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The Soul of Archer

Page 11

by Michelle Kee

  “Alora.” He sighed.

  Alora leaned down so her lips brushed his ear, her tongue tracing the shell making him shiver under her. “Take me Lance. Take me right now.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Lance growled a second before she was flipped onto her back.

  As the moon rose higher, Alora gave herself unconditionally to Lance. Heart, body and soul.

  Chapter 16

  Lance awoke slowly, feeling completely at ease. Sighing he looked down at the woman in his arms. Alora was curled up against him, her head lay over his heart, one arm draped over his waist and the other curved under her, her palm lying flat against his chest. Even in sleep she looked beautiful to him. He dropped a gentle kiss to her forehead before he slipped from her embrace. He pulled on a pair of jeans and quietly made his way downstairs. When he reached the doorway of the kitchen, he paused and drank in the scene before him. His mom stood in his dad’s arms as he kissed her. In a day and age where the divorce rate was high, he was glad his mom and dad were still together after twenty-nine years and their love for each other was as strong now as it was when they married. Smiling a little he cleared his throat before fully walking into the kitchen and heading for the coffee pot.

  “Morning son.” Alex greeted.

  “Morning. Glad to see some things haven’t changed. You two still make-out anywhere and don’t care if someone sees.” Lance replied.

  “And why should we care Lance? Your dad and I love each other, and he likes to show everyone I’m his and that he’s mine.” Carmen shot back saucily as she pulled out the frying pan. Lance just chuckled moving to fix himself some coffee.

  “Where’s Alora?” Alex asked, sitting at the table.

  “Still asleep.” Lance replied, joining his dad. “I know she’s trying not to, but she’s worried about what’s going to happen in Houston next weekend. Honestly so am I. My boys are down there and I’m here.”

  “Lance, your team knows what they’re doing. They also know that if these bastards slip by them in Houston, you and Alora are at the top on their list of targets,” Alex stated.

  Lance sipped his coffee and sat back in his chair. “I know that dad. I think that’s what’s got Alora worried too. Well, that and one of them getting hurt. This isn’t like the case with Krista. Ingram was one psycho. The Malconi’s are well armed and well financed. This round we’re dealing with the mob.”

  “Baby, I know you’re worried about Ethan and the others too. But you need to remember something. They, like you, are Marines. You five were the best of the best and they’ll prove that. Now, if the Malconi’s do get away, you five will just find another way to grab them. There’s always more than one way to catch a snake like Sam Malconi and his father.” Carmen added.

  Lance smiled. “You really should have been in the military mom. You have a strategic mind like nobody else.”

  Carmen snorted. “Hell no. I don’t take orders very well.”

  Alex looked over his cup at Carmen, “Oh I don’t know about that honey.”

  Lance began coughing as he choked on his coffee when he caught his dad’s meaning. “Dad! Damn, not before I’ve eaten please.”

  Carmen and Alex just began laughing as she set about making breakfast. Lance could only shake his head at his parents’ antics. While sex had never been a taboo subject in the Archer house, no kid no matter how old wanted to hear about their parent’s sex life. Lance included. He could only chuckle and shake his head when his mom walked over to give his dad another kiss before returning to the stove. Lance had always been fascinated with the affection his parents showed each other. No matter where they were or what they were doing, his parents weren’t shy about sharing a kiss, a hug, or holding hands in public. Something he and his mother had little experience with. That was until Alex came into their lives. After that, there were hugs, kisses, and lots of happiness. Lance remembered the night he met his dad. Sipping his coffee, he reflected on that night.


  Lance sat in the living room reading while his mom was in the kitchen trying to figure out dinner. Almost a year ago his father had been sent to prison for beating up on him and his mom. Tonight, she was supposed to go out with a man named Alex Archer, but that afternoon Lance’s babysitter had to cancel, and his mom had to cancel her date. Lance felt bad because his mom had looked so excited and happy. He frowned when someone knocked on the door.

  “I got it mom.” Lance called out.

  He got of the sofa and walked to the door. Slowly he opened it and found a man standing on the tiny porch. The man was tall, dark hair, blue eyes and a friendly smile. “Hi there, I’m looking for Carmen?”

  “Who are you?” Lance demanded wearily.

  The man knelt so he was eye level with Lance, “I see I’m at the right place. I’m Alex Archer. And you must be Lance.”

  Alex extended his hand. Lance studied it for a second before taking it. Before Lance or Alex could speak, Carmen came up behind Lance and let out a surprised gasp. “A... Alex. What are you doing here? Did you not get my message at the station?”

  Alex stood and smiled. “Oh, I got it, but figured I’d swing by. I’m here to take you AND Lance out on our date.”

  “Me? You want to take me?” Lance asked in shock. His father had never taken him anywhere.

  “Why not? I thought you, your mom and me could get to know each other. I was thinking burgers, ice cream after then maybe a movie. What do you say Lance?” Alex replied.

  Lance didn’t know what to think. The only person who ever wanted to know what he thought had been his mother. He looked from Alex, to his mom, then back at Alex. “Um, well, I guess.”

  “Alright then. Carmen, what do you say?” Alex asked.


  That had been the REAL start of Lance’s family. After that first date, Alex became a regular fixture. Six months after, Alex had brought him and mom out to the house he was currently sitting in. There on the front porch, Alex had asked not only Carmen, but Lance too, if she would marry him. When Lance asked why Alex asked him too, Alex had said that marrying Carmen meant he was marrying him too in a sense. After Carmen said yes, Alex handed her the keys to the house and said it was hers and Lance’s. After all this time he could still see the same look of love on his dad’s face whenever he looked at his mom.

  “You okay Lance?” Alex asked.

  “Yeah dad, I was just remembering the day I met you.” Lance smiled.

  “That was the best day of my life son. Well, after the day I adopted you and married your mom.” Alex said, looking back at Carmen at the stove.

  Lance nodded in agreement. For years, Lance still worried that Alex would change his mind and not want him anymore. Especially after Jessi and Jake were born. But his worries had been unfounded, and Alex treated him just like his own son and showed him and his siblings the same amount of love and pride. Lance sipped his coffee and chuckled when his dad stood up, and quickly pulled his mom into a short little spin around the kitchen dance floor.


  Alora walked downstairs and followed both her nose and ears. She woke up to find Lance gone, but delicious smells drifting into the room. She had quickly showered, dressed and started downstairs. Reaching the landing, her ears picked up the sounds of laughter coming from the kitchen. She headed that way and felt herself smiling as she picked up on Lance’s rich laugh. She noticed he didn’t laugh much but when he did, it was a beautiful sound. She walked into the kitchen and Lance’s head immediately turned in her direction. He stood and walked to her.

  “Morning Tigress.”

  “Morning,” She giggled when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. When he released her, she moved toward the coffee pot and shared a smile with Carmen. “Good morning Carmen.”

  “Morning honey. How did you sleep?” Carmen asked.

  “I slept like the dead. That mattress is heaven, I think I’ll have to get one when we get back to Austin.”

  Carmen laughed. “I know what you mean. I have the
same type of mattress for mine and Alex’s bed. It’s like a pillow and we love it.”

  Alora fixed her coffee then sat down beside Lance. She noticed yesterday that he seemed much more relaxed here. It made her want to know more about not just his family, but his home state. Over breakfast, Carmen and Alex shared stories of Lance and his siblings. She had gotten teary eyed when Carmen told her about her and Alex’s first date, which included Lance. She laughed when Alex told her how one Easter he came downstairs to find Lance, Jessi and Jake covered head to toe in food coloring.

  “I was trying to stop them.” Lance argued.

  “That’s not what they said.” Carmen laughed.

  “Figures they’d blame me.” Lance snorted.

  “Actually, they said all THREE of you were to blame.” Alex pointed out with a chuckle.

  Lance rolled his eyes, but Alora could see the hint of a smile on his face. After the meal, Carmen shooed Lance upstairs to get a shower and Alex out to the living room while she and Alora cleaned up. Alora knew Carmen just wanted some one-on-one time to talk. At the sink, Carmen washed and Alora dried. It wasn’t long before Carmen started her questioning. “So, I’m taking a shot in the dark here, but I gather you and Lance are sleeping together.”

  Alora couldn’t help it and blushed. “Yes ma’am.”

  “Alora, I’m not judging. Trust me, I’m the last person to judge anyone. I’m just trying to get a better view of you and my son’s relationship. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him with a woman, so forgive me for being nosy.”

  “Carmen, I’m not embarrassed and have no idea why I blushed. I’ve never been embarrassed about talking about sex. Guess this is all new to me. I’ve never met the parents of any of my previous boyfriends, well not like this I mean. Before college I dated guys I went to school with so obviously I knew their parents. The ones after college though, yeah never met the parents.”

  Carmen finished the dishes and dried her hands. “Honey, Lance isn’t like most men. Course you know that. He’s cut from a different mold than most young men of your generation. Part of that is because of how Alex and I raised him, Jessi and Jake. The other part is all Lance. He’s an old soul to a point.”

  “He and the rest of his teammates. The five of them seem to have been cut from the same cloth, despite them being different. Tony’s the funny guy, Ethan is the leader, Gage is the second in command, Grant’s the big brother and then there’s Lance. The quiet observer.”

  “Yes, exactly. I couldn’t agree with that more.” Carmen laughed.

  Alora nibbled her bottom lip then decided to just spit it out. “Carmen, I think, no, I know, I’m in love with your son.”

  Carmen froze for a moment, then pulled Alora into a hug. “Oh, that’s wonderful.”

  “I haven’t told him.” Alora sighed hugging her back.

  Carmen stroked Alora’s back motherly before stepping back and cupping her chin. “You’ll know when the time is right to tell him.”

  “I guess I’m…scared. Scared he doesn’t feel the same.” Alora stated.

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Just be honest with each other. The rest will fall into place. Okay?”

  “Yes ma’am.” Alora nodded.


  Lance found Alora in the backyard admiring his mom’s flower garden. When he slipped his arms around her she sighed contently and leaned back into him. He dropped soft kisses along her neck. “Hi.”

  “Mmm, hi yourself.” She breathed.

  “So, what did you want to do today?”

  She turned in his arms. “I figured you’d want to spend time with your parents. I mean you said it’s been a while.”

  “That was my plan, till mama and Alex told me to take you and show you around.” He chuckled.

  She stifled a laugh, “They…they kicked us out?”

  “Yep. Said not to come back till four at the earliest. So, where you want to go?”

  Alora shook her head and chuckled. “Well, this is your turf, surprise me.”

  Lance nodded. Since they had a week he could spread things out. But it was Saturday and he knew just the place to take her. Taking her hand, he started for the Navigator till Alex stepped onto the deck, gave a whistle and tossed something at Lance. He caught the keys and was shocked. He looked back at Alex who just nodded, gave a wave and walked back inside.

  “What did you dad toss you?”

  “The keys to his baby. Come on. You’re gonna love this.”

  Lance tugged her toward the garage. He opened the garage door and there under a grey car tarp sat his dad’s baby. Lance had only driven it a few times but always with Alex. Alex had taught him, Jessi and Jake to drive in it but had never let any of them take it out alone. Lance released Alora’s hand and pulled the tarp off. He turned when Alora let out an awed sigh. Under the tarp rested a 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge soft top convertible. Alex and his father had restored it together and it had been Alex’s first car. It was black with red and yellow pin striping and “The Judge” on the front wheel well.

  “Oh my god! She’s gorgeous!” Alora exclaimed, relevantly running a hand over the hood.

  “Yeah she is. Dad taught all three of us to drive on this baby. He and his dad bought and restored it.” Lance said.

  He watched Alora walk slowly around the vehicle, admiration painted on her face. Was there anything sexier than a woman who fully appreciated a classic car? Lance moved to the passenger side and held the door open for her. With a giddy laugh, she hopped in. Lance hurried to the driver’s side and brought the car to life. He petted the steering wheel as the car purred. Lance hit the switch and folded down the top. With a wink at Alora, he pulled out.

  “So, what did Alex name her?”

  Lance smirked, “Marleen.”

  “Marleen?” she snickered.

  “After his mom.” He nodded.

  Lance pulled onto the road and they were off. He watched from the corner of his eyes as Alora rested her arm on the window, her hair pulled back into a pony tail, flapping in the wind behind her. It was Alora who reached for his hand first. He decided then and there that today he would tell her. The way he felt right now, he wanted to feel it over and over. And he knew just the place to tell her.


  Alora marveled at Tyron Palace. She had heard of it but when she came here with Ryan and Jacquie, they hadn’t been able to make it up to New Bern. Now she was seeing it in the flesh and it was more beautiful than the pictures she had seen. “Wow, this place is amazing.”

  “It was the Governor’s Mansion. The original house was burned in 1798 and the place just sat here. In the late 1920’s the people of New Bern began restoring the mansion. For thirty years the place was restored to its former glory. It was reopened in 1959. Did you know that New Bern was once the capital of North Carolina?”

  “No, I didn’t. I thought Raleigh was always the capital.”

  “Nope. Raleigh is the third capitol. Edenton was the capital from 1722 until 1743. Then New Bern became the capital in 1766 until 1787. Raleigh became the official capital in 1788.”

  “I take it you did good in history.” She teased.

  Lance shrugged, “I’ve always been good with that stuff. Come on, let’s go see the gardens. If you think my moms are pretty, wait till you see them here.”

  When they stepped out of the mansion and into the gardens, Alora’s jaw dropped. She pulled her hand free of his and stepped further into the gardens. The red brick walkways carved through the geometric shapes of the many flower beds. The shrubs and bushes mixed with the colorful flowers made this place an ideal location for pictures and tourists alike. He quickly caught up with her, took her hand once more, he led her toward one of the archways. They stepped through and in front of one of the marbled statues, Lance pulled her flush against him.


  “Yes Lance?” she asked looking up at him.

  “I love you.”

  Alora’s eyes widened at his
declaration. Lance felt his heart pounding a mile a minute as he waited. He got his answer five seconds later when her arms came up around his neck and she pulled his head down and kissed him. He held her tighter as he returned her kiss. Shifting his hold on her waist, Lance lifted her off her feet and felt her legs wrap around his hips. Alora broke the kiss first.

  “Lance, I love you too. God I was scared to say anything. Scared you didn’t…”

  “No baby, I do love you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Tell me again Alora.”

  “I love you Lance Archer. I love you so much.”

  The couple were so engrossed in their moment that they never saw the camera pointed in their direction. The shudder clicked almost silently several times before the photographer turned and silently moved from the secluded garden. Tucking the camera away, the photographer made their way through the locals and tourists of Tyron Palace and stepped onto the sidewalk. Slipping on sunglasses, the photographer disappeared in the Saturday morning crowds.

  Chapter 17

  Alora felt like she was floating. She looked over at Lance as he drove them back to his parent’s house. They had spent the whole day in New Bern. After he confessed he loved her in the gardens at Tyron Palace, the day only got better. Lance had shown her all around the town. The antique shops, the historical buildings, the old-fashioned drug store where they shared a Pepsi at the drug counter. Yet the best part had been how he held her hand wherever they went. She smiled when he glanced over at her and sent her a wink.


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