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Silver, Sword, and Stone

Page 57

by Marie Arana

  priests who boast that they have accepted donations: This was documented in Colombia in the 1980s and 1990s. Rosenberg, 62.

  As the Jesuit Xavier Albó put it so aptly: Albó, interview by author, February 21, 2016. The three commandments of Inca society—ama suwa, ama llulla, ama qhella—actually correspond to the “tres patas,” the three legs of the stool Albó claimed was necessary for a healthy polity. Do not steal (economic); do not lie (political); do not go idle (educational).

  American documentary filmmaker who arranged to educate her children: This is the Oscar-nominated director Richard E. Robbins, whose film Girl Rising (New York: the Documentary Group, 2013) centered on the lives of ten young girls from underprivileged pockets around the world. Senna, Leonor’s youngest daughter, was one of those girls. The film’s associated campaign (also called “Girl Rising”) assisted the family in educating Senna and her little brother, Henrry. I was one of the scriptwriters for the film.

  Nor do court records that register his petty burglaries: County court records, Dade County, Florida, and Metairie, Louisiana, 2004 to 2017.

  he has used democracy to undermine democracy: I have taken this phrase from Enrique Krauze’s brilliant essay on Hugo Chávez, “The Shah of Venezuela,” New Republic, April 1, 2009.

  Columbus put the first brick in the lie: Rangel, Del buen salvage, loc. 258–319.

  American history is longer, larger, more various: James Baldwin, “A Talk to Teachers,” The Price of the Ticket (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1985), 332.

  one eminent historian of pre-Columbian cultures: I owe this insight about the “ands” of Latin American history to my colleague John W. Hessler, distinguished curator of the Jay I. Kislak Collection, fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, author of numerous books, and specialist in geographic information science in the Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress. John spoke of the “ands” at a tribute to the late Jay I. Kislak at a meeting of the library’s Madison Council on October 18, 2019. I echo his remarks in these last paragraphs.



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