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The Soul of Archer

Page 10

by Michelle Kee

  “Thank you.” She grinned.

  When he turned back for the stove, she gave his butt a quick swat. He glanced back at her, his eyes glinting mischievously. “Be careful what you start.”

  “I always finish what I start.” She winked, making him laugh.

  Chapter 15

  The week flew by for Alora. In less than six hours she and Lance were leaving on Blackout’s jet for Jacksonville. She was currently sitting at her desk going over the schedule of projects for the week just to make sure she hadn’t missed anything. She knew she should be nervous about meeting Lance’s parents, but it was quite the opposite. She was excited. She was thirsting to learn all she could about the man that had barreled into her life two weeks ago. Her thoughts were interrupted by the knock on her open door.

  “How you doing Boss Lady?” Frank asked, walking in and sitting in one of the chairs across from her desk.

  “I’m good, just making sure I didn’t miss something.”

  “That’s all?”

  Alora sighed. Frank had always been able to read her, which made them a good pair. “Frank, am I crazy? I mean, here I am about to fly off for a week with a man that two weeks ago I had no idea even existed. Not to mention we’re shaking up together.”

  Frank chuckled, “Alora, that’s not crazy. Hell, I met my wife the first day of college in line at registration and I knew then and there that she was the woman for me. Look at us now, been married nearly fifty years, three kids, four grandkids. Sometimes people connect that quickly.”

  “But what if he doesn’t feel the same and this is just some random fling?”

  Frank merely shrugged and got to his feet. He started for the door but paused at the threshold and looked back at her, “I don’t think this is just a fling for him. Any fool with two eyes can see how he looks at you honey.”

  Alora frowned, “How’s that?”

  “Like I look at my wife.” Frank replied.


  Lance stood in the conference room with his teammates, Jimmy, Cain, and Danny. Even though he wouldn’t be part of the take down in Houston he was still kept in the loop. Scattered on the table were pictures of the pier, the channel and maps in and out of the area. It was obvious Danny knew his stuff and had not left anything to chance on this mission. Lance was impressed and knew if Danny chose to join Blackout, he would make a great addition.

  “As you can see, we have the water front and land covered. The harbor patrol, HP, and Sheriff offices will be on the water along with a few men from both the D.E.A. and F.B.I.. Ethan, I think it would be best to split your team up and mix them in with the other teams on site.” Danny said.

  “I agree. Gage, I want you with Jimmy’s team on the east.” Ethan replied, glancing at Jimmy who nodded. “Grant, you’re with Cain on the roof of this building here. I want you to be our over-watch.”

  “Got it.” Grant agreed.

  “Tony, I want you with the surveillance teams at base.” Ethan added.

  “Guess that means you and I are tattooed to each other’s ass huh brother?” Danny teased.

  “Yeah, course Kris insisted. She said she’d feel better about you and I going into this if we were together.” Ethan sighed, causing everyone to laugh.

  Lance looked over the aerial map of the pier once more. “Danny, what about this building here? If the Malconi’s rabbit and get inside, they could escape either by land or water.”

  “Which is why I’ll have men both inside and outside, and why Cain’s team is on the roof. Plus, we’ll have cameras inside. Tony, if you want to join in that part of the preparation, be my guest.” Danny answered.

  Tony grinned and rubbed his hands together gleefully. “Oh, I’d love to. Might even throw a few my own toys into the mix.”

  “Sounds good, I’ll let my tech guys know to expect you. Now, at this time it is unconfirmed if Fredrick will be there, but I doubt it. We believe he will be in Miami where the shipment is heading after the exchange. I have already contacted the Miami office and they are on the lookout. The Lobos will be coming in by water and the Malconi’s will be on the pier. After the goods are inspected, the Malconi’s are putting the shipment into three different vehicles where it will be driven from Houston to Miami.”

  “That’s risky isn’t it? We know there’s weapons in this shipment, so why risk transporting weapons over state lines?” Cain questioned.

  “Less risky than by boat where they could be stopped by the Coast Guard.” Lance explained.

  “Exactly,” Danny agreed. “Since we found out about this exchange, we’ve been monitoring all credit card transactions on all three of the Malconi’s. Yesterday evening, Monica bought a round-trip ticket from Austin to Miami. She flies out on the Sunday morning after the exchange and is due back four days later. My guess? She’s meeting Fredrick in Miami and overseeing the exchange there.”

  “Then looks like all the bases are covered. We leave for Houston Wednesday afternoon.” Ethan said, ending the meeting.

  Lance faced Ethan while the others began talking amongst themselves. “Danny’s good at this.”

  Ethan smiled a little, “Yeah he is. He said after this mission he’d give me an answer on joining us.”

  “Well, if he does he’ll fit right in Boss.”

  “Yeah. Look, I know this is kind of a vacation, but you and Alora watch your sixes out there. The Malconi’s have proven over and over how slippery they are.” Ethan stated.

  Lance gave a curt nod. He had been thinking the same thing and would be extra vigilant in Jacksonville. Of course, if the Malconi’s were stupid enough to try something there, they would be in for a surprise. Jacksonville was Lance’s turf. He still had friends and connections not just in town but at Lejeune as well. He would keep Alora safe. And with luck, this would all be over within a week.


  Lance looked up when someone knocked on his office door. “Yeah.”

  The door opened and Alora walked in. “Hey.”

  “Hey. What are you doing here? I thought I was picking you up at three?”

  Alora giggled, walking toward him. “Yeah, well seems my staff wanted me gone. Frank brought me by and said to have fun and not worry about the shop.”

  Lance took her hand and tugged her into his lap. “Seems Ethan and Frank think alike. I was just finishing the last of some paperwork and then Ethan wants me gone.”

  Alora slipped her arms around his neck. “And are you finished?”

  Reaching around her, Lance typed a few more lines, hit save, then emailed it off to Ethan. “I am now.”

  She slipped off his lap while he shut down his computer. Lance draped his arm around her shoulder and together they walked out of his office. Alora loved how she fit against him, as if she was made just for him. Maybe she was jumping the gun here, but she had never felt the way she did with Lance. Walking into the empty elevator, she barely had a chance to gasp before Lance backed her up against the wall. Just as the doors slipped closed, his lips descended on hers. Whimpering, she surrendered to him. Her body coming alive in his arms as he kissed her slow and heatedly. He pulled away when they reached the lobby.

  “Take me home Lance.” She gasped.

  “Yes ma’am.” He smirked.

  Feeling giddy and very turned on, Alora followed Lance to his truck. He had just pulled out of Blackout when she got a naughty idea. Alora shifted so she was laying over his lap. Without giving him a chance to react, she had his tactical pants undone, pulled him free and wrapped her lips around him. She heard his deep moan as she took him deeper in her mouth. Lance seemed to enjoy going down on her, but she had been given few opportunities to return the favor. Now was her chance.

  “Fuck…yes Alora. Your mouth feels so good.”

  Alora smiled around him as her head bobbed up and down faster. She had a short window before they reached her house and she wanted to taste him. Her tongue started swirling and flicking around the head. His fingers slid into her hair and tightened. He was close,
she could tell by the way his cock thickened and his hips were bucking. Lance had to pull over as the feelings and emotions started to overcome him. Moaning, she hollowed out her cheeks and took him deeper, surprising herself when she was able to take him fully. Seconds later Lance moaned her name just before he exploded. Almost greedily, Alora swallowed every drop before gently sucking him clean. She finished her task and finally he was able to continue driving before finally pulled into her driveway. Sitting up, she looked at him with a smile.

  “You taste good Sir.”

  “Oh, you’re so in trouble Tigress.” He warned.


  Alora climbed out of Lance’s truck and giggled as her knees shook. “I think I’m going to be permanently bow-legged Lance.”

  “Good, that means I’ve done my job.” Lance shrugged, his duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

  Alora couldn’t help but laugh. After his warning in the truck, Lance had taken her inside and proceeded to thoroughly fuck her brains out. After her third orgasm, she lost count. That had been nearly three hours ago and now they were about to board the jet for Jacksonville. She reached for her own bag, but Lance beat her to it. Side-by-side they walked toward the waiting Lear jet. Lance stowed their bags under the plane while she went aboard.

  “So, you didn’t tell your mom and dad we were coming?” she asked, when he sat beside her.

  “Nope. Dad works security at a bank on Fridays and should be home about seven. Since your staff and Ethan kicked us out early, we’ll get there about two and a half hours earlier than I thought. If my mom’s not home, we’ll put our stuff up and swing by the book shop.” He replied.

  “Book shop? Your mom owns a book shop?”

  “Yeah. They just bought the empty lot next door and she’s wanting to build a coffee shop and bakery. Course, my sister Jessi volunteered to be her pastry chef.”

  “I know you said you liked to read, but are you an avid or occasional reader?”

  “Avid. Books were my friends as a kid because of my shitty sperm donor of an old man. When mom remarried dad, he encouraged me to read. He always said that reading was just another way to channel my aggression. Mom introduced me to the classics. Hemingway, Poe, Tolkien, Lewis, Twain. Dad was the one who taught me about King, Clancy, Patterson, and Grisham.”

  “My parents were like that. Course mom liked her romance. I didn’t really get into that till my freshman year when my roommate suggested a book by Karen Marie Moning. Dad always liked Stephen King. He had every book and now I have them. I just haven’t found a big enough bookcase for all his books, moms and mine.”

  “Do you prefer the Highlander series or the Fever series?” he asked with a smirk.

  She gaped, “You’ve read Moning? I’m surprised.”

  “Like I said, I’m an avid reader. So which series?”

  And that’s how Alora and Lance spent their three-hour flight. She couldn’t remember the last time she had such a riveting discussion on books. Probably back in college during her English Lit classes. Lance had given her several suggestions and she returned the favor. The library was going to be seeing a lot of her over the next few weeks. She was quite surprised that Lance said he read romance. But none of the fluffy stuff, he preferred romance with a bite. Like she did. They got into a heated debate on Robb vs Grafton which ended in her being tickled mercilessly till she gave in. That in turn led to her joining the infamous Mile High Club. A club she had always thought was overrated. Boy was she wrong.


  Lance drove the black Navigator down the twisted road. He had nearly forgotten just how beautiful North Carolina was. He glanced over at Alora as she stared out the window taking in the scenery. Already his mind was planning all the places he wanted to take her. New Bern topped the list followed by a ride on his boat, The Phoenix. Of all the small towns he had always loved going to, New Bern was at the top of his list. It was like Austin; artisans, musicians, food, it had it all.

  “What’s that over there? Behind the fence?”

  “That would be Camp Lejeune. My parents place is just past the back gate.”

  “Wow, I never realized it was so big. When I came here with Ryan and Jacquie, we didn’t come out here. We stayed near Onslow beach.”

  “There are some nice beaches on base. I’ll see what we can do about seeing them while we’re here.”

  Alora looked over smiling, “I’d like that.”

  He reached over, took her hand and lifted it to his lips. He had never considered himself one of those guys that would show PDA’s but with Alora he couldn’t seem to stop himself from touching her, kissing her, hell just holding her, and he didn’t give a rat’s ass who saw. He finally understood what Ethan and Krista, as well as his own parents must feel about each other. A thought suddenly creeped into his mind. Was he falling in love with Alora? He pushed the thought away for the moment when he turned onto the hidden drive that lead to his childhood home. No sooner had he put the SUV in park, the front door opened, and his mom stepped onto the wide wrap-around porch.

  “Well, what are you waiting for Lance? Go say hi to your mom.” Alora insisted.

  He didn’t need to be told twice. Lance killed the engine and climbed out. The second his mom saw him; her face broke into a huge smile and she was running down the porch steps toward him. Lance met her half-way and caught her in a hug when she leapt into his arms, laughing and crying at the same time. Lance hugged her tight, turning her in a small circle before setting her back on her feet.

  “Oh Lance, I can’t believe it. Why didn’t you tell me?” Carmen Archer demanded happily.

  “I wanted to surprise ya ma.” Lance smiled.

  Carmen wiped her eyes, then spotted Alora. “Well, now who do we have here?”

  Lance looked back and signaled for Alora to come over. “Mama, this is Alora St. James. Alora, my mama, Carmen Archer.”

  “It’s nice to finally meet you Mrs. Archer.” Alora greeted.

  Carmen looked up at her son, before looking back at Alora. “Welcome Alora and call me Carmen.”

  Alora’s eyes widened when she found herself wrapped up in a tight hug. Giggling, she returned Carmen’s hug. “Thank you. Carmen.”

  Carmen released her, then looped her arms with one of Lance’s and one of Alora’s. “Now then, let’s get you two inside and settled. Then we can go out on the back deck and have a nice visit before Alex gets home.

  A few hours later, Lance stood on the deck. Evening had fallen over Jacksonville and the lightning bugs were coming out, glittering to and fro. About twenty yards away sat his mom and Alora, talking and laughing. It warmed his heart to see that.

  “Nice sight isn’t it son?”

  “Yeah dad, it is.”

  Alex took a sip of his beer and mirrored his son, leaning against the deck railing. “You look happy Lance. I mean honestly and truly happy.”

  Lance sighed. “I’ve never thought I’d feel like this. Not after Teagan…”

  “Do NOT say that harpy’s name.”

  “Well, after…that, I just accepted that I was destined to be alone. That I’d never have what you and mama have. Then I met Alora and…Christ dad, I feel like Superman. She makes me, I don’t know, feel I guess.”

  “The right woman will do that to a man.”

  Lance nodded taking a swig of beer. “I almost ran away from it. She’s a client and I vowed I’d never get involved with a client. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get her out of my head.”

  Alex patted his son’s shoulder. “That’s how you know it’s not just a passing fancy.”

  “I think I’m in love with her dad.”

  Alex looked over and met Lance’s eyes. “Tell me something, when you think of Alora, what do you see?”

  Lance looked out over the yard at Alora. “I see her by my side. Waking up beside her, going to sleep beside her, just being with her. I don’t even want to think about not being with her.”

  Alex chuckled, “Yep, sure sounds like you

  “I want to tell her, but I’m scared. Scared I’m reading her wrong.”

  “Son, from the way she looks at you, I don’t think you have anything to fear.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Because she looks at you the way your mama looks at me.”


  “Thank you Alora.” Carmen said.

  “Excuse me?” Alora asked in confusion.

  “Thank you, for making my baby happy.” Carmen paused, sipping her wine. She shifted so she was facing Alora, her face now all business. “Has Lance told you about his ex-fiancée…”

  “That fuckin’ bitch you mean?” Alora spit.

  Carmen snickered, “I see he has then. I’m guessing he also told you about my ex-husband?” Alora nodded. “Well, after what my ex and his did to him, Lance stopped being happy. I mean, eyes lit up genuinely happy. You brought that to him. It’s a mother’s dream to see their children happy.” Carmen reached out and took hold of Alora’s hand.

  Alora squeezed her hand back, “I promise you Carmen, as long as Lance will have me, I will do everything in my power to make him happy and make him smile.”

  Carmen nodded, the seriousness fading, and a smirk formed on her lips, “Good thing you cook. They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach after all.”

  Alora lost it and began laughing. She turned when she felt Lance come up behind her. Smiling, he lifted her from the chair, sat down and tucked her on his lap. She snuggled into him, placing a kiss on his lips. She looked over to see Alex and Carmen mirroring her and Lance. In that moment, she knew that she was one hundred percent in love with the man who now held her, and she couldn’t have been happier.

  Later that evening, Alora lay in bed and watched as Lance clicked off the bathroom light and make his way toward the bed. He pulled back the sheets and slipped in beside her. When he pulled her into his arms, she decided to change things up a bit. Gripping his wrists, she shifted so that he was now on his back with her straddling him. Leaning down it was she who took charge of the kiss. At least for the moment.


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