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Kayne's Fury: A Savage Saints MC

Page 8

by J. Lynn Lombard

  “You can fight me all you want,” Kayne whispers in my ear, making heat pool between my legs. “But I always get what I want.” He runs his nose along the crook of my neck nipping at the tender flesh, causing a shiver to wrack my body.

  Stealing my hormones, I turn in his arms, so we’re face to face. I look into his blue depth and lust wracks my body, but I tamp it down and turn my bitch mode on.

  “Listen here, Kayne.” He swallows hard when his name rolls off my lips. “You might be the leader of those men, but you don’t tell me what I will and won’t do. I’ve dealt with bigger assholes than you and they currently can’t breathe on their own. If you don’t want the same fate, you’ll keep your distance.” I push him away with everything I have, opening the van door. I put an extra sway in my ass as I lift myself inside. Before I can close the door, Kayne's hand grips my thigh stopping my movement. He flexes his fingers, making me want him to move it higher and relieve this ache in my core.

  “This isn’t over. Not by a long shot, Poison.” He slams the door shut, leaving me speechless. I watch him as he strolls to his bike, his long legs eating up the pavement. He lights up a cigarette, says something to Blayde as he throws his helmet on and mounts his bike. He fires it up and everyone follows suit.

  We ride into the night toward the unknown. Prospect doesn’t say a word the entire drive, just has the radio up listening to Five Finger Death Punch. I need to know what we’re delivering tonight, so I get up from the seat and walk to the back of the van. There are three black duffle bags sitting near the back door. I open one and shine my phone flashlight inside. Several neatly stacked hundred dollar bills are calling to me. I pull one stack out and fan it with my fingertips. There has to be at least ten grand in here. I put the stack back, zip it up and move onto the next. Unzipping it, there are several individual blocks of cocaine wrapped tight. I zip that one back up and move onto the last one. Inside are different guns and I have no idea what kind they are. Feeling a little better, now that I know what we’re moving, I settle back in the passenger seat and lose myself in thoughts of the sexy as fuck biker leading the way. Wondering what it would be like to ride on the back of his Harley, having my body pressed against his as I trust him with my life.



  Siren is listening intently as I retell the first run with Kayne. She doesn’t say a word while I tell her about meeting the Irish, how they were welcoming toward me. They didn’t want me there but knew I was the better option to do business with than my father.

  “After a few months, some of the Irish warmed up to me and we grew to tolerate each other. I knew it was dangerous, but I looked forward to each time we made a drop. Mostly it was because I could see Kayne without my father hovering over me.”

  “How many times?” Siren asks.

  “Two or three times a week. Whenever Drex said jump, we all went. Not much I could do. He warned me beforehand, if I said anything to you, he’d kill you. I couldn’t take that chance. You know how fucking psycho he is. I mean, was.” I grab Siren’s hand. “Please believe me. I wanted to tell you so many times, but the threat he made rang in my head over and over.”

  “I do. I’m just pissed we let that asshole come between us. I should have seen it.”

  “Siren, you were dealing with your own problems. Do you want to talk about it?” I watch the fight drain from her green depths and she shakes her head.

  “Not right now. But if all the club members are dead, what are we going to do? How are we going to know who did it? Where are we going to stay?”

  Kayne steps up behind me and rests his head on my shoulder, wrapping his arms around my waist. “That’s where we step in. We will protect you two like one of our own. We have Church and need to catch the others up to speed.” Kayne tightens his arms around my waist and turns his head so his breath is fanning in my ear. “Do you feel strong enough to recount what happened?”

  “Yes.” I turn my head so our foreheads are touching. “I’ll do what you need me to do.”

  Kayne releases his hold on my waist and settles his arm around my shoulders, guiding me into their clubhouse. Siren is behind us, next to Blayde when we step into the mudroom. It’s quiet in here today, no music or women around.

  “Where is everyone?” I ask.

  “Rooster kicked everyone out. We didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Those patch whores get out of hand and we didn’t need anyone causing trouble for the two of you. I wish they’d just leave permanently, but then my brothers would suffer from blue balls.” Kayne leads us through the living room, his arm still around my shoulders and into the kitchen.

  A tiny woman with long brown curly hair stands at the stove, cooking something. The spices and seasoning filling the air make my mouth water and my stomach to growl in response. She turns around and a bright white smile graces her full lips. She spots me and her brown eyes light up.

  “Holly, this is Poison and Siren.” Kayne points to each of us. “Ladies, this is Holly. She’s for all intents and purposes, our sister.”

  Holly comes over and offers me a hug, her tiny body squeezing the hell out of me. “It’s so good to finally meet you, Poison. It’s nice to put a face to the name.” She releases me and hugs Siren. “It’s about time ass fuck brings you around. It’ll be nice to have someone to talk to.” Her voice is soft with a hint of a southern accent. I immediately like her.

  “Holly,” Stryker’s deep voice comes from the other side of the kitchen and she stiffens in front of me. She glares her brown eyes at him, spins around and walks back to the stove, not answering him. The tension between the two is unbearable in this space.

  “I have nothing to say to you Stryker,” Holly finally responds, not turning around from the stove. She turns the burner off and turns towards us, avoiding Stryker. “Dinner is ready when you guys are. I’ll see you around Poison and Siren.” She pushes past us and heads up the stairs at full speed. I peer up at Kayne and he’s glaring at Stryker, but Stryker is looking up the stairs where Holly just disappeared from. Stryker releases a deep sigh, clenching his hand into fists at his sides and his muscles are straining against his cut.

  “Stryker,” Kayne’s deep tone catches his Enforcers attention. “You better handle that shit and stop acting like an asshole. She doesn’t deserve the hot and cold you give her and you know that.” Stryker hangs his head in defeat and disappears into another room.

  “What was that about?” I ask.

  “Long story that’s been going on for years. Come on, we need to fill the guys in on what happened, then I need to get you alone.” I look into his blue eyes that were just murderous toward his Enforcer but are now full of lust and something else I can’t figure out. Speechless, I nod my head like an idiot and let Kayne lead us into another room. There are several men in here already, some I haven’t met yet, but saw last night. They’re all sitting around a huge table with their club logo etched deep into the oak.

  Kayne walks to the head of the table and takes a seat. Blayde is to his right and Stryker is to his left. Unsure of where to go, I stand behind Kayne, resting my palms on his cut. He cocks his head at me and raises his eyebrow. I bend down so he can talk to me privately. “What are you doing?”

  “I honestly have no idea. They never allowed me in Church. Something about being sacred and didn’t allow women behind those doors. I have no clue where you want me.” I whisper back.

  “I want you on my cock squeezing it with your hot, tight pussy, but I’m not showing these guys your sexy body. That’s all mine. Take a seat on the couch and when we need you to talk, stand next to me, not behind me.”

  “OK.” I walk with Siren toward the leather couch, Kayne’s eyes are burning into my backside, so I sway my hips a little more. A growl bursts out behind me and I turn around to take a seat, crossing my left leg over my right. Kayne’s eyes are lingering on my body, making my core clench. It’s hot in here so I roll up the legs of his sweatpants and fan out the hoodie I’m still wea
ring. I really need my own clothes; a pair of shorts and a tank top would be wonderful right now.

  Kayne rips his lust filled gaze off my body and addresses everyone in the room. “Ace, what did you find out?” His voice is cold and detached. This is the Kayne everyone knows.

  An extremely tall man leans forward, he has several skull tattoos snaking up both his arms. He folds his large hands in front of him. He has brown hair and whiskey-colored eyes. “The investigation is still ongoing and they’re looking for her.” His glare pins me to the couch. I hold my breath, waiting for what he says next. “The bodies are burned beyond recognition, but the cops have confirmed some of them. I’m sorry Poison. It appears most of them are members of Deadly Sins. The cops are waiting for more confirmation. They have questions they need answering. So far it appears as a hit, but the cops are too dumb to figure out who and why.” I release the breath I was holding and stifle a sob. The one person I’m sad about the most is MadDog.

  “Anything else, Ace?” Kayne demands. A man I met last night in passing raises his hand. “What do you have Tex?”

  “The word out is Drex pissed off quite a few people. My informant told me that someone had taken a contract out on the whole club because of it.” He’s an extremely large man with muscles bulging under his cut each time he moves, wearing a cowboy hat and has a deep southern accent. I snort and all eyes land on me. Oh shit. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that.

  “Something you want to add, Poison?” Kayne asks with a raised eyebrow.

  “Obviously none of you lived with that egotistical asshole. He ran my grandfather’s club into the ground the day he took over.” I glance at Kayne and don’t release eye contact. “You were right earlier. He fucked with my head over and over. The only two people in that club that looked out for me was MadDog and Siren. If it wasn’t for them, I’d still be at rock bottom, believing I wasn’t good enough. Fuck I might not even be here. He was that bad.” I confess. The room is silent except for my heavy breathing.

  Not breaking eye contact, Kayne crooks one of his long slender fingers for me to come over to him. I stand up from the couch and walk toward him. Once I’m within his reach, he pulls me down onto his lap and whispers in my ear. “He can’t hurt you anymore. I will not let anyone hurt you again.” He pushes a piece of hair that fell from my bun out of my face and tucks it behind my ear causing shivers to wrack my body. “Will you tell us what happened last night?”

  I shift on his lap, my eyes linger on the table, not being able to face anyone. “Last night after our run, MadDog and I went back to the clubhouse. I was feeling great after the drop, considering I finally won the Irish’s respect. You saw the way they’ve always treated me. I wanted to impress them, so MadDog helped me learn about every gun we were delivering. What their range was, the type of bullets, everything I could.”

  “Anyway, we were in the kitchen talking about it. The patch whores were in and out, dancing their skanky asses around the rooms when the front door flew open and the distinct sound of bullets ripped through the house. Bodies started falling. When one came into the kitchen, MadDog pushed me down and fired back, hitting him in the shoulder, giving me time to escape.” Kayne’s hands are rubbing my back, giving me the strength to continue. He offers me a cigarette, I take it from the pack, light it up and inhale the smoke into my lungs.

  “I ran into the living room instead of out the back door which was stupid of me. I tripped over someone and hit my head on the coffee table, blacking out. When I came too, the smell of gunpowder and blood made my stomach clench. MadDog was laying partway over me, protecting me even in death. His lifeless eyes were burning into me, I couldn’t move. That’s when I heard his voice.” I can’t go on. Tears are streaming down my face remembering MadDog’s final act of his life. My throat burns from holding back the sobs that want to escape.

  Kayne pulls me against his chest, enclosing his warm body around mine, trying to comfort me. “Kayne, he died protecting me. The only man in my life who gave a shit about me died because of me. He cared for me and loved me like a father should love a daughter and died because I was too stupid to go out the back door. How do I deal with that?” I’m full out crying now. Tears and snot are running down my face as I come to terms with losing MadDog.

  “Poison listen to me.” Kayne lifts my chin, making me look at him. “Going out the back door could have been more dangerous. They had that exit covered and you would have been dead or worse, kidnapped and tortured. This wasn’t a drive-by, hey let’s shoot this place up, thing. Someone planned it. You followed your instincts and survived. MadDog’s death will be avenged by your hands. Now, we need to know everything you can tell us about these men that did this to your family.”

  Someone hands me a tissue and I wipe my face, blowing my nose. “They were all wearing black. Black jeans, hoodies, bandanas wrapped around their faces. I couldn’t tell who anyone was but I could hear them. One voice stood out, I’ll never forget it either. It was raspy, cold, detached like he smoked several packs a day. He told the other men to burn the place down and everyone inside. Said it’ll send a message to the other MC’s, not to fuck with them or their operation ever again.” Kayne’s grip tightens around me and rage is brewing behind his blue eyes, when I remember something else. “I got a look at one of the gunman’s hands. He wasn’t wearing a pair of gloves like the others. He had a black heart-shaped spider wrapped around the back of it.”

  “Are you sure?” Kayne questions.

  “Positive.” I look into Kayne’s eyes and the storm that was brewing behind his blue depths has turned into a rage. “What do you know?”

  “If we bring someone in with that tattoo, would you be able to identify it?”

  “Yes. I’ll never forget it.”

  Kayne motions for me to stand up and he slams the gavel onto the scarred oak table, making me jump. “Church dismissed.”

  All the guys stand up and make their way out of the room without saying a word. Blayde and Stryker are the only ones left with Kayne, Siren and me. “Poison, I need to head out and handle some business, but Tex, Axel and Talon are staying here with you. You’ll be safe, I promise.”

  “Where are you going?” I ask. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. I flinch, keeping my eyes on the table, waiting for the reprimand that my father used to use against me.

  Kayne’s fingertips ghost over my face, creating heat to stir through my body. “Don’t worry about where I’m going. When it’s time, you’ll know.” He lifts my chin, forcing me to look up. Scared what I’ll find in his blue depth, I inhale a deep breath and look directly in his eyes. He’s not pissed or angry. He’s smiling at me, brushing the hair from my face. “I know your father degraded you and made you feel like you couldn’t ask questions. I’m not like Drex. You can ask me anything you want, doesn’t mean I will answer, but I’ll never harm you for asking. I promise.”

  Relief flows through my body, “Thank you. I’m so tired of being knocked down.”

  Kayne looks to Blayde and Stryker, “Will one of you take Siren upstairs to an empty room. Give us a few minutes.”

  “I will,” Blayde answers. They leave without looking back. Something is still off with her and I need to find out what.

  “I’ll get the guys ready,” Stryker stands up and leaves the room just as quickly. It’s just the two of us, alone.

  “Poison,” my name rolling off his lips sends a shiver down my spine. We’re standing inches apart, his hand is still on my face, gently caressing my cheek. I look into his eyes and suddenly his lips are on mine. His tongue rubbing along my lips, seeking entrance. I open for him and he plunges his tongue into my mouth, his hot breath mixing with my own. I stifle a moan when Kayne wraps his arms around me, pulling me against him while pushing me against the table. The hardness of his huge cock is bursting to break free against the zipper of his jeans. He leans over me, forcing my body to lie across the oak. I spread my legs, wrapping them around his narrow waist, pulling him toward my achin
g pussy. He trails his lips from mine, down my collarbone, licking and nipping his way to my breasts. His hand snakes up my hoodie and pinches my nipple, causing my back to arch and a moan to escape.

  “Fuck you taste sweet,” Kayne growls against my heated skin. His other hand dives below the waistband of my sweatpants, his fingers rub against my clit. “So wet for me already. I want to taste you.” Still lying on the table, Kanye kisses his way down my body, he sucks and licks my breasts, causing desire to coat his fingers which are still teasing my clit. He hasn’t entered me, but I want him to. I want him to own my body, own my soul.

  His head dives lower, licking and kissing my stomach. Kayne pulls my sweatpants down just enough for me to spread my legs. “So perfect.”

  He licks his lips, watching me for a moment before descending his head and his lips lock onto my clit, biting, licking and sucking it into his mouth. A moan rips from my throat while he pleasures me, but it’s not enough. I need to feel him.

  “Fuck, Kayne. I need you inside me.” I moan. His tongue moves faster against my clit and my hips move in sync. An orgasm is building up, but it’s not what I want. I grab his head and force him up to my lips. I kiss him, tasting myself on his lips. “Fuck me, Kayne. Like we’ve both wanted for so long.”

  We’re both panting as he rips the sweatpants off me, picks me up and sits in his chair. I’m sitting on his lap, my knees on each side of his hips. I fumble with his belt until it comes undone. I pop the button of his jeans and pull his zipper down, knowing if we do this, there will be no going back. He will be mine and I’ll be his.

  His hard cock springs free from his jeans. I grab his shaft and stroke barely able to wrap my hand fully around it. A moan rips from Kayne’s throat, he throws his head back on the chair. His hands are on my hips, gripping them tightly. He runs his rough palms up my sides under my hoodie, I release his cock and lift my hands above my head. Kayne removes the hoodie, so I’m bare to him. He picks his head up and his eyes drift over my body. He lowers his head, licking and sucking on my breasts, tracing the rose and skull tattoos cascading down my sides with his fingertips.


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