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Privileged Love

Page 7

by Ja'Nese Dixon

  “Hey, Honey.” My mother stands, and I kiss her cheek. She’s as petite as my father is big. My daddy the big Texas cowboy.

  “Dad.” I squeeze his shoulders in a hug, kissing his cheek too.

  I sit across from them ordering a glass of wine. They update me on the recent round of visits to our ranches. We have five with cattle, chickens, and horses. I used to make the rounds with them until I started working with Platinum Prestige and even less since I’ve taken over Glenda’s old job at WEJ.

  “I asked to join you guys because I have something to tell you.”

  “What is it, Honey?” Mom grabs my hand, and I swallow down the last of my wine.


  “Harper? Mrs. and Mr. Price?” I turn to see Marcel.

  “Pull up a chair, Son,” Dad offers.

  “Don’t mind if I do.” The bullfrog is back.

  “Actually I’d like to have this conversation with you guys alone,” I insist.

  “Oh, Harper, stop being a brat,” Marcel jokes with a greedy look on his beady face. He sits in the empty chair next to me. My folks ask about his parents and his work at the law firm. How did I think for a moment about tying myself to this guy? I must have been deaf, dumb, and delirious.

  “Yeah, I recently made partner.”

  “Congrats, Son. Glad to hear it. You about ready to turn this thing into something serious?” Dad glances between us. He always liked Marcel, but I love Liam.

  “Dad, Mom—”

  “I’m trying, Sir,” he cuts me off, and I kick him under the table.

  “Mom, Dad, I’m engaged.” I blurt it out.

  “When?” Dad’s face hits the floor.

  “To Marcel?” Mom’s eyes go straight to my ringless left hand.

  “No, to me.”

  Chapter 15


  I saw Harper the moment she entered the restaurant. What are the chances we’d select the same spot? Glenda saw her too. My hope dwindling by the second.

  “What are you thinking, Liam?”

  “I’m about to cut that dude’s arm off.” I see the tension in Harper’s posture from here.

  “That sounds pleasant.”

  I cut my eyes towards her. “She’s supposed to tell her parents about our engagement tonight, and now she’s with him.” Picture perfect. A picture I obviously don’t fit in or else I’d be over there and not here.

  “You don’t know that. All we can see is the back of her head.”

  “And his arm on the back of her chair. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Liam, you can’t leave like this.”

  “Glenda, I took your advice, and it’s an epic fail. I’m in love with a woman who’s either with some other dude or too scared to tell her parents about me.”

  “Or she just needs time. You’re always a hot head. Chill out. Trust her.”

  “How much time? I’m giving her all I have, and if it’s not enough, I need to move on. Let’s go.”

  Glenda stands, I don’t let the disappointment in her eyes deter me. I told Harper where I stand, what I expect, and I’m not down for the fuckin’ heartbreak. I toss a tip on the table.

  I grip the back of Glenda’s chair to help her up. She stands in front of me placing a hand on my chest. “For me, Liam, go over there. Not as a hot head, but as a friend, as the man who loves her. Please.”

  I glance over at the table and see the dude’s hand on Harper’s shoulder. I shake my head. “Nah, I’m good.”

  “You’re better with Harper. I haven’t seen you this happy since you lost your mother. It breaks my heart to see you hurting like this. So, don’t be a chicken shit.”

  “A what?” I laugh despite my heart crumbling. “A chicken shit. Really, Glenda?”

  “I have to get your attention. Go.” She pushes me in the direction of the table.

  I take a deep breath. This is for the best. If she plans to leave me and move on, at least I’d know the truth, I tell myself, but it makes the ache worse. Harper does make me better. My gut was absolutely right about her, about us. And now she’s about to ruin it.

  I stand behind her and hear, “Mom, Dad, I’m engaged.”

  I step forward, and the coward has sense enough to remove his arm from behind my woman. Harper stands and grabs my hand.

  “Liam and I are engaged,” she says smiling. I search her eyes, this is the feisty Harper I know and love.

  “Liam, care to explain?" James asks.

  “Harper and I met, and we’ve been seeing each other for six months.”

  “Six months!” the three sing.

  “Yes, Mom and Dad,” she rolls her eyes at the loser, “six months. I didn’t tell you, but life finally gave me what I needed and wanted.” I see the love in her eyes. I squeeze her hand in support. “I was scared to tell you after having so many duds.” She turned to the jerk still lingering. “You can leave now.”

  We sit at the table together then I remember Glenda. I wave her over.

  Harper continues, “We plan to get married in Vegas. Want to join us?”

  My breath catches, and I grab her face kissing her senseless. I hear the collective gasp, but I tongue my woman down.

  “I’m sorry, Liam. Can you please gas up the plane? I have a man to marry.”

  Glenda is crying, her parents are in shock, and my woman looks happy. “Are you sure?”

  “You said it’s you and me, right? Well, I’m ready for you and me to become us. Are you coming, Mom and Dad?”



  “Admit it, I’m right," I demand laying butt naked with my wife flying over the Atlantic. We sent her parents and her guys home to Austin and Glenda to Nashville.

  “I will not. Your head will swell to the size of a watermelon. And I happen to like your head the way it is.” She winks.

  We’re en route to Paris for our honeymoon.

  “Fine don’t admit that I was right about us getting married. But you can admit I was right about you working for WEJ.”

  “I’ll give you that.” She crawls on top of me. I run my hands over the swell of her hips cupping her ass. “That’s only because you’ve agreed to share me with Platinum Prestige. But now it’s time for you to pay up.”

  “Have I told you how much I love your ass?”

  “Yes,” she kisses my chest, “you have, but I’ll never tire of hearing it.”

  I slide inside Harper. My world is complete with her in it. She’s bucking with each stroke, a sight I’ll never tire of.

  “You owe me three wishes.”

  “Name ’em.”

  “A year jet lease for Platinum Prestige,” she squeezes out between moans.


  “I want my own office at WEJ.”

  I grunt near completion. “Done.”

  Her body jerks and pleasure overtakes us. Harper falls relaxed in my arms, and I brush the sweat from her forehead. Her eyes are heavy, fighting to remain open.

  How did I get so lucky?

  “That’s only two, love.”

  “I already got number three.” She smiles snuggling beneath the blanket I use to cover us.

  “And what is that?”

  Harper opens her eyes. “You, Liam Walsh, I wished for you. My very own Mr. Right. My very own Prince Charming. I spent so much time kissing frogs I thought I’d never find the perfection of what I have with you.”

  My eyes get a little misty. I kiss her with all the love I feel inside, as her moans vibrate through my body. “You trying to get pregnant on this plane? And you know I always get what I want.”

  “Damn right, with your arrogant ass,” Harper teases.

  “And you love it.”

  “You know I do.”

  Her laughter fills the plane and my heart. I flip her wrapping her legs around my waist, ready to love her across the ocean and back.

  “The world is ours. I’m looking forward to our forever together, Mrs. Walsh. Do you believe me, baby?”

A sweet smile crosses her face. “Yes, Liam, now stop talking and make love to me. The world can wait until after our honeymoon.”

  Author’s Note

  I said YES to a holiday romance writing project in 2019.

  Ten authors. Ten holidays. Ten steamy romances. And we’ve all said yes to taking this journey together.

  My ten stories are novella length. I think they’re great for an evening of reading with your favorite glass of wine or tea. :) And I had the group of guys to make this series happen.

  Then struts in Hunter and her squad, her guys. They came to me years ago. I love a good millionaire or billionaire romance like the next woman. But a few of my readers emailed me asking about a female millionaire. I thought why settle for one if I can write ten. **insert evil laugh**

  I hope you enjoyed book one with Harper and Liam. Will you join me for the rest of the year as they build Platinum Prestige—one fly millionaire woman and hot guy at a time?

  Don’t miss a single release. Join my newsletter at to get updates and reader specials FIRST.

  In closing, please leave a review. It helps others find my work and it keeps the lights on, if you know what I mean. ;)

  I’ll “see” you all soon.

  Happy Reading,

  Ja’Nese Dixon

  P.S. Again, there are more Steamy Sensations Holiday Love stories available now. See them all on my website:

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  AVAILABLE NOW ~ Blazin’ Love Series


  It’s Valentine’s Day.

  I run to my favorite bar determined to figure out how I managed to lose my man and my inheritance in one night. The man is replaceable, but my monthly stipend is not.

  I’m Hunter Preston. My friends call me Jo and I’m the only child to a media mogul. I was traveling the world, living my best life, until Daddy dropped a million-dollar bomb, annihilating my boujee world.

  Double or nothing.

  He gave me thirty days to pitch a million dollar business concept, or I can say goodbye to my trust fund.

  So, here I am with my girls, trying to get more than selfie advice, when Ben, the sexy bartender—who either abhors me or he’s immune to my flirting—offers to help write the business plan under one condition. He wants $50,000.

  $50k to get $1 mil sounds reasonable until I remember how hot he is and how off-limits he is and how he wants nothing to do with a woman like me.

  I’m screwed, pass me another drink.

  COMING SOON ~ Blazin’ Love Series


  This might be my chocolate covered

  second chance at love.

  It’s Easter Sunday.

  I’m sitting on the pew next to my Mom, handling my daughter duties when HE—Darius Grant— walks in sparking thoughts that guarantee I’m going straight to hell with gasoline panties on.

  I’m Charlee Stuart. I’ve joined my best friends in starting an elite concierge service. My assignment is to find premium services for our upscale clientele. Truth is, I have no idea what I'm doing, but I won't fail my guys.

  He takes the seat in front of me blocking my view. At six foot, fine, and filthy rich, I'm hoping I won't be struck by lightning. Then I remember Darius is off limits. But his chocolates may be just what I need to test my skills of persuasion.

  I’m not the kind of woman to chase a dude, but I might hop in his direction. And I’m making a promise on this hard-ass pew before the Man and my momma, that I will not…will not fall for Darius again.

  Then he turns and winks in my direction. For the love of things hot and tempting, please...

  Father...take me now!

  Coming April 2019!

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  Millions of adoring fans dream of having one night with him, but only she has access to his heart.

  Born with three commas in his bank account and melodies in his veins, Marques Carter is the rising prince of R&B. But not even his family name can guarantees success.

  Brione Allen is a smart woman that made a dumb decision: trusting the wrong man. He blackmailed her family and now she’s bound by a debt they knew she couldn’t pay.

  A chance meeting at his concert leads to an encrypted proposal: One week, one hundred thousand dollars, one incriminating secret. But when extortion and family ties expose them to the worst of the limelight, which secrets will they keep…and which will threaten their small light of hope?

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  Chapter 1

  The same time every week for three years and the call got no easier. Brione Allen sat on the couch and blew out a deep breath. Dial the number. Ask for Kayla. But the knot in her stomach told the utter truth. Nothing about this was easy for her.

  She tapped the numbers by memory, adding it to her favorites was something she couldn’t stomach, not after all they’d done to her.


  “Good evening Mrs. Bradley is Kayla around?” She stopped asking to speak with her hoping to gain a sense of control in the situation, but they held her captive with a vice grip on her heart.

  “Hello to you too Brione.” Her dusty voice held an air of censorship. “I’ll call for her.”

  Kayla had a nanny, private school, and just about everything a little girl could want.

  “Brione.” She cringed at hearing his voice.

  “Stewart, I was holding for Kayla.”

  “She’ll have to call you back.”

  “But today is my—”

  “Talk to you later.”

  The line disconnected and Brione screamed. No one heard her, and no one cared. Alone in her fancy plush prison, she’d gladly trade for their freedom.

  She fell back on the couch and stared at the ceiling fan and her cellphone rang. She popped up anticipating the sweet sound of Kayla’s voice. But the screen displayed another welcomed caller.

  “Eliana Marshall. To what do I owe this honor?” Laughter flowed through the phone, Eliana was the only person she let close. The only person she trusted. The only person who knew the truth.

  “Let’s see…I’m your best friend. So I need no reason to call other than to hear your wonderful voice.” Brione smiled. “Second, I’m flying into town, and I refuse any excuse you make for not seeing me.”

  Brione gripped the phone to her ear as she toyed with the hem of her blouse. She’d rushed home from work for nothing.

  “I apologized a million times. But you plan to milk it dry,” she joked pulling her stocking covered feet beneath her body and relaxed.

  “I plan to milk it until it turns to powder if that will get your butt out of that condo. I will not take no for an answer.”

  “Milk it dry and add in a level of guilt to the recipe.”

  “You got it.” They laughed. “How are you?”

  “I’ve been better.” Brione looked around the room, furnished with the finest, reeking of their wealth. “You’re heading here for the weekend?”

  “No, I’m heading back indefinitely. Bruce and his wife are expecting twins, and they're keeping a close watch on her. We're planning to hang out in Houston until the babies arrive. Her doctor and family are all there. So, it could be a couple of months or longer.”

  “Yay!” Brione sat up, excited. “It will be nice to have you in town for a while.”

  “Just know I plan to pop up on your doorstep and drag you to a party or two while I’m there.” Brione shook her head knowing
they would have a battle ahead.

  “How are you enjoying your job?”

  Brione listened as Eliana shared her love of working for Bruce Daniels. She bounced around from Atlanta to Houston and back as his assistant.

  “I can’t believe the luck I’ve had with getting this job. It is stressful but fun. I’ll be assisting Marques for a while too.”

  “Who is that?” The name sounded familiar, in a fuzzy, vague way.

  “What rock do you live under?”

  “The law school rock.” She snickered. “I don’t have time for anything but class and studying. Well, that and my side gig.”

  “Side gig?”

  “Eliana, who is Marques?”

  “Oh, yeah. How do you not know who he is?” Her amazement was evident by the squeak in her voice. “He’s a caramel dipped…tall, muscled…god in living color.”

  Brione lifted a brow at Eliana’s description. “All that?”

  “Yes, he’s the epitome of sexy. Too bad he’s my boss.” She let out a sigh. “Anyway, he’s an R&B singer from Atlanta. I guess you wouldn’t know him since he’s more underground.” She was all business. “He is the flagship artist of Rockstar Entertainment. We’re preparing to release an EP then his debut album.”

  Brione tried to picture this caramel sexy god. Her failed attempt morphed into her last dalliance that turned her life upside down, inside out, and left Brione estranged from her family.

  “That sounds like a lot of work.” Brione didn’t listen to the radio and rarely watched TV. Her sights were set on securing an associate's position with a major law firm. Fun took a backseat.


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