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Page 9

by Lucretia Stanhope

  She sucked in a breath. “Don't you ever think about hurting them. They would hear it so loudly.” She considered cleaning up his thoughts, but if Matvei already knew about them, he might notice she had tampered with things. She also didn't know if she could do it without hurting him, she was clumsy still and had hurt Matvei. “We will talk more later. I love you. We will be okay. I promise.”

  They shared another a long embrace before they walked back through the veil.

  After Brac left, sidetracked by a young witch Gwen only knew in passing, she paced her office. Since he was now in more danger than ever, she needed to stop pondering and start acting. Matvei was right about that. As soon as he or Timofei found out what Brac could do, things would change again, and he would be an even more guarded prisoner, like her.

  She made her way toward the tear. Since night on earth was nearing, she wanted to go talk to Mikhail. He was the closest thing she had to an ally vampire, and he had insider knowledge on sibling relations from being an ambassador between all the masters and earth. He would know if Malvina could be a new problem. She also wanted to test a theory she had.

  She tucked herself in as small as possible and headed toward the tear. As she neared it, she struggled to keep her sadness at bay. Five vampires stood blocking her way. She backed up out of sight and paced a bit, rapping her fingers. She needed all five of them distracted.

  To the left of them was woods, she could cause an explosion. Would they all go? It was too much, the witches back at the colony would hear it and be scared too. If she lied to them and sent them to find Matvei, he would be furious and they would also report it to Timofei.

  While she thought, she walked toward the back tear near the fortress. It led to the backyard at her old estate, but she could shadow walk from there. She stopped short as she neared and felt the cold presences. Disappointed, she made her way to all of the tears. She found a small group of vampires at each one.

  While she couldn't stuff her disappointment down, she thanked the gods for the small blessing that her and Brac made it back before the new vampire posts. She started back toward the colony. Maybe Matvei would let her go if she had a good enough reason. He did want her to plan, plot, whatever. Matvei helpful? The idea made her laugh.

  An illogical circle of thoughts played on her mind all the way back. Could she be what Timofei needed and save her kids? She teetered between yes and no. Did she really have a choice? Did she dare ask Matvei for more help? Was that what he wanted? Her to ask. To come at him from a weak position?

  “Mom.” Kyna reached out and touched her arm, guiding her back away from the colony. “We are stuck.”

  “I know I just walked all the tears. Why do you know that?”

  Kyna looked down. “Did dad say how long there will be guards everywhere?”

  “Where are you trying to go?” Gwen felt her daughter's aura shift and waver. “Kyna, you must be very careful right now. Even I am on unsteady ground. Now that he has given some with you and Matvei, he is particularly edgy with us.”

  “I need off realm. The time you bought me will not matter, if I am here when he picks another mate.” Kyna looked around and wrung her hands together. “My realm is near the fortress; can't you demand the squad go with you to check out a suspicious something at the house?”

  “No, if your dad comes home to find you gone and a report I distracted them, he will go into a rage.”

  “Fine, mom, find a better, more discrete distraction. I have to go.”

  “Why, why today?”

  “I can't say. I know things they can never know.”

  Gwen chewed her lip. “But there are ogres. You would be in great danger.”

  “No, I won't. I promise you that. There are, we, mom, please, know I wouldn't be alone. I will come for you and Brac and everyone else.” Kyna's eyes pleaded more than her words.

  Gwen felt the weight of her words and knew whatever Kyna had been a part of was something she would get killed for. If she had conspired to remove witches or work with some other species, or anything like that, Timofei would have no patience.

  “Okay, think, Kyna, how can I distract them without it being an obvious ploy?” Gwen looked over her shoulder as a cold presence walked past. She didn't recognize them and they didn't stop. A patrol, she assumed.

  “I'll summon a clay golem. I will order it to chase you, but not catch or hurt.” Kyna chewed her lip. “As a queen, they would come to your aid if you were in danger.”

  Gwen's eyes got wide. “You can summon a golem?”

  “I'm sorry. You do understand why I can't tell you things?” Kyna's face filled with sorrow. “I didn't ever want us to have secrets but dad, he’s not what you think. He’s not the man we love, he’s a monster.”

  Both of her children knew, in spite of everything, she had not spared them the darkness. “I understand. Will it just banish when you go?”

  “Yes, if this works, I promise to find a way to communicate. We have people still here, and on site two.”

  “Site two?”

  Kyna sighed. “There is no time. Ask Brac.”

  While she hated her kids had been doing dangerous things, she couldn't help be proud that they were actively working on a getaway plan. If Kyna did make it away and had a safe place or group of people, Gwen would have an extra ceremony to thank the goddess for such an unexpected blessing.

  “We need to do this now. Matvei is not going to leave me alone long.” Gwen gave her a hug and they started toward the fortress.

  As they neared, they separated and Kyna stood just out of range of the vampires while Gwen made her way to the lake. They agreed on that as the place to summon the golem, because the visual line to the tear was broken, but it was still easily in earshot.

  Gwen didn't have to fake her fear when she saw the golem rise from the ground. Once formed, it reminded her of marshmallows, but covered in dripping mud and with angry black eyes. She let out a shrill scream and sent fear projecting outward, before she started to run around the lake, screaming as loud as she could.

  Static electricity popped in the air, looking like lightning. She tripped and fell hard on the ground. Once she gained her breath, she got back to her feet and started to run again. She screamed until her throat went dry. Several cold presences approached quickly. Before they arrived, she felt one very strong one near.

  Matvei already had her in his arms when the others arrived just seconds later. The golem vanished, leaving a pile of clay. Gwen hoped against all odds that meant it worked. Now it was time to act.

  She struggled in his arms. “Where is Kyna? She was here when it came. Matvei, where is she?”

  “You are okay?” He looked at her, his eyes scanning her quickly.

  She nodded. “Just startled. I tripped, scraped my knees, but it didn't touch me. Was that one of the ogres?”

  “No, I've never seen that.” He kept her under his arm. “It feels like magic was here.”

  “I did get scared. I threw some magic at it. Maybe that is why it melted like that.” Gwen looked around as if searching for Kyna. She pushed out her magic and didn't feel any witches near. He would be able to track her. Gwen needed to give her time to get away. She would have to assume if this were planned, Kyna knew how to cover her tracks.

  “Gwen, you are trembling. Did it touch you?”

  She shook her head. “I don't feel Kyna. Take me to the school, please.”

  He dismissed the vampires back to their post and they walked to the school. She allowed herself to remain under his arm, knowing it would make her fear seem more genuine. He knew that unless she was truly afraid, she would never stay that close to him.

  “She's going to be fine, Gwen.” Matvei's voice held softness she never heard in it before.

  “I don't know what to believe anymore. Timofei thinks we could be at war for hundreds of years. None of us humans will be fine if that happens.” She sighed. “Where is Brac?”

  “Brac is playing in the woods with a friend. I
know he is okay.”

  She chewed her lip. “Matvei, how long will there be soldiers at all the tears?”

  “Just until they are closed. I'll see to that myself.”

  Now that Kyna was likely on the other side, being closed off felt even more desperate. “I need to do some things on Earth.”


  “No? Just no?”

  “Just no.” He led her to the classrooms.

  When they discovered Kyna was not there, they started back toward the fortress.

  Gwen kept her thoughts a steady stream of worry for Kyna, and she kept her aura wavering.

  Matvei remained protective and silent. Pensive. When they neared the fortress, he slowed and started tracking.

  Gwen felt her heart start racing as he took small strides to a wooded area. He paused, sniffed and frowned.

  “She must have hidden from it here.” He looked to Gwen. “Can you try to see what happened?”

  “You can't track her? Don't you know her scent?” She looked at him puzzled.

  He pulled the corner of his bottom lip under his fang. “Her track stops here.”

  Gwen reached out and put a hand on him to steady herself. “There? How can that be? What's happened to her?”

  “That is why I asked you if you can try to do one of your visions.” He knelt down on one knee and ran his fingers through the dirt.

  Gwen looked over his shoulder. A white sparkling substance was also on the ground. “What is that?”

  He put his hand to his nose and sniffed. “It smells like nothing. It isn't from here. Scent masker of some sort.”

  “You can't track her? Matvei, you really can't?” She found it hard to keep relief from muddying her fear.

  He stood up, keeping the handful of earth. “Come with me.”

  She walked with him to the logistics room where he put the mix of sparkles and earth on the table.

  He turned to her and looked her over, his presence growing cold. “I do thank you for saving me the unpleasant bond.” His smile faded as quickly as it had come. “Where is Kyna?”

  “I don't know. I really don't.”

  He reached up, put a hand on her head, forcing his way in.

  She put up full resistance and pushed him out. “Stop it. I said I don't know.”

  He shoved back in, pushing and prying into all of her free thoughts. Blood ran freely from her nose as he looked for anything hidden.

  He pulled back and shoved her into the wall. “I personally don't care where Kyna is, but you know when Timofei returns to this you suffer, I suffer, Brac suffers.”

  “Something took Kyna and almost me. You are worried he will be angry with you?” She stepped back, still holding onto thoughts that were in line with an attack and Kyna being taken.

  “Sadder, Gwen, be sadder. She is your daughter. Worth facing him over. If you were worried about her I would see tears, a heaving chest, storms in the sky. You wouldn't be worried about soldiers and getting back to earth. He will pick up on your inconsistency faster than I did.” He pushed her against the wall. “What is the powder? Did you make it?”

  She pushed him back. “I have no idea where it came from.”

  “Sadness, you have days to get to a proper level of dower. The men should tell father it rained and poured the entire time he was gone.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “If I should run into her, in my not so diligent attempts to find her, you realize I will have to eat her for her act of treason.”

  Gwen shook her head slowly. “Please, don't.”

  “Sadder. Be as sad as you were when you discovered Sebastian and you were finished. That sort of sadness. Storms.”

  “Why are you,” she started to say, but he pressed his lips on hers, first kissing then nipping.

  “You spared me a miserable queen forever. I'm not an ungrateful creature.” He twirled her hair between his fingers and tugged it down tight. “To be the challenge I need, you will need to survive this ill planned escape.” He placed one arm on each side of her against the wall, pinning her in front of him.

  She screamed out as he sank his teeth in with a cruel slowness that allowed her to feel every second. She felt herself getting weaker. That kind of drain never happened with Timofei. The last time it happened she was prisoner to Dmitry. “Stop, you are taking too much.”

  “You need to be weak, and weary. I am helping you, my pet. If he even suspects you had a hand in this, as I am convinced you did, he will not be so easy to temper.” He looked at her fear filled eyes, grabbed her hair and yanked her head to the other side before he bit her again.

  When she started to slide down the wall he stopped and caught her in one arm. “You are worse than a drug. You make him complacent and me reckless.” He ran his tongue over the bite he left so that it would heal. “Plan better, Gwen. Timofei is not foolish.”

  “Matvei, please. I need to sit down.” She leaned heavily on him. The room blurred and her knees went slack again.

  “Now you are much more like the weary mother you should be. Use your remaining strength to make storms.” He walked with her to her room and tossed her on the bed. “Get some rest. I will see to it that you stay sufficiently drained to pull this off.”

  “I don't know where she is.”

  “Save it. You will make sure it is clear, I came to your aid; it is the only reason he will accept for my letting Kyna get captured. Prisoners of war. He is going to be furious.” He grabbed her wrist and took a long sip. “I will arrange for you to meet your mate this week. Don't drag your feet on the pairing. You should only risk one reason for his displeasure at a time. Especially at wartime.”

  Her eyes fluttered opened. “Pairing. You make it sound like we are socks. I'm not a thing.”

  “You are a thing and you had best get your mind to a place where you can do what is needed to stay his favored thing.” He shook his head. “The little witch whose blood makes vampires self-destruct. That, Gwen, is your real power.”

  As he walked away, Gwen struggled to stay awake. He drained her to the point she wanted to sleep. She tried to think. Kyna was prepared. Maybe they wouldn't find her. She could be free. Love and be loved. There was no scent, no sensation, nothing came off the crystals.

  Sadness, she needed to stop thinking of Kyna happy and find something sad to think about. She let her thoughts drift to a new mate. She would have to do that now. She couldn't risk his ire any more. That would mean another innocent and possibly valued slave for them. More than that, another child of hers to keep her locked to them in fear. The images of a sweet new baby surrounded by winged beasts filled her with sadness.

  She sat up and propped on her elbows, trying to concentrate. Her blood made them reckless? She knew it made Timofei more agreeable. It did seem to drive Matvei to take risks, but he always seemed to her to be that way.

  Konstantin? Was that what Matvei wanted from her? To use her as some sort of drug to make him more relaxed, reckless, or easier to unseat? She shuddered and pushed that thought safely away. Timofei would never let her near him. He postponed the celebration of her coronation and never rescheduled it. He seemed to want her far away from his father.

  She got up and held to the wall as she walked to the nursery and looked at all of the little things. They all represented lost innocence. All that was Shane had been taken, she had given it up. She held Kyna's teddy bear and sobbed, letting the sadness envelope her. Exhausted, she lay on the floor beside the crib, cuddled with the bear and slept. Outside it stormed.

  Chapter Nine

  “P ardon the intrusion, Matvei said I should talk to you about my new duties?”

  Gwen looked up from her desk to see the voice came from a gorgeous, aristocratic looking man, who seemed to have materialized from nowhere.

  The last few days, Gwen lost herself in a blur of making storms, planning a festival, and enduring deep feedings from Matvei. Brac stayed at the house a lot, always there with a hug and cake every time she started to feel overwhelmed.

  She focused her attention back to keeping the storms raging outside. “You are?”

  “Lucian. It's nice to finally meet you properly, Gwen.” His aura buzzed in a way that was new to her. Strong and yet gentle, filled with warmth and peace.

  The name, Lucian, was written on her day-planner, circled in red. He was Yvette's replacement. Matvei gave her the name when he dropped her off at the main building. She motioned toward the chair, and was captured by his honey colored eyes when he sat across from her. It occurred to her, since she never noticed men, that something about him must be very different. “Very nice to meet you as well. Have a seat. What element do you possess?”

  “All but fire, I have been working with Gina. It is in my latent gifts. So far, I can only manipulate it. I can't seem to call it yet.” His eyes watched her, brown lashes that matched his short brown hair, danced when he blinked. “Maybe soon.”

  Gwen felt the storms let up as the implications of another witch with all four elements played out in her mind.

  She focused on sadness again.

  Could this be the one Timofei and Matvei mentioned? The thought that she was sitting, casually talking with him made her cheeks grow hot. Yvette's replacement? Would Timofei really have put them working in such close proximity?

  “You were recommended by Henry to study for Yvette's role, is that right?” She put her hands in her lap and held them together.

  “Yes, Henry has been such a dear friend and neighbor since I arrived. I talked with Timofei as well as your son, about what is expected.” He sat straight in the chair, his broad shoulders matching his squared jaw.

  “Were you in the first wave?” She wondered how she could have missed someone so different. Arrival days were always busy, but his aura was unique, soothing.

  “Yes, day one.”

  “Have you always had three elements?” He looked so young, she thought. Altered, bonded like her. “You've been, changed?”

  “I only had one element to start with, just water. The other two came later, but before I arrived. The teachers here are phenomenal. I know I will get fire.” His eyes looked away from her for the first time.


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