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Game of Passions

Page 11

by Diana Scott

  A week later...

  — You two would do me the favor of leaving those babies in their cribs. When they want to be in arms at four in the morning I promise that I will call you.

  Matías and Lucas laughed amused in front of the warnings of Azul, without doing anything to him of case.

  — Lucas, please, would you bring me a couple of diapers? They're in the closet of the guest room.

  Matias looked at her strangely.

  — No need, I'm going. Matias put his baby asleep in one of the cradles.

  — No! — Both men looked at her strangely — I need you to stay with me for... because... because I have a personal problem to talk to you about. Lucas can you go? Please— and leaned on the strong arms of her husband while looking at him with a slight movement of eyelashes.

  — Of course— Lucas climbed the stairs without asking.

  "Women are all very rare," he was sure.

  Matias squeezed his wife around the waist.

  — Mouse, can you tell what you're up to?

  Azul broke up just to kiss him and whisper in his ear.

  — I think Lucas is not going to go down in a long time and we have two forty—two—day—old twins sound asleep.

  Matías looked at her raising an eyebrow without understanding anything.

  — I said sleeping twins and finished quarantine, you understand?

  Matías looked at her and understood instantly. He loaded his wife on his shoulders with laughter from her and ran to their room closing it with a slam.

  — The light does not work— Lucas said irritably.

  The room was completely dark. He tried to approach the window to open the blind but the door closed behind him.

  Lucas put himself in alarm until he heard.

  — The night light does work.

  Lucas's heart was pounding and he was grateful to be in the dark so as not to be ashamed of the foolish face he was sure he had.

  A small light illuminated the room but Lucas was still in the same place. It was not moving. Did not talk. I just looked at her. It was beautiful and it was not an illusion. Carmen was real, and she was in front of him.

  — When have you arrived?

  — A couple of hours ago.

  "Vacation?" Lucas tried to look cold and distant, but was barely able to utter short sentences.

  She was there, in Madrid, but for how long? Most likely he was to meet the twins, but soon he would return to his island leaving him alone and lifeless like the previous times. I was tired. I did not want more suffering because of that woman. No longer.

  — No— Carmen was nervous. She knew that she had taken time to travel but when she recovered from her blow to the head she had to face and heal from a past that for so many years had oppressed her in a distrust of men and love.

  Only by finding himself so far away and without Lucas at his side, was he able to understand that any risk was worth it if he did not feel the desperation of not having him by his side.

  Lucas had gotten into his being in such a way that nothing mattered anymore. I needed him body and soul in his life and I was ready to fight if needed.

  He wanted a man in his life and it was the one in front of him. It had taken a lot of fury and many tears to accept it but now that he knew it, that man would be hers and no other.

  He began to walk until he was almost glued to his broad torso. He raised his head and tried to kiss him but Lucas withdrew as if she were the same sin made flesh.

  — I do not know why you're here, or why you came but I have no interest in being your goat. If you want to have fun, I'm not available.

  "Yes, yes, it would be his stallion and everything she wanted, who wanted to cheat" Lucas clenched his fists closed not to stretch, catch her by the waist and love her until running out of strength.

  — Do not talk like that— Carmen was nervous.

  — And how do you want me to talk! I had to leave an island in Brazil without even being able to see you awake. I did not know if you were okay, I had to leave you in a bed...

  Lucas had refused by all means to leave the country without being assured that she was out of danger.

  He had risked his own freedom but refused to leave without caring about the consequences, only when the Colonel himself assured him that the girl was in perfect condition was when he agreed to board the plane back to Spain.

  Carmen felt the trembling of nerves that Lucas showed in her voice and she wanted to touch him to relax him. He wanted to tell her that she is there by his side, but he rejected her again.

  Things were not going according to plan. By now Lucas should be kissing her and telling her how much he loved her.

  Nerves began to betray her but instead of getting angry as usual, she noticed that a sea of tears began to run down her cheeks without being able to stop it.

  — I... I... I did not want to hurt you but you wanted... but I could not, but now I'm here— she pressed her lips to not cry like a girl— and I thought that when selling the inn, if you wanted, but I cannot ask you... and you, I do not...

  — To sell? Have you sold the inn? Lucas was the only thing he understood of all those unconnected and meaningless phrases.

  — Yes— Carmen wiped her tears with the back of her hand— Paulo and Adalberto will continue with the business.

  — But I thought you wanted to start a new life— Lucas approached cautiously.

  — And it was what I wanted — Carmen sat on the edge of the bed — but when I told you all my past, you made me face with a reality that I was afraid to see. You gave me the hope of believing that we had an opportunity. Then you left and I felt so empty and so alone that... — shame made her lower her head.

  — so lonely... — Lucas needed to hear it.

  — That I wanted to try. I do not know what it is to trust a man but I swear that if I have to throw myself into the void for someone I want to do it for you.

  — You want— Lucas approached and touched her chin until she looked into his eyes.

  — I wanted an opportunity. I wanted you to know... but I was late, I wanted to tell you... — your grief was painful.

  Lucas sat next to her on the bed so he could hold her by the waist. He moved one of those precious golden strands that covered half of his face and placed it so he could see her up close.

  — Beautiful, tell me what you wanted me to know.

  — That I love you! That I am afraid of suffering again for giving myself and that they hurt me, but I can not help it anymore because I am in love with you! That's what you wanted me to recognize— Carmen shouted— because that's it, I'm here like a fool crying so you do not leave me and suffering for thinking that you do not love me anymore.

  Lucas felt his defenses fall to the ground and could not contain himself. He adored that woman, he had fallen in love since the first day he had seen her and nothing had changed.

  He began to give her little kisses to dry her tears while holding her beautiful face in his hands.

  — Love, you do not have to cry — Lucas kissed her neck and began to feel as she relaxed in his arms — I love you like I've never wanted any and I will not let you go. Never more. Você fascinates me.

  Little by little she unbuttoned her blouse to reveal her generous breasts covered in a perfect Brazilian lace lingerie.

  Carmen was ecstatic in his arms. At last I was where and with whom I wanted to be. He walked her completely, while he took her clothes off and she trembled in a burning that consumed her and lifted her to the heavens.

  Lucas laid her on the bed and smiled when he stopped kissing her to remove her clothes and heard a moan of protest.

  — You drive me crazy.

  He approached her and ran a tongue over her breast until he felt her moan, then did the same with the other. Carmen watched him fascinated and in love and he felt himself dying of happiness.

  — With you, I lose my mind.

  Lucas settled on his body and Carmen began to move frantically, I wanted to feel him
inside, I needed him but he refused. He took her hands and lifted them over his head.

  — Today we are not going to have sex— she looked at him dazed and Lucas smiled hotly— I want to make love to you. I want to enter your body and your soul, I want you to feel that you are everything to me and that I do not intend to fail you. I love you.

  With her arms raised, he explored her breasts, caressed them tenderly and sometimes gave her a few scratches. She writhed in despair but he continued his torture.

  — Carmen... — he moaned her name when he noticed how her breath quickened and pulled his head madly searching his lips. His mouth went down the soft belly and she felt faint.

  He tried to move but Lucas immobilized her with the strength of his body.

  — S h h darling, enjoy, feel... feel my body love you and make you my wife.

  Lucas continued his torture. His kisses possessed her without mercy and Carmen allowed herself to be lost in a sea of feelings. His body tensed, until he could feel how his defenses were falling and his body allowed himself to be possessed by his affection.

  She began to moan and shudder under his lips. It was smoldering lava under his touch and Lucas felt he could not take much longer.

  — I wish you— Those words were the impulse Lucas needed to take over his prize.

  — And I to you. Like never anyone. Let me give you my love— Lucas bent down again to continue tasting her and make her enjoy a complete reality.

  She arched over the bed, squeezing the sheets with her hands and moaning until she felt herself fly. Her body begged to reach the climax in a desperate way and Lucas kissed her and licked her fervently, offering her the expected release.

  — You know so well...

  With the languid body she was barely conscious when he settled between her legs to penetrate her with force. He sighed welcoming his body, him, the only man he wanted to have in his life. His body was delivered to the full and his soul surrendered to the evidence.

  Lucas started going up and down slowly getting her to wake up again and upload her to the world of the passions.

  His body was tense and he asked desperately to be completely possessed.

  — More... fast... Lucas!

  He grinned as the sweat drops of self—control slid over his strong arms.

  — No. I want to prolong it.

  — Please! Lucas, please.

  — Tell me what you want. I ask me.

  — Stronger... more please, more.

  Lucas made two energetic movements that reached the center of his belly but stopped.

  — Yes?

  — Yes... yes— Carmen was shaking her head from side to side in despair.

  — Then ask. Love, tell me what you want?, You know I'll give it to you, but say the words— Lucas spoke agitated and his voice hoarse with desire.

  Carmen opened her eyes and understood the request Lucas was making. Now she was ready.

  He caught her face in his small hands and kissed him as he repeated.

  — My love, I love you and I give my heart to you and only you. I trust you and your love.

  Lucas roared and attacked those fleshy lips, bit her and began to clothe her so hard that they both twisted together until they languidly landed on top of each other.

  — I love you— Carmen whispered while caressing his back.

  Lucas breathed between cut against his neck.

  — And I to you. My love, my wife, mine, mine and mine.

  Lucas whispered in his ear.

  — Never again. Você fascinates me, because você só existm na minha vida, você is mimicked by mim, because minha vida é vazia sem você, você feed me, because você vive sozinho... você cativeiro because eu só posso olhar para você

  Carmen pressed hard to her body and asked honeyed.

  — Will you translate it for me now?

  Lucas nodded in love.

  — I'm always going to love you. I love you with all my heart. You fascinate me, because you only exist in my life, you fall in love with me because my life is a void without you, you feed me because I only live from you... you captivate me because I can only look at you.

  Carmen cried excitedly.

  — I love you beyond any reason. You are what I always imagined but I never thought I deserved. You are my present and I want you to help me build our future.

  — When you want and where you want, as long as you are by your side— Lucas hugged her tightly and felt a young girl in love and loved for the first time.

  He kissed her and she knew that this is where she should be. Nobody can predict what happens in the future, the important thing is the here, the now and I was willing to live with him.


  — I want you to give me an equal to him— Lucas whispered in Carmen's ear that held one of the twins in her arms.

  Carmen turned and smiled amused.

  — You say that because Alex is a beautiful indomitable like you.

  — Nothing of love about that. You've tamed me— Lucas bit his earlobe.

  — Mmm, maybe I have to check it tonight.

  — At your disposal, sweetheart — he kissed her once on the neck before moving away as the boy began to push to try to run into the arms of his father, with his small unsteady steps.

  Matías entered the room after cutting the call that he had received minutes before to the mobile. His face was serious, too, Lucas thought when he saw it.

  Matias bent down to take each of the children in his arms while Lucas approached.

  There was no need to ask.

  Matías had transformed, he was no longer the friend, now he was the captain of the Special Forces Brigade.

  Lucas just asked.

  — Who?

  — Carlos.

  Lucas kicked a chair with anger. Carlos was his friend, his partner, it could not be true.

  — How?

  — They demolished his plane, the pilot is dead but Carlos's body is missing.

  Lucas looked at him hopefully.

  That was Carlos, the hard and strong Carlos.

  He had to have escaped. There was no other option, he refused to accept another option.

  — It has to be hidden— Lucas spoke hopefully.

  — Or retained— Matias made a face of disgust.

  — When do we march?

  — In a few hours.

  Carmen approached Lucas and he spoke calmly.

  — Honey I have—Carmen did not let him continue.

  — Go and bring him alive.

  Lucas hugged her tightly.

  — We'll do it, even if we have to go down to hell to save it.

  ... and hell was waiting for them.

  Do not forget to read

  After You. Saga Infidelidades I

  Is for you. Saga Infidelidades II

  The custody of your heart. Saga Infidelidades III

  Sorry, I fell in love. Saga Infidelidades V

  Attached to a feeling. End Saga Infidelities.


  There are many graces that I have to give in this life, but I want to offer a very special one to my husband who never stops trusting me no matter what obstacles arise and a great affection for my children who are always there waiting for me to finish writing without releasing any complaint.

  A very strong hug to all those who from the blog collaborate with your opinions, suggestions of topics and continuous encouragement.

  The characters and situations presented in this work is a fiction, any resemblance to reality is full coincidence.

  October 2018 edition



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