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Edward's Law

Page 4

by Brandon, Felicity

  “No, Miss,” Edward laughed, the scent of spice and rum wafting in her direction as his smiling gaze regarded her. “I do not intend to thrash you.” He shook his head as though he could barely believe she had suggested such a thing.

  “Then, you must mean to whip me?”

  Alice had heard tales of ships’ captains whipping lazy or impertinent members of their crew and shuddered lightly at the concept, her chest rising and falling beside the towering Edward.

  His brow furrowed. “If I had meant the whip, Alice, I should have said so,” he told her. “But I did not. I meant as I stated, to haul you over my lap and tan your backside with my own hand.” Edward traced his thumb across her jaw with a light feathery touch as he explained, and in her mind, Alice envisioned the punishment he described.

  “But sir,” she gasped, “you cannot. It is not right! A gentleman should never inflict such a lewd act on a woman he is not wed to.”

  “You, Miss Jaggers,” he smirked at her response, “have broken the King’s law by boarding my vessel without permission, and yet now, you speak to me about what is right. How can that be?”

  Alice squirmed, trying to break free of the hypnotic hold Edward seemed to have cast over her but somehow, unable to resist the look of those compelling blue eyes.

  “As captain of this ship, is it not I who has jurisdiction here, Alice?”

  Edward’s words demanded a reply, yet Alice still did not know what to say. He was naturally correct on this point, and if they had been at sea, his word would have been law, but the Dexterity was still docked in London, and Alice could be back on dry land in a matter of moments. Her gaze flitted toward the window for a moment, breaking the connection between them.


  His sharp tone captured her focus once more.

  “You will answer me. Do I have jurisdiction?”

  Alice sighed. Edward had her on this point and however she answered, there would be no wiggling free of the truth.

  “Yes, sir,” she breathed, her lashes fluttering closed at the admission. “Yes, you have jurisdiction.”

  Law grinned, a glint of arrogance burning in his eyes. “Then you, Miss, shall yield to my sentence.”

  Chapter Seven


  Edward had a sense today was going to be a good day right from the start. He had been awake with the sunlight, retiring from his small lodgings with his possessions to be onboard the Dexterity before the rest of his crew. He knew this was the day the ship would sail, and he could use the colossal vessel to perpetuate his piracy at sea. It had already been close to perfection, yet now, young Miss Jaggers had arrived to make it flawless.

  He eyed the woman standing in his grasp. The flesh of her face was flushed and warm under his fingers, her brown eyes large and startled, and the bodice of her gown rose and fell in rapid succession as she fought for composure. The lady was rattled—that was for certain. Evidently, she had thought to conceal herself within his quarters until they set sail, though he had no idea what she had hoped to achieve once the voyage was underway. Alice’s own actions had scuppered those plans, and now, she found herself judged and sentenced by the very captain she presumably hoped to dupe.

  He could not resist the grin that rose at the look of her.

  Alice was young in years, yet a fierce determination burned in her eyes, and Edward was willing to bet there was a supple and firm body hiding under that dress. His cock throbbed impatiently at the thought of turning her over his lap for punishment.

  Edward tightened his grip at her chin, eliciting a small gasp from her full lips.

  “Do you have anything else to say, Miss Jaggers?”

  She inhaled. “I do not know what else to say.”

  He nodded. “I shall take that as a no, then,” he replied politely. “And so, it is decided—you are to be spanked for your transgression.”

  Alice tensed as he vocalized his verdict again. “Now?”

  She seemed so tentative all of a sudden, a far cry from the woman who had confronted him a few minutes ago. Edward wanted to chuckle at the transformation, but he didn’t. It seemed they had reached an accord, and it was one he intended to relish.

  “No, Alice,” he assured her. “Not now. Now, I must attend to the needs of my ship. My crew has just boarded, and the Dexterity is due to set sail within the hour.”

  “Set sail?” Her eyes widened to the size of shilling pieces, and her breathing increased until she was close to panting. “But you cannot mean to set sail so soon—I should not still be onboard.”

  “You do indeed, Alice,” he confirmed. This time, Edward could not resist the way his lips curled. “I intend to spank you once we are out to sea.”

  She jerked away from his hand, her hands flying to her hips at his response.

  “Absolutely not!” Alice raised her chin in defiance, and in that split second, the apprehensive young girl was gone, replaced at once by the ferocity of this other creature who now spat her response at him. “I do not consent to this! Punishment is one thing, and perhaps it is fitting, but I am not setting sail with you, Mr. Law.”

  He arched an eyebrow. The spirit of the woman was admirable. Edward had limited experience with ladies outside of the walls of the many brothels he had frequented, yet he rarely met any with such force of character. Surveying Alice, he had to admit he rather liked it, yet the rub—he liked it because he wanted to be the one to contain it, the man to tame her fiery nature. That thought made his manhood harden until a tingle of awareness rose up his backbone. He wanted her. He wanted not only to tan the curves of her sweet behind but to master her completely—as a man should master the soft, yielding flesh of a woman.

  “Excuse me, Alice,” he began, taking his time as he began to unpick her assertion. “But was it not always your plan to set sail on the Dexterity? Was that not why you were hiding over there in the first place?” Edward tipped his head, gesturing toward the place Alice had been hiding.

  Her face blanched at his queries. “Perhaps,” she replied in a less certain tone. “Yet that was different.”

  “Different how?” he said with a laugh. “Different because it was duplicity in charge?”

  Alice bit her lip, her brown eyes searching his face. “Maybe.”

  Edward shook his head. “Young lady,” he began in an almost tender tone. “I know nothing of the life you have lived up until this moment. I do not know if you were spoiled by your late father, or if you have struggled.” Although he was prepared to take an educated guess on the subject. Jaggers was a wealthy man, and Edward bet his only child would have been privy to every privilege available.

  “Yet I tell you this.” Edward’s voice hardened, and Alice responded reflexively, her body straightening as his gaze drilled into her. “The moment you set foot on my ship and hid in my private quarters, you made yourself my business.”

  She inhaled, shaking her head. “I am not your bus—”


  He watched gleefully as she leapt at the sound of his voice.

  “Do not think to argue, for your words are false. You are on my ship, and that makes you my business. You have been found wanting, young lady, and now you await your penance. That means you are my prisoner until the sentence is served.”

  “P-prisoner?” Alice trembled as she forced the word out from between her lips.

  “That’s right.”

  She blinked wildly. “But if the Dexterity does set sail, I shall be forced to remain onboard.” Alice’s brow furrowed as the realization washed over her. “Even after your penance has been delivered, I shall be forced to remain.”

  Edward edged toward her. “That is true,” he replied. “You will remain my prisoner, Miss Jaggers.”

  Her gaze darted to the door, an instinctive response to his edict, no doubt.

  “And do not think you can escape, Alice,” he warned. “There are tens of my men beyond that door—many who have not seen a lady such as you. How long do you think you can sur
vive in their company without my protection?”

  She was panting now, and Edward could see the panic blooming in her gaze.

  “Please,” she begged. “I cannot remain here with you like this. It is not what I planned.”

  Edward shook his head. “Whatever you planned is irrelevant now,” he told her. “You are mine. You understand that?”

  There were tears in her doleful eyes as she replied, but he could not decide if they were borne of fear or frustration.

  “I understand, yet I cannot think to bear it.”

  He took a step in Alice’s direction. Their bodies now almost touched.

  “Sir,” he corrected her.

  Alice lifted her chin to meet his eyes again. “Excuse me?”

  His hand slipped to his belt, skimming the leather until he grazed the handle of his sword. Alice’s gaze followed the journey with obvious trepidation.

  “That is how you address me, Alice. A captain is referred to as sir unless you use his title directly—a fact you already know, I assume?”

  She swallowed. “Yes, sir.”

  Edward’s already swollen erection throbbed urgently. He liked the way that word sounded on young Alice’s lips—he liked it a lot.

  “Better,” he replied, shifting back toward the door. In a huge pile by the entrance were tens of ropes previously used on his voyages. None of them were ideal for binding a treasure like Alice, but needs must, and at this moment, it was all Edward had available. He swooped for the smallest of the binds, spinning on his heel to lock eyes with Alice again.

  “I must see to my men,” he announced as he strode back in her direction.

  Her brown gaze fixed on the rope on his hands.

  “I need to advise them of the changes to our plans.”

  “Me?” she gasped. “Sir.”

  “Yes, you,” he replied. “And that means I must leave you alone for a few minutes.”

  He was on her, only a few inches from her heaving chest and momentarily, Edward allowed himself a moment to enjoy the look of her cleavage in the pale gown.

  “You need not bind me,” she said in a panicky tone. “I will do as you say, sir.”

  “I think not, Alice,” Edward snorted. “I have known you for such a frustratingly short time, yet already you have proven to be defiant and strong headed. If I leave you unrestrained and unattended, I can guarantee, you will try to escape the ship.”

  Large brown eyes rose to meet his gaze. Edward’s assumptions were correct, and they both knew it.

  “So, you must submit to my ropes,” he continued. “At least in my absence.”

  “But your men?” she panted. “If I am bound, how can I defend myself against them?”

  “There will be no need,” Edward assured her. “I shall leave my first mate outside the door, and he can be trusted.”

  Alice blinked away the fresh tears in her eyes.

  “I cannot abide this, sir,” she practically spat the final word.

  “But there is no choice, young lady,” he told her, flexing the length of rope between his hands. “Abide you must.”

  Chapter Eight


  Events had unraveled at a fast and disturbing rate. Just an hour before, Alice had been safely hidden in her father’s concealed unit, and now, her presence was well and truly revealed to the alleged captain of the vessel, Edward Law. To make matters worse, the man was now binding her wrists with coarse rope, planning to leave her alone with some awful first mate while he addressed the rest of his men. Alice’s heart raced at the mere idea. It was terrible enough being alone with Law—no lady should ever convene with a man without a chaperone—yet here they were, just a few inches from one another as the brute bound her.

  Except he was not a brute.

  Alice sighed as that realization washed over her.

  The man may be less smart than the average gentleman, but so far, she had to admit, he had been nothing but reasonable in the face of her crimes. Alice was under no illusion—she had committed a crime by boarding the ship and hiding behind the wooden panel. She was not crazy about the idea of being spanked by Edward, yet had the sense she should be grateful for the sentence—another man could have done far worse.

  She nibbled at her lower lip while she watched him work, noticing how deft his large fingers were as they secured the wrists in place.

  “That should hold you,” he announced, taking a step back to assess his handiwork.

  Alice tugged at her wrists, finding they were tightly bound together and was forced to agree. The ropes would hold her.

  “Don’t look so fearful. No harm shall come to you in my care, Alice.”

  Her gaze darted north to meet his. Thus far, he had been as good as his word, yet there was something unscrupulous about the man—some unstated sense that told Alice to be on her guard, something that did not seem legitimate.

  A knock at the door startled her, and both turned toward it.

  “Sit,” he commanded, pointing in the direction of the window seat as though she was some sort of animal.

  Alice’s gaze narrowed at the instruction, but reluctantly, her feet were already moving toward the place he had directed her. There was no choice anymore. She had made a miscalculation when she had decided to come here and would have to live with the consequences—whatever they may be.

  The door opened as she found her seat on the other side of the decanter, and Alice’s gaze fell over the arrival. Another man, even less sophisticated than his captain, entered the room. His focus landed on Alice, his eyes widening with shock.

  “Carlisle,” Law broke the silence. “I’m glad you’re here. I have a task for you.”

  Carlisle’s attention shifted back to his officer. “Aye, sir. I came to let you know the men are assembled and ready for you.”

  “Excellent,” Edward smiled. “As you can see, I have news of my own.”

  He tilted his head in the direction of Alice, and for an excruciating moment, both men turned and regarded her. Alice’s face burned with embarrassment, and instinctively, she lowered her gaze, her attention falling on the stiff ropes at her wrists.

  “A woman, Captain?”

  “Very observant, Carlisle,” said Edward with a laugh. “Yes, a stowaway by the name of Alice Jaggers.”

  “But a woman, sir,” the other man repeated. “It’s bad luck to have a woman onboard.”

  Alice lifted her chin with interest. Bad luck, huh? This could be her way off the vessel altogether.

  “Only if you subscribe to superstitions,” countered Law in an amused tone. “Which as you know, I do not. It is not luck that has brought us good fortune in the past but our own fortitude.”

  Carlisle raised his brows but said nothing to protest. “How did she get on board, sir? And what are we to do with her?”

  Alice’s belly twisted at the last question, her gaze darting once more to Edward Law. Until today, he was a man she had barely even contemplated—the man at the auction, a name on a list at Christie’s, but nothing more. Now, it seemed Mr. Law held Alice’s destiny in his hands, and she was heady with the new reality.

  “I found her hidden in my quarters,” explained Edward as he turned to face Alice. “As for your second query, Carlisle, we are not going to do anything with her. As captain, our guest is my responsibility.”

  She gulped at the way he made that sound, suddenly unsure if she should be grateful or afraid—worse was the way Alice’s body was reacting to the tattered captain. Where she had previously been disgusted by the sight of the man, she was fast becoming compelled. The weight of his stare and his authoritative presence had affected Alice in ways she could never have foreseen, and as she met his gaze again, she was perturbed by the way heat pooled beneath her gown.

  “I should like you to stand guard outside my door while I address the crew.” Edward’s focus was back on Carlisle now. “I am sure you can understand I cannot have any of the men stumbling upon her by mistake.”

  Carlisle turned to
look at Alice, his brown eyes drilling into her. “Aye, sir,” he responded after a moment. “I can understand.”

  Law moved toward him, resting his hand on the shorter man’s shoulder. “I would trust only you with this objective, my friend,” he said solemnly. “Keep her safe for me.”

  “You can count on me, Captain,” Carlisle smiled, revealing two crooked front teeth.

  “Good. Then I must depart.” Law turned in Alice’s direction, fixing her with a hard stare. “I shall not be long, but until that time, behave yourself.”

  Alice pulled in a deep breath as both men stalked from the room. She watched as the door slammed closed behind them, imagining Carlisle waiting just beyond. A potent myriad of emotions stirred as she heard what she assumed to be Law’s boots pacing away.

  No man had ever spoken to her that way. Even her father had treated his only daughter with courtesy and respect when he addressed her.

  Alice blinked, shaking her head as she processed what she was feeling.

  On the one hand, she was embarrassed at her current predicament, entirely of her own making, and no idea how it would be reconciled, but on the other hand, she was seething with indignation at the way she had been treated. The way Law had spoken to her—dressing her down like a servant. Her face flamed as she recalled his proximity and the way he had touched her—the nerve of the man—then had somehow made her admit the error of her ways aloud. That was a feat no one had achieved before. Alice may have been guilty, but she would never have admitted such, especially to a stranger.

  She sighed, eyeing the captain’s quarters as she struggled against the ropes. Being bound this way was intolerable—just like Law’s insufferable arrogance and the way he made assumptions about Alice. He assumed she would obey him and would be pliant to his plans. She snorted—the man had a lot to learn about Alice Jaggers if he thought she would remain compliant. She had not sneaked her way on board just to end up his bound captive, yet even as resentment burned in her blood, there was also something else. His commanding presence, just like the bondage, had stirred something in Alice.


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