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The Vanguard

Page 40

by Jeffrey Ellis

  “Unlisted Warden shuttle, this is GloCom Air Command. Please state your designation and purpose. There are no Warden flights scheduled for this area,” came a voice on the comm.

  “This is Lord Marshall Sebastian. I'm on official business hunting a rogue wizard. Please clear the airspace,” he said.

  “Sir, hold your position please,” said the comm operator.

  “No,” Sebastian replied. “I would suggest you stay out of my way.”

  “If you don't hold your position we'll launch an intercept. Please comply,” the operator said.

  Sebastian ignored them and took the shuttle down low near the surface of the ocean. That would make him harder to track but not impossible. This was a larger transport shuttle and not remotely as fast as GloCom's dragonflies. His shuttle had a larger profile, so it was only a matter of time before they found him.


  “Vanguard shuttle, this is GloCom Central Air Command. Please hold your position,” came the operator on the comm.

  “What the hell is going on?” asked Bruce.

  “Sir, we have an irregular situation we need to clear up. Please comply. We'll make it as quick as possible,” said the operator.

  “You had better. This is a life and death situation and we don't have time to wait,” Bruce said.

  They hovered for a few minutes and a voice came on the comm.

  “Vanguard shuttle, this is Major General Thompson. We have a situation we need to clarify. We have two shuttles on route to Peru both with people identifying as Lord Marshall. Our records show your current Lord Marshall is Sebastian which is who the pilot of the other shuttle claims to be however he is refusing to answer further comms and has not provided identification. Your shuttle has provided identification, but the rank doesn't match. Can you explain?”

  Three GloCom dragonflies buzzed the shuttle.

  “Lord Marshall Sebastian is on leave. I'm acting Lord Marshall in his absence. We're currently trying to intercept his shuttle and you're delaying us,” Lord Marshall Bruce told him.

  “This is all very irregular. Why are you trying to intercept your own personnel?” asked the Major General.

  “This is an internal issue, but I'll tell you what I can. A dark wizard recently attempted to kill Lord Marshall Sebastian and Vice Marshall Chelsea. He's on his way to confront the dark wizard. Vice Marshall Chelsea is his fiancée and he's a bit out of sorts and out for revenge. I would strongly advise your people to steer clear of him,” Lord Marshall Bruce replied.

  “One moment please,” replied the Major General.


  Sebastian skimmed the surface of the ocean as three dragonflies came onto his radar. “Warden shuttle, this is Captain Aldridge. I order you to stop your shuttle and prepare for boarding.”

  “Turn around and return to your base,” Sebastian said as his voice echoed with a geas.

  Two of the dragonflies turned around but one remained.

  “I'm considering that a hostile action. This is your last warning,” the Captain.

  “And this is your last warning. Turn around or I'll take that dragonfly apart,” Sebastian told him as he focused his mind outward and towards the ship. The dragonfly started to rock, and several alarms went off on it.

  The dragonfly continued to pursue. The pilot fired his forward plasma cannons at the shuttle, hitting it in the engines. The wings sheared off the dragonfly and the pilot ejected. Sebastian's shuttle caught fire and one of the engines started smoking. It slowed but didn't stop.


  “Your Lord Marshall just attacked one of my craft. The pilot escaped but the dragonfly was destroyed. He crossed a line,” the Major General told them.

  “Major General, I respect you lost a ship. Please listen to me. The man piloting that shuttle is not just a Vanguard. He's a Master wizard and he's not going to stop. You've heard of the Battles of Syracuse and Tokyo I would assume. He's the man behind both of those. You have no idea how much danger your people are in if you pursue this. Withdraw and let us do our job. Give us the coordinates of his shuttle and we'll intercept. I have a Master and four highly trained Vanguard onboard. We can handle this, but you can't. I also shouldn't have to remind you, but we do have jurisdiction here. Run it by General Morrison or President Yassim if you think otherwise. Do you want me to get them on the line? I have direct access to both,” Lord Marshall Bruce told him.

  The comm was silent for a moment then the Major General came back on it. “Transmitting coordinates. Take care of this or GloCom will. If this isn't brought to a head, it will be a hell of a lot more than three dragonflies we send after him next time.”


  With the damage to Sebastian's shuttle, they were able to catch up to him quickly.

  “Sebastian, this is Bruce. Stop and transfer over to my shuttle. My sensors show you're down one engine and the other engine isn't doing well,” Bruce told him.

  “You're not going to stop me, Bruce. That bastard tried to kill Chelsea. He's a dead man,” Sebastian said.

  “I just want to talk. Tell me your evidence. If it's solid, we're with you,” Bruce told him.

  “It is,” Sebastian said. His shuttle slowed to a stop and the top port opened. Sebastian jumped out and onto the roof of the shuttle.

  Xavier swung in near Sebastian and lowered the shuttle's read ramp. Sebastian walked on board and looked around.

  “Set course for Peru. Merlin dies today,” Sebastian told them.

  “First, what is your proof?” Bruce asked him.

  Sebastian reached out with his mind and projected the memory from the Warden he interrogated. The rest of the people on the shuttle showed significant discomfort as he did so.

  “This doesn't make any sense. Why now? He has had ample opportunity to kill you before. What changed?” Xavier asked.

  “I don't know and don't care. He tried to kill her and that's something I won't allow. Whatever his reason, he signed his own death warrant,” Sebastian told them. “Now set course for Peru.”

  Xavier was unaffected by the geas, having been given a crash course in resistance by Alexander as were the rest of the command staff. He looked at Bruce and Bruce nodded affirmatively.

  “How do you want to play this?” asked Trish.

  “It's good to see you back on your feet. We play it simple. You five handle crowd control. Merlin is mine. Don't interfere,” Sebastian said.

  “We can help you,” Nefertiti told him.

  “I don't want your help. He made this personal so I'm going to keep it personal,” Sebastian told them.

  “Sebastian, think about this. He's a Master who has had a lot more time to hone his craft. He also has that staff. This might not be a fight you can win,” Bruce told him.

  “We'll see. Increase speed. This ship can go a lot faster,” Sebastian told them.

  Xavier pushed the throttle to maximum. “ETA about 10 minutes.”

  “Faster,” said Sebastian as the shuttle's throttle increased without Xavier touching it.

  “I know the answer is probably no, but shouldn't we plan this a bit better? Maybe have Chelsea and more of the team with us?” Bruce asked.

  “This ends now,” Sebastian said. “When we get close, set down outside the compound. They have anti-aircraft artillery according to our surveillance.”

  “Yes, sir,” Xavier replied.

  They moved at maximum speed towards the old military base in the Andes.

  “ETA 5 minutes,” Xavier told them.

  “Slow down. Go low on the treetops. Skim the trees as close as you can, rake the tops if possible. If they have operational sensors, the forest will help shield us from them,” Sebastian told them.

  “There,” Sebastian said pointing to a spot on their nav screen. “Land there. We'll go the rest of the way on foot.”

  Xavier landed the shuttle at the designated location. Sebastian went to the weapons lockers and started handing out rifles.

  “How can you even be sure Merlin is here?” asked

  “I can feel it. He's here and he knows I'm coming,” Sebastian replied.

  “Boss, you're acting funny. Is everything okay?” Trish asked.

  “I'm fine. I'm just focused,” Sebastian told her. “Our only approach is the main gate. If Merlin told them we're coming we're going to have heavy resistance.”

  “So, you want to bum rush the main gate of a fortified military compound with six people?” asked Bruce.

  “We are the Vanguard. We were selected by the dragons to defend the fey. We have the benefit of the training of Asala and Doga. They will fall before us and the dark mage will fall soon after,” he replied.

  “What the bloody hell are you talking about?” asked Bruce.

  “You dare question my orders? I was selected by Absillion himself to lead the Vanguard. You have your orders. Now follow them,” Sebastian told him.

  “Does anyone have any idea what the bloody hell he is talking about?” Bruce asked.

  “He mentioned Asala. That is the dragon that merged with him. He said he was trained by her and someone named Doga. We might be talking to Baldric,” Nefertiti said.

  “Who else would I be?” he asked. “We have our orders from King Garos. This fortress houses a dark mage and it our sworn duty to defend Atlantis. He will fall like all of the others,” Baldric told them.

  “Sebastian, snap out of it,” Trish said. “We need you back.”

  “I'm going to have to speak with Doga. This newest batch of recruits is insubordinate,” Baldric said.

  “Sebastian!” Trish said. “This isn't you. You're going to get us all killed.”

  Baldric took a point position. “Everyone follows me,” he said and started working slowly through the tree line. His appearance changed and adopted a form of magical camouflage that changed to match the terrain as he moved. He stopped periodically to cast a spell or mark a rune on a tree.

  “This is nonsense,” Xavier said. “Sebastian has lost his mind and is leading us into a slaughter.”

  “It's not Sebastian. Observe. Baldric existed in a time before energy rifles, but he carries one. We're seeing the Baldric personality dominating but Sebastian is in there. He's also showed smart strategy with the shuttle, something else Baldric wouldn't know. This may yet be salvageable,” Nefertiti said quietly.

  “We're almost there. Fan out. Use the tree line to your advantage. They have magic and weapons but our command of the arcane is superior. This base was a shuttle staging point and wasn't designed for defense against a ground assault. The base was supported by a larger structure further down the mountain so ground assaults were not likely. Their main gate will serve as a choke point. They must exit through it. Their heavy canons can't target the ground, only the air. We'll spread out and use the terrain. As they exit, we'll cut them down. Our intel indicates there are only about a hundred here. Once a hole is punched through them, I'll go for Merlin,” Sebastian told them.

  “Sebastian?” asked Trish.

  “What?” he replied.

  “Just making sure you were you again,” she replied.

  “Who else would I be?” he asked, and she laughed nervously.

  “Now listen up, troops. There is a lot of old rubble in the area from the last time this place saw action. Use it for cover. We're outnumbered and outgunned, but we must take this base. If the Seditionists hold this point, it's going to be trouble. When we move against their base in Santiago our dreadnaughts will be coming from their staging point in the Yucatan. They will be crossing this area and this base will serve as an early warning for the Seditionists, and then we'll lose the element of surprise. We have to take this installation,” he said as he moved behind a pile of rubble. “FOR UNIFICATION!” he yelled and started firing at the guards at the gate.

  The guards at the gate returned fire and moved behind the walls. More troops spread out on top of the walls and started firing laser rifles and the occasional spell.

  Sebastian and Michael were firing back with precision, nearly every shot marking a kill. Bruce, Xavier, and Trish were almost as effective. Nefertiti had stopped shooting and was focusing. The wind began to stir and grew stronger. A small tornado formed just inside the gates and lasted for about a minute before it dissipated.

  “Merlin is in the fight,” Nefertiti yelled. “He's the only one who could have suppressed that. “

  “Good. That son of a bitch tried to kill Chelsea. Let that bastard show himself,” Sebastian said.

  The cult was being quickly thinned out. The shots they fired that got even close the Vanguard fizzled out against magic barriers. The cult stopped firing after a few minutes.

  “Sebastian,” a voice boomed out. “This is between us. Come out and let us finish this. My people will not interfere if yours do not.”

  “Put your weapons down,” Sebastian told his people and stepped out.

  No one fired at him as he approached the gates, the rest of the Vanguard close behind him. They walked towards the gate and the cultists parted to let them through.

  Inside the courtyard, Merlin stood calmly.

  “It has been some time since I was in a mage duel,” Merlin said.

  “Why did you try to kill us?” Sebastian asked him.

  “You killed Socrates, a good friend of mine and you want to kill my son. You have become a nuisance I can no longer suffer to live. I had high hopes for you, but you have let me down and are in my way and now I must remove you,” Merlin replied.

  “Socrates was a traitor. He is the one who betrayed you to Mordred. As for your son, maybe you should look to yourself as to why he is what he is. If you had been a father instead of a taskmaster, he might have turned out to be a decent human being. Instead, you pushed him further and further away and into the waiting arms of the drebs. This is all your fault,” Sebastian told him.

  “I taught you. I treated you like a son. You repay me with lies and insults?” Merlin said.

  “You taught me nothing. I am Baldric, the last king of Atlantis. I trained with dragons and archmages. You've crossed the line. You think you're a god. I told you I would never allow Masters to do this again. You have signed your own death warrant Merlin. As Lord Marshall of the Vanguard, you are hereby declared an enemy of the state. Surrender and you'll receive a fair trial. Resist and you'll die,” Sebastian told him.

  “Surrender? That's a laugh,” Merlin said.

  “I would do what he says,” Alexander said from behind Merlin as he and Morgana teleported in.

  “Another of my wayward apprentices,” Merlin said.

  “I was only your apprentice for a short time. Morgana is my teacher. She taught me not just magic but something else you will never know, what it means to be a good person. I will enjoy watching you die at the hands of Baldric if for nothing else than poisoning me and forcing me into your servitude,” Alexander said.

  “And you, my wife? Do you wish me dead as well?” Merlin asked.

  “I have not been your wife for a long time. You drove away our son. For that alone your place in my heart was forfeited,” she replied.

  “We can do this,” Chelsea said as she appeared at Sebastian's side.

  “This is my fight. I have to do this,” he replied.

  “No, you don't. We're a team, remember? The Vanguard are one unit and we fight together,” she said.

  “Normally you're right but I want to do this alone,” he said and looked at her.

  She saw into his heart and knew he felt this wasn't just about Merlin but showing his strength and right to lead. To him, this was a trial by fire.

  “I understand,” she said and held his hand a moment before walking over to stand with the rest of the Vanguard.

  Alexander and Morgana joined the other members of the Vanguard as Sebastian walked forward, towards Merlin.

  “You are no match for me, Arthur. After I kill you, I'll hunt you in every rebirth to make sure you never become a threat,” Merlin said.

  “Enough talk,” Sebastian said. “This ends

  Merlin didn't wait any longer. He launched a series of flaming spheres at Sebastian that impacted on his shield and faded. He was sweating from their heat but otherwise undamaged.

  Sebastian in return made a motion with his hands and huge chunks of earth broke from the ground and launched at Merlin. The wizard moved with incredible speed for his age and easily avoided them.

  The ground beneath where Sebastian stood started to crack and smolder as lava seeped up from it. He started to move but found himself rooted to the ground as it continued to heat up and lava started to seep through the cracks. Sebastian tried again but was stuck fast to the ground and could not move. He teleported behind Merlin and swung at him with a fist blazing with blue fire.

  It caught Merlin in the center of his back and he groaned. Merlin turned with lightning speed and nearly caught Sebastian in the side of the head with his staff. The staff stopped short and froze in mid-air about an inch from the younger man's head.

  “How did you...” Merlin said.

  “The staff won't harm its master. I told you, I'm the last king of the Atlanteans and the staff you hold was mine,” Sebastian told him.

  “Impossible,” Merlin told him.

  Merlin started launching spell after spell at Sebastian. The less experienced man blocked or deflected many of them but couldn't keep up. Merlin was sending spells of every form of energy, physical manipulations, abjurations, the sheer number of variations was vast and eventually started to overcome the young mage. His shield started to buckle, and Merlin hit him with a telekinetic blast that launched Sebastian across the courtyard and hit sideways into the giant statue of Merlin in the center. He fell to the ground with a thud and slowly pulled himself up.

  The wizard did not relent. He continued to pummel Sebastian with spell after spell. Sebastian did his best to block or counter but for every spell he stopped, another hit him. Merlin again hit him with a powerful blast of energy that carried Sebastian through the air and into a small building and through its outer wall.

  Chelsea screamed and started to run towards him, but Morgana stopped her. “He wanted this fight. Let him fight it.”

  Merlin walked in the direction of the wall without fear. He felt no threat from the younger, less experienced wizard.


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