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Edward's Law

Page 5

by Brandon, Felicity

  Something she had not expected.

  Something that felt like desire.

  Chapter Nine


  The assembled crew were as rowdy and enthusiastic as Edward had expected. Many had served under his command before, and he trusted them all—an important consideration when you were heading hundreds of miles out into the wilds of the oceans. Life at sea was nothing like being stuck on land. It was exhilarating and dynamic, gifting a liberty few so-called free men could understand, but it was also dangerous. At any moment, the winds could change, throwing a storm at their vessel, and every man on board had to know what was expected of them in the event. Everyone knew their place, and each man would obey his instructions without protest.

  Naturally, threats did not only come from the weather. Life on the oceans was a constant game of jeopardy, and however good his ship and his crew were, Edward had no idea who they would encounter. They were not the only pirates at large, particularly in Caribbean waters, so having a reliable group of men at his command gave him peace of mind. He may be a criminal, but he needed order as much as the next officer. Besides, Edward liked being obeyed— he always had.

  “One final thing, gentlemen,” he called. “Before you go to your posts, I have news.”

  An excited hush fell over the group.

  “What is it, Captain?” shouted Jennings from beside the mast.

  Edward grinned. “This is rumor control. If you haven’t heard, I’m sure you soon will—we have a woman on board the Dexterity.”

  A loud, raucous cheer rose in response, and Edward shook his head as he raised a palm, gesturing for the men to quiet.

  “A woman?” Smith cried from the back. “Women are bad luck for any voyage, Captain. Why bring one on board?”

  A general wave of agreement stirred throughout the men.

  “I did not bring her onboard,” Edward corrected Smith in a curt tone. “I found her concealed in my quarters.”

  Edward ignored the throb of his cock as he recalled the incident. Alice had been so vulnerable and tiny, yet so defiant in the face of her actions. She stirred him in ways no other woman ever had.


  He missed which of the crew had spoken, the memory of Alice distracting him from the gathered faces.

  “Hidden,” he clarified. “Apparently, the woman has some connection to the ship, and I intend to keep her.” Edward smiled at the leery noises that erupted.

  “And keep her I shall,” he shouted over the merriment. “I know of your superstitions, but you have all served with me before, gentlemen, and you know I fear no God or man. I am the master of our destiny, men—not fate and certainly, not the little lady tied up in the quarters.”

  “So, she’ll be for your personal use then, Cap’n?” asked Jennings with a smirk. “You won’t be sharing her?”

  Edward’s expression hardened. “I shall not,” he confirmed in a loud growl. “The woman is my property, and any man who touches her will be dealt with in the same way I deal with all thieves.”

  They were silent, save for a few labored gasps. Edward had rarely had issues with thieves on board his vessels, but there had been a young rogue named Black who had once attempted to take Edward’s purse, despite being well paid for his labor. Edward had dealt with him the only way he knew how—with brutality—before dropping his body overboard for the sharks to finish off.

  Most of the men gathered around him would remember the sorry tale of Black, and he was sure the threat of that fate would be enough to scare them away from Alice. Still, they were red-blooded men, and even though they had taken their share of wenches over the last few weeks, Edward was under no illusion. Alice would make the voyage dangerous and would need to be protected.

  Yet for some reason, he was compelled to keep her, though his reasoning made little sense.

  “Any questions?” Edward’s words echoed out around the deck but were met only with silence. “Then let’s get this ship out to sea, gentlemen!”

  A huge cheer went up at his edict.

  “Mr. Carlisle will be here shortly to direct you.”

  Edward turned, striding from the assembled group, heading back toward his quarters. Climbing the small stairwell, his thoughts returned to the bound woman who awaited him and the punishment he had promised her. Edward found Carlisle leaning against the door.

  “Any problems?”

  Carlisle shook his head. “I haven’t checked on the lass,” he replied. “But I’ve not heard a sound from her.”

  Edward smiled. That was a good start.

  “Thank you, old friend,” he told his first mate. “The men are prepped and have been brought up to date about our stowaway.”

  Carlisle’s eyebrow arched at the news. “Aye, Captain.”

  “Listen,” Edward said with a sigh. “I know you don’t think it’s a good idea to bring her with us.”

  His first mate raised his palms in a conciliatory gesture. “It is not my decision, sir,” he replied, pushing himself away from the wood. “I have served with you long enough to respect your choices, Captain.”

  “But?” Edward could sense where this was going.

  Carlisle grinned. “But I would advise caution, sir. I know you are not a superstitious man, but the girl can bring trouble. Trouble we can do without, and frankly, she cannot be divided up between the men like the other treasure we find.”

  Edward nodded at his friend’s words. Carlisle was right—Edward had already contemplated many of those risks himself.

  “Agreed,” he answered after a moment’s consideration. “I will be cautious.”

  “But you are set on your plan, sir?” Carlisle’s tone suggested he already knew the answer to his own question.

  “That I am,” Edward confirmed. “The men will be rewarded in other ways. This bounty is mine to enjoy.” He gestured toward his quarters as he concluded, and Carlisle chuckled in response.

  “You’re a lucky son of a bitch. You know that, I assume?”

  “I know,” Edward replied with a laugh. Only Carlisle could get away with talking to him that way and live to tell the tale. “Now, leave us. The men are in position. I’ll be on deck when I’ve dealt with the woman’s insolence.”

  “I bet,” smirked Carlisle as he brushed past Edward. “Don’t worry, sir, the ship will soon be at sail, though it looks like the Dexterity won’t be the only one losing her maidenhead this day.”

  Edward glared at his departing first mate, but rather than offer a rebuke, his lips curled. He had a sense Carlisle might be right, and his balls ached at the tantalizing prospect that lay ahead.

  Alice was at his desk when he entered the room, her head turning to meet his gaze.

  “There you are.” He closed the door behind him, sliding the top lock in place before he closed the distance between them. “What have you been up to?”

  “Nothing,” she snapped, rising from his seat to her full height as he towered over her. “What can I do like this?”

  Alice lifted her bound wrists, waving the ropes in front of Edward as though he had somehow forgotten how he left her. He smirked at her tone—so petulant again, not terribly sensible, especially considering the circumstances.

  “You can watch how you speak to me, Alice,” he warned in a deep voice. His cock swelled at the way her eyes widened, but she pursed her lips in response.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” she said in an exasperated tone. “But what do you expect?”

  “I expect what I always presume from those onboard my ship,” he snapped. “Obedience.”

  Alice’s gaze flitted back to the maps at his desk for a moment. “It seems I am not so good at that.”

  Edward laughed out loud at her assessment. “Obviously,” he concurred. “Yet perhaps a turn over my knee will help to bring you to heel?” He arched his eyebrow at her, relishing the way she seemed to squirm under his scrutiny.

  “You still mean to go ahead with the p-punishment?”

  “Of course
,” he told her in a stern voice. “Why should I have changed my mind? Are you any less guilty now than you were before I addressed my men?”

  Alice shifted her weight between her feet. Evidently, she felt awkward about answering him. Reaching for her face, he guided her gaze back where he wanted it.

  “Alice, I asked you a question. You would do well not to give me any more reason to punish you this day.”

  Her skin heated under his fingers, and her lips parted before she pulled them between her teeth.

  “I am no less guilty,” she conceded. “Yet the surrender you speak of is still not right. It is not justice.”

  Edward scoffed at her misguided sense of morality.

  “It is my justice, little Alice,” he informed her in a soft, goading tone. “The only justice that matters on board the Dexterity.”

  The ship lurched at that moment as though the vessel was responding to his words. Losing her footing, Alice fell backward, gasping as she was thrown from her feet. Acting on instinct, Edward swooped for her, capturing her at her middle and steadying her against his frame. For a moment, their gazes met, the cabin silent save for Alice’s exaggerated breaths.

  “Did you hurt yourself?” he demanded, breaking the intensity between them.

  Alice shook her head, leaning away from him as best she could, as though she could not believe she had permitted him to save her. Edward suppressed the snigger which threatened to rise at the notion. Evidently, Miss Jaggers had no idea what he had in mind for her, or perhaps she did, which explained the horrified expression painting her pretty features.

  “I am well,” she whispered. “Thank you.”

  Edward glowered down at her. “What was that?”

  “Th-thank you, sir,” she corrected herself.

  His erection strained against his breeches. Sweet Jesus, had anyone ever made those words sound as glorious as Alice did?

  “You can unhand me now, sir,” she breathed, apparently still trying to give him directions, even when she found herself in such a delicate position.

  “I know I can.” Edward’s voice had taken on an edgy quality, the resonance low as he glared down at the woman in his arms. Now he finally had a hold of her, Edward was struck by just how fragile she seemed. It was quite a contrast to her fiery temperament.

  “Yet I choose not to.”

  Alice panted, her eyes wild as she absorbed his will. “But… but… you cannot,” she insisted. “What if someone were to see us? It is not proper.”

  Edward leaned forward, maneuvering Alice’s body, so she leaned over his desk.

  “No one will see us,” he promised her. “And I care not for what is proper, Alice.”

  She drew in a shaky breath. “What about the fact I want you to unhand me, sir?” she demanded in a trembling tone.

  Edward assessed her flushed face intently. Was she truly terrified of him, or was there another emotion dominating her thoughts at this moment? One he could revel in a little more than her fear…

  “Will that make you halt?”

  “It may.” His gaze took in the length of her fine neck as she stretched it away from him, traveling down to her chest and the place her pale skin disappeared underneath the cut of her gown. “If I believed it to be true.”

  Alice gulped. “It is true!”

  Edward smiled. “Your words are contrived, Miss, and your body gives you away. Look at your skin. See how it flushes under my touch, and your eyes, Alice. Your eyes have dilated at the sight of me.” He paused, drawing away from her just enough to fully take in the assets he had mentioned. Alice truly was a beautiful woman.

  “I’d be willing to bet that under this dress, your fine bosom is hardening at my words, desperate for my touch?”

  “It is not!” She gasped. “How dare you say such things?”

  Edward ran his tongue across his teeth. Alice was like a succulent piece of fruit, ripe and ready to be plucked.

  “Oh, but, Alice,” he told her. “I do dare.”

  Chapter Ten


  He had her now—her gaze locked with his and her body captured in his arms. As he leaned down toward her flustering face, Edward was certain of one thing—he had to claim her mouth next.

  “Sir!” Alice’s small gasp stilled his approach for a fraction of a second, and he regarded her with satisfaction as she bit her lip nervously.

  “What is it?” His tone was more demanding than ever.

  “Please, I have never…” Alice’s words halted but her chest heaved, the swell of her breasts rising and falling even more rapidly.

  “Never been kissed?” Edward smirked.

  Alice nodded. It was clear just how uncomfortable the position made her. Her hands grasped his forearms for support though evidently, Alice was not sure it was the moral thing to do, and her eyes kept flitting between their tight hold and his knowing gaze.

  “It is scandalous,” he mused, sliding one arm up the back of her gown until his fingers grazed her bare skin before rising into the tangle of her hair. “That a woman as wonderful as you, Alice, has never been kissed.”

  Her lips parted at his words as if her body was silently begging him for the thing she had never had, the thing she so badly needed.

  “I intend to rectify that situation.”

  Edward’s fingers curled into Alice’s soft, brown locks, cradling her head as his mouth lowered. In one smooth motion, he swooped, capturing Alice’s lips. She was paralyzed at first, her muscles tense in his embrace, yet when his mouth moved against hers, Alice’s senses seemed to bring her back to life. Stirring, she moaned into the kiss, permitting his tongue to snake inside her wetness. Edward claimed her slowly, the analogy of his tongue inside her mouth not lost on his cock, which strained urgently to be allowed the same courtesy. Not wishing to overwhelm Alice so soon, he withdrew, planting a single chaste caress upon her lips as he departed.

  “Oh my.” Alice fluttered her lashes at him, one small hand releasing his bicep and retreating to her forehead.

  His lips curled at her response, and reluctantly, he pulled Alice back to her feet.

  “Time for your punishment, my naughty stowaway.” Edward’s voice had become something of a sensual purr, a resonance he barely recognized.

  “Now, sir?”

  He nodded, taking her hand as he collapsed into the waiting chair behind him.

  “I have promised you a spanking at my hand, Alice Jaggers, and that is what I shall deliver.”

  Glancing up to her face, he noticed the change in the woman. The lust that had burned in her eyes had slipped a little, replaced by a larger dose of the trepidation she had experienced earlier. Alice wrung her hands like a small child.

  “I have not been spanked before, sir,” she admitted.

  “Not even by your father?” Edward’s eyes widened a fraction. It was unusual in an English household not to use corporal punishment.

  The Jaggers Edward recalled had been a pedantic and cruel man. He could surely imagine him taking his belt to a petulant daughter.

  “No, sir.” Alice shook her head, though she refused to meet his eyes.

  “Then I daresay this will be something of a shock,” he informed her, grabbing the hand nearest his body and hauling her forward over his thighs. “But it changes nothing, Alice. Your penance still stands.”

  She gasped as she went, her hands clawing at the wood below when she landed, her feet kicking out behind her. Apparently, the reality of her fate had well and truly registered at this point, but it was too late for little Miss Jaggers—Edward’s hands were on her, one palm holding her down while the other hoisted the skirts of her pretty gown up to her middle.

  “What are you doing?” she hissed, struggling to get back to her feet. “You cannot do that!”

  And just like that, the insolence returned, the defiant flame burning hotter than Edward had seen it. He pressed against the small of her back with enough force to keep her in place as he chastised her.

  “Actually, A
lice, I can,” he reminded her. “The more you fight, the harder this will be.”

  Capturing the bunched skirts with the hand pressed into Alice’s back, Edward dragged her petticoat back to join them. He was always amazed by the numbers of skirts some ladies seemed to wear. The ones he usually encountered were naked before he had time to worry, but not Alice, of course. No doubt, Alice had never contemplated a scenario like the one she found herself in, and no doubt, she would never forget it.

  With her backside finally bared, Edward took the opportunity to run his palm over the goosing flesh. Her skin was cool and smooth under his hand, but the touch of her curves sent his arousal skyward. Alice inhaled, her body writhing over him like a serpent.

  “Remain. Still.” He warned her, punctuating each word with a gentle slap to her backside.

  Alice’s body halted on command, her every muscle seeming to tense at the swats.

  “That’s better,” Edward praised. “This will be much easier for you, Alice, if you behave.”

  “Leave me be,” she implored him, banging her delicate fist on the wooden floor. “You have no right to do this. You have no right to see me this way.”

  Edward shook his head at her fanciful pride. He would wager a sovereign or two, he could soon spank that out of her. Raising his hand, Edward sent his palm crashing south, connecting with Alice’s prone derriere, the impact resounding around his quarters in a delicious wave of sound. She yelped, temporarily pausing her futile squirms before thrashing over his lap again, for good measure. He met her response swiftly, delivering a further four swats in fast succession, one after the other until Alice’s mewls grew louder.

  “Stop it,” she panted, her fists smacking down against the floor. “That hurts!”

  “As it is supposed to,” he reminded her with a fresh smack.


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