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Game of Passions

Page 10

by Diana Scott

  Lucas was surprised by such spontaneity but could not but respond to such an outpouring.

  When their lips parted she looked at him amused.

  — Good Morning.

  Lucas looked at the sky and saw it starry, then he looked at her, not understanding anything.

  — Since this morning you left before I woke up and I could not say hello to you all day long — his voice was sensuality personified — I give you now my good morning kiss.

  Lucas looked attentively.

  Something was different in her but she did not know exactly what, let alone why.

  Carmen stuck her body to his and began to scratch the skin of his arm very sensually.

  Lucas felt his skin bristle with the simple contact of his nails. Approached little by little and could see how his strong muscles tensed with each of his little kisses on the neck, so he continued with his touch without giving him a break.

  Lucas took a deep breath trying to make the reason triumph in the face of extreme desire.

  The previous night his strategic plans had gone to hell. Having her so close and so willing had led him to a total loss of reason but this time he was ready.

  — Are you trying to bend me? — His voice was louder than desired.

  — No, just take you to my room to...

  Carmen did not stop. He did not stop running his body with small kisses while he continued talking.

  — Take off your clothes slowly— his caresses took her through his wide torso until he found the bundle under his jeans— and then what you want. It bothers you?

  — Not at all— Lucas was trying to breathe slowly, while she was touching his crotch with affection— darling, do you know what this means?

  — Yes, and I want to try.

  Lucas thought he was dreaming.

  — You will be mine and only mine.

  — I already am.

  The sky opened for him. This could not be true. She was giving him life with only three words but something else was missing, a little more.

  — Do you trust me?

  Carmen stopped her kisses and took a deep breath.

  Lucas thought nervously, that was not a good sign. It was not.

  — It's still early... but I'm willing to go step by step, little by little, if you want, we could start with something less committed and then we'll see.

  — Define less committed— Lucas raised an eyebrow.

  — Well I do not know exactly... but without so many commitments, just until I can... — Lucas did not let her finish.

  I kiss her on the forehead and then move her a little away from her body.

  — I do not accept.

  Carmen looked at him confused.

  — What?, How!, First you tell me you care, you travel here and now you tell me no. What are you playing!

  — Honey — Lucas tried to speak slowly, controlling the nerves he had of not being able to explain and lose it permanently — because I care beyond logic, I'm not willing to play — Lucas came up to lean his forehead against hers— small, if for a moment you trust us you could see that nothing is worse than feeling what we feel and not having the courage to live it.

  Carmen looked down.

  — I can not — his sadness was transmitted in each tone.

  — Let me show you. Give us an opportunity Can you believe in me...

  Carmen slowly separated from his arms and reacted the only way she knew. With fury and pain.

  — You try to convince me and insist on asking for something that you know I can not. You want to impose your will on mine and I do not intend to break down like that

  — Carmen— Lucas caressed her hair— here is something more than a game of passions, our happiness is in your hands. Overcome your fears and let me love you as only I can.

  Carmen felt cornered.

  His heart believed him but his reason did not allow him to take risks. Frustrated by desire and angered by Lucas's reaction, she turned to leave, but not before warning him.

  — Do not think that everything is said. You have not won I'm not going to give up— and he left leaving behind a nervous Lucas.

  — I hope not my love... for our sake, I hope not.

  You are dispensable

  Mr. Thompson was walking furiously from one side of the room to the other. He roared like a trapped animal and Eder feared for his life. Everyone knew that if Mr. Thompson got angry, it was better not to be around, much less when the center of his anger was oneself.

  — Mr. Thompson, I promise that I will achieve it, you will see how everything is solved, I...

  — Moron!

  Mr. Thompson threw a punch that managed to hit Eder's face squarely. This fell to the ground breaking a table that dragged with the force of the fall.

  Eder tried to get up but the pain was too great. He touched his disheveled face and spat out a gush of blood.

  — I... I... Sir... I was babbling nervously

  — You have not done anything, stupid! — the screams echoed in the room — that stupid gringa at this moment is in a demonstration with all the press in front. The president of the country has called me to stop the works.

  — We can still get rid of her.

  — Yes, and you can know how you'll get it? — His voice was ironic.

  — Let me go get her. I will eliminate her as I did with her aunt and once those foolish islanders see that we are going to really have to surrender.

  Eder stood up slowly, fearing his boss's reaction.

  — I promise that those cowards will run and the island will be completely ours.

  — My dog, you mean my island — laughed with deadly coldness.

  — Of course, Mr. Thompson, of course.

  Eder relaxed feeling that he regained his employer's confidence, until a new blow to the pit of his stomach made him bend like wet paper.

  — If you fail again... If my actions plummet because of that stupid bitch... If my hotel does not go ahead— I squeezed him by the neck and Eder moaned in pain— I swear you will regret it.

  Eder swallowed and nervous babble.

  — I swear, Mr. Thompson, that bitch will be a nuisance to you.

  — I hope so, Eder. I hope so.

  Eder left with his goals very clear. Only one of them or the demented gringo or slut could survive. There was no other option.

  The manifestation

  The entire inhabitants were in the center of the island. The demonstration was a resounding success.

  All the news programs in Brazil were watching them. On the internet, while the concentration was broadcast, they began a debate on the consequences of hotel companies on the environment. They talked about the destruction of natural reefs, deforestation and the extinction of native species.

  People applauded and sang to the rhythm of samba, while vindicating "never more destruction, never more"

  Carmen was happy, with her help they could stop such barbarism but she did not stop thinking.

  «And now what» looked at Lucas who was standing in front of her, watching as if he were a hawk.

  — What's wrong? — Carmen asked curious.

  — I do not know but I do not like something — looked both ways tried to find an answer but was not able.

  — Do not worry, it sure is foolish— Lucas gave him one of those smiles capable of melting the poles and she felt special... very special.

  — Lucas I... — Carmen tried to express herself but the words did not reach her throat— after this I finished, we can just as well, I do not know... I want, I was thinking...

  Lucas interrupted her, taking her by the waist.

  — I think I'm going to forbid you think— he held her close to his chest while brushing his heated cheek— darling I need you to stop thinking and let go.

  Carmen looked at him with the brightness of a love and he knew that her world was reduced to a before or after her.

  Their mouths were about to be touched when the screams led him to look ahead and see a Dantesque sce

  Lucas pushed Carmen tossing her aside, not giving her time to think.

  An uncontrolled truck burning in flames came straight at them and threatened to crash head—on into the tent set up as a nursery for the children of the protesters.

  Lucas ran and ran, until getting parallel to the vehicle.

  He jumped so hard that he managed to grab hold of the door that opened and closed without control. It was hooked to the steering wheel and with half body still outside, was able to divert the direction and manage to take the truck directly to the beach.

  The cabin began to burn in flames but could not jump. Not until I'm sure that that demoniac vehicle would not kill anyone.

  His back began to burn because of the heat of the flames when he decided to jump.

  It rolled several meters, until the blast wave of the explosion pushed it even farther from where it had fallen.

  He tried to get up and check that all the bones were in place but did not get up when a scream in the distance made his skin crawl.

  — Carmen! — Lucas ran without thinking about his injuries. That idiot from Eder had Carmen tied behind her back and dragged her along the beach, with a machete tightening her neck.

  — Bitch, wretch. It's your fault. If you had not gotten into everything, with your know—it—all air, none of this would be happening.

  Carmen resisted every movement of Eder.

  — Let go, useless. I have not done anything. People have chosen not to be dominated— Carmen shouted angrily.

  — They would have given in if you had not put your damn noses, but we'll fix that soon.

  Carmen opened her eyes, scared.

  — What do you mean?

  — That once the dog is dead, the rage will end. You will go straight to see your aunt.

  — You killed her — it was not a question.

  — Yes, because I was a gringa I mette like you, but not so bela garota like you— Eder licked his cheek and Carmen turned trying to get away from his smelly slobber.

  In the distance Carmen felt a roar and could see that Lucas was running towards them like a real demon.

  — You'd better not get close— Eder shouted to stop the fierce fighter in the distance as he squeezed Carmen's neck with the thirty—centimeter machete.

  Lucas stopped but did not repress answering with the anger that came from every pore.

  — If you touch her again I'll kill you— her voice was cold and dark.

  — Idiot, I'll take it with me and you can not do anything to stop it.

  Eder pushed Carmen into the wooden boat so hard that she fell flat on her face. Lucas tried to run but it was too far away. If only he had a fury, his shotgun could shoot him down in the blink of an eye.

  «Think... think» — Lucas tried to act coldly as in any other mission but his mind was clouded.

  «God would die before anything happened to her»

  — Eder!, let's talk— tried to buy time— I can help you, forget this madness. There are too many witnesses, you will not get far if you hurt her— «because I'll kill you»

  — This bitch, she is the culprit of everything, Mr. Thompson will leave me lying in a lousy favela and all because of this damn rage.

  Lucas took a deep breath before securing to itself it would kill that pig for insulting his wife.

  — Who are you calling whore. Stupid filthy bug with legs!

  Carmen tried to get away but the pressure only managed to cut the outer skin of her neck. A few drops of blood ran down staining his shirt and the woman realized that she was in grave danger.

  Carmen looked at Lucas scared trying to tell him everything he felt for her through his bright sea eyes.

  «I'll get you out of this»

  Carmen nodded understanding the storm of feelings that were reflected in Lucas.

  — I love you— Carmen moved her lips without sound so that only he caught the message and bowed her head to her destination.

  Lucas clenched his fists. If he ran to the imbecile Eder, she would be dead before reaching them.

  His arms tensed in desperation and he was about to risk everything, when a hand slipped behind his pants, sneaking a hook into the waistband of his jeans.

  — Kill that bastard — the voice of Carlos was sepulchral.

  — I will.

  — Dear, say goodbye to your boyfriend, we are going to enjoy your last afternoon of life.

  Eder moved to try to press his dirty mouth against Carmen's full lips, when the sound of an explosion threw his dirty body back. Carmen was free but covered in blood. His body trembled thinking that Eder had cut his neck but looking at the floor of the boat he could discover a body face up with a small hole in the center of his forehead and collapsed in a pool of blood.

  — I warned you not to touch her— Lucas mumbled energetically.

  Carmen felt that the world was beginning to turn and some arcades were going up her esophagus making her vomit without rest.

  Lucas ran to her side to pick her up before she lost the strength to stand.

  — I love you — were the last words he heard before being wrapped in complete darkness.

  Carmen tried to sit up but her head hurt.

  — Do not move Bela. Eder falling, hit you with the machete in the neck.

  — Paulo? — Carmen opened her eyes trying to focus her eyes.

  — Yes. You're in your bed. Everything has already happened.

  Carmen sat up halfway and managed to sit down with the help of some cushions Dona Felisa so nicely cuddled on her back.

  — Luke?

  Paulo looked at Adalberto but did not answer anything.

  — All out. This young woman needs rest.

  Dona Felisa noticed the indecision of the men and decided to throw them out before they worried the girl with subjects that would simply afflict her. Too much had happened to have more worries.

  — Daughter, the doctor said you had to take these medicines.

  Carmen, still stunned, was trying to swallow two white capsules.

  — Dona Felisa— Carmen could barely stay awake— Lucas, is that okay?

  — Yes dear, he is perfectly, but you must rest, the blow was very ugly.

  — Eder is...

  — Child, he is where his bad deeds have taken him. Now resting Felisa helped her to lie down until she fell back into a deep sleep.

  To see you again

  Carlos sat on the free bench next to Lucas and without looking at him asked for a drink. He looked at the glass fully concentrated, as if waiting for a piece of glass with liquid inside, was able to offer the recipe of eternal happiness.

  Carlos turned his finger around the soft crystal when he finally dared to speak.

  — You do not know anything about her?

  — No— Lucas was sharp.

  Carlos nodded understanding the situation his friend was going through.

  — Maybe the recovery was more difficult than expected.

  — Paulo wrote me an SMS to tell me that she had woken up and was perfectly — Lucas sounded bitter and sad.

  — Yeah... well... but the shock has been strong, you know, trying to kill you will not have been easy for her.

  — Three weeks? Three weeks, damn it! Not a call, not a message... not a Lucas thank you for saving my life, or you're going to stay or better yet Why did you leave!

  — We had to go. You killed a bastard but in Brazilian lands. You knew that the colonel would bring us to Madrid in less than twelve hours.

  — Fuck yes— Lucas hit the bar and Pepe looked at him furious— I know it, you know it, but because he did not call me, because he was not interested, why the hell he did not get angry!

  — I explained to Paulo that we should leave the country. A hotel network disjointed in the other side of the world, being relegated from our position, was not at all discrete as the colonel asked us— Carlos smiled amused.

  Lucas looked at him and curled his lips in a small smile.

  — We did not do thi
ngs as quiet as we were asked.

  Carlos laughed with his friend.

  — The truth is that if we think of a truck burning in the best Holywood style, an idiot shouting that he received orders from a certain "Mr. Thompson of Thompson hotel chains " while it was broadcast on all the television channels and relayed on the internet, to fall with a shot in the hundred when trying to kill the owner of the inn that resisted until the end its threats... because the truth is that no. We have not been very discreet.

  Lucas tried to laugh with amusement but could not. I was too hurt.

  Mr. Thompson was trying to save himself from prison, while the actions of his hotel group plummeted. When the hotels of its chain came to light and as they had affected the native nature in different countries of South America and the United States itself, its business plummeted.

  Carmen was sure, her inn was the center of all the curious and she had managed to know that the reservations had been fired, for at least two years... two years...

  Lucas grabbed his head with both hands trying to keep his thoughts quiet.

  «It is clear that you have chosen and I am not among your plans, but you could have at least tried it»

  Lucas was still looking at the glass that, like a sacred chalice, could give some peace to his tormented heart.

  I thought about it day and night.

  He was present in everything he did and did not do. His face was drawn on every face of a woman he saw. She had gotten under his skin from the first day he had seen her, with his confident and haughty airs.

  "It had to be You"

  For the first time I wanted to feel some stability in his life. Someone to fight for, a reason to return home. A woman who gave meaning to so many risks to fight for.

  He had never wanted anyone like her.

  I was willing to settle down. To be her and only hers but Carmen had rejected him. I had not fought.

  «He preferred to look for another life instead of trying with me»

  Lucas was bleeding from the wound of a broken heart and the worst of all was knowing that there was no cure. He wanted more beyond logic and reason. The distance could not get it out of his head and time simply managed to sink him further into the pain of broken feelings.


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