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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

Page 4

by Donovan Neal

  Marduk towered over his adjutant and shook his head in disapproval. “No Eridu. It will be a success when the head of my rival—the head of Lucifer Draco hangs as an armrest for my throne. Until that day; if Lucifer cannot be destroyed then I will destroy the seat of his covet: his only son. The upstart boy king is not yet ready to be that which Lucifer destines him to be. And the idea that this clayborn would lead our kind to victory in the war against El makes my flesh heave in disgust. I will not bow to this pretender to angelic royalty. Nor bend the knee to his pet abomination: a thing that is neither man nor angel-kind; nay Eridu…we will see Lucifer undone. For this Nephilim he has made. This…anti-Christ” will never know it was I who killed him: until it is too late.”

  Eridu bowed his head ever so slightly in acknowledgment to what his Lord had said and replied. “As you say my liege: let thy will be done.”

  Marduk's eyes furrowed and he stared past his servant into the realm of men beyond, and spoke aloud. “There is a reason that El has prohibited insemination of the humans. Lucifer’s fascination with the creatures will be the undoing of us all.

  He must be stopped. This creature cannot be allowed to know what he truly is. Nor will I surrender my position to this thing. And if I must draw out the forces of Heaven, yea even risk the wrath of God to destroy this Abomination. Then know of a surety that one way or another this Anti-Christ will most surely die.”


  Vantress landed atop the way-point of the cliffs of Argoth. He breathed Heaven’s air and took into himself the presence of God. The Shekinah reinvigorated him, and he closed his eyes to allow himself respite. He scrunched his brow as he reflected on Olen’s demise.

  “Your sacrifice will not be in vain.” Vantress clutched the leather parchment in his hands and looked towards the holy mountain. There he would find the Lumazi. There, he would find Michael. He spread his wings and lifted himself up to the sky and flew to the gates of the Mountain of God. He touched down and immediately he stood in the presence of the roaring Seraphim. Standing 20 feet tall their cries of HOLY, HOLY, HOLY echoed over the mountain. Each pronouncement reverberated back and tremored the ground beneath his feet. Vantress had been gone a long time. His assignment took him away when Yeshua descended to Hell and had retrieved the keys of Death and Hell. He had been away from the realm immortal for centuries. He approached the steps to the palace and looked upon the mighty Seraphim that stood two to a side. Vantress felt pain as the sound of their thunderous chant of God’s holiness pounded against his chest. He squinted his eyes and tilted his head as the sound produced ringing in his ears as he approached. Nevertheless he persisted to draw near the towering humanoid infernos and as he did their eyes turned to look upon him, and one in particular unsheathed a flaming sword and menacingly stepped towards him.

  Vantress backed away from the palace steps and bowed. The Seraphim stopped when Vantress’s foot stood no longer on the steps. Heat emanated from the man and he waved his hand and a wall of blue fire emblazoned from him that barred Vantress’s path.

  A familiar voice echoed from behind the flaming wall. “Stand down Sherkanim. He may pass.” And from beneath the giants towering feet a glowing figure with a shimmering halo stepped through the fire.

  Michael the Chief Prince of Heaven had come to meet him.

  Vantress bowed as the prince of angels approached and spoke aloud. “My prince, your servant has returned from assignment and brings the gravest of news.”

  Michael smiled at him and replied, “It has been some time since you have left. Why did you not return sooner? And with what report do you bring me?”

  The booms of the Seraphim shook the air around the duo and visibly moved at their declarations of God’s holiness.

  Vantress looked at the prince and winced and replied. “May I give my Lord my report in a quieter setting?” Vantress turned his head again to in vain protect his ears and his face continued to display grimaces of his discomfort.

  Michael nodded, “Agreed.” The chief prince then took Vantress by the hand and the halo above his head glowed and immediately the two were gone and re-materialized in the war room of the palace.

  Vantress shook his head in an attempt to relieve the pinging that still rang in his ears. Michael took his seat at the head of the long shittim wood table. The great table was plated with gold and the floor shined with translucent gold and shimmered in prismatic colors. The walls were adorned with purple, gold, and red tapestries and paintings supplied from each house: hung on the walls of each room.

  “You were summoned to Heaven Vantress: summoned when El released Heaven to attack Satan directly. Yet you did not respond when called. You have much to explain: report of thy stewardship.”

  Vantress bowed again to his chief, and motioned with his hand seeking permission to be seated.

  Michael raised his right eyebrow and smirked. “Does standing prevent you from giving report? For I am still waiting.”

  “My pardon Chief prince.” Vantress replied. “When Persia fell you commanded me to seek out the renegade Marduk; to spy out his intentions and to see if he yet remained a threat.”

  “You tell me nothing that I do not already know and have yet to answer my inquiry. Why were you absent without leave when I called for the whole of Heaven to battle?”

  “Because my chief…Abomination had risen in the earth.”

  Michael stood to his feet and leaned forward to make sure he heard Vantress correctly. “Did you say Abomination?”

  “Yes, my prince. Marduk feigns fealty to Lucifer but secretly covets his place as head of the Horde. To this end, he continuously spies out the plans of Satan. And knowledge had come to Marduk that Lucifer had birthed a son. The Deceiver has again copied El. He believes that El’s tactics with bringing Yeshua to earth in flesh justifies him to create Nephilim. For if El can mix the flesh of man and God why then cannot angel be mixed with human? Lucifer has defied the articles of war. However, unlike in the past where he bred a whole race of Nephilim: this time he has only brought one into the world. A male hybrid that those within the Horde have termed: the Anti-Christ.”

  “But, why only one man, why not create on the scale he did as in Noah’s day?” Michael replied.

  Vantress bowed his head down, “It is my belief my prince that Lucifer gambles that El will on some level tolerate this one creature and will not move to the scale of destruction seen with the Flood.”

  Michael laughed, “The Withering has indeed taken him. For El’s word is inviolate. He will not tolerate such a creature. Not only does Satan risks El’s judgment once more but casts the very planet under the fury of the Almighty. I fear Vantress that this will but signal the end of the season of grace that El has given to the sons of men. Have you been able to identify who the Nephilim is?”

  Vantress shook his head, “Nay my prince. I returned with this news fresh from the battlefield. With your permission I will go and seek the creature out.”

  Michael reached to brace himself against the table and slammed his fist downward into the stone slab. The sound of cracking stone was soon followed my Michael removing his fist. A deep impression of his knuckles remained imprinted in the granite.

  “Has my brother gone mad? Does he not know how El will respond? The last time abomination walked the Earth the Lord destroyed the world of men with a flood!”

  Vantress nodded solemnly “The thing is not know my prince; perhaps El’s hand has been stayed as but one Nephilim walks the Earth. Nevertheless, Marduk however hopes that Lucifer’s actions will draw Heaven down. To bring the Godking to Earth to accomplish Satan's removal and give room to his own rise. Nonetheless, the thing is not known. But of a surety the house of Satan has reached a level of acrimony where Satan now fights against Satan.”

  Michael harrumphed. “There are but plots within plots with the Adversary. And I would surmise that Lucifer’s plans go well beyond what you have reported. Intelligence across the realm of men confirm your report that there exists di
spleasure with Satan’s rule. There is indeed a rumbling among the Horde Kings. It is clearly a house divided. There are a number who are as Marduk and that seemingly fight amongst themselves. Each wreaks havoc among the children of men. I see Lucifer’s kingdom slowly shredding into tatters if his actions continue. Perhaps the time of his fall is indeed finally nigh: this move to create Abomination smells of desperation on his part. He must sense the end is coming. Perhaps the Nephilim is some key he seeks to assure his control of the Horde and guarantee him victory in his skirmish with El. But we cannot stop this thing if civil war breaks out amongst the Horde. For alas, the Sons of Adam would see devastation the likes the world has ever known.”

  Michael nodded his head reflecting on what he heard and turned his eyes to look upon his angelic soldier. “You have given report. Yet, none of what you have declared gives me an understanding as to why when summoned, you did not come to Heaven’s aid.”

  Vantress swallowed hard. “Forgiveness, my prince. But I was supporting Olen who was close to Marduk and his chief adjutant Eridu. He was stranded in service to Marduk and sought to confirm this information. To leave him would have exposed him to death without completing the mission for which we were assigned. We both would have been exposed as frauds and this information would never have arrived to my lord. Alas, Olen perished having sacrificed himself to see that this scroll reaches your hands.”

  Vantress reached into his robe and pulled from it a parchment and handed it to Michael. Michael eyed the blue stains which clearly showed a hand print.

  The Chief Prince eyed the scroll. “Olen’s blood?” Michael asked.

  Vantress nodded sadly.

  Michael frowned. “Then let us pray his sacrifice was not in vain.” The chief prince opened the scroll and read the crimson angelic script.

  Unto the angel of my church in Mecca,

  These thing writes he who has bled God, and hast been declared the god of this world. Your sworn king and he who has walked within the midst of the Stones of Fire. For three transgression and for four know that I have ought against thee, for my son hast informed me that thou hast failed to honor him and assure him passage through Persia that he might see to the Mohammedan threat which dares challenge my rule in Mecca. Know that this sleight will not be forgotten. You are hereby required to give account of thy stewardship in this matter and will attend me on the fortnight of the upcoming blood moon. You will bow the knee, and you will reaffirm your loyalty to your king. Remember therefore from whence thou hast fallen and from whence I found thee defeated at the hands of the Lumazi. Remember when my loyal servant Zeus found thee and I lifted you up on high to archon over the sons of Ham. Yet though I have lifted thee up and your star hast arisen in Persia. Know that my wrath hast been kindled against thee for the dishonor that you have shown my only begotten son. You will submit as required, but of a surety know that if thou fail me in this thing, then I will descend upon you and your company as a sure coming wind, and will remove your candlestick and Mecca from its place. And who then will save you from my hand?

  Your Lord and King, Ruler of the true Host and defender of the cause of self-rule.

  Lucifer Draco

  Michael rerolled the scroll and his eyes narrowed as he reflected upon its contents. “If Marduk refuses to bow the knee…if would be a first that a principality of such power would defy my brother. I know Lucifer. His response would be swift, decisive and awash with a display of destruction to make others fear.” Michael turned to Vantress and eyed him inquisitively. “What do you think Marduk will do?”

  Vantress rubbed his chin and replied. “I and Olen have spied him for many of man’s centuries. He is cunning and proud. He will not bow the knee. And if he does, it will surely be in feigned submission. No matter his actions. He has stirred at least three of the kings of the Horde to quiet rebellion against Lucifer. If they choose to band as one and march the earth…”

  Michael sighed. He knew the destructive powers of those who had fallen from Heaven. Major angelic powers El had allowed to roam free among men. Michael knew that if unleashed, if the Hordes fear of El was lost or their faculties of reason so diminished from the Withering that they loosed to open war...

  Michael shuddered.

  He knew that El would seek their destruction. El’s patience was infinite but He had made it clear that He would only endure his celestial children's tantrums for so long, and then: then the end would come. All things pointed to Michael’s fear that perhaps the planet could not be spared open warfare. That even though redeemed men swelled Heaven’s ranks daily. Once more heaven would be forced to descend en mass to destroy.

  Vantress interrupted Michael's musings. “Excuse me my prince. But I have completed my assignment. We now have actionable intelligence that Marduk and Lucifer will assemble in Pergamos….”

  “Lucifer has moved his headquarters.” Michael blurted out. “He no longer resides in the ancient city. He has found a new place to lay his deceitful head.”

  “My prince?” said Vantress.

  “We have been abreast of Satan’s movements via the Grigori. He beds in the continent of Europe. And we have traced his location to Strasbourg, France.”

  Vantress nodded, “Then I will be on way and make incursion to disrupt his plans.” Vantress bowed then began to turn to walk away.

  Michael called after him. “No, Vantress. A new assignment hast thou been given. To ferret out the schemes of Lucifer hast now been given to another.”

  Vantress frowned and spoke up in objection. “But, my prince I have spent the better part of a millennia working to undermine the enemy and bring you this information! Please do not release me from this charge until I have seen to its completion.”

  Michael walked towards Vantress and eyed him, tilting his head as he studied his angelic soldier in silent investigation.

  “Nay Vantress the decision is final. You are relieved of this charge and reassigned. For the Lord has spoken it. He has given thee a new charge; one He has stated carries the highest importance. You are to see to a maiden who teeters on the brink of self-destruction.”

  Vantress drew back in anger and disgust. “A human? I’ve been tracking Elohim, nay fighting—Elohim, continuously working to undermine he who brought to our home, and introduced to the universe the savages of war. And now in the grand scheme of God’s design I am charged to watch over a human female?”

  Michael looked at him with amusement but only for a moment as his voice rose slightly in angry response. “And does the charge given by the Lord seem beneath you? Who has made thy mouth and the stone which beats within thy breast? Where you first to lay eyes on Creation? Where were you when status was given as Archon over the legions of Sol? Who is this that stands before me as if he barks commands to a Horde dog? If I am thy prince where is my honor? If thy commander, where then my fear?”

  Vantress winced at the rebuke and bowed in obeisance. “Apologies my prince: I meant no disrespect. I have been away too long and spent much of my time in warfare behind enemy lines. Any assignment given by my King will of course be obeyed and given the utmost in attention to duty. Nevertheless, please be not angry with your servant. Who is this maid that El himself would draw me away from undermining the Kingdom of Satan?”

  Michael smiled, “Know ye not Vantress that all missions from El undermine Satan? Know however that she is but a young lass and the Lord will see to her salvation. And you—you will see that she is allowed to make the decision to come to Christ without interference from the enemy.”

  Vantress nodded, “But Michael…what importance is she to El that I personally must go and be wet nurse to this human? Even as we speak, we may well soon be at the brink of escalated war with the Horde now that Abomination walks the Earth.”

  Michael smiled as he answered. “It is simple Vantress: El loves her.”

  Vantress sighed, bowed again to the high prince, turned and mumbled his consternation under his breath. Michael smiled as the angel walked away then looked do
wn where his fist had indented the stone table. He furrowed his brow for he had now been given two reports, and the fears that the Apostle John had shared in his tome could only mean that the end of all things was indeed nigh. Michael closed his eyes in quiet rumination, sighed, and then spoke aloud shaking his head.

  “Lucifer what you have done?”


  Enoch and Elijah sat next to one another eating dinner together. The sound of crunched manna leaf being slowly overturned within Elijah's jaws reminded Enoch of the cows he used to tend while on Earth. It irritated the old man then and it irritated him even more so now.

  “Here,” Enoch said. “Take some honey ale to wash that down. Let’s see if the drink will silence the echo of mastication that surely will rumble even over the cliffs of Argoth.”

  Elijah laughed and looked at his friend. Ale dribbled down his mouth and he lifted his arm and wiped his mouth against his sleeve: grinning as he looked at Enoch. He then closed his fist and thumped his chest twice and let out a deep sounding burp. The volume and duration was so pronounced: that Enoch thought if not for the Lord’s command for the cliffs to be silent: Elijah’s belch would have reverberated through the air to the holy mountain itself.

  Enoch shook his head then spoke. “Goodness man. I’m not sure whose appetite is greater: yours or Jerahmeel's.”

  Elijah tucked his chin into his breast and let out a second exhale of throat lurching gas. “Oh it’s definitely Jerahmeel.” He replied.

  Suddenly a flash of light appeared above and before them. Each man squinted, tilted their head, and moved their hands to cover their eyes. For hovering within a stone’s throw appeared a man transparent in form and with wings. Light danced around him in a prismatic spectacle. The duo immediately took to their knees then lowered their face to the ground.

  “My king,” they said as one.

  The Holy Spirit floated above them in illuminated brilliance and spoke: and His voice was as waters that crashed against the shore, “The time we have discussed hast now arrived. For the curtain hast been drawn back and the last days now revealed. Therefore, get thee down to my people and speak what I command thee. Proclaim my word, perform my wonders and when thou hast fallen at the hands of the enemy: after three days will I raise thee up and thou shalt be taken away: even from the midst of their sight.”


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