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Healing Divides (Smokey Mountain Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Stella Moore

  Jack stepped inside and shut the door behind him, studying her. “Did you just lie to me, doc?”

  She took a step back. “No, not really. I would rather stay here and watch a movie.”

  He laughed and reached out to pull her to him. “How is someone who spends her entire day talking to people scared of a little cookout?”

  “I’m not scared. I just like my down time.”

  “You agreed to go, so we’re going. But first, I’ve been doing some research and it’s my understanding that a spanking can help ease stress and nerves in some situations. Want to give it a shot?”

  The promised spanking and the spectacular sex had the desired effect. Melissa spent the ride to Elisa’s relaxed and happy, enjoying the residual warmth in her bottom during the drive.

  “I'm so glad you guys made it!” They were greeted at the front door with enthusiastic hugs from their hostess. “Everyone's out back.” She led the way through the bright, cheerful house to the backyard where Paul was scowling at a sparkling new grill.

  “Mel and Jack are here!” she called. “I think we all know each other, so no intros needed. Penny, can y'all help me with something in the kitchen?” Without waiting for a response, she grabbed Melissa's hand and dragged her back into the house.

  “What could you possibly need all three of us for?” Penny asked when she joined them, obviously amused by her friend's request.

  “I didn't, but we need to hear about the big date. Spill it, doc.”

  “Well, we had dinner. And then, ah, he came back to my place.” She wondered exactly what shade of red her face was at that moment.

  “And? We need details, woman!” Elisa gave her arm a little shake.

  “Elisa, calm down. Mel, you don't have to tell us anything you don't want to. Just ignore her.” Penny glared at her friend, who responded with a careless shrug.

  “No, I want to tell you. It's just, I've never really had girlfriends to talk to like this,” she admitted.

  “Wait, like, ever?” Elisa asked, gaping at her.

  Melissa shook her head. “My parents expected excellence, so I spent most of my childhood being driven from one activity to another. Then when I was older, it was hours and hours of homework and studying so I could get into a good college. And then at Yale it was about making sure I graduated top of my class. So there's never really been time.”

  Elisa's eyes filled. “Oh, sweetie. That's a lot of pressure for one little person.”

  “Oh, please don't misunderstand. I'm grateful for the opportunities that were given to me.”

  “Of course you are,” Penny soothed, running a hand up and down Melissa's arm. “Anybody would be. Still, it's easy to see how you missed out.”

  “But you have us now. And we're pretty great.” Just like that, Elisa's comment broke through the tension. “So did he spank you or not?”

  “He did. And it was perfect,” Melissa added with a sigh. She went on to tell them about the conversation over dinner where she'd all but begged him to spank her. The actual spanking she kept deliberately vague, despite Elisa's wheedling.

  “And then we made love. And I was pretty damn good, even if I was a bit rusty,” she concluded with a grin.

  “How rusty is a little?” Penny wondered out loud.

  “Three years, four months and twelve days.”

  The pair gaped at her again. “Three years?” Elisa whispered.

  “Well, yes. I don't date much.”

  Penny shook her head. “You don't have to explain yourself. But I bet you're glad that drought is over.”

  Just then, Jack appeared in the doorway of the kitchen and pinned her with an intense look. “So glad,” Melissa agreed under her breath. Penny and Elisa turned and spotted him watching her. Elisa let out a low whistle and fanned herself with her hand.

  “I've been sent to see what you ladies are up to.” His lips twitched upwards and he glanced over at Elisa. “Paul made some cryptic comments about lessons being learned.” At that, Elisa blushed and slipped back outside, followed closely by Penny.

  Alone, Melissa watched as Jack stalked her. It was the only word she could think of to describe his slow, deliberate steps and the gleam in his eye. When he reached her, he slid a hand around the back of her neck and yanked her to him. His mouth captured hers, brutally claiming her. When he released her, she had to grip his arm to steady herself. Her lips felt swollen and bruised from his rough treatment.

  “So. What were you three up to in here?” he asked, casually slipping his arms around her waist.

  “Just girl talk. They wanted to know how our date went.”

  He was studying her intently now. “And what did you tell them?”

  Melissa shrugged and distracted herself with the collar of his shirt. “Just, you know. Stuff.”

  His voice dropped to just above a whisper. “Like the fact that I put you over my knee and spanked your pretty little ass until it was nice and red?”

  She bit her bottom lip, suddenly unsure of his reaction. “Not in so many words,” she replied softly.

  “Wait, really?”

  Melissa nodded. “I’m sorry. I should have talked to you before I said anything.”

  “It’s okay. It’s just a little weird. I’m glad you can talk to them, though.”

  She smiled up at him. “Thanks.”

  “No problem, doc.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, then to led her back to the yard, where Paul was finishing up at the grill.

  “Everything good?” Elisa whispered as they sat down to eat.

  “Yes. It's fine.” Really, it was better than fine. It was perfect.

  Chapter 11

  Perfect lasted for about three weeks, and just seemed to get better with each passing day. Melissa was sitting at her desk, daydreaming about the spanking she’d received the night before, and the explosive sex that had followed, when her receptionist buzzed her phone.

  “Sorry to bother you, Dr. French, but the District Attorney is here to see you. He says it's important and it has to do with a criminal case you're involved in.”

  Her stomach dropped. The only criminal case she was even tangentially involved in was Penny's case against her abusive ex. “Go ahead and send him in,” she said. Seconds later, a tall, slender man opened the door to her office. She rose and walked over to shake his hand.

  “What can I do for you, Mr. Jennings?” she asked politely, gesturing towards her couch. She sat on the chair opposite, studying him.

  “I have a request, and I understand it may be difficult for you.” Her heart was pounding, but she gave no outward sign of distress. She inclined her head for him to continue. “The trial for Franklin Pierce is scheduled to begin in a few weeks.”

  “That seems quick.”

  Jennings’ lips twitched into a small smile before he continued. “Yes, well, Ms. Frost has a very influential family. If her father had his way, the trial would be over already. He's made every effort to ensure that things move along ahead of their normal time table.”

  “I understand. So what exactly is it that you need from me?”

  “We believe that the defense team is going to attempt to use the nature of Ms. Frost’s relationship with Mr. Pierce to undermine our case. They've listed a psychiatrist who specializes in, ah, alternative relationships as an expert witness.”

  The room spun around her, but Melissa kept her composure. “And you want me to testify that his treatment of her was out of bounds, even given the special nature of their relationship.”

  He inclined his head in agreement. “It would be helpful if Ms. Frost could also testify, but we understand if she's unwilling to discuss such intimate details in court.”

  “Can't you keep that information out of the case? Surely she doesn't deserve to have her name dragged through the mud after everything she's been through.”

  Jennings hesitated, so she pressed. “There's more, isn't there?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. When Pierce bugged her apartment, he included v
ideo surveillance. There is video of Ms. Frost being, shall we say, chastised by her current significant other.”

  Melissa closed her eyes, the only sign of distress she was willing to show. “And there's no way to keep that out of court?”

  “We'll do our best. Technically it is illegal surveillance so the odds are good that the judge will throw it out. Any judge worth his salt will make sure they can't reference the video in any way, which will hopefully include any details on the nature of their relationship. Best case scenario, none of these details are ever heard in court. But we need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario, which means we need backup plans. We need you.”

  “I understand. I'd like to speak with Penny before I agree. May I call you tomorrow?”

  “Of course.” Jennings stood and handed her a business card. “We really want to nail this bastard. Make sure she knows that.”

  “I will. Thank you.” After showing Jennings out, she instructed her receptionist to clear her calendar for the afternoon, and then left to unravel a friend’s world once more.

  “Hey Mel! What brings you by?” Penny's enthusiastic greeting was like salt in a wound.

  Melissa forced a smile. “I need to speak with you. Penny, it’s about Franklin.”

  The change was as drastic as it was immediate. From surprised delight to distress in a finger snap. “Why? What's going on?”

  Melissa stepped inside and smoothly guided Penny to the living room, where they both settled on the couch.

  “The district attorney came by my office today,” she began, and filled Penny in on the details of the conversation. When she relayed the information about the video, Penny let out a strangled cry.

  “They can't show that in court, can they?” she asked, her voice desperate and pleading.

  “I don't know. Jennings seemed to think that they would get it thrown out. But Penny, I believe they will argue that everything he did, you wanted.” Sometimes being blunt was the only way to deliver hard news. “If the defense is allowed to make that argument, they want me to testify on your behalf. To tell the court that despite your submission to him, he still abused you.”

  “Testify? They want you to tell the world the details of my relationship with Franklin? With Eric? Absolutely not.” Dark color rode high on her cheeks.

  Melissa reached for her hand, but Penny snatched it away. “I know this is hard, but it may be the only way to ensure a conviction.”

  “I don't care!” Penny jumped up and pointed to the front door of her apartment. “Get out. I don't want to talk to you. And I absolutely will not agree to let you parade my personal details in front of a bunch of strangers.”

  Fighting back the tears that were sitting hot and tight in her throat, Melissa rose and smoothed her skirt. Picking up her purse, she left the apartment, closing the door on the sound of Penny’s raw, broken weeping.

  Chapter 12

  Jack pulled up to Melissa's house that evening in an excellent mood. They'd pinned down a guy who'd been harassing local women for months, and the DA seemed confident that they had enough evidence to nail him at trial. He jogged up the front walk humming a catchy tune he'd heard on the way over.

  He knew something was wrong the second she opened the door. Her eyes had the same blurry, unfocused quality he remembered from her night in Knoxville.

  “Go away,” she slurred before attempting to slam the door in his face. He slapped a hand to the heavy wood and muscled it open.

  “Not a chance. What's up, doc?” He tried for casual, but his insides were churning. What could've happened to get her worked up enough to be completely wasted by seven o'clock on a Tuesday?

  She ignored the question and turned to walk back to the kitchen. When he followed her, she was pouring a glass of wine from a bottle that appeared to be halfway empty. He spotted a second, already empty bottle sitting on the counter behind her.

  “Rough day at the office?”

  She gave an unladylike snort that under other circumstances would have amused him. “Your DA friend came to see me today,” she informed him, gesturing with the glass. “Wants me to tes-ti-fy,” she slowly sounded out the last word.

  Fuck. “Testify?”

  She nodded. “For Penny. So that asshole can't say she asked for it. Fucking lawyers,” she added bitterly.

  It was the first time he'd ever heard her swear, which concerned him as much as the drinking. “Why don't we switch that wine out for some coffee?” he suggested, taking a cautious step towards her. He just managed to duck when the crystal came hurtling at him from across the kitchen. He heard it explode against the wall behind him. “What the fuck?” The fury on her face somehow made her imminently more fuckable, but he didn't have time to contemplate what exactly that said about him.

  “You want to know what the fuck?” she asked, her voice rising with each word. “I spent five years, years, helping her get herself back after he fucked her up. And now the system is just going to mess her up all over again? Make her a victim again, humiliate her in front of her friends and family and complete strangers?” She spun and grabbed the empty bottle, but before she could throw that as well, he crossed the kitchen in two long strides and grabbed her wrist.

  “Put it down. Right now, young lady.”

  Anger flashed in her eyes, but she obeyed. “I trusted you,” she said, attempting to jerk her hand out of his grasp. “We trusted you, we trusted the system.” Her voice cracked, and she took a deep, shaky breath.

  Jack pulled her close and held her as the dam broke. She clung to him as she wept, the sobs wracking her body. His heart contracted painfully in his chest with each hitching breath she took.

  When she'd cried herself out, he scooped her up and carried her to the couch. He held her on his lap, rocking her as her breathing finally returned to normal. “Sorry for crying all over you,” she mumbled against his chest.

  “Don't be. Sounds like you had a hard day.” They sat together in silence for several long minutes before she finally spoke again.

  “She hates me.” The words were barely a whisper, and Jack wasn't sure he'd heard her correctly.

  “What, sweetheart?”

  “Penny. She hates me. She kicked me out of her apartment. And I can't even blame her.” She pressed her face against his shoulder and let out a shaky breath.

  “She doesn't hate you. I'm sure it just threw her. You guys'll be fine.”

  Melissa shook her head. “No, we won't. But it's my own fault for trying to be friends with a former patient. I can't believe I didn't see this coming.”

  Jack stayed silent, unsure of what he should say.

  She must have sensed his hesitation. “Did you know?” she asked, pulling away to study him with ravaged, red rimmed eyes.

  “I knew it was a possibility. I'd hoped they'd find a way around it and leave you out of it,” he answered honestly.

  “And you didn't say anything to me? To Penny?” She narrowed her eyes when he winced. “You told someone. Eric?”

  “And Paul,” he said, reluctantly confirming her suspicions. “I wanted her support network to know in case it came up, but I didn't want to freak her out if it wasn't an issue.”

  “I’m her support network!” Melissa exploded, pushing herself off his lap. “I'm part of that and you left me out. You let me get ambushed by a goddamn lawyer instead of looping me in. Why? Because I'm a woman and I need to be protected?”

  When she put it that way, it sounded ridiculous. “Sort of,” he muttered.

  Her eyes flashed. “Well fuck that and fuck you. I'm not weak and I'm not stupid.”

  “I know that. I just didn't want to worry you. I'm sorry you felt ambushed.”

  All of the fight seemed to leave her at once. She sighed and fell backwards into a plush, comfortable looking chair. “This sucks,” she said after an extended silence. She glanced over at him. “I'm sorry I threw a glass at you.”

  As far as he was concerned, it was exactly the opening he'd needed. “Not as sorry
as you're about to be, young lady.”

  Chapter 13

  Melissa felt her eyes widen at the threat. “What?” she squeaked.

  Jack pinned her with what she knew most women would term The Look and butterflies danced in her stomach.

  “B-but I was upset. And impaired,” she argued weakly. Not that she was impaired any longer, unfortunately. The crying jag and the argument had sobered her up rather quickly.

  He shook his head. “Not an excuse. I'll meet you in your bedroom in a few minutes. Change into something more comfortable.”

  A little voice told her to obey. She was already in a heap of trouble, so there was no need to make it any worse. But another voice insisted that she was right and he had no business punishing her.

  Foolishly, she listened to the second voice. Crossing her arms, she glared at him. “Absolutely not. I'm sorry about throwing the glass at you, but I was upset and it's halfway your fault I was upset to begin with.”

  Jack leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he studied her. “I'm sorry you were upset. And I'm sorry for my part in it. But your actions have consequences.”

  “Well, not like this,” she insisted.


  She blinked, not sure she heard him correctly. “Okay?”

  “I'm not going to force you. I'll never force you. And if you don't want to be disciplined by me, I'm okay with that. It's not something I have to have in a relationship.”

  Hot tears filled her eyes. “What are you saying?”

  “I'm saying it's all or nothing, sweetheart. Either you trust me to discipline you when you need it, or you don't. There's no halfway here, and you don't get to decide when you need it. That's my job. Those are the terms.”

  Her breath hitched as she considered the ultimatum. She could either let him lead or she could keep her hands on the reins and forget about him disciplining her. Both options were terrifying, but she knew there was only one choice that would let her face herself in the mirror every morning.


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