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The Vanguard

Page 39

by Jeffrey Ellis

  Xavier shook his hand. “It didn't need to be said but I appreciate hearing it. You might be my boss, but I consider you one of my best friends. Now let's prepare for an assault. We both know something is waiting for us. We can feel it. Morgana told us she can sense it. Let's find this bastard that's caused us this trouble and show him what we think of tyrants.”


  The shuttle landed, and a dozen wardens disembarked. They fanned out in a semicircle facing Sebastian, the naga and ogre. There were eight men and four women.

  “Greetings, Lord Marshall,” said one of the Wardens.

  “Good evening, Wardens,” he replied.

  “We're told you'll be joining us in an observational capacity, sir,” said the Warden as they continued to spread out.

  Sebastian watched them spread out. “So, do you plan on attacking me now or later?”

  “Excuse me?” asked one of the women seemingly agitated.

  “We all know you're the ones who've been carrying out the attacks on innocent fey. We also know you didn't kill that vampire in Reno, he's on a hotel roof right now about to be killed by my fiancée,” Sebastian replied calmly.

  “Our orders were to wait until the Vice Marshall was dead and wait for Toth. We were going to make it easy on you. We would have patrolled a bit until you felt her die then we would have let the vampire hurt you enough to make it a quick death. Once you were dead, we would have killed the vampire and cleaned up the loose ends. Now, it's going to hurt,” the Warden told him.

  “You got that part right. It's going to hurt,” Sebastian said.

  “And the best part is, Alicia will get a report saying you were killed in combat and never know the truth. We'll just keep on eliminating these disgusting creatures and she'll never be the wiser,” the Warden told him.

  “Not exactly. Once you landed, I started my remote feed. She's been listening to this entire discussion. Your careers in the Wardens are through. You're going to die in prison,” Sebastian told them.

  “Damn you! You're going to suffer for that! You four, handle the naga. You, you and you take the ogre. The rest of you, let's show this amateur Warden and mediocre mage how seasoned Wardens handle things,” the Warden said as they spread out and attacked.


  Chelsea keyed in an override and the elevator took her to the roof. She walked out and felt magic all around her. She looked around the roof and saw it covered in runes. Many of them she recognized as the same ones Morgana and Alexander used to ward their C&C.

  “It looks like you've made sure we won't be disturbed,” she said to no one in particular.

  “Malka. So good of you to join me. I have never fed on someone who has lived as many lives as you. It will be a most unique dining experience,” the vampire replied, still unseen.

  “Well then, why don't we start your dinner,” she said as she drew her weapon.

  “Dragon's ore. I didn't think there was any left and you did not bring your sword with you. No matter. Your little weapon will not protect you from me,” the vampire told her.

  “I have been waiting thousands of years for my revenge on your family and I will not wait another night.”

  “What is your beef with my family?” she asked.

  “Your father, King Garos, is responsible for forcing me to become what I am. He is the reason I am stuck in this form, hovering on death's door neither alive nor dead. He allowed the dragons to control him and would not open his eyes to the power they kept from us. We could have been gods. We could have made the dragons bow to us!” the vampire said.

  “You're Toth. We have met before,” she replied.

  “Yes. The last time we met, you surprised me. I was not prepared for your skill and had not mastered my own powers,” he told her.

  “A flaming spear,” she said.

  “The wood touched my heart. It was not enough to kill me, but it left me greatly weakened. It took decades to heal and by the time I did, Atlantis was gone. You were dead. Your parents were dead. I was denied my revenge but now, you live and your mother lives. Garos is dead but I can still kill two of his beloved. I will make you mine and you will kill your own mother and husband,” he said.

  “Are we going to talk all night or are we going to fight?” she asked.

  The vampire laughed. A cloud of mist drifted in front of her and materialized into Toth.

  “Why so eager to die? I would savor my revenge as you would a fine meal. Your death will be sweeter than any wine,” he told her.

  “Why so obsessed with me?” she asked.

  “You do not remember. Your father is responsible for this prison of half-life. I cannot return to the living and you will spend eternity in that prison with me,” he said.

  “If you hate your state so much, why fight so hard to live?” she asked.

  “Because it is still better than the void,” he replied.


  The Wardens started to break off towards their intended targets and Sebastian leaped backward, putting himself between the fey and the Wardens.

  “This is my fight, not theirs. Serena, you and your sisters stay back. Lumpy, the same goes for you. Do not get involved unless it is for defense. I will handle them,” he ordered. The fey did as commanded.

  “This will be too easy,” the Warden told him.

  The twelve of them surrounded Sebastian. He drew his blade and took a defensive stance. The twelve wardens attacked him in alteration. He took it slow at first, parrying their swords and deflecting their spells so he could gauge their strength and speed.

  “Alicia,” he said on the private channel, “Do you want them alive? I could make this quicker if you give me a death warrant.”

  “We need them alive. They need to stand trial as a message to any who would follow in their footsteps. We also need to interrogate them and find out how deep the corruption goes,” she replied.

  “It's your lucky day,” he told the Wardens.

  “Alicia wants you alive. This is going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me,” he said and changed to an aggressive stance.


  Chelsea didn't wait for him to attack. She moved in a blur and swung at him but only cut the air. She felt claws on her back, but he couldn't cut through her armor. She spun and slashed but he was gone again.

  He appeared behind her again and grabbed her, squeezing. She felt her chest tightening as his grip increased and her breath was forced out. She struggled as she felt his breath on her neck.

  “This was much easier than I thought it would be. You disappoint me, my queen,” he said.

  She broke his grip and flipped over behind him and swung her blade, using her magic to bind him in place as she did so. He shook off the bind and moved but almost too late. The blade cut across his back and he screamed in pain as black blood sprayed from the wound.

  “I wouldn't want to disappoint you,” she said as he stood facing her. The wound on his back continued to seep blood.

  He hissed and leaped at her, turning into dozens of bats as he did so. She swung at them, but they were too agile and there were too many of them. She felt their claws and teeth on her hands and head and hundreds of tiny cuts were formed as they flew past and into the sky.

  Fiery stones started raining down on her. She erected a force field but not before a few of them caught her. She was hit rather hard in the head by one. It scorched her head. leaving a large wound across her scalp and some of her hair burned away. The stones continued to pelt the shield but stopped after a minute or so.

  “Now my queen, you shall see the dark magic that your father and the dragons hid from you,” he said.

  Tendrils of greenish-black energy came from above her and entwined her. She screamed and dropped to her knees. The energy seeped into her and she could feel it burning her but not with any visible fire. It was burning her at a deep level like her soul was on fire. She tried to stand but couldn't and ended up falling over on her side, writhing in agony.

  The vampire landed on th
e rooftop in front of her. “Now my queen, you see what real power is.”

  The tendrils tightened, and she screamed again but fainter. Her energy, her life, was being torn away. She fought for a moment longer and lay still.

  “Poor Queen Malka,” said Toth as he walked over to her and bent down. He shifted her head, so her neck was exposed.

  “I have looked forward to this for so long,” the vampire said with a laugh.

  Chelsea was too hurt to resist and turned her thoughts inward. She knew she was about to die and was going to be turned into an undead fiend by this vampire. She saw memories passing through her mind. They were all filled with pain. She recalled the death of her parents, Chelsea's parents, in the shuttle crash. She felt a bullet rip through her chest as she was shot by enemy forces during one of the great wars. Memory after memory flooded by, each more painful than the last.

  The vampire sniffed her neck. “The pain in your mind, the fear, it's delicious.”

  She heard the words, but they sounded distant and was distracted by more painful memories. She tried to gain control of her thoughts. She forced her mind to happier things. She thought back to when she was first accepted to the Wardens. Her first successful hunt. Her heart fluttering when she saw Sebastian, awkward in his suit and tie, as he met her and William at Facility 14. The wendigo hunt in Canada. The first time they made love on the shore of the lake.

  The tendrils loosened their grip and dissipated as she opened her eyes.

  Toth was about to bite her when he felt a sharp pain in his chest as she punched through his ribs and gripped his withered heart. Blue fire engulfed her and his heart burst into flame. She pulled her hand back out, ripping the flaming organ out and it burned to cinders as the dust fell through her fingers.

  Toth looked at her. His eyes changing from the black eyes of the undead to blue human eyes. He whispered, “Thank you, my queen.”

  He fell on top her and his body started to burn with the same blue flame and quickly turned to ash.

  She stood up, still weakened but okay. She stood up and looked around. The runes were still present and prevented her from teleporting or telepathically contacting Sebastian.


  Several attacked him directly as others fired spells at him or shot blasters in his direction. He surrounded himself with a shield that deflected the ranged attacks. The Wardens stood little chance. He made quick work of the dozen. They were well trained but not ready to fight a Master. When the fight was over, they were laying on the ground, most unconscious and the ones that were awake were in pain.

  “Alicia, I have twelve prisoners for you. I'll hold them here until you can pick them up,” he said over the open comm to her.

  “Acknowledged. I'll have security teams pick them up ASAP. Thank you, Sebastian. This is more important than you know. The Directorate is not always in agreement on a course of action and I suspect this group might have had high-level guidance. I hope this will help quell future dissent,” she replied.


  Chelsea didn't know enough about the runes to know a fast way to remove them. She thought a moment and looked at the edge of the roof then ran to the ledge and jumped. As she fell, she felt the change in magic as she passed the influence of the runes and focused on Sebastian. She appeared a few feet from him in the middle of the Wardens still with her momentum from the fall and hit the ground hard.

  He rushed over and helped her up. She was dazed but otherwise okay.

  “Hi, honey,” she said.

  “The vampire?” he asked.

  “He's dead. He won't be returning this time. We had a heartfelt chat and he agreed death was the best option,” she said with a smile.

  “I look forward to hearing the story,” he said.

  “Lumpy not see equal. King fight well,” the ogre said.

  “That's an understatement,” said Serena. “What now?”

  “Now we babysit the prisoners until their ride gets here,” Sebastian said.

  He looked at Chelsea and noticed the wound on her head and all the tiny cuts that were already healing. “You're hurt.”

  “You should see the other guy,” she said and leaned against him.

  “What happened?” Chelsea asked.

  “What we expected. They came to kill us and weren't prepared. They underestimated my strength,” Sebastian replied.

  “I'll say,” Serena said.

  “I'm going to question them before the Wardens get here to take them. I want some answers,” Sebastian said.

  “Good idea. I'm going to have a seat while you do that. I'm a little drained,” Chelsea said.

  Sebastian walked over to one of the conscious Wardens and picked her up.

  “Who sent you?” he asked.

  She spit at him.

  “Who sent you?” he asked, this time his voice echoing with a geas.

  “My God sent me,” was her reply.

  “A name. Give me a name,” Sebastian said, his voice still echoing.

  “He trained us to resist you. You have no power over me,” she said.

  “Then we'll do this the hard way,” he said.

  He focused his mind and drove his thoughts into her own. She screamed as he did so. He poured through her memories, digging through her past for any information about who sent them. He saw her talking with the vampire in Reno and planning this attack after they arrived in Vegas. He saw further back to them talking with someone about predicting the Vanguard's moves. He saw someone casting a divination spell to predict their location.

  He focused in on the face. It was familiar, but the memory was hard to read, and she was fighting him. He forced her resistance aside and she screamed again, the stress on her mind becoming more than she could bear. The image cleared, and he let her go. She slumped to the ground and didn't move. She was breathing but unconscious.

  Sebastian quietly for a moment. He looked around at the Wardens. The ones still conscious started to scream and grab at their heads. Their screams got louder and then stopped. They were all dead.

  “Keep the fey safe and make sure they get home. I have to leave,” Sebastian said as he walked towards the shuttle. His face was steel, and he showed no emotion. Chelsea could sense a seething rage underneath the calm and got out of his way.

  “Wait. Where are you going?” Chelsea asked sensing rage as she had never felt beneath the calm exterior.

  “I'm going to Peru. Merlin sent them,” Sebastian told her, his voice unwavering and cool as his eyes turned yellow.

  “Merlin? Are you sure? Why would he try to kill us?” Chelsea asked.

  “I don't know but I'm going to find out,” he said and started towards the shuttle.

  “You can't go by yourself. Wait for me. He's too strong,” she replied.

  “We'll see. You're hurt. Rest and heal. I'll be fine,” he said and closed the shuttle hatch behind him and it launched a few seconds later.

  Chelsea immediately opened a private channel and when she didn't get a reply opened a comm to Camelot. “Bethany, get me Bruce immediately. He's not responding to private calls and I need to talk to him now. This can't wait.”

  “Okay. Give me a moment,” Bethany said and left the C&C.

  A moment later Bruce's large frame filled her heads-up display. “How can I help you, boss?”

  “We have a serious problem. Merlin just tried to kill Sebastian and me and now Sebastian is on his way to Peru to confront him. I'm hurt and can't follow him. Can you intercept him before he does something stupid?” Chelsea asked.

  “Why the bloody hell would Merlin try to kill you?” asked Bruce.

  “I don't know but Sebastian is on his way to confront him. Bruce, he's angry,” Chelsea said.

  “I don't blame him,” Bruce said.

  “You don't understand. I've never seen him like this. I'm afraid he's going to do something very bad if he finds Merlin. He just killed a dozen people without laying a finger on them. He's so pissed he's calm. It's scary,” she told Bruce. “You ha
ve to stop him.”

  “I'll see what we can do. He's not exactly someone I can just order around, and I really doubt I can overpower him, but I'll try to calm him down. Do you need medical help?” Bruce asked.

  “I'll be fine, just go,” she said.


  “I need everyone ready to leave to meet me at the shuttlepad. Now,” Bruce said over the comm. “This is a priority.”

  Bruce ran to the shuttlepad and waited a moment. Xavier, Trish, Nefertiti, and Michael arrived shortly after he did.

  “What's up chief?” Xavier asked.

  “It's Sebastian. Merlin tried to kill him and Chelsea and now Sebastian is on the way to Peru. Chelsea asked us to intercept him. We can't wait for anyone else, load up and prep for launch,” Bruce ordered. “Xavier, you're the best pilot so take the helm.”

  Bruce went to the co-pilots seat and opened a channel. “GloCom, this is acting Lord Marshall Bruce of the Vanguard. I need priority clearance on a direct flight path from Camelot to Peru. I'm transmitting the coordinates and our flight path now. We're on a critical mission and cannot be delayed.”

  “Roger, Lord Marshall. Clearing any of our people in your path. The sky is yours,” came a reply.

  “What exactly do we plan to do if we find him?” asked Trish.

  “That's a hard question to answer. If Chelsea is correct, and I've never known her to lie, then Merlin crossed a line and I'm inclined to help Sebastian. If she is wrong or it was a misunderstanding then we need to stop him,” Bruce said.

  “How exactly do you plan to stop him? He's stronger than any of us and getting stronger by the day,” Nefertiti said.

  “I have absolutely no idea,” Bruce replied.


  Sebastian's shuttle made quick time to Peru. He was a well-trained pilot from his time in GloCom.


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