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The Vanguard

Page 41

by Jeffrey Ellis

  As he got close to the wall, it exploded outward. Huge chunks of stone flew towards Merlin, several striking him head-on. One of them caught him in the midsection and propelled Merlin the entire length of the courtyard and into the opposite wall. He hit the wall and the stone crushed into him. He fell and coughed blood on the ground as he slowly dragged himself to his feet.

  Sebastian limped out through the hole in the wall. He was bleeding from several wounds, mostly minor but a few were larger cuts. His nose also looked broken.

  Sebastian limped to the center of the field. Merlin launched himself into the air, landing in front of Sebastian. He once again started to fire spell after spell at Sebastian who was not able to defend against all of them. The young man had cuts and bruises, scorch marks, electrical burns and frostbite covering various parts of his body.

  Sebastian was visibly weak and dropped to one knee. Merlin walked to him and grabbed him around the neck. Merlin became covered in electricity and was both choking and electrocuting his opponent.

  Sebastian dropped to both knees. He weakly tried to pry Merlin's hands away but was unable to do so. His face was turning blue. Merlin kept squeezing and poured more electricity into Sebastian.

  Chelsea screamed. She felt his life fading. Alexander was physically restraining her.

  “Wait,” he told her. “I won't let him die but we have to let him win or lose on his own first.”

  Sebastian's mind started to wander from the lack of oxygen. He was drifting back through past lives. He stopped at the beginning. He saw his childhood, growing up as a noble child from a powerful magical family in Atlantis. He showed great magical talent even as a small child and Asala started training him very young compared to most of her students.

  He was inducted into the Vanguard as soon as he was considered old enough and quickly rose through the ranks. He took over as their Lord Marshall when he had barely passed the age of adulthood.

  He saw his courtship and marriage to Malka and his trial confirming his status as an archmage. He relived his coronation and the betrayal. He looked up and saw the great dragon who had been his friend and mentor charging downward as the fight raged on. She opened her mouth and he saw flame pouring down at him and his wife.

  He looked up at Merlin and laughed. The laugh was loud and sounded as much like a roar as it did a laugh. Small puffs of blue flame shot from his mouth and nose as he did so. He gripped Merlin's arms, claws growing from his fingers and sinking deep into Merlin's arms as they did. Blood poured out and Merlin's eyes widened.

  Flames rolled off Sebastian and covered Merlin. The old man screamed and released his grip on the younger man's throat.

  Sebastian forced Merlin's arms away from his throat and stood up. He stared into Merlin's eyes then bent the old man's arms backward, snapping both forearms in the middle. Merlin screamed out in pain. He continued to bend and push down, forcing Merlin to his knees.

  Sebastian's skin darkened and turned a gold red, scales growing over parts of his skin. He released Merlin's arms and hit the old man. Arcs of electricity flowed over his body and into Merlin as his blow landed. Merlin fell over to the ground, seemingly in shock.

  Sebastian floated into the air, hovering about ten feet above Merlin and opened his hands in Merlin's direction as waves of percussive force pounded the old Master. The ground around Merlin cracked and sank under the pressure of the waves.

  Alexander continued to hold Chelsea, but she forced his arms free as she started undergoing the same change Sebastian was undergoing. Despite his larger size and physical strength, she pushed his arms away effortlessly. She turned to look at Alexander and then she leaped through the air to Sebastian's side. Sebastian reared his head back and then forward, blue flame washing over Merlin. Merlin's skin scorched and cracked, and by the time Sebastian stopped, Merlin was near death.

  “I told you, no one, NO ONE WILL EVER AGAIN ACT AS THE MASTERS OF OLD,” Sebastian told him.

  “” Merlin started to say but could no longer speak. He was nearly dead.

  Sebastian looked up at the statue of Merlin and it started to rock on its platform. The statue broke loose and crashed down on top of Merlin, blood splattering over both young Masters.

  He then turned and looked at the cultists that remained alive. They were bowing to him.

  He spoke, his voice echoing as he did so. “Stand up, disciples of Merlin. Bow to no one as a god. You are not beholden to us. You do not worship us. Go. Return to your homes and your jobs and work to make the world a better place.”

  Sebastian and Chelsea walked back over to the Vanguard as the cult dispersed. He held out his hand and the staff flew to it.

  “I don't know what I just saw but it was beyond words,” Trish said.

  Sebastian and Chelsea were both returning to their normal appearance.

  “Morgana, what's going on?” asked Sebastian.

  “I don't know. This is nothing I've ever seen. It's as if Asala manifested with you both physically,” Morgana replied.

  “I want some answers,” Sebastian said.

  “And you shall have them. At least as many as we can provide,” said a loud voice as a huge blue and gold dragon appeared in the courtyard.

  Bruce, Xavier, Michael, and Nefertiti stepped back, and their hands went to their weapons.

  “Bahta!” yelled Morgana.

  “It's good to see you again. It's been too long, Bahta,” Alexander said.

  “Hello, old friends,” the dragon replied.

  “Baldric, Malka, your presence is requested at Avalon. Absillion would like to speak with you immediately. Morgana, you and your apprentice are also welcome to come.”

  “We will go, of course,” Morgana replied.

  “You will go,” Alexander said. “The Vanguard needs me at Greece. Besides, I'm a man of action and not one for sitting around talking,” Alexander said.

  “I thought you would say that,” Morgana said.

  She hugged Alexander. “Be safe my friend.”

  Sebastian turned to Bruce. “We'll join you as soon as we can. We have to do this.”

  “I understand, mate. After what I just saw, I want those answers as much as you do. We'll delay as long as we can in case you return soon. Good luck,” Bruce said.

  While Bruce and the rest backed away initially, Trish did not. She walked towards the dragon.

  “I can't believe it. An actual dragon. A big, giant, fire-breathing dragon!” Trish said.

  “Can I touch it?” Trish asked.

  “Electricity,” Bahta said. “I don't breathe fire, I breathe electricity. And I am a she, not an it.”

  “OMG, it...she talked to me!” Trish said.

  “You're an odd one,” said Bahta as she lowered her head and looked at her. “Your scent is unlike the other humans. You are the earth-touched one.”

  “Earth-touched? You must mean the powers I gained at Stonehenge,” Trish replied. “Can I touch your scales?”

  “Such an odd question. I see no reason why not,” Bahta replied.

  Trish walked over to the dragon and cautiously extended her hand and touched the dragon's leg then giggled.

  “Humans are peculiar creatures,” Bahta said.

  “Can I see you breathe electricity?” Trish asked.

  “You are a very curious creature,” Bahta said to Trish.

  “It's just that dragons are legendary. I mean I've seen what Sebastian and Chelsea do and I've met other legends like Alexander and Nefertiti over there but they're not an actual, living dragon. Do you know how many myths and legends our species has built around yours?” Trish asked.

  “I do. We are very well versed in human stories. We have always watched you. I have a particular fondness for some of your literature,” Bahta told her.

  “So... can I?” Trish asked.

  “Can you what?” Bahta asked her.

  “See you breathe. It must be amazing,” Trish told her.

  Bahta pointed her head at the sky an
d a massive spread of electrical energy poured forth, easily fifty feet long and twenty feet wide. It looked like hundreds of lightning bolts mixed together.

  “That was so cool. Thanks,” Trish told her.

  “You're welcome,” Bahta replied.

  “Lord Marshall Sebastian, I would like your permission to spend some time at Camelot. I would like to observe your people more closely. I promise you I will not in any way interfere,” Bahta told him.

  “It's not my decision right now. Bruce is the Lord Marshall until our leave is over,” Sebastian told her.

  “Then Lord Marshall Bruce, may I have your permission?” Bahta asked.

  “You should trust her, Bruce,” Morgana told him. “I've known her a very long time and she is one of the noblest of the dragons and head of the Elders that advise Absillion. She's his most trusted confidant and if he is sending her then it means he is placing faith in the Vanguard. This is a rare opportunity to open relations between the Vanguard and Avalon. She was also Asala's mother.”

  “I would say yes but I don't think you'll fit. It's not designed for a creature of your size,” he said to the large reptilian.

  “That shall not be a problem,” Bahta said as she began to shrink and change into a humanoid form.

  When she finished, she was slightly taller than an average human female. Her scales were gone but her leathery skin retained the hue her scales had. Her eyes were the same yellow that Sebastian and Chelsea were known to show on occasion and she had pointed teeth, the front ones long and fang-like. She had clawed hands and feet and large wings folded onto her back. Small horns came from her head and rolled back similar to a bighorn ram. She was the same shape as a human female and had the same parts, easily revealed by her lack of clothing.

  “I'm inclined to allow it, assuming we can treat it as a cultural exchange of information,” Bruce said.

  “Absillion predicted that and has allowed me leeway to discuss many things with you as long as they don't jeopardize the dragons,” Bahta told him.

  “That's acceptable. I will warn you one thing. You'll be bombarded with questions and will likely be the subject of a lot of inquiry about your appearance,” Bruce said.

  “Perhaps a more human form would be appropriate,” she said and changed again.

  The draconic features faded, and she appeared a shapely human female with long, curly black hair and dark eyes. Along with her bronze skin, she looked like a beautiful Mediterranean woman.

  “You'll definitely be popular looking like that. I'm sure you'll have no shortage of amorous overtures,” Bruce told her as he removed his jacket.

  “Why would your species make amorous overtures towards someone not able to produce offspring with them?” Bahta asked him.

  “That would best be addressed during one of our cultural exchanges,” Bruce replied.

  Bruce handed her his jacket.

  “Thank you but it is not necessary. My body temperature is adequate, and I do not require garments to maintain it in the current environment,” Bahta told Bruce.

  “It's not for warmth. Among our species, garments are customary. If you're going to be at Camelot, you'll have to make some minor adjustments to fit in,” Bruce told her.

  “I understand and will do as much as possible to keep any disruption to a minimum,” Bahta told him.

  She started to put on the jacket but wasn't sure how to do so. With Bruce's help, she managed to put it on.

  “I think it’s time we left,” Morgana said. “It is rare for Absillion to grant an audience to non-dragons. We should not keep him waiting.”

  “She is correct. He is wise and patient, but his patience is not without limits. He wants to see you soon,” Bahta replied.

  “If you're ready, I'll take us there,” Morgana said.

  “Let's go,” agreed Chelsea.

  “Keep us up to speed if and when you can,” Bruce said to Sebastian. “And remember, no matter what happens in Antarctica, we're always going to be your friends and Camelot is always your home.”

  “Thanks, Bruce. That means a lot to us,” he said as the three of them teleported away

  “Let's return to Camelot as soon as GloCom gets here. They'll secure this place,” Bruce told them.

  “I will meet you there. Teleportation is much faster,” Bahta said.

  “You should take the shuttle with us. As Bruce said, you'll have to make some minor adjustments. Most of us can't teleport so we use shuttles. You should try to be as inconspicuous as possible. It will make things easier on you,” Xavier told her.

  “That's not why you want her to ride with us,” Trish whispered to Xavier and giggled.

  Xavier elbowed her in the ribs and gave her a look. She just laughed again.

  “We should remove the body,” Nefertiti said looking in the direction of Merlin's corpse.

  “Yeah, you're right. Xavier, I could use your help,” Bruce said as he walked over to the statue.

  The two men groaned and strained. Even with magically enhanced the strength, the statue was heavy, and they struggled to even budge it but managed to roll it off the body.

  “What do we do with him?” asked Trish.

  Bruce held his hand out and bathed the body in flames. Without the magical defenses he had while alive, the body burned quickly to ash under Bruce's magical fire.

  Trish placed her hands on the ground and the earth churned and a large flowered garden grew up around the ashes in the center of the of the area. It contained flowers of all kinds from many regions of the world.

  “Morgana once told me he had a beautiful garden at Camelot and he was once a good man. Let people remember him that way whenever they see this garden,” Trish told them.

  “It is a kind gesture,” Nefertiti told her. “His garden was indeed beautiful as is the one you have created.”

  “Let his death also serve as a reminder to all of us who use magic. It gives us great power, more than most people will ever know. It's a weapon and tool against evil but it's also a path to corruption. We must be ever diligent not only with ourselves but also our friends to never become what Merlin became. We must always strive to do only what is right and keep our friends on that same path,” Bruce said.

  “We are each other's strength. Sebastian built this group as a team and together we can overcome any darkness including that which might be in our own hearts. Our greatest strength is our friendship,” Xavier added.

  The group stood in silence looking at the garden.

  Bahta seemed to be avoiding the garden and their ad hoc memorial.

  “Is everything okay, Bahta?” asked Nefertiti.

  “He was a dragonslayer. He killed many of the mindless before we could recover them. We have no love for him and word of his death will bring rejoicing in Avalon, not mourning,” she told them.

  A few minutes later, a GloCom shuttle landed and Bruce briefed them on the situation. They immediately began securing the weapons that remained behind as the Vanguard boarded their shuttle and left for Camelot.


  Trish sat in the commissary eating as Bahta approached her.

  “I am sorry to interrupt you, but may I speak with you?” Bahta asked.

  “Of course. Please, sit down,” Trish replied.

  “While I am here, I would like to, as you humans put it, get to know you better. Your people fascinate me, that is why Absillion chose me. Making friends among your species may prove difficult though. I look like you and physically I am human in this form but my mind, my spirit, it is still my true self. I might be here for some time and I may need help learning to adapt and understanding your customs. I do not wish to be a distraction to your commanders nor a burden on your support staff, but I fear without assistance I may be both of those things,” she told Trish.

  “I will help you in any way I can. Have you eaten yet?” Trish asked.

  “I ate several weeks ago. That should suffice for a few more months,” Bahta said.

  “How human are you? Physically
, I mean. If your anatomy is fully human, you'll need to eat several times a day and drink more often than that,” Trish told her.

  “I am fully human from a physical standpoint. That might explain the strange noises that have been emanating from my abdomen,” Bahta told her.

  Trish showed her how to work the ordering system built into the comm on each table. Bahta ordered a meal based on Trish's recommendation and the two women ate. She showed Bahta how to use utensils after she started using her hands to eat pasta and started to drink soup from the bowl.

  “Once you finish eating, we'll get you some clothing. Do you want civilian clothing, or would you rather wear the uniform of the Vanguard?” Trish asked.

  “Would it be proper to wear your uniform? I am not a member of your order,” Bahta replied.

  “As long as you don't have an indication of rank, I'm sure it won't be a problem. It will also make it easier for you to fit in. Our uniforms are also more comfortable than those GloCom fatigues you're wearing and much better looking. Give me a moment and I'll check,” Trish told her.

  She opened a channel to Bruce, but Xavier answered. “He's in a meeting. What's up?”

  “I want to get Bahta a Vanguard uniform, no rank of course. Is that okay?” Trish asked.

  “I can't okay that. She's an observer and only our people wear our uniform,” Xavier replied.

  “Aww, come on,” Trish said.

  “No. That's final. You can ask Bruce if you want when he's done with the meeting but until then the answer is no. I must go. Bruce wants me to join him,” Xavier said as he closed the channel.

  Sorry, but he said no. Civilian clothing isn't very common here, but we'll get you some. It will be fun to go shopping,” Trish told her. “Until we have time for that, you're about the same size as Samantha and she has an amazing wardrobe. I am sure she would loan you some clothes. She's really nice.”

  “I have no currency. I can return to Avalon and obtain some of our precious metals or gems. We don't use currency, but we do like the rarer items of the Earth,” Bahta told her.

  Trish laughed. “Don't worry about money. I have a pretty good salary I never use. I'll take care of you,” Trish told her. “Can I ask you a personal question?”


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