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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

Page 5

by Donovan Neal

  The Holy Spirit then waved his hand and Enoch and Elijah’s clothes transformed into sackcloth. Immediately both men rose to their feet, and as they did so, the coarse animal hair caused their skin to irritate as they moved, causing both men to vigorously scratch themselves.

  Enoch looked upon the Holy Spirit pleadingly as an adolescent child would beg with a parent who dressed them in clothing not to their liking. He looked upon his garb and waved his hands downward over the new camel attire with which he now wore.

  “My King,” Enoch grimaced. “Must we truly wear this for three and a half years?” He then began to rub his shoulders feeling incredibly exposed. “May I die now and come back?”

  The Holy Spirit laughed, “Off with you now,” he said. He then flicked his wrist, and sent the duo on their way to Earth.


  Michael watched as each of his angelic brothers took their seats in the war room of the Lumazi. Each had grown as leaders of their house; each the best of their respective clans; each the living embodiment and the federal representative of their race. This was the council of all things Elohim. And the group had now assembled themselves at Michael’s call.

  One by one they arrived and settled at the circular table centered in the room; each stood waiting for the chief prince to give pronouncement. Michael removed the halo which floated above his head with it unsheathed his sword and placed both his angelic crown and the sword of Ophanim on the table. Each high prince followed in suite laying their weapons and crowns before them. All stood with him and he opened the session as was custom with his invocation in a call to service to El.

  “There is one God who stands as Creator of all things. The Father of us all, Judge of all the heavens. Let His wisdom guide us. His commands steel us. His love preserve us. We are the Lumazi, and His will be done this day. So say we all.”

  Each replied as one, “So say we all.”

  The seven angels seated themselves and waited for Michael to speak.

  “I have received report.” said Michael. “A report that I know will concur with the intelligence we have been receiving from the Grigori. It would seem that our fears have been realized and that once more Abomination walks the earth.”

  Talus gasped, placed his hands over his face then leaned back into his chair. Looks of concern permeated each face in the room.

  Jerahmeel spoke hesitantly weighing his words. “Michael…abomination was what unleashed the wrath of God upon the Earth: a deluge that broke the world and drowned the inhabitants therein. If Lucifer has once again inbred with the humans…if he has violated the articles of war…” Jerahmeel’s voice trailed off and he swallowed hard. “What then of the inhabitants of the planet? Surely El will not stand idle and his wrath may very well this time consume the remnants of the world.”

  Gabriel also spoke, “Michael my people…all of us; have committed ourselves to the protection of those who have surrendered themselves to Yeshua’s lordship. We have gone to great pains to succor them from the wiles of the Devil; and whilst we can indeed work to keep them in the bosom of the Lord. We cannot protect them from the wrath of the living God Himself. What are we to do?”

  Michael nodded. “The thing that you say is true. We cannot protect mankind from God’s wrath. Yet I perceive that such will not be our task. Even now, before the altar of the Lord simmers a bowl; contained therein are the prayers of saints boiling in anger. The urn reeks and ulcers are awash across its sides as pustules burst in precatory cries of vengeance to God. It is ever before the Almighty. Have we not all heard the shrieks that emanate from within?

  ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?’

  “Have we not seen El grow increasingly somber as He eyes events below? Nevertheless, ours is not to concern ourselves over the angst of the Almighty, but to obey His command, and to see that none of His words fall to the ground. And this we shall do. In the meantime, and until El gives command that alters: we will continue to protect humanity from Satan. Therefore, my command is this. We shall locate the Abomination, determine if the creature is localized or if a plague of them exists as before and now runs amok among the Horde. Now go, look throughout the Earth. See if the things be true, for if so we know that judgment is not far behind. If judgment comes…”

  Michael paused looking down and his face grew stern in determination. “Save all that you can: for unless the Lord’s wrath is abated, there should no flesh be saved. Now go. Hurry and make haste. And do all that is in thy power to implore the star of each church as never before to raise their voice that all men might be saved and come to Christ before it is too late.”

  Each angel then rose to their feet and bowed, lifted their crowns and weapons from the table and hastily made their exit. Each wondering how long they had before El’s anger would swallow the planet, and perhaps the multiverse in its wake.

  “Hold Argoth.” said Michael. “I would have a word with you in private before you leave.”

  Argoth stopped and floated in the air. His back was to Michael and his cloak and cowl covered his features that he could not be seen. His golden eyes narrowed even further and he turned his head slightly and spoke. “How may the Grigori serve the Chief Prince?”

  Michael still stood behind the circular head of the table and projected his voice across the room. “I will ask you directly Argoth, and please do not frustrate me with your riddles. For I know that you keep the tome to the Book of Life itself, thus tell me—do you know where this creature…this Abomination; lays its head?”

  Argoth floated and his voice changed as if he spoke as a multitude. “We are the Grigori. We know all that the Almighty allows us to see.”

  Michael sighed, “Then where does the creature lay its head?”

  Argoth then turned to face his brother. He slowly floated over the table and hovered an arms distance above Michael, and his eyes opened wide showing the golden hue that fired all Grigori.

  “You ask me a question that you are loathing to ask yourself. You query me Chief Prince, when the answer is nigh thee, yea even in your mouth. You interrogate the Chief of Eyes when the beating stone within you cries out to investigate that which you already know to be true.”

  Michael slammed his fist on the table. “Did I not ask you to spare me your riddles and speak plainly?”

  Slowly Argoth tilted his head amused; then turned his back on Michael to float away. “There is truly one that you may ask who knows the answer that you seek. Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find.”

  Michael called after Argoth as he floated away. “You speak the Lord’s words back to me?”

  “Indeed,” replied Argoth. “Query the Father Chief Prince. For you know that if you lack wisdom that you may ask of God, who will give to you liberally, and upbraid you not and it shall be given unto thee. But beware my friend that thou ask not amiss, for who knows that if pursuit of your query will lead you only to an answer that you have avoided. To mayhap see he who even now, after all this time…you still love?”

  Argoth stopped at the doorways entrance and continued. “Lucifer will surely be both author and finisher of your inquiry. But know this Michael. For where Lucifer is, surely the Abomination will be also nursing at his breast.”

  Michael bit his lip in angst as Argoth floated out the room.

  Chapter Three

  The Wrath of God

  Michael entered the throne room and it shown in brilliant waves of white upon white. A sea of glass emanated from the throne. And round about the throne were now twenty four thrones and each seated a human who gleamed and sang praises to the Lord God.

  "Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth."

  The archangel eyed the lavar that was positioned before the altar of God. I
t raged in fire that rivaled the kiln itself. It was a fire that was inflamed by the very prayers of the saints. Prayers that had accumulated over the millennia, and now boiled to overflowing. Prayers that appealed to the God of Creation—for vengeance.

  Michael knelt before his king and spoke, “My Lord I come to make inquiry and if possible plead a case for mercy.”

  But El was silent as he stared at the foul smelling vapor that emanated from the prayers. Screams and tortured anguished cries that captured the Almighty’s ears. For the Lord God was observant to the goings on of his realm and his eyes were ever watchful over the death of his saints. Michael knew the Lord’s patience was infinite. Yet he also knew that God would not stand idle forever to the cries of his people. That in the course of due time there would be a reckoning to those who had caused harm to his children, and he shuddered at the thought. The Lord frowned at the aroma, for it stunk and reeked of blood, pain, and decay. The Virtues hovered over the lavar constantly but it was becoming increasingly evident that the stench and the cry of the saint’s prayers could no longer be covered: no longer scented by the Virtues. God stared at the whiffs of scented smoke that rose and his countenance changed. The Lord God then stood to his feet and made pronouncement.

  “I have surely seen the affliction of my people, and have heard their cry by reason of their prayers; for I know their sorrows. And am moved to deliver them out of the hand of the Enemy, and to bring them to the house that I have prepared for them. Now therefore, behold, the cry of my children is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Adversary oppresses them. Where is the tome that chronicles the sins of these below? Where is the book that I have had sealed? Where is our Sephiroth?”

  Argoth then stepped into the throne room and knelt before his king. “I am the book that is written by all. The Sephiroth of my Lord.” Argoth’s stylus and tome then materialized to be seen. And the Lord extended his outstretched hand and Argoth stepped into the right hand of the Lord and a mist overtook him, and when the mist dissipated nothing was seen save a book with seven seals.

  Michael marveled for he knew not that Argoth was the living book of Seals. The walking embodiment of God’s chronicle of both Elomic and mankind's sins. Argoth was the written chronicles of the Lord’s ought against the children of men. And the book was written within and on the backside, and sealed with seven seals. And the book was sealed and no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon for it contained the oughts of the Lord.

  Michael looked to his left and then to his right, and as far as the eye could see redeemed men and angels spied the tome in the Lords hand. For the book was raised high for all to see. The Lord’s silence and raised hand echoed that today would be the day that would usher the beginning of the end. Today Michael knew—judgment would commence. Michael then swallowed hard knowing that he had but little time and proclaimed with a loud voice.

  “But lord who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? For who can recite the transgressions of the Creator against the creation?

  His voice traversed the skies of heaven, and nothing dared reply. For the query was to the Lord alone.

  Michael then beheld that within the midst of the throne and of the Ophanim and Seraphim and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as if it had been slain, and Yeshua the Son of God came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. And immediately when he held the book all crowned threw their crowns before Yeshua.

  And extemporaneously the whole of Heaven sung a new song, saying,

  “Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.”

  Michael then rallied the angelic host round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was as the stars in the universe for they were ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands.

  Each then cried out with a loud voice saying, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.” And the Ophanim in a rare display spoke and said, “Amen.” And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshiped him the Lord Yeshua which liveth for ever and ever.

  Yeshua then took the book from El’s hand and proceeded to break the first seal. And when he did thunder erupted from the skies and the palace shook, and dust and debris loosed from the ceiling and fell upon all that saw. And a pale colored mist lifted from the book, and within could be seen a vision that materialized. And Michael’s eyes lowered in regret that after centuries nay millennia of the forbearance of God. His pent up wrath would now be released. His eyes widened as he saw the figure within the mist. For it was a man atop a white horse and he that sat upon him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

  The Lord soured at the vision and He frowned at the image and stood to his feet and raised a golden scepter made of glass and iron to make pronouncement. Michael dashed to the throne and while doing so waved at him in abeyance and cried before the Lord could utter judgment and lifted his voice that the Creator of the Universe might hear. And Michael reached to grab the very ankles of God and prostrated himself before his king crying aloud.

  “Lord forgive thy servant. But I ask for mercy. For there are so many that have not yet heard the gospel of the kingdom.” The Lord’s face was flushed in anger as he surveyed the images of he who rode on the white horse. Yet his eyes caught Michael’s and his countenance softened and he spoke to his angelic son.

  “Go, and save all that you can. For are there not still the elect who must be gathered? Go and be quick for if not for the elects sake none would survive. For the cry of my people calls me and my hand will no longer spare.”

  Michael released the Lord’s ankles and scooted himself away in obeisance and he rose and turned to quickly withdraw himself to do the Lord’s will. He gazed at the human in the vision from the seal that was broken. Its fog like visage still hovered before the throne and the eyes of all. And his own eyes widened in recognition of the features of the man with the bow. His heart skipped a beat in trepidation and understanding; for in the view of the Lord was a man. And while the human was not Elohim. The face of the man could not be mistaken…for it was none other than Lucifer's.


  “Ashtaroth your foolish concerns bore me. Tell my father I have already secured the vote from parliament. My negotiation of the treaty between Israel and her enemies has given me the platform to fulfill my plans. Tell him that his impatience is unbecoming of someone who has witnessed the creation.”

  Argoth looked at Leto and replied, “You will soon have occasion to speak to him yourself as I merely herald his presence. For he will arrive here shortly. Nor will I sully myself to speak to the God-king in such a fashion. And if you value the life he has given thee—you would be wise to do the same. For what the Lord god Lucifer hath given, he can surely take away.”

  Leto laughed as he poured himself a glass of wine. “You think me daft? Surely the works of my father I will do.” He smirked as he spoke the words. “Am I not my father’s son? I do not fear him…” and he turned to look at the fallen angel. “You however, Astarte… you definitely should.”

  Ashtaroth’s anger grew, and he flew to Leto and raised his hand to strike him. He opened his palm swinging it wildly seeking to connect with the Nephilim’s cheek. But Leto caught his wrist and stopped him.

  Leto firmly held to the angel’s forearm and then tightened his grip.

  Ashtaroth winced in pain as he was reminded in that moment that Leto carried Elomic blood in his veins. Reminded him that he was not human.

  “You forget your place vassal. You serve my Father, therefore you serve me. Lift your hand again and I will send you back to my F
ather with it broken. Are we clear?”

  Ashtaroth grimaced as he twisted his forearm. And his glaring eyes and scowl communicated a defiance to the human that stood before him.

  Dissatisfied with silence, Leto pressed him further. “I said Astarte, are we clear?”

  Ashtaroth jeered at him and nodded.

  “I cannot hear you,” goaded Leto.

  “I am clear. Release me… please.” Ashtaroth wimpishly replied.

  Leto complied, and Ashtaroth jerked his arm back rubbing his wrist and forearm gingerly.

  Leto laughed, “You have the pride which was my father’s downfall. Yet have I not been raised to rival and bring down Christ himself? Yet in your folly you would seek to strike me—me? Pitiful. I can see why the Father God cast you all out. But fear not my friend. If the return to your exiled home is what you seek, know I will surely return you to the land of your banishment.”

  “And who will return you from Hades should I seek your incarceration in Hell?” a gruff melodious voice bellowed.

  Both Leto and Ashtaroth turned to see that Lucifer had entered their chamber. Ashtaroth bowed as was custom whilst Leto smiled happy to see his father and moved to embrace him.

  But Lucifer stopped him as he advanced and said, “You will do me the honor a son owes his father and a worshiper to his God. Or by the Third Heaven know I will strike you down where you stand and shall mix my blood with one who is more worthy to yield it.”


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