The Heroine with 1001 Faces
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“Lady of the House of Love, The” (Carter), 143–44
Lane, Edward, 74, 296n35
Lang, Andrew, 98, 123, 127, 299n41
Lang, Fritz, 270–71
language. See storytelling
Larsson, Stieg, 247, 248, 249, 269
See also Millennium trilogy
“Laugh of the Medusa, The” (Cixous), xvi–xvii
Lavinia (Le Guin), 43–44
Leaves of Grass (Whitman), xix
“Lectures on Poetics” (Wolf), 41–42
Leda, 25, 279
Lee, Harper, 192–93
Lee, Spike, 193
Lefebvre, Jules, 158
Lefkowitz, Mary, 137
Le Guin, Ursula K., 43–44, 95, 172, 289
Lepore, Jill, 233
L’Ève future (Villiers de l’Isle-Adam), 271
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 150
Lewis, C. S., 261
L’Héritier de Villandon, Marie-Jeanne, 115–16
Lindgren, Astrid, 248–49, 284, 308n17
Link, Kelly, 5
Lippman, Laura, 214
Lipstick, 247
literary girl heroines, xxii–xxiii, 167–96
Anne Frank (The Diary of a Young Girl), 184–88, 189
Anne of Green Gables, 168, 173–80
Francie Nolan (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn), 180–84, 226
Harriet the Spy, 189–91, 193
Scout Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird), 192–93
Starr Carter (The Hate U Give), 152, 193–96
Wonder Woman and, 153
See also Little Women
Little Brother & Little Sister and Other Tales (Brothers Grimm), 133
See also Grimms’ fairy tales
“Little Mermaid, The” (Andersen), 63
Little Mermaid, The (Disney), 258
“Little Red Riding Hood,” 139, 141–42, 149, 240, 247, 253–56
Little Women (Alcott)
as autofiction, 170, 174
dismissal of women’s writing and, 136, 175–76, 181
domesticity and, 168, 173
impact of, 172–73
justice in, 152
writing and publishing of, 167–69, 171–72
writing as heroine’s mission and, 154, 171–72
Little Women (film) (Gerwig), 237
Loki, 238
Lorde, Audre, 122, 135, 289
“Lord of Lorn and the False Steward, The” (English folktale), 83
Lost Weekend, The, 237
Louis-Dreyfus, Julia, 103
Louis XIV (king of France), 164
Lucas, George, 17–18
Ludlum, Robert, 256
Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 179
Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 26, 154
Madame Curie, 237
Madam Secretary, 288
Madonna/whore dichotomy, 61
Madwoman in the Attic, The (Gilbert and Gubar), 172
magic, xvii, 134–35, 238, 291n5
Mahabharata, 27
“Maiden without Hands, The,” 126, 128
“Maiden with the Rose on Her Forehead, The” (Portuguese folktale), 83
male/female binary. See gender binary stereotypes
Maleficent, 262
Maltese Falcon, The, 237, 241
Manguel, Alberto, 51, 301n9
marginalized people
magic and, 291n5
storytelling and, 273–74
women’s reimaginings and, xviii, 39, 294n45
marriage. See domesticity
Marriage Story (Baumbach), 237
Marston, William, 152, 228–29, 232–33, 234
Mayor, Adrienne, 293n31
McDonagh, Martin, 251
McDonald, Tamar Jeffers, 309n41
McNeely, Deldon Anne, 307n5
Medea, 71–72
Medea (Euripides), 71–72
Medusa, 277–78, 278, 280
Medusa (Caravaggio), 278
Meet the Parents, 287
Meirelles, Fernando, 237
Melville, Herman, 154
men’s movement, 22
Merkel, Inge, 293n36
Metamorphoses (Ovid), 53, 56, 61–62, 70, 77
metamyth, 147
#MeToo movement, xvii
silencing of women and, 94–95, 103
storytelling and, 10–11, 126
women’s reimaginings and, 35, 45
writing as heroine’s mission and, 204–5
Metropolis (Lang), 270–71
Milano, Alyssa, 35
Millard, Shirley, 285
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 293n36
Millennium trilogy (Larsson), 242–47, 244, 308n16
appetite in, 242–43, 244
Hunger Games trilogy and, 265
imitation of male models in, 269
Pippi Longstocking and, 248, 249, 308n17
Sex and the City and, 203
traditional tricksters and, 307–8n13
vengeance in, 243, 245, 246, 247
Miller, Chanel, 94, 104–5
Miller, Madeline, xvii, 15–16, 47–48
Milton, John, 266
Minerva and Arachne (Houasse), 66
Miracle on 34th Street, 179, 180
Mirror Crack’d, The (Christie), 221
Mnemosyne, 30–31, 31, 42
Moana (Disney), 259, 260–61
Moby-Dick (Melville), 154
Moirai, 65
monomyth, 2, 18–20
Monster-in-Law, 241
Montgomery, L. M., 168, 173–80
Morales, Helen, 295n21
Moran, Lindsay, 189
Morning Show, The, 126, 205
Morris, Wesley, 272, 274
Morrison, Toni, 1, 15, 71, 137, 147–49, 193
“Mossycoat,” 111
movies. See film
Moyers, Bill, xiv, 17, 197
“Mr. Fox” (British folktale), xviii, 11–14, 12, 64, 90
Mrs. Miniver, 237
Murder, She Wrote, 219, 304n14
Murder at the Vicarage, The (Christie), 208
“Murders in the Rue Morgue, The” (Poe), 211
Murdock, Maureen, 23
muse, xvi–xvii
My Ex from Hell (Darling), 47
My Fair Lady, 91
Mystery at Lilac Inn, The (Keene), 211
My Struggle (Knausgaard), 26
interrogation of, 143
intertextuality and, 149–50
irrational and, 71
monomyth, 2, 18–20
regeneration of, 235–37, 241–42, 275
term origin, 112
Myth of the Birth of the Hero, The (Rank), 19–20
mythological universe, xiv
Mythology (Hamilton), 52–53, 159
Naipaul, V. S., xvii
Nancy Drew stories (Keene), 154, 207–14, 224, 304n14
Neely, Barbara, 104, 226–27
Nemesis (Christie), 221, 222–23
Nemesis (The Great Fortune) (Dürer), 222
“Never Violence!” (Lindgren), 248
New Age men’s movement, 22
Nichols, Lynn H., 57
Nielsen, Kay, 77–78
Nightingale, Florence, 285–86
Niles, Thomas, 167–68
1917, 237
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 24
nineteenth-century adult fiction, 26, 105–7, 153–54
nondisclosure agreements, 94–95, 103
North, Sterling, 233
“Nourie Hadig” (Armenian folktale), xviii, 84–86
nuclear threat, 41–42
nurses, 169–70, 184, 284–88
Obama, Barack, xix
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 209
“Ode to a Grecian Urn” (Keats), 57
Odysseus and Penelope: An Ordinary Marriage (Merkel), 293n36
Odyssey, The (Homer), xviii
Campbell on, 36–37
gender binary stereotypes in, 14–15, 29–30
heroic behavior in, 27, 28–29, 37–38, 42–43, 46
r /> oral vs. written traditions and, 30
silencing of women in, 35, 58–59
women as peripheral in, xx–xxi, 28
women’s reimaginings of, xvii, 15–16, 31, 32, 33–37, 47–48, 293n36
Old Greek Folk Stories (Peabody), 66–68
old wives’ tales. See fairy tales
Once upon a Time, 261
Once upon a Time in Hollywood (Tarantino), 237
100 Armenian Tales (Villa)
oral vs. written traditions
Black literary tradition and, 46
fairy tales and, 114, 116, 117, 118–19
heroic behavior and, 27, 30
maligning of women’s speech and, 120, 121
women’s reimaginings and, 46–47
Oreo (Ross), 16
Orwell, George, 24
“Our Lady’s Child” (German folktale), 80
on Arachne, 65
on Cassandra, 275–76
on Europa, 53, 56
male appropriation of fairy tales and, 98
on Medusa, 277
on Philomela, 61–62, 70, 71, 96
Pacific Islander mythology, 260
Page, Ellen, 255
Pain and Glory (Almodóvar), 237
Pamuk, Orhan, 77, 78
Pandora, 156, 157–62, 159, 160, 161, 162, 301n13, 302n19
Pandora (Rossetti), 159
Pandora (Waterhouse), 158, 159
Pankhurst, Emmeline, 232
Panofsky, Irwin, 60
Papathanasiou, Katerina, 186
Paradise Lost (Pullman), 266
Parker, Dorothy, 33–34
Parks, Rosa, 110
Patience of Penelope, The (Stanhope), 34
Patience Stone, The (Rahimi), 88, 297n56
Peabody, Josephine Preston, 66–68
Peele, George, 129
Peele, Jordan, 272–74
Penelope, xviii
animal laborans and, 37–38
gender binary stereotypes and, 29–30
heroic behavior and, 36–37, 293n40
peripheral role of, 28, 29
silencing of, 35, 58–59
traditional women’s work and, 65
as trickster, 239
women’s reimaginings of, 15, 32, 33–37, 38, 40, 239, 293n36
“Penelope” (Parker), 33–34
“Penelope’s Song” (Glück), 293n36
Penelopiad (Atwood), 15, 32, 33, 34, 35–37, 38, 40, 239
Pentamerone, The (Basile), 81–82, 112, 118–19
“Penta with the Chopped-Off Hands” (Basile), 127–28
Perils of Pauline, The, 241
Perrault, Charles, 112, 117, 118, 127, 140–41, 164–67
Persephone, 47, 52
Perseus, 25, 53, 278
Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up (Barrie), 179
Phillips, Todd, 237
afterlife as bird, 62, 100
bodily mutilation of, 61–62, 63, 102, 265
intermediaries and, 79
rape of, 61–62
speaking out and, xvii, 62, 62, 64, 77, 96, 295n24
Titus Andronicus and, 62–63
women’s reimaginings of, 70–71
Philomela (Burne-Jones), 62
Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan), 170
Pindar, 277
Pinker, Steven, xviii
Pippi Longstocking (Lindgren), 248–49, 284, 308n17
Pleasant Nights, The (Straparola), 118
Pocket Full of Rye, A (Christie), 223
Poe, Edgar Allan, 206, 207, 211
Poetic License (Cherington), 105
polis (public arena), 120, 292n7
Pollyanna (Porter), 177
Polyxena, 43, 282
Pomeroy, Sarah B., 302n19
Porter, Eleanor H., 177
“Porter and the Three Ladies, The” (Thousand and One Nights), 76
Postrel, Virginia, 295n25
Power of Myth, The (Moyers), 17–18, 197
“Practical Guide to The Hero with a Thousand Faces, A” (Vogler), xiv
Predator, 205
Pretty Woman, 241
Primaticcio, Francesco, 279
“Princess in the Suit of Leather, The” (Egyptian folktale), 111, 112
Procne, 62, 70, 100
See also Philomela
Prometheus, 53, 158, 203
Propp, Vladimir, 23
Prose, Francine, 188
Proserpine (Rossetti), iv
Psyche, 4–5, 280
Pullman, Philip, 15, 266–68
Purkiss, Diane, 283
Pygmalion (Shaw), 91, 269–70
Queen’s Gambit, The, 288–89
quest narratives. See hero’s journey
Rabuzzi, Kathryn, 35
race and racism
“Bluebeard” and, 272–74
female detectives and, 227
literary girl heroines and, 193, 194–96
“Magical Negro,” 193
silencing of women and, 110
in The Thousand and One Nights, 73
women’s reimaginings and, 16
Rackham, Arthur, 133, 161, 161
Radiant Darkness (Whitman), 47
Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart, The: Poems for Men (Bly, Hillman, and Meade), 22
Raglan, Lord, 20
Rahimi, Atiq, 88, 297n56
Rainbow fairy tales (Lang), 98, 123, 127, 299n41
Rank, Otto, 19–20
Rank-Raglan mythotype, 19–20
silencing of women and, 59–62, 70, 94–95, 110
See also rape in Greek mythology
rape in Greek mythology
beauty and, 279, 280
cultural acceptance of, 52–58, 58, 143
gender binary stereotypes and, 25
prevalence of, 51–52, 295n21
silencing of women and, 59–62, 70
speaking out and, xvii–xviii, 62, 65–66
Rape of Europa, The: The Fate of Europe’s Treasures in the Third Reich and the Second World War (Nicholas), 57
Rape of Helen, The (Primaticcio), 279
female detectives and, 211, 222, 225
imagination and, 170, 182, 225
storytelling and, 76
wisdom and, 267
Rebecca, 237
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (Wiggin), 177
“Red Shoes, The” (Andersen), 63
Rembrandt, 54, 54
Rich, Adrienne, 135, 289
Rifkin, Jeremy, xix
Rigby, Elizabeth, 107
Rigg, Diana, 258
Ripa, Cesare, 157
Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve, The (Greenblatt), 163
“Robber Bridegroom, The” (German folktale), xviii, 89, 90–91
robots, 270–72
Rogerian therapy, 92
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Taylor), 194
“Rootedness: The Ancestor as Foundation” (Morrison), 149
Rosemary’s Baby, 241, 273
Ross, Fran, 16
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, iv, 31, 159
Roth, Philip, 186–87
Rover Boys, 212
Rowe, Karen E., 295n24
Rowling, J. K., 172
RUR (Cˇapek), 119, 270
Sanders, Rupert, 261–62
“Sandman, The” (Hoffmann), 271
Sandys, Frederick, 41
“Sang-e Sabur” (Persian folktale), 86
Sardou, Victorien, 241
Save the Cat! (Snyder), 21
Sayers, Dorothy L., 154, 218, 220–21
#SayTheirNames movement, 194
Scarlet Letter, The (Hawthorne), 26, 175
Scarry, Elaine, 134
Scáthach, 26
altruism and, 11, 75–76
Jane Eyre and, 107
transformation and, xviii, 9–10, 76, 78
translators’ silencing of, 296n44
as trickster
, 238
weakness of, 77–78
women as duplicitous and, 73, 76–77
women’s voices and, 72, 77
Schweitzer, Albert, 1, 5
science, 157
Science of Evil, The: On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty (Baron-Cohen), xix
scolds, 117–18, 120
Scorsese, Martin, 237
“Search for the Lost Husband, The” (tale type), 6
Searching for Mercy Street: My Journey Back to My Mother (Sexton), 139
Second Sex, The (de Beauvoir), 25
Secret of the Old Clock, The (Keene), 208, 211, 213, 214
in fairy tales, 80, 81
in folktales, 108–10
in women’s reimaginings, 48, 146–47
“Semi-Petrified Prince, The” (Thousand and One Nights), 76–77
“Seventy-Year-Old Corpse, The” (Afghan folktale), 86–88, 89–90
Sévigné, Madame de, 112
Sex and the City, 199, 200–203, 201
Sex and the Single Girl (Brown), 198
Sexton, Anne, 138–40, 149, 250, 283
Sexton, Linda Gray, 139
sexual assault. See rape
Shahriyar, 73–74, 75–76, 77, 78
Shakespeare, William, 63
Shaw, George Bernard, 91
Shawshank Redemption, The, 193
“She-Bear, The,” 127
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 136
Sherlock Holmes, 206, 207, 223
She Said (Kantor and Twohey), 95
Shrek, 144
Signifying Monkey, The (Gates), 46
Sign of the Twisted Candles, The (Keene), 209
Silence of the Girls (Barker), 15, 32, 43–47, 283
silencing of women
bodily mutilation and, 61–64, 102, 265
cultural acceptance of, 66–69
discrediting of fairy tales and, 129
in fairy tales, xxii, 79, 80–81
Lorde, Rich, and Walker on, 135
male appropriation of storytelling and, 96–100
#MeToo movement and, 94–95, 103
in The Odyssey, 35, 58–59
racism and, 110
rape and, 59–62, 70, 94–95, 110
Rich on, 135
translation and, 296n44
women as agents of, 100–103
women’s reimaginings and, 35, 70–71, 72
writing and, 289
See also speaking out; women’s speech, maligning of; women’s voices
“Silly Novels” (Eliot), 136
Silvey, Anita, 190
“Skull That Talked Back, The” (African-American folktale), 110
Slade, David, 240, 247, 254–55
“Sleeping Beauty,” 3
Sleeping Beauty (Disney), 127, 143–44
Smith, Alexander McCall, 304n13
Smith, Betty, 180–84
“Snow Queen, The” (Andersen), 5
Snow White and the Huntsman (Sanders), 261–62
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney), 79–80, 127, 259
Snyder, Blake, 21
social media, 93
Solnit, Rebecca, xxi–xxii, 94, 276–77
Solomon, Andrew, xix
Song of Roland, The, 27, 28