace currently covering her backside.

  “No! It hurts!” she moaned, then wondered who was whining. She was mortified to realize it was her. He'd reduced her, an accomplished psychiatrist with an Ivy League education, to a whining, pouting little girl.

  “It's supposed to. Maybe the next time you want to throw a tantrum, you'll remember this and think twice.”

  With an ease she couldn't help but admire, he lifted her hips and slid her panties down to her knees. Without another word, he began the spanking with renewed vigor. So many emotions and thoughts were racing through her mind. At times, she couldn't believe how much it hurt. Then she’d feel a rush of excitement at the fact that she was actually being punished by this large, sexy man. And then embarrassment at the fact
that she was being punished by anyone. That she wanted to be punished. For several long minutes, the only sounds in the room were the crack of his hand connecting with her bare bottom and her gasps and squeals of pain.

  He stopped before the pain became unbearable, rubbing his hand in circles over her warm backside. “I think that's enough for now.”

  She felt a stab of disappointment. While she definitely felt chastised, she knew that many punishments lasted much longer and were much more severe. Still, for their first time, she supposed it was enough. He helped her up so that she could sit on his lap.

  “So what now?” she asked, suddenly feeling vulnerable and uncertain.

  “Well, it's getting late. I could go home. Or…” he slid his hand up the inside of her thigh.

  She shifted, opening herself to him and tilting her head to look up at him. “I like or. Let's do or.”

  Chapter 9

  He took her mouth as he caressed the skin on the inside of her thigh, teasing her. She whimpered and arched under his expert fingers, desperate for more. He bent his head and feasted on her neck, nibbling his way down to her collarbone.

  She moved so that she was on her knees, straddling him. The fabric of his slacks rubbed against her backside, reminding her that she’d just been spanked. The knowledge thrilled her and had her pussy throbbing. In one fluid movement, Jack lifted her dress up and off so that she was left only in the strip of black lace Elisa had laughingly called a bra.

  “I don't normally do this kind of thing,” she gasped as he ran his hands up her sides to cup her breasts.

  “Sex?” he asked, with laughter in his voice.


  His hands stilled and he pulled away to look at her. “As in never?” he asked slowly.

  She rolled her eyes. “Not never. I'm thirty-three years old, for goodness’ sake. But it's been a while. And I've never done it so soon in a relationship.” Her cheeks heated with the confession.

  “How long is a while?” he asked.

  The lust she'd felt so keenly just moments before faded into embarrassment. She tried to slide off of him, but he held her in place.

  “How long?” he pressed gently, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Three years,” she mumbled, wishing the earth would somehow open up and swallow her whole.

  “You're serious? Why's it been so long?”

  “Because it just has, okay?” she snapped.

  He tightened his grip on her hips, and her traitorous body throbbed at the warning touch. “I'm not judging you, or laughing at you, sweetheart. I just want to make sure you don't have any regrets about sleeping together on the first date.”

  She shook her head. “I won't. And besides, this is basically our third date.” The surprise on his face gave her a certain perverse pleasure.

  “How do you figure?”

  “Well, there's tonight, obviously,” she explained, enjoying herself. “That night in Knoxville before this. And before that we spent almost a whole day together.”

  He threw his head back and roared with laughter. “Are you counting a rescue operation as a first date?”

  “Of course. You did offer to tie me up, after all.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Christ. Is it any wonder I'm crazy about you?”

  “In my professional opinion, you're just crazy, period.”

  He gave her hair a playful tug. “Professional opinion, huh? So, what's the cure for what ails me, doc?”

  “Me,” she answered immediately, rising up over him. Reaching between them, she was thrilled to find him still hard as a rock. Slowly, she slid the zipper down, freeing him. When her hand closed around him, he groaned. She squeezed and stroked him, savoring the rush she felt as she pleasured him.

  Then his hand wrapped around her wrist and he pulled her hand away. “But I want to touch you,” she said with a pout. He leaned in to kiss her and gave her bottom lip a quick nip.

  “You can, later. But first,” he slid a hand between her thighs and dipped a finger inside of her. Drawing out her juices, she felt the rough pad of his finger circling her clit. Whimpering, she pressed herself into his hand, seeking release. Much to her frustration, he seemed happy to take his time, lazily circling her bud, taking her just to the edge of release before backing off again. She thrust her hips against his hand, hoping he'd take the hint.

  “Ask me,” he said, pushing her closer to the edge than before.

  “Please,” she begged, panting.

  “Please, what?”

  There was no trace of amusement in his voice. None of the playful teasing she'd come to expect. He was in control, the ultimate authority, and nothing she could do or say would move him. And it was everything she'd hoped it would be. “I want to come,” she moaned. “Please, sir.”

  “Then come. Just for me.” He increased the pressure on her clit and she let go of the control she always held on to so tightly, arching her back as she rode the wave of pleasure. His finger continued working her, drawing out the orgasm until she simply melted against him.

  Gradually, she became aware of his length pressing against her. With a grin, she shifted, lowering herself onto him. The sensation of him inside of her, stretching her almost to the point of discomfort was unlike anything she'd felt before. She gave herself a moment to adjust to the strange feeling, and then she rose again. When she slid down him again, she watched his eyes fill with hunger and need, and she nearly crowed with triumph at the knowledge that she was doing that to him. She was giving him pleasure as she took her own. Who knew that feeling could be so powerful?

  Then his hand was between them, pressing against her again. She gasped at the nearly painful pleasure that rocketed through her.

  “Faster,” he growled, stroking her. Not quite ready to have it end, she ignored him and kept the slow, torturous pace she began with. Two hard, painful swats landed on her bottom.

  “Ow!” she cried. “What was that for?”

  “When I tell you to do something,” a third swat landed, “you do it.”

  “Yes, sir,” she gasped, increasing her speed. She rode him as he drove her higher and higher again. The world fell away, and it was just the two of them, giving and taking pleasure until she came once more, contracting around him. Seconds later he followed, emptying himself into her.

  Her head dropped to his shoulder as she dragged in air as though she’d just nearly drowned. As her breathing calmed, she became acutely aware of the fact that she was almost completely naked, yet he remained fully clothed. Well, except for one part of him. She grinned at the thought, then panic set in.

  “A condom. We forgot a condom.” Her heart raced as she pushed herself upright.

  The look on his face would have been comical if it hadn't been such a serious situation. “Shit. I guess I got caught up in everything.”

  “We're adults, for Christ’s sake! Not a couple of horny teenagers! How could we be so stupid?”

  “To be fair, you make me feel like a horny teenager.” At her glare, he gave her bottom an affectionate squeeze. “I've been tested, and I haven't been with anyone in a few months. You?”

  She nodded. “I'm clean, and I'm on birth control. I guess we're okay.”

  A rough hand stroked down her back and over her naked backside. “So doc, how often should I take this particular prescription?”

  She grinned down at him. “As needed, but I would recommend at least once a day for the foreseeable future. Skipping a dose could have unfortunate side effects,” she added with mock seriousness.

  “In that case, dinner again tomorrow?”

  “I'll have to check my calendar but it shouldn't be a problem. Um, there's also this thing.” She toyed with the buttons on his shirt nervously.

  “What kind of thing?” he asked.

  “A cookout. On Sunday. You don't have to come, but Elisa said I could bring someone so I thought maybe if you didn't have plans you'd like to come. But if it's too soon or too weird, you don't
have to. Actually,” she stood and began gathering her clothes, “just forget I even mentioned it.”

  “Hey. Come here.” He reached out and tugged on her arm, unbalancing her so that she fell back onto his lap. “I like cookouts. There's usually beer and some kind of meat.”

  “No, it's weird. We just started seeing each other. It’s too early for the whole business of meeting each other's friends. Just forget it.” Her chest felt suddenly tight, and she just wanted him to go so she could have her meltdown in peace.

  But Jack apparently had other ideas, which she realized as she found herself facedown over his lap once again. He swatted her twice, just hard enough to get her attention.

  “What are you doing?” she asked indignantly.

  “What does it feel like I'm doing?” he replied with a chuckle. He began rubbing and squeezing her still tingling backside. Bit by bit, she felt herself relaxing under his touch.

  “Better?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yes. Sorry for the freak out. But really, you don't have to go. Ow!” She cried out when his hand connected heavily with her bottom.

  “Stop it,” he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. “I want to go. If I didn't, I would tell you. Okay?”

  “You're sure?” she asked, still uncertain.

  “Positive.” He gave her bottom one last squeeze before helping her stand. They dressed and she walked him to the front door.

  “Same time tomorrow?” he asked, feathering a kiss over her lips.

  “Yes. I'll see you then.” He left and she closed the door behind him, leaning against it, grinning. Her first romantic encounter in years had definitely been worth the wait.

  Chapter 10

  Sunday afternoon, Melissa opened the door at Jack’s knock.

  “Ready, doc?”

  She forced a smile. “Actually, I’m not feeling that well. We could just stay here and watch a movie or something instead.”


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