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Kayne's Fury: A Savage Saints MC

Page 5

by J. Lynn Lombard

  My father hit a nerve and he knows it. He leans forward, his leather cut creaking, a deadly smile on his stubbled face. “See, that’s where you’re wrong. I hear they’re trying to take over your territory and bodies keep on disappearing. That, to me, sounds like you have a problem.” He throws his hands wide, “A big problem I can help solve.”

  “Why would you help me? We have no business together. If The Black Destroyers want me out that’s more territory for you to snatch up.” Kayne is clenching and unclenching his fists, not taking his eyes off my father.

  “Maybe because I want to do business with you. It appears your bar is a great business, but that will not cut it this day and age. If you agree to our help, I can bring in more business and more money. Everyone wants more money. You’d just have to run side deals for me, with my daughter supervising.” Drex waves his hands in my direction and I know he’s up to something. “I have a lot of Irish connections and their demands keep increasing. I need the extra manpower to meet their needs.”

  My body trembles mentioning the Irish. They’re mean son of bitches and don’t like women in on their deals. What the hell is my father up to? Kayne’s head snaps in my direction and I offer a little smile. My mouth is dry and my tongue is stuck, no words will form. My father wants me to get involved with the Irish? Is he trying to get me killed? Kayne must have read the fear on my face because he whispers something to the man standing next to him, not taking his penetrating gaze off me. They converse back and forth for a few moments before he speaks, keeping his gaze locked on me. I haven’t moved a muscle since my father dropped this bomb on me.

  “So, let me get this straight. You want my help running some business to the Irish in exchange for help against The Black Destroyers?” Kayne cocks an eyebrow, confusion on his face.

  “That’s correct.” My father says casually, waving his hands dismissively.

  “I’ll have to take it to my table and make sure everyone is on board.” Kayne grits out through clenched teeth. My father has him right where he wants him.

  “Good. Get back to me in two days. When you let me know, I’ll have a run set up for you.” Drex responds.

  I finally peel my eyes away from Kayne and look at my club members. None of them are looking at me. They all have their heads down or are looking around the room, avoiding eye contact. They all knew. A rebuttal is on the tip of my tongue, itching to come out until I see the only club member looking at me, MadDog. He’s watching me, shaking his head. He’s silently asking me not to cause a scene and get the wrath of my father. I clamp my mouth shut until we’re alone.

  “I’ll let you know in two days.” Kayne spits out and turns to leave.

  Before he reaches the door, my father stops him. “Kayne, one last thing.”

  Kayne slowly turns back around. His body is vibrating with rage, “What?”

  “This stays between our main club members only. Don’t go gabbing to anyone else about our deal.” My father leans forward in his chair, a cold deadly look is in his eyes, I’ve seen numerous times.

  “I’m not stupid, Drex. I know how to run a club.” Kayne clenches his jaw tight and he looks like he wants to rip my father apart and feed the pieces to the hogs. Kayne’s attention travels to me again and instead of compassion in his blue depth, hatred and rage are pinning me to my spot. My father has done it again. I don’t know how, but he’s made another enemy against me. Kayne turns back around and walks out of the room with the man who came in with him, slamming the door behind them.

  Once they’re out of earshot and the rest of the club members leave, I step forward, pinning my father with a cold, hard gaze. “What the hell was that?” I demand. “The Irish? Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Poison, calm down.” Drex stands up, holding his hands in front of him.

  “Calm down? You want me to calm down after you just sent me to the wolves. Do you have any idea what you just did?” I’m on the verge of losing my shit and all I see is red. I want to tear my father limb from limb, keeping him alive long enough to rub salt in his wounds.

  “Poison,” MadDog steps forward, trying to calm me down. “Go get some fresh air. We’ll talk after you clear your head. Think of this as a good thing.”

  “A good thing? Are you fucking kidding me?” My body is trembling with rage and I glare at MadDog. He’s pissed but is maintaining his cool, unlike me. “How in the fuck can this be a good thing? They’re going to kill me the minute I step foot on their property.”

  “No, they won’t. I’ve already cleared it with them. They’re prepared for you to be making the drops from now on. They would rather have you than me there anyway.” Drex’s deep voice is grating on my nerves, but I hear something I don’t normally hear. Defeat.

  A light bulb goes off in my head. This is why he wants Kayne to do business. His egotistical ways have burned quite a few bridges and he’s on the verge of losing the Irish if he doesn’t figure something out.

  Caring more for the club’s safety than my own, I grit out, “Fine. But I swear to God, if this is a setup, you will be sorry.” I storm from the room, slamming the door behind me. The music from the stage is pumping through the dimly lit hallway and I make my way to the bar. The bartender, a young girl named Violet, saunters over to me. “What can I get you?”

  We can’t serve alcohol here because of the full nudity of the strippers so I order a Coke. It’s a good thing we don’t because my craving for something stronger is burning my throat and the three years sobriety would be wasted. I won’t let that asshole destroy anything else I’ve worked hard for. He’s already taken too much. First, my mother’s will to live, then the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, my grandfather’s club and now this. He needs to be stopped. I finish my Coke, slamming the glass on the bar top and leave.

  I smash the metal door leading outside open, scaring the shit out of Deeks, our security guard. His massive body jumps up from the metal stool and then sits back down when he spots me. The setting sun is blinding as I walk to my SUV. I pull my keys out of my pocket and hit the key fob with shaking hands. Sliding inside, I sit behind the wheel of my dark blue Dodge Durango and rest my head on the steering wheel. Questions plague my mind. Why does my father hate me so much? I’ve always tried to stay on his good side, but everything I say or do isn’t enough. Why is it never enough?

  Intense blue eyes penetrate my mind. The sexy sway of Kayne’s hips as he walks, the way his eyes lit up when they landed on me, the smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts. The muscles and tattoos stretching as far as I could see, trailing under his cut and t-shirt hiding tanned skin, I would lick and nibble on for days. Dark blue jeans hiding the bulge of a man who can definitely give a woman what she’s looking for. Shit, I’ve got to stop thinking about him or he’ll end up dead like the rest.

  Deep vibrations of a Harley rattle my SUV windows and I pick my head up. Kayne and the guy he’s with are slowly riding past me. Our eyes lock for a moment, he’s looking at me like he knew I was thinking about him before he winks and punches the gas, causing his bike to growl and then disappear. I release a deep breath, start my SUV and drive off in the opposite direction. I don’t know where I’m heading right now, but I need to get away for a little while.

  Loud voices out in the hallway startle me from my memories. I tiptoe to the door and listen.

  “Cougar, you can’t go in there.” Exasperation laces the man’s voice.

  “Don’t tell me I can’t go in there. Who’s he got hiding in there?” A woman’s raspy voice responds. I’m guessing it’s Cougar.

  “That’s none of your concern. Now, please go back to your room and calm down. You’ve done enough damage today.” The man grits out.

  “Is it that bitch, Holly? Is she in there waiting for Kayne to drop his pants so she can suck him off for protection?” The venom in Cougar’s voice is unmistakable. “Cause I’ll get that little bitch one way or another.”

  “Ma’am, please leave.”

  “I’m no ma’am. I’m young enough to show you a good time. Come on and I’ll give you what you want, big boy.” The seductiveness of her voice is hard to miss. “Let’s take this to my room Prospect and I’ll show you what you’ve been missing.”

  “What in the fuck is going on?” Kayne’s deep voice bellows before the Prospect can answer. I quickly move away from the door and into his bathroom, afraid I’ll get caught eavesdropping. I close the door behind me, blocking out their conversation. Kayne’s bedroom door shuts and he releases a deep breath. I flush the toilet and wash my hands, acting like I was in there using it instead of hiding. I peek into the mirror above the marble sink and the image staring back at me is horrendous. My usually blond silky hair is a ratted dull mess. There’s a deep purple bruise above my left temple from where I hit my head on the coffee table and I have deep purple bags under my eyes from the stress and lack of sleep. Shit, how can Kayne find me the slightest bit attractive when I scare myself. I pull my hair out of the elastic and finger brush it the best I can. Nothing I can do about the bruising, but at least my hair is cooperating.

  I open the bathroom door and come face to face with Kayne. His deep blue eyes are drifting up and down my body and it causes heat to pool between my legs. I offer him a small smile, unsure of what to say.

  Kayne breaks the silence first. “Blayde is heading out to find Siren and bring her back here. Do you know where she might be?”

  “Yeah, I have an idea, but I’m worried that whoever destroyed the clubhouse might have already done the same to the strip club. It was closed tonight, but Siren likes to hang out there when no one is around. That’s where she might be. If she isn’t, check the park in town. Sometimes she likes to go there too.” I’m rambling and I know it. I lower my head and stare at the floor. If I keep looking into his eyes, it’ll break my resolve and I’ll throw myself at him.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Kayne’s hard body slides in front of me and he tips my chin up, forcing me to look into his blue depth. My skin burns from the contact and my heart starts beating hard.

  “Nothing. I’m just stressed and tired. Worried about Siren. She’s my best friend. The only true friend I’ve ever had.”

  “Tell me about her?” Kayne softly asks.

  “Why do you want to know?” I snap. My defense immediately goes up. Why does he want to know her? Does he want her and not me?

  “Whoa, slow down. I’m trying to make conversation and find out more about you and your relationship with her. Nothing else, I swear.” Kayne leads me over to the bed and I sit down in a huff. “Damn, Drex did major damage to you.” He mumbles.

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “That means, I wish I would have seen the way your father treated you sooner.” Pity in Kayne’s voice. I don’t want pity or sympathy.

  “He treated me like he thought I deserved.” I spit out. I’m so angry with him, even if he is dead.

  “You didn’t deserve any kind of cruelty. You’re kind, funny and a spitfire.” Kayne takes my hand in his and sparks shoot up my arm. “Even after everything he put you through, you still find a way to smile and appease others. You try to find the good in people and that’s something rare in this world.”

  Tears slip down my cheeks and land on our joined hands. “He made my mother kill herself when I was a little girl. After he verbally beat her down, he left a bottle of pills on the bathroom countertop and told her the world would be better off.” I inhale a shaky breath. “She died and I couldn’t help,” I whisper.

  Kayne wraps his strong arms around my shoulders and pulls me against his solid chest. I close my eyes and breathe in his intoxicating scent. He strokes my back up and down, gently, soothingly. “You might not have been able to help her, but you can help Siren. C’mon, we’re going to go with Blayde and look for her.”

  I peer up at him through my lashes, “Are you sure it’s safe?”

  “Absolutely. You’ll be with me and Blayde and some of my club members. No one will ever harm you again.” He leans his head toward me and kisses my forehead. His warm, soft lips are gentle and caring.

  “OK.” My head is dizzy and I can’t put two words together when he’s this close. Kayne releases me and we stand up. He takes my hand and we walk out of his room, past the Prospect and down the stairs. There are club members standing around in the kitchen, checking their weapons, getting ready to roll out.

  I recognize a few of them from the drops we’ve done for the Irish but I’ve never talked to any of them except Kayne and Blayde. Blayde is wearing his cut over a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans. His muscular tattooed arms are working meticulously checking his weapons before putting one behind his back, another in his cut and a knife with a six-inch blade in his boot. He has intricate tattoos disappearing into his t-shirt and his dark hair is buzzed short against his head. He hasn’t shaved in a few days and the stubble gives him a rough look. Blayde looks up at us and his blue eyes meet Kayne’s for a brief second, then travel to me. He nods his head but doesn’t say a word.

  “Change of plans,” Kayne speaks up, causing all eyes to land on us. “Poison and I are going with Blayde, Stryker, Axel and Ace. Poison thinks she knows where Siren is. Let’s load up and head out.”



  No one questions why Poison and I are going and I feel her body relaxing a little next to me. She’s watching Blayde, Axel and Stryker like a hawk, but no one says anything. They understand more than she realizes.

  “We’ll hit the strip club first, see if Siren is there. If she isn’t, the next place to check is the park in town. Let’s roll out and see if we can find her. Stay alert and watch each other’s backs.” I grab Poison’s hand and head out the front door, ignoring the others watching us. The sun is rising, lighting the sky up in pink and purple hues and there’s a light breeze drifting across my heated skin.

  I light up a cigarette and inhale a lung full of smoke, releasing it. We reach my Harley and I shift toward Poison. She’s watching me through her lashes, her hazel eyes are mesmerizing. I know I should keep my hands to myself, but I can’t. I raise my palm, cupping her face and she releases a ragged breath. I step closer to her, so our bodies are just a hair’s breadth away. The heat from her skin causes my dick to take notice and I lean in touching our foreheads together. Poison’s tiny hands grip my cut, pulling me closer. The contact causes my heart to skip a beat and my blood to pump fast in my veins. I want to wrap her in my arms and take away the pain and hurt she’s been through, but I have a job to do and pull away.

  “Here,” I hand her the half helmet she wore earlier. She takes it from my grip and puts it on, watching me the entire time. I brush the stray blonde hair away from her face and I know I shouldn’t, but I need to taste her soft lips on mine again. I close the distance between us and stare into her eyes. She wants this just as much as I do. Just before my lips settle upon hers, a throat clears behind us. I close my eyes and growl under my breath. Poison releases my cut and spins around quickly, hiding my hard dick that’s aching against my jeans. I grip her hips and pull her ass against me, so she can feel how hard I am. She wiggles a little and I try not to groan.

  “Prez, you ready?” Blayde asks as he puts on his helmet and mounts his bike. There’s a glint of amusement in his blue eyes. Fucker’s trying to hold back a laugh. Axel and Stryker have now come out of the house and are putting their helmets on and mounting their bikes, waiting for me.

  “Yup. Let’s do this.” I release Poison’s hips and strap on my brain bucket. I mount my bike and nod my head for Poison to climb on behind me. She grips my shoulder, swings her right leg over and settles in behind me. Her tits and pussy are tight against my back and her hands settle around my waist, dangerously close to my hard cock. Her hot breath is fanning across my neck, creating a shiver to wrack my body. I fire up my bike, the vibrations of my Harley refocus my mind, but doesn’t calm my dick down. Nothing will except her tight pussy now pressed against my b
ack. I take another drag off my cigarette and stomp it out. I drop my Harley into first and we take off down the driveway. I’m in the lead, Blayde on my left, Axel on my right and Stryker right behind me, on my six. We ride into the rising sun toward The Deadly Sins Strip Club. Poison’s strip club where I first met her.

  Blayde and I left the meeting with Drex, the president of Deadly Sins. My heart is beating hard against my chest, lust raging though my body from the sexy as fuck blonde. My hands shake from rage at how carelessly Drex just threw his daughter to the wolves. My mouth is dry and my mind is playing tricks on me. I swear I saw fear in Poison’s eyes when Drex said she was making the deliveries to the Irish. The familiar burning sensation is wrapping around my neck, choking me, taking over rational thoughts as we cross the dim room lit up with red and orange lights flashing on the stage. The burning in my chest is making it difficult to breathe. I need to get out of here. Blayde senses my struggle and picks up the pace.

  The smell of sex, cheap perfume, and male testosterone is putting me on edge. Moans, groans, and grunts are heard over the beat of the music. I don’t dare take my eyes off the exit sign lit up in front of me. If I do, I’ll lose control and beat every man in this place ogling and jacking off to these women on stage dancing. This place is nasty and dirty and I pray I never have to step foot in here again.

  We reach the metal door and I shove it open, banging it on the outside wall. A man built like a linebacker stands up from his stool outside, ready for a fight. He takes one look at me and sits back down with a smirk on his face. I head straight for him, my fists are tight at my sides ready to wipe that expression off with one hit, but Blayde rests his big hand on my shoulder forcing me to walk the opposite direction, toward our bikes and the awaiting Prospect. The cool air penetrates my skin, causing the rage to clear from my head and the craving to settle down.


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