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A Shifter's Revenge

Page 20

by Raven Steele

  “I’m sorry I lied to you.”

  He rested his hand over mine. “It’s okay. You were just doing what you thought was best. And I understand, especially with this pack’s history.”

  “So what now?”

  “Well,” he stared up at the ceiling, thinking, “we need to make sure the blood stays safe. We know people are out there searching for it, and they think you have it.”

  “How did they find out?”

  He shook his head. “I’m not sure, but the most obvious choice would be someone close to you told them your true identity. From there, they’re probably just guessing you also have the Abydos. I assume you have its location spelled, correct?”

  “Just like I was taught.”

  “Good girl. The second we move it, it can be tracked, if someone’s looking for it at the exact moment.”

  “Do we need to move it?”

  “Is it well protected?”

  “It’s hidden. Does that count?”

  “Your father didn’t just hide it. He used the pack to protect it.”

  My first instinct was to reject the thought, but I held my tongue. I had been keeping it safe by myself for so long that I had forgotten our ways. “What do you want me to do?”

  “When I get better, we will choose a day and move it somewhere safe.”

  “Do we tell the pack?”

  He pursed his lips. “Not everyone. We will need to be careful who knows about it.”

  “I like that plan.”

  He glanced to the nightstand. “Could I have a drink of that water?”

  “Of course!” I quickly grabbed it and helped him sit up.

  After a long sip, he asked, “Was I shot with silver?”

  “You were.”

  “How am I better already?”

  I hesitated, not wanting to give up Angel’s secret any more than I had to. “Moretti blood. We are strong sons of bitches.”

  He chuckled. “I guess so.”

  We stared at each for a long moment.

  “I’m glad you’re okay.” His eyes met mine, and a warmth flowed through me.

  “Same to you.”

  “We need to stick together. Family is everything.”

  “I agree.”

  He patted my hand. “I think I’m going to rest for a while, if you don’t mind? I have a feeling as soon as I leave this room, I’m going to have a lot to do. Besides, I think you could use some rest, too.”

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  I left him alone to walk downstairs, my body and heart feeling incredible. Angel had healed my body, and Luke had healed my heart. And soon, I would be free of the Abydos and live the life I’d always wanted.

  Chapter 27

  As soon as I was spotted from down below, people cheered. I rolled my eyes, knowing it wasn’t me who had saved anyone. Samantha met me at the bottom of the steps.

  “I don’t know how you keep avoiding death, but I want some of it.”

  Several shifters around us laughed, making jokes about how I was banging Mr. Death. Jerry pushed through them to get to me. He wrapped me in a tight, yet gentle, bear hug.

  “You just can’t seem to stay out of trouble, can you?”

  “I’m a real hell-raiser.” I looked around. “Is Gerald back yet?”

  “No, but he called about thirty minutes ago. They were out scouting the Evergreen swamp. They received word of some strange stuff happening out there.”

  “Like what?”

  “He didn’t say, but he didn’t sound too concerned. It’s probably nothing.”

  Luke walked out of the kitchen just then and eyed me hungrily. I guess he didn’t get enough to eat. I smiled and winked. He returned it. It was good to see him let go of some of his anger. The pain would never go away, but it would dull and become something he could turn to for strength when needed. At least that’s what I did.

  He came over to me and handed me a plateful of food. I grabbed it, thanking him, and wolfed it down. Then I mingled with the pack, also thanking them for their help. After, I made my way to Luke, who had been tracking my movements around the room.

  I elbowed him. “You’re being creepy.”

  “I’m being attentive.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, staring down at me with a smile. “How’s Vincent?”

  “Much better. He’s resting now.” I lowered my head to his chest. “We need to figure out who attacked us and soon. They’re not going to stop.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that.” He leaned away from me and pulled me outside where we could be alone. The air was muggy, despite the small breeze. “We should get out of town. Tonight. If someone’s after you, they can’t very well get to you if you’re gone.”

  “I already told you, I’m not leaving. Besides, they’re after more than just me. There’s Samira and the Abydos too.” I bit my lip. “I’m thinking about moving it. It might not be safe where it’s at.”

  He was silent for a little while. “Do you know where you’d move it?”

  I shook my head. “I’m not sure.”

  “Well, whatever you decide, I’ll help you. With anything.”

  “Anything?” I batted my eyelashes. “I’m super behind on laundry. This is my last shirt.”

  His hands slid to my ass. “Good. You can go naked.”

  I began to pull up my shirt, but he quickly tugged it back down.

  “What?” I asked innocently.

  “For my eyes only. I’ll help with your laundry.”

  “Thanks, babe.” I pecked him on the cheek, then pulled out my phone. Lynx had found it on the ground near Roma’s car and given it back. I dialed Samira’s number.

  She answered on the first ring. “You are well?”

  “I’m alive. So is my uncle. Do you know anything?”

  “When you and Lynx were attacked, Mateo and I were tracking down a new threat. I’m sorry I was not there to help.” The guilt in her voice was unmistakable.

  “What threat?”

  “Several members of the Nocturnas have gone missing.”

  “Are you sure they didn’t just ditch the clan? Maybe they weren’t on board with the whole drug smuggling trade as Mateo thought.” I looked up at Luke. By his pinched expression, he was listening in.

  “They didn’t willingly go. They were taken along with another large batch of Scorpion’s Breath. We tracked the perpetrators to the Evergreen swamps—”

  I met Luke’s concerned gaze. He must know Gerald was there, too.

  “—but then I heard from Lynx you were also taken and returned.”

  I gripped the phone tightly. “Gerald’s there with a small team of shifters now. He told Jerry something strange was going on.”

  “That is not wise. Call them back.”

  I hung up the phone and quickly dialed Gerald, but it went to voicemail. As soon as Luke heard it, he slipped back inside the house and called everyone together.

  My pulse raced, and I bent over, resting my hands on my knees. The idea of rushing into battle so soon made me ill. I had only just recovered! But I didn’t have a choice.

  I sucked in a breath and called Lynx. She answered right away. “Why has it taken so long for you to call! I’ve been worried sick.”

  “I’m sorry. I was waiting for my uncle to wake up.”

  “How is he?”

  “Better. How’s Roma?”

  “She’s much better. She just left, in fact. She said our place doesn’t have healing properties, whatever that means. Are you better?”

  “I am, but there may be a problem over at the Evergreen swamps. I’m headed there with a bunch of others.”

  “Does this have anything to do with the missing vampires?”

  “It might.”

  “Samira just left to go there, too. She wouldn’t let me come, but you will, right?”

  “Lynx, you are a grown woman and can make your own decisions. I’ve seen how powerful you are, and I truly believe you have a lot of untapped potential.” My co
nversation with her mother, and the deal Cassandra had offered me, rushed to the front of my mind. I couldn’t give her the Abydos. There was no way. As much as I cared for Lynx, my duty was to the Abydos first. I’d find another way to help Lynx.

  “Really? That’s so sweet.”

  “If you do come, be careful.” I looked through the sliding glass doors to Luke. He was motioning me inside. “I have to go.”

  I ended the call and joined Luke in the living room. The entire space was filled with pulsing energy, so much so it nearly suffocated me. I forced myself to relax while Luke caught me up.

  “I divided our main team into two groups to leave immediately, but Samantha and Jerry will come with us. One group will take the east side of the swamps near the river docks. The other will park near the walking trails and head in that way. Gerald would only go in one of those two routes.”

  “Where will we be going?” I asked.

  “We’re going to park and survey the area with a drone.”


  “I’ve already got it ready to go. It’s what I was working on when you were with your uncle and An—“ He stopped and inhaled a breath. “We’ll fly it over the swamps and it will send back the footage to us remotely. If something’s going on in there, we’ll see it and tell everyone else.”

  “Smart.” I turned and addressed the rowdy crowd who were just itching for a fight. They wouldn’t be so eager if they knew what they might be up against.

  “Hey!” I called. They quieted down. “I don’t know what Luke has already told you, but what we might encounter out there is far more dangerous than anything you’ve ever seen. So what I’m saying is, don’t bring your fists to a monster fight. Gather as many weapons as you can. And remember, we might meet the bastards that nearly killed me and your Alpha, so be ready to get some serious revenge.”

  They all pumped their fists into the air and cheered.

  “Let’s go!” Luke said.

  The room became a rush of chaotic motion as everyone surged to get weapons and wheels. Luke and I had to push our way to the front door. Jerry and Samantha fell in line behind us, each of them holding a sawed-off shotgun. I glanced back at those Luke had selected to stay at the mansion. “Are you sure there’s enough shifters here to protect Vincent?”

  “I hope so, but don’t worry. I don’t think anyone’s after your uncle. It’s you they want. I thought about asking you to stay here, but you wouldn’t, would you?”’

  “Not a chance.” I opened the front door and walked out.

  Within five minutes, everyone was either on a motorcycle or stuffed into a car. Luke gave the signal, and we drove away from Fire Ridge. Luke led the way, driving the SUV faster than any posted speed limit. He would take the back roads, and with it almost being eleven o’clock at night, very few cops would be on the roads.

  “When did you get the drone?” I asked. I tried calling Gerald again just in case, but it still went to voicemail.

  He glanced at me sideways. “Earlier today. I figure if I’m staying in the pack for good, I might as well do what I can to make our security better.”

  “You were going to leave the pack?” Samantha asked.

  “Long story,” Luke answered.

  “This pack is your family, Luke,” Jerry said. “If you tried to leave, we would’ve brought you back and given you a spanking for being a little bitch, right, Briar?”

  I chuckled. “Absolutely. And I would’ve done the spanking.”

  “Can you not, right now?” Samantha asked. “I want to think about killing monsters, not you and Luke grinding.”

  Luke and I glanced at each other, trying to hold back our smiles. I dropped back into my seat and stared out the window. I closed my eyes and thought back to the power I had felt in the well. It was still inside me, waiting for me to tap into it. That would be the tricky part.

  Maybe if I became more familiar with it …

  I inhaled several deep breaths, in and out, in and out, and thought only of that ancient power. In less than a second, my consciousness appeared before it. The small beating heart of energy. I felt its presence, its power wanting to break free, but how?


  My eyes flew open. “Huh?”

  “We’re here.” Luke pulled over onto the side of the road.

  “What? How?” I sat up straight and glanced at the time. Twenty minutes had passed.

  “You fell asleep.” He opened his car door and exited.

  No I didn’t, I wanted to say, but closed my mouth. How could I explain what had just happened? It felt like only seconds had passed.

  As I got out of the car with Samantha and Jerry, Luke opened the trunk and removed the drone. “Let’s go into the forest a little bit before we launch this.”

  We followed after him until we reached a small clearing. While he set it up, the rest of us stood guard, listening to every sound. The woods were quiet, with only small animals scurrying around, but the forest had a strange feel to it. A tension I couldn’t quite put my finger on. My wolf emerged and my skin buzzed with her presence.

  Luke’s phone vibrated. He stopped what he was doing and checked it. “It’s a message from Lauren. They’ve reached the docks.” He pocketed his phone and picked up a large remote control and an electronic pad from off the ground. He handed me the pad. “Hold this for a sec.”

  After a minute, he started up the drone and, using the remote control, lifted it into the air. “Turn on the pad. It should be ready to go.”

  I followed his instructions but the screen was blank. “Everything’s black.”

  “Because it’s nighttime. Switch to infrared mode.”

  “Right here,” Samantha said over my shoulder. She pointed to a button at the top.

  The screen changed to blacks and reds and the whole area opened up to me. “It’s working.”

  Luke stood next to me and watched the screen.

  “What are we looking for?” Jerry asked.

  “Any kind of suspicious activity.”

  A small red heat signature appeared on the screen.

  “Animal?” I asked.

  “Probably.” Luke changed the drone’s position and flew in another direction.

  His phone buzzed again. I reached into his pocket and checked the message. “It’s Terrence. They’ve reached the trails.”

  “Good. Now let’s hope we spot something.”

  For the next few minutes, Luke flew the drone back and forth across the top of the swamp. I thought we might be wasting our time when all of a sudden the screen became littered with uneven red splotches on the screen.

  “What area is that?” I asked and looked up, as if I could see through all the trees.

  “I know these swamps like the back of my hand,” Jerry said. “There’s nothing out there.”

  “Maybe a bunch of teens having a party?” Samantha offered.

  “I don’t think so. Look at this.” Luke pointed to a large dark area. “It’s some kind of building, big, by the looks of it.”

  “That’s new,” Jerry said.

  “Maybe Gerald’s there with the others.”

  Luke and I looked at each other, a weighted silence passing between us.

  “We have no idea what we’ll be up against if we go in there,” Luke said.

  “But we have a good idea. Those Hydes aren’t invincible.” I looked at the red marks again. “Do we have the numbers?”

  “You do now,” a voice said from within the darkness.

  We all whipped around as Mateo strode out of the forest with Samira and Angel at his side. At least two dozen vampires followed behind.

  I grinned at Luke, my veins filling with adrenaline. “Call Lauren and Terrence and tell them to come here now. We’re taking those bastards down.”

  Chapter 28

  Luke searched my eyes. “Are you sure you should come with us? You are their main target. What if they all go for you at once?”

  He had pulled me aside while Samira, Angel, a
nd Mateo watched the drone feed. Samantha and Jerry stood apart, eyeing the vampires warily. The vampires with Samira also stayed back. Neither species knew how to interact. It just wasn’t our way.

  I touched Luke on the arm. “It’s fine. We have the numbers.”

  “Luke is right.”

  Angel’s voice was so close behind me, I jumped. I whirled around to face him.

  The depth of his eyes tumbled into mine, reminding me of what he’d told me at my uncle’s side. “You’re being reckless.”

  Luke flashed me a triumphant look.

  I rolled my eyes. “I love that you two are bonding over this, but if I’m being reckless, then we all are. I’m not going to stand by and let you guys fight without me. I can hold my own.”

  I walked away, fuming. I could kick both their asses, if I wanted to.

  Luke ran up to me, pulling on my arm to stop me. “Briar, you think I don’t know you can hold your own? I’m just looking out for you. I can’t help it. It’s in my nature to protect. And you’re going to have a hell of a hard time if you think that’s going to change. I care about you too much.” His voice was low, his face fierce, but then it softened. He swallowed hard and glanced towards Angel. “As much as I hate to admit it, Angel is just trying to look out for you, too.” He tucked my hair behind my ear. “I can’t lose you.”

  Hearing the pain in his voice melted my anger. “I know, but you can’t wrap me in bubble wrap. These people are messing with my pack, my family. And it’s not going to stop unless we do something about it. We need to get Gerald and everyone else back. I won’t let everyone take the hit when I know how much I can help.”

  He nodded, his lips twisting up in a half smile. “I know. And you’re right. Just let me worry about you, okay? Just a little bit?”

  I nodded, smiling, and he bent over to kiss me. A hush fell over the area, and I hoped it wasn’t because they were staring at us kissing. I pulled away and glanced at Samira. She stared into the distance, her mouth tight, angry even. I followed her gaze, cringing when I saw Lynx. I wasn’t sure she’d come.

  She smiled big and whispered. “Hi guys!”

  She wore black leggings and a red top that looked way too nice for what we were about to do. “I hope I’m not late. I got a little lost on my drive out here. Nothing a little magic couldn’t help me with, though.” She laughed uncomfortably. Probably because we were all staring at her as if she was an alien.


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