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I Married an Alien Handyman: A Spicy, Steamy Romp Across Alien Galaxies

Page 11

by Nora Nolan

  “What’ll I do if I don’t work?”

  He took a long swig from his beer and winked at her. “You can stay home and fantasize about how and whether I’m going to spank you when I come home.” He seemed amused at her gasp and the accompanying blush. “Because more than likely, I will, one way or another.”

  Cheryl was embarrassed that he knew of her fetish. But she was more grateful than embarrassed, if that was possible.

  She was even more grateful that the doorbell rang, interrupting the moment. Paul stood up. “Stay,” he said to her. She did, thinking about how that instruction sounded like an order for a dog, yet she liked him telling her what to do. What if I hadn’t stayed? Would he spank me for it? And if he did, would it be playful or painful?

  Paul walked back in with the Chinese food, grinning widely. Cheryl took that to mean he’d read her mind, even from another room. His smile turned into a smirk as he put the food down on the table.

  “Will you always know what I’m thinking?”

  In one move, he pulled her up from her chair and plopped down in it, her on his lap.

  “Baby, if it makes you uncomfortable, I can stop using that sense. Do you really want me to stop? You do realize it helps me take care of you and give you what you dream of.”

  “That alone is scary. What if I think of things I don’t want to happen?”

  “I know the difference.”

  “Yeah? Tell me what I want.”

  The words sounded like a challenge, but he recognized them as a frightened and sincere plea.

  “You want a big, strong man to love you. A man to be faithful to you, and to whom you can be faithful. You want him to take care of you. You want a sexual relationship with him that ignites your soul and your backside. You want him to be powerful yet soft, playful yet practical, and you expect him to know what you need, maybe even before you do. Am I right so far?”

  Her voice was small. “Yes. I guess maybe you do need to read my mind if you’re going to be all that. I just wish I could read your mind.”

  He laughed, pulling her tightly, then loosened his grip so he could look at her. “Baby, we aren’t that different from earth men, you know. We think about sex. That’s it, almost all the time. We might think about football, or taxes, or work, but you can bet sexy thoughts will pop up all through it. Even we can’t control that. And you can also bet that when I think about sex, I’m thinking about you.” His hands began moving on her body. “I think about these lips. And these eyes. And these perfect breasts with these killer nipples. And this belly, and this slit,” he said, his voice getting raspier. “And this ass I want to kiss and bite, and redden with my hand or stripe with my belt.

  She touched his lips before straightening up to kiss them.

  “Let’s eat. Then I want you to read my mind and act accordingly.”

  Chapter 13: Zoe and Glen

  Glen still held Zoe tightly when they suddenly turned up in her bedroom. “Ah,” Glen said, “my favorite room in your house.”

  Zoe looked at him, not quite sure what to make of him. She was still skeptical. Aliens? Really? Why couldn’t I just find a nice kinky earth man?

  She separated from him and went into the kitchen, looking for something quick to eat. Glen followed her. “Sandwiches and potato salad okay?”

  “Of course. I’ll fix drinks. Zoe, we need to talk, you know. What do you want to talk through? Do you have any questions?”

  “You can read my mind, right? Why don’t you just do that?”

  “I could, but that’s not the same as a conversation. Now’s the time for discussion.”

  “Maybe I’m not in the mood to talk.”

  “Maybe you’re acting like a petulant brat. I suggest we talk and work through your reservations. I don’t understand why you were fine being with me the other day, but now you’re acting unsettled.”

  She took a frustrated breath. “I know I did. I was happy. But get real here, I just found out you’re a freakin’ alien. An alien! I’m not sure why knowing the truth about you changes things. Well, yeah, I do. I mean, aliens? That’s just not something you hear every day. And why me?”

  “Because I fell in love with you before you ever even knew of me. I knew we’d be perfect for each other.”

  “So, what, you had a dossier on me, and picked me from that?”

  “Something like that. Why does it matter? I love you, and if you’ll admit it, you love me, too.”

  “You put thoughts in my head, images of things you knew would appeal to me. You read my mind. How can I know for sure what we have is real? How do I know it’s not all some alien invention, meant to trick me into falling for you?”

  “I did use those methods, mainly in the interest of time. But they aren’t tricks. What you feel for me is real. Just like what I feel for you is real. We’re bonded now. There couldn’t be anyone else for me but you.”

  “How can I believe that?”

  Glen grabbed her, taking her by surprise, and pushed her against a wall, holding her arms immobile at her sides. She inhaled sharply, suddenly realizing she was no longer in control of the conversation or the situation. Was I ever in control?

  He spoke, his voice was deep, contained, and just a touch menacing. “You already believe it. You’re just being a stubborn brat right now. Admit it. Tell me. Tell me right now you love me.”

  She managed a brief defiant look, but couldn’t find the strength or courage to maintain it or form words. She looked away.

  Glen let go of her left arm and moved his hand up to her hair. His fingers twisted in it, pulling it into his fist. He pulled down and away firmly enough to force her head to look up at him.

  “Tell me. Say the words.”

  “What’ll you do if I don’t? Put some more images in my head? Take over my mind? Do some alien magic shit to make me submit?”

  He dropped her hair and grabbed her arm, dragging her to the bedroom. “Not alien shit, sunshine, this little move started on earth with Adam and Eve. It’s been working its own magic shit ever since.” He sat on the bed and pulled her over his huge thighs.

  “I doubt if Adam ever did this to Eve!” Zoe finally found the words to protest.

  “Yes, he did. We were there.”

  Glen ripped her panties off and pulled her dress up above her waist. The first blow fell with a deafening sound. There was a delay before Zoe reacted, but react she did. She screamed bloody murder.

  “Might as well calm down, sunshine. You’ve got a lot more coming.”

  Thwak! Thwak!

  “Stop that, you asshole! You’re just being a bully!”

  “I’m not an asshole or a bully, Zoe, I’m a man in love. This is what we do when our women are acting like contrary, spoiled children.”

  Thwak! Thwak!

  “Ow!” Her tears had begun to fall. She felt so torn – she knew she loved this man, but it was all happening so fast. And it hurt like hell. Why did I ever think this would be sexy?

  “All right, all right,” she offered, trying to get him to stop.

  His hand paused in midair. “Are you ready to admit how you feel about me?”

  “I’m ready to admit that I think I love you. I’m ready to talk now.”

  “That’s a start, I guess.”

  Zoe began to push herself up.

  “Not yet, sunshine. You just stay here a while. We might not have finished our business.”

  He slowly rubbed her bottom, keeping the tingling heat from flowing from his fingers. He didn’t want to “trick” her with alien shit.

  Zoe instantly felt her arousal, even without his special touch. Now she realized this was what she read about – what she knew many women felt in the aftermath of being spanked. The sharp sting of the swats had lessened, but it left a certain sensual heat that took over.

  His big hand spanned her whole bottom. His hand roamed down her thighs, dipping the side of his hand down to the insides of them. He rubbed some more, back up again, and she began to moan. His hand
made its way between her upper thighs. “Spread.”

  She did, a little bit, excited and also embarrassed that he would see her arousal. He pulled his hand away and applied a strong lick to her thigh, and she let out a startled cry again. She hadn’t expected it.

  “Spread them more,” he said.

  She whimpered at the embarrassing position, but she complied. His hand came back to her slit.

  “Now, are you ready to tell me you love me?”

  “That’s not fair – I’m nearly ready to come!”

  “You know you love me. Just say the words.” His hand roamed, teasing, but didn’t touch either her needy nub or her canal.

  She wiggled her ass, trying to get his fingers to touch her in a certain place.

  “Please let me up. I need you. I need to feel you inside me.”

  “If I let you up, it’ll be to stretch you out across the bed so I can use my belt. Is that what you want?”

  Zoe choked out the words. “Uh, I, oh,” they were more grunts than words. “Glen! Glen. I admit it. You’re right. I do love you. I’m just so scared of all this!”

  He pulled her up, ripping off her dress and bra. He was also naked, and she wasn’t sure how or when he got that way. He picked her up into an embrace and kissed her forcefully, possessively. Zoe responded wildly, her arms fighting to hold him all over. He lowered her to the bed, then joined her. His kiss owned her as his hand lowered and he inserted a finger inside her, making her moan and meet each thrust. One of her arms was under him, but the other flailed, beating the mattress in an excited frustration of need.

  Glen moved, positioning himself above her, poised to enter her. She put her hands up to his face. “Glen, baby, I do love you.” There were tears.

  He dipped down to kiss her. “I know you do sunshine. I love you, too.”

  With that he drove himself into her, and she screamed at the intensity. He fucked relentlessly, taking her to the edge, then pulling her back. Sweat dripped from them both. Finally, he leaned down to kiss her again. “Now, sunshine.” He resumed the punishing thrusts until they both exploded.

  They fell together, her with her head on his chest, nestled under his arm. As their breathing normalized, she spoke first, simply. “I do love you. I’ll go with you, you know. I’m just scared.”

  “I’ll be with you every step, don’t forget that. And your friends will be with you, too.”

  “How soon do we need to leave?”

  “We’d like to leave as soon as possible. All you really need to do is pack any clothes you want to take. Since you work remotely, you could take care of ending that en route, or even after we arrive home. Or, you could continue working if you like. It’s your choice.”

  “I really don’t have to work?”

  “Sunshine, I’m the head of our tribe. The top guy. Head honcho. Like the president. Or the king. Or the emperor. We don’t need your income. You can do whatever you want.” He grinned down at her. “Provided I agree to it, of course. Women do obey on Bargella, you understand.”

  “So, if I wanted to stay home and just be your plaything, that’s okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am, it would. I could make that very interesting for both of us. Might require some intense training.” He eyed her with a devilish smirk. “I expect you to cater to my prurient wants, you know. My demands. My whims.”

  “And if I fail? Or balk?”

  “Oh, sunshine, there will be consequences. And bear in mind, it’s entirely possible you won’t like all my desires, let alone the consequences. They can be very dark, and uncomfortable for you. Maybe even painful.”

  She raised up to look into his eyes. “Will they be just between us?”

  “Absolutely. Private between a husband and his wife.”

  “Then I look forward to it.”

  “Oh, so do I, sunshine. Right now, though, I think we should go shower.”

  “Aw, I was hoping to fuck again.”

  “What do you think I was planning to do in the shower?”

  Chapter 14: Ava and Dan

  When they regenerated in Ava’s bedroom, Dan reluctantly let her go. “Darlin, want to grab something to eat? We can go somewhere or order in, whatever you want.”

  “Maybe pizza. If I ever need my favorite comfort food, it’s now.”

  He smiled at her indulgently. “All right. I’ll order. Why don’t you get us something to drink in the meantime?”

  She headed into the kitchen as he began pushing buttons on his phone.

  They converged on the couch in the living room when they both completed their tasks.

  “And I thought you were joking when you said you’d take me away. You must have been laughing at me when I said you couldn’t take me without Zoe.”

  “I never laughed at you. But I did realize I couldn’t tell you everything all at once. You’d never have believed me.”

  She looked down. “I guess not. You know, I’m still finding this all hard to believe.”

  Dan chuckled. “You mean you’ve never been seduced by an alien who wanted to sweep you off to his planet before?”

  She touched his chest, letting her hand roam all over his upper body. “It’s so hard to see you as an alien. You’re so, I don’t know, manly.”

  “Yes, I am. Don’t you like that?”

  “More than you can know. Well, no, I guess you do know, since you can read my mind.”

  “All right, so I already know you’re attracted to me. And just like any earth man would be, it makes me feel mighty damn happy and downright smug about it.”

  The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the pizza. Dan went to the door while Ava brought their drinks into the kitchen, then pulled the red pepper flakes from her spice rack and the parmesan cheese from the refrigerator door. She brought out some paper plates as he brought in the pizza box.

  She laugh-sighed when she opened the box. “Anchovy, pepperoni, sausage, with double black olives. You can definitely read my mind.”

  He was about to respond when his phone emitted a chirpy sound. He picked it up and read the message.

  “Darlin, we have to move up our time frame. That was from one of the other men on the High Council. The planet Gandarz is threatening an attack. We can leave no later than tomorrow noon. Can you be ready? Remember, you can get anything you want on Bargella. You only need to pack any sentimental things you want to keep, and clothes for the trip on the ship.”

  She took a deep breath. “If I have to. Um, should I take my laptop?”

  “You might want to for business, at least on the trip. We’ll get you a better one when we get home.”

  “Yeah? Don’t tell me you have Amazon Prime there.”

  “Something like it,” he grinned. “Free same day delivery, and much wider selections.”

  “Then I can be ready tonight. Not really much I need to take.”

  “That’s my good girl.” He kissed her. “I’m so glad you want to go with me.”

  “Dan, what about the invasion? Will you have to fight in a war or something? Will our home be threatened? Will all of us be safe there?”

  “There were rumblings around one of the other tribes, not one close to us. But it’s also likely that Sam’s tribe might fall under attack, since he’s the Chair of the council. Trouble is, we don’t know how the Gandarz will attack, whether intending to fight us man to man – which isn’t likely, or launching an air campaign, or bombs, bioterrorism, or other terroristic methods. Our military is prepared for any eventuality, though, and they are very well trained. I’m no longer in the military, but Sam is in a position similar to your president. You know, a commander-in-chief type of position. He’ll make a lot of strategic and tactical decisions, with the rest of us on the Council and upper ranking military officers as advisors. Our weapons and countermeasures are highly sophisticated. So much so, it’s surprising Gandarz is considering a war with us. It would be about like the Brownie Scouts from Long Island attacking Texas.”

  “Then why is it so seriou
s that we have to leave tomorrow?”

  “Because it takes eight days to get there, and we don’t know yet if they’ve joined with any other sympathizers. It’s possible they’ve teamed up with dangerous allies.”

  “Has this happened before? Your planet attacked by another planet?”

  “Not in several thousand years. Ever since we adopted humanoid form, we’ve been known as peaceful. But we’re also known as rich. A lot of planets find that attractive.”

  “Rich from what?”

  “Gems, precious metals and minerals, technologies. You name it.”

  “You realize this is boggling my mind. I can’t wait to see what it’s like there, see what my life will be like. So tell me, do you have family? What are they like?”

  Dan grinned at her. “You’ll love them. My mom’s a hoot. Dad stepped down as chieftain just so he could travel with Mom and enjoy life. They live with me. My oldest little sister is married. The younger sister isn’t married yet. She still lives with me in the manse, too. They have their own apartments away from ours in other wings, so you won’t find them underfoot. They’re all going to love you.”

  She leaned up and kissed him. “Will you help me pack?”

  He took her arm, pulling her up and away from the table and toward the bedroom. “Yes. Afterwards.”

  Chapter 15: Onboard Ship Day 1

  Dan and Ava were the first ones to arrive on the ship the next morning; it was still early. He had convinced her they could easily get whatever they wanted for breakfast onboard. She only brought two cases with her, and much of that was lingerie Dan had taken a shine to as he helped her pack.

  They materialized in the same meeting/eating/gathering room they’d been in the day before. “Come on, darlin, let’s get you unpacked, then we can come back for a leisurely breakfast while we wait for the others. Or if you prefer, we have a replicator in our suite, too, so we don’t have to come back here at all if you don’t want to. But the other couples will likely beam here.”


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