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A Shifter's Revenge

Page 19

by Raven Steele

  From what I could tell, the arrow didn’t have any barbs on it that might rip his insides to shreds. Using both hands, I wrapped my fingers around the arrow and yanked it out. Blood poured from the wound.

  Luke appeared just then, sweat dotting his brow. He tore off his shirt and dropped next to me. He pressed the material to the wound, then rolled my uncle onto his back. Luke used his hand to press onto the exit wound.

  “I can try to seal it with magic,” Lynx said, her chin quivering. “It won’t heal him, but it should keep him intact long enough for us to move him.”

  I nodded my head. “Please.”

  “Okay, I’m going to need some space though.”

  Luke moved back and slid me closer to him, pulling me in between his legs. I bit my lips, trying to keep the tears from falling. Lynx took my place and placed her hands over the wound. She closed her eyes and began to chant words in an ancient language. Luke wrapped his arm around my waist, gripping me like he would never let me go. I leaned back into him, inhaling a hitched breath.

  “Did you see who did it?” I asked him.

  His body flexed, and he stared into the forest. “No. Whoever it was, they were fast and had no scent. I bet it was a Hyde.”

  “Why would they want to hurt my uncle?”

  He hesitated before speaking. “I think they were aiming for you.”

  I sat up, alert. “What if there are more of them? We need to go.”

  “I did a quick sweep before I came back here. I think we’re alone.”

  “But you can’t be sure.”

  He shook his head. “We’ll move as soon as we are able.”

  A moment later, Lynx opened her eyes. “This side is done. Turn him over.”

  I stared at the wound, unable to see what she saw. There was too much blood coating his skin to see if she had closed the wound or not, but I trusted her.

  We carefully rotated him, and Lynx began the process again. She was faster this time.

  “Done! Let’s get out of here.” She jumped to her feet, swaying slightly as if using magic had taken its toll on her body.

  Luke looked at my uncle and back at me. “I can’t carry you both.”

  “I can walk,” I said and proved it by making myself stand.

  Lynx hurried to my side. I looped my arm around her shoulders and leaned into her. Together, we followed Luke, who held my uncle in his arms, out of the forest.

  I kept my eyes trained on Vincent, fearing this might be the last time I saw him alive.

  Chapter 26

  Night had fallen. Where it should’ve been cool, it was hot, the air full of moisture that made the back of my shirt stick to my skin.

  I should be laying down. That’s what they all said, but I couldn’t leave my uncle’s side. He lay in the bed in front of me, struggling for every breath.

  The door opened and closed. I didn’t turn to see who it was; I could tell by the smell of musk and pine that it was Luke.

  He rested his hand on my shoulder and said in a quiet voice, “Let me sit with him. You go rest.”

  I shook my head.

  “Please, Briar. You’re pale and your hands are shaking.”

  I glanced down. My hands were trembling. “I can’t leave. It’s my fault he’s here.”

  “Don’t say that.”

  I glared at him. “He warned me that my life was in danger, but like a freaking idiot, I didn’t listen.”

  “You didn’t know what you were up against. None of us did. Whoever these fuckers are, they are extremely powerful and well-funded.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that. What if it’s Bodian Dynamics who wants me?”

  “I’ve considered it too, but they claim to already have your blood. It could be they need something else from you, though.” His voice lowered. “The Abydos?”

  I rubbed at my eyes. “Probably.”

  “Do you think Bodian has anything to do with the smoke thing Dominic met with? I think whoever or whatever it was is our real enemy, the one pulling all the strings.”

  I hadn’t considered that. I stretched my shaking hand on placed it over my uncle’s.

  “He’s going to get better.” Luke reassured.

  “You can’t know that.”

  He paused, then said, “Angel’s here. I had to sneak him in.”

  I sat up, instantly getting dizzy.

  Luke steadied me. “You stay still. I’ll go get him.”

  My shoulders dropped, and I nearly cried in relief. I had texted Angel the second we reached Fire Ridge and begged him to come as soon as he could. I glanced toward the window. The thin slit between the drapes had gone black.

  A moment later, the door opened again. I tried to get up to meet Angel, but weakness swamped me again, making my muscles tremble.

  “Don’t.” He came to my side and pulled up a chair. My eyes roamed over his body, checking for burns, but his skin was as smooth as ever. As if nothing had ever happened. I closed my eyes, almost wishing I could see it, the pain he’d put himself through to get to me.

  I didn’t understand what I’d done to inspire such devotion.

  When I opened my eyes, he was watching me intently.

  “Angel, I don’t know what to say except, thank you.” I frowned. “Again.”

  Shit, I was in so much with him. I owed him a zillion favors. And I was about to ask him for one more. I would beg him to save my uncle if I had to. “I know you have already helped me so many times, and I have no right asking you to expose your secret again but, please, Angel, please heal my uncle.”

  He searched my eyes, remaining silent. When he finally spoke, he said something I didn’t expect. “Have you ever wondered why I’m so drawn to you?”

  I furrowed my brow in frustration. “Can we discuss this another time?”

  “No. Your uncle will live.”

  I sighed, running my hand through my hair. I was so tired. “Fine. You’re drawn to me because my blood tastes good or something.”

  He snorted. “I’m not that shallow.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you have a thing for Komira blood.” He stiffened and I stared at him, surprised. “Is that what is it?” I hated the way my voice cracked, the way it betrayed how vulnerable I felt.

  He sighed and took my hand. “It is, but not the way you think.” He bit his lip, something I’d never seen him do before, and stared at the wall for a while. When he looked back at me, his eyes betrayed his pain.

  “Centuries ago, in another time and place, I loved someone deeply.”

  My heart skipped a beat.

  “She was very powerful. And also very reckless.” He paused and his eyes met mine. “Much like you. You two have much in common.”

  “She was a Komira.” It wasn’t a question. It was the only explanation for his immediate dedication. I reminded him of her. It also explained how he knew I was a Komira from just the taste of my blood.

  He nodded.

  “What happened to her?”

  “She ran head first into storms until she met one that ran right through her. There was nothing I could do to save her.”

  I blinked at this revelation, wondering if I should ask him more about her. His voice was rough and the edges of his eyes tightened. The pain was still so raw for him. He reached over me, brushing my thigh with his arm, and tore off the bandage over my uncle’s chest. “At least that’s what I believed at the time. I’ve learned more since then.”

  He licked his finger, then proceeded to rub the salvia onto my uncle’s wound several times. My uncle gasped in a breath and began to shake. I leaned over, trying to hold him still. Angel’s hand gripped my arm.

  “He will be fine. It’s the antibody properties in my saliva killing the silver.”

  I nodded, clinging to my uncle, who was still unconscious. After a while, his body calmed and color slowly returned to his skin. I slumped back into my chair, relieved.

  “I need to know something, Angel.” I looked up at him and he inhaled, as if bracing f
or my question. “How did you know how to find me? Luke wouldn’t tell me.”

  “I have a confession, and I know telling you may mean you never speak to me again, or maybe you’ll just punch me like your friend Luke—”


  “I didn’t just give you Scorpion’s Breath. In the beginning.” He paused, waiting for me to interrupt him, but I didn’t dare. “I gave you my blood, Briar. It was a special batch, prepared just for you.”

  I reared back. “Your blood? Why?”

  “So we would be connected. It’s how I found you.”

  I stood up, feeling my legs tremble, and began to pace. The motion took great effort.

  “There are many things I know, Briar. I have gifts other vampires don’t have. Just as my gift allowed me to know of your Komira power once I tasted it, I also know other things.”

  I swiveled towards him. “Like what?”

  His mouth formed a straight line. “I cannot tell you everything.”

  “Why?” My hands clenched at my side to keep me from punching his face.

  “I have learned from experience that to reveal things too early changes things. I won’t sabotage the future. You will have to trust me, Briar.”

  I didn’t answer, but began pacing again, biting my nails.

  “You have been given a gift. One that is as precious as the Being who gave it to you. You can do great things with it, but that doesn’t mean you’re invincible. I gave you my blood so I could do all in my power to protect you.” His gaze lowered to the floor. “I am not perfect, Briar. I have many faults, but I try my best.”

  He looked back into my face, his gaze fierce. “And I will do anything to keep you safe. I will not lose you like I lost the woman I once loved.”

  “Except I didn’t ask to be bonded to you, or for your protection.” Anger rolled through me. “Why didn’t you ask first?”

  “Would you have allowed it, if I had requested it?”

  “Of course not.”

  He didn’t respond, but he stared at me so intensely that I turned away. Finally he spoke.

  “I thought you were going to die, Briar, and the only thing I could do was request Luke’s assistance. Vampires have incredible strength and powers, but we are also extremely limited by the day. And I have not felt as helpless as I did last night. Not in many years.” His eyes met mine. “I don’t regret what I did.”

  I reached the end of the room and swiveled around to give him my fiercest look. “You can’t do that, ever again. Not without my permission.”

  “I swear it.” The look he gave me was so earnest, a little bit of my anger began to diffuse.

  “Fine.” Too tired to stand anymore, I collapsed back into the chair. I was still mad, but at the same time, if it hadn’t been for Angel, I’d still be stuck in that dark hole, probably dead.

  “You’re still hurting. I can feel your pain.” He leaned toward me slowly and carefully brushed the hair away from my neck. “I apologize for the betrayal. I swear I only did it to protect you.”

  I nodded, unable to hold on to my anger any more. And he was right. I was often impulsive and sometimes that got me into trouble. I brought his hand to my chest. “The vow you made, the one to protect me as a Komira, is it the only reason you’re here? Right now.”

  My pulse raced as I waited for his answer. I’m not sure what I wanted him to say. It wouldn’t change things.

  His green eyes, as rich and ancient as a treasured emerald, dug into mine, and for a brief moment, I felt he was trying to communicate something in that weighted gaze.

  “I’m where I want to be,” is all he said.

  “Well, thank you for saving me.” I kissed the palm of his hand, pretending my lips weren’t tingling when I pulled away.

  He whispered something so low I had to lean forward to hear. “You are weak and surrounded by enemies. Let me make you strong again.”

  He pulled his hand from mine, bit the soft flesh between his thumb and forefinger, and held it to my mouth. His blood dripped slowly to the floor, and his gaze penetrated mine.

  Would I take his blood willingly, making our bond even stronger?

  The significance of the moment was not lost on me. It felt like I was at the edge of a cliff, with the wind so strong it threatened to topple me over. I grabbed his hand and held it to my mouth, smelling the coppery aroma, while maintaining eye contact.

  “Did Luke really punch you? While you were hurt?”


  I opened my lips and snaked my tongue out to taste his blood. It was bitter, but not entirely unpleasant. Taking a deep breath, I latched my mouth onto his hand. The warm crimson liquid coated my tongue, and I swallowed. In the blood’s wake, a state of euphoria flowed through my body, making me feel light and almost intoxicated.

  I swallowed again, and a roaring sound filled my ears. Then I was falling, falling, tumbling into a deep, dark abyss. Something foreign and fearful took over my mind, another consciousness, and I could barely make sense of the images and feelings flooding through me.

  Desperation poured through my veins, lighting them on fire. I must save her. The sun scorched my skin, burning through to my bones. Smoke surrounded me and the smell of burning flesh infiltrated my nose. I crawled forward, grit and broken glass under my bare palms. It’s the only way.

  The powerful images and emotions lasted only a few seconds, but they were strong enough that I gasped for air and collapsed to the back of my seat. I blinked to see Angel standing over me, heaving in deep breaths. His eyes were wide, and I could feel fear pulsing from him.

  “I’m… I… What was that?” I coughed, expelling the smothering feeling in my chest.

  He stepped back, confusion and pain on his face. “That was personal. You shouldn’t have been able to see that.” He glanced towards Vincent, who was mumbling in his sleep now. “I must leave. Your uncle will wake soon.”

  One second he was there, the next, he was gone, the door swinging behind him.

  I stared after at him, blinking. What the hell just happened?

  I remained that way for a few minutes, sitting by my uncle’s bedside, feeling my body recover by the second. Getting stronger. More powerful. And yet, my emotions fluttered all over the place, completely overwhelming me. My hands rested in my lap, shaking again. Not from weakness or exhaustion, but from what I’d seen and felt in Angel’s blood.

  Luke returned to the room, and I jumped out of my seat, gulping in a large breath. His eyebrows furrowed as he came to my side, resting his hands on my hips. Concern clouded his eyes. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded, but just barely. He pulled me close, and I rested my head against his chest, slipping my arms around his waist. I inhaled a deep breath, feeling something settle inside me. Warmth. Comfort. Love.

  Luke. He was my home.

  He held me for a while, and my trembling fingers slowly relaxed. I rubbed my nose against his chest. “Thank you, Luke.”

  He pulled back. “What happened with Angel?”

  I shook my head. “I honestly don’t know.”

  “You look better.”

  “So does my uncle.” I nodded towards Vincent.

  “He does.”

  Luke sat down, pulling me with him to scoop me into his lap. It was becoming our thing. I leaned against his chest, listening to his pounding heartbeat. “Are you feeling any better?”

  “It is what it is. But I am glad you’re here with me.” He rubbed his chin against the top of my head. “I can make it if we’re together.”

  I nodded, understanding exactly what he meant. Aches didn’t disappear on their own, but having those we loved close by helped ease the burn.

  He held me close, and we both fell into a silence as we watched over my uncle. His heartbeat next to my ear turned slow and steady; I could sleep next to the sound for the rest of my life. After a while, my stomach rumbled and Luke chuckled.

  “You hungry?”

  “I’m ravenous.”

  “Me too.�

  He stood up, placing me gently back in the chair and smiled down at me. “I’ll come back with some food.”

  “Thank you.”

  He bent over and gave me a soft kiss to my forehead. Then he winked and left the room.

  I smoothed my hair back and the sweat from my brow. I settled into the chair and watched my uncle’s chest rise slowly up, then down.

  If my uncle survived this, things had to change. I had to learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others. I thought of Angel’s story and what that woman might’ve gone through. Angel said she was reckless like me. She couldn’t change what had happened to her, but I could. I needed to trust more people, and try to think through my decisions better.

  After a minute, Vincent’s lips twitched, and then he groaned, making me suck in a quick breath. I leaned forward and took hold of his hand. “Uncle?”

  His brow furrowed, and his eyelids fluttered open. It took him a moment to take in his surroundings. He frowned. “Where am I?”

  “Back at Fire Ridge. You were shot with an arrow. Do you remember?”

  He attempted to sit up, but flinched and grabbed at his chest. He dropped his head back to the pillow. “Who shot me?”

  “We’re not sure, but probably the same people who trapped me in the well. Gerald is out with a team trying to hunt down whoever did it.”

  “How are you?” he asked. “We were all so worried.”

  “I’m better.” I lowered my gaze and ignored the fullness growing in my throat. Confession time. I needed to tell him I had the Abydos; I just hoped he wouldn’t be too upset.


  “Yes, Briar?”

  “I know this isn’t the best time, but I have to tell you something, and it can’t wait. Maybe if I would’ve told you sooner, none of this would’ve happened.”

  He smiled kindly. “You have the Abydos.”

  “You knew all along, didn’t you?”

  He nodded. “You’re a Silver Moon pack member and daughter of Apollo. Our first and most sacred duty is to that blood. You’ve known that since you could first speak. It’s a part of who you are, and I never doubted you were still protecting it.”


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