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Kayne's Fury: A Savage Saints MC

Page 9

by J. Lynn Lombard

  Needing to feel skin against skin, I remove his cut and white t-shirt. His chest is solid muscle with Savage Saints scrawled across it in Old English and he has a pierced right nipple. I trace the tattoo lightly with my fingertips, outlining each word. Kayne’s lips travel back up to my mouth. He plunges his tongue inside, seeking and demanding my cooperation. He scoots forward a little on the seat, not breaking our kiss, while my hips move rubbing my pussy against his shaft, slicking it with my come. I grab his hard cock and guide it to my entrance.

  We pull apart, staring into each other’s eyes. Our chests are heaving while I slowly sink onto his cock, filling me up. A moan escapes my throat, my head falls back in bliss. Kayne’s arms are around my back, his fingers digging into my shoulder blades holding my body still.

  “Fuck you feel good. Just like I knew you would.” Kayne grumbles against my sweaty skin.

  I move my hips up and down, his cock filling my pussy with each thrust. He pulls one breast into his mouth, sucking it hard. “Fuck, Kayne. I’m not going to last long,” I pant against his ear. A growl rips from his throat. He grips my hips, standing us up. I wrap my legs around his narrow waist as his jeans fall to his ankles. He’s still inside of me when he lays me down on the sacred table. The cold oak against my heated skin sends sensations all through my body. Kayne lifts each of my legs, so they’re bent, my feet resting on the table, opening me to him more. My ass is right on the edge, Kayne leans over me and kisses me again, while he thrusts inside of me, hitting all the right spots. He pulls my hands off his neck and pins them above my head with one hand while the other teases my clit, sending me closer to the edge.

  “That’s it baby come around my cock,” Kayne growls, thrusting deep. The sensations of the cold, hard table against my back, Kayne’s fingers pinching and rubbing my clit, his stiff cock plunging inside me, is too much to handle and I fall.

  “Kayne, I’m coming don’t stop.” I whimper. He grabs my hips driving deep and hard, our bodies slapping against each other, the scent of sex filling the air, my clit rubbing against his pelvis has my orgasm ripping through my body. I kiss his swollen lips as my orgasm crests, my pussy tightening around his cock, milking him for all he has. We fall together, his cock swells inside me.

  “Fuck Poison, I’m coming.” My nails dig into the palm of his hands still holding them above my head, my hips are moving, my pussy still clamping down onto his rock hard cock and he explodes inside me. Panting hard, Kayne finds my lips again and kisses me hard while I come back down from that soul shattering orgasm. When he pulls away, we’re both breathing hard, but I’m relaxed and the tension from earlier disappears. Kayne kisses me one last time before he pulls out and helps me sit up on the table.

  He hands me his hoodie and sweatpants. I put my clothes back on and watch as Kayne’s muscles flex while pulling up his jeans and buckling his studded belt. He turns in my direction and approaches me, standing between my legs.

  “That’s a hell of a way to christen this table. Just don’t tell the guys.” Kayne kisses me and any awkwardness I was feeling a few seconds ago disappears. He pulls away and turns his back to me, looking for his white t-shirt. His back is covered with the Savage Saints logo, spreading from his shoulders all the way down to his jeans. A talented tattoo artist did a beautiful intricate design.

  “Who did your tatt? It’s beautiful.” I ask, standing up from the table and running my fingers over the design. Kayne stops moving and lets me look at it.

  “Tex did. He’s also a tattoo artist. Let me know if you want another and I’ll hook you up.” Once I’m done checking it out, Kayne puts his shirt back on, hiding that sexy body. “I really do have some business I need to take care of. I’ll be back in a little while.” Kayne kisses me quickly on the lips and pulls away. He holds his hand out for me and I grab it.

  We walk out of the room and into the kitchen. The smell of food Holly made earlier make my stomach growl and I head for the stove. There are bowls and spoons sitting on the counter, waiting for someone to use them. I scoop out the chili she made and take a bite. The flavors exploding in my mouth causes a moan to escape and my eyes roll into my head. Kayne steps up behind me and I offer him a bite. He wraps his lips around the spoon and dirty, wicked things we could be doing, fills my mind.

  He swallows the bite, “Don’t look at me like that Poison or I won’t leave.” Someone laughing behind us bursts the bubble we’re in and I turn around. All the guys are in the kitchen, watching us. My cheeks heat with embarrassment, but I straighten my shoulders, pinning them with a glare. Tex stops laughing when he sees my face and chokes on his beer.

  “Shit, woman put that glare away.” He grumbles after he catches his breath.

  Kayne laughs behind me, I can feel his whole body shaking. “Serves you right fuckhead. Don’t be pissing on her parade if you don’t want Poison’s wrath.”

  “Noted, stored and put away for future use,” Tex salutes. For being a big guy, he’s a smartass and we’re going to get along just fine.

  “Tex, Axel and Talon, you three are staying behind to keep an eye on the girls. The rest of us are going on a quick run and will be back soon. Hold down the fort and if anything happens, you call me immediately.” Kayne walks into another room not waiting for a response and comes back with several weapons. He checks them all, making sure they’re fully loaded. He holsters two .45’s on the inside of his cut, a .38 to his left boot and a knife in his right boot. He walks over to me and cups my face with his palm, “I’ll be back.” He kisses me hard, leaving me breathless then walks out the back door.

  I’m standing in the kitchen staring at the spot he was at. I send up a prayer to the biker Gods that they keep Kayne safe and return him to me. My stomach is in knots, losing my appetite because my heart just walked out the door, heading into the unknown. I set my bowl down, run through the living room and out the front door as their bikes fire up, creating a vibration under my feet. The sun is blinding so I cover my eyes. Kayne spots me standing on the porch and winks as he drops his gear into first, riding down the driveway. The others follow suit and soon all I can hear are their bikes in the distance. I stand on the front porch until I can’t hear them anymore, regretting not telling him how I really feel. In this type of life, you live fast and love hard because you don’t know when it’ll be your time to face the biker Gods above. And I just let my soul ride off without him knowing my truth.



  Riding with the freedom of the open road, my men behind me, the rumble of our bikes as they eat up the pavement is the best feeling in the world. No worries, no excuses, no drama. The world at our fingertips, waiting for us to grab it. We all know what we’re heading into and where we’re going. We know it will be dangerous. Some of us might get hurt or killed when we’re done. But it must be done. If I don’t stop this threat now, they’ll just keep coming at us until we’re all dead, swimming at the bottom of a lake. I promised Poison I would protect her and that’s what I’m doing. I’m taking my men into enemy territory, grabbing one man responsible for the death of her club and letting her serve his punishment.

  I briefed everyone before we left to discuss if anyone had any objection to our mission and they all told me I was fucking nuts for asking. I might be the President of Savage Saints, but I still live by a code and won’t force any of my men to do something they don’t want to do. I’ve never had to worry about someone backing down because every man in my club has their own demons they battle with every day and if shedding blood helps control the rage, they welcome it. And they trust me with their lives.

  We’re getting close to the pickup point and I pull my Harley into a rest area, parking far away from the cars coming and going. Turning off the motor, I remove my cigarettes from my pocket, lighting one up. Blayde pulls up beside me and does the same. We’re both quiet as we think about what’s coming. Stryker, Ace and the Prospect, Duke, stay behind us watching and waiting.

  Blayde breaks the silence first
. “Poison is the one, huh? I saw that coming the first day we met her in that strip club.”

  “Yeah, she is.” That’s all I offer. He doesn’t know the many nights I’ve spent dreaming of her, fisting my cock in my hand imaging her lips wrapped around it. In this life, we live fast and love hard. I’ve been attracted to her since the moment we laid eyes on each other. “What about you and Siren? That one I didn’t see coming.”

  Blayde shrugs his massive shoulders, inhaling his cigarette. He blows the smoke out, staring into space. “Not sure. There’s plenty of pussy to go around from the patch whores, but it’s getting old. Ya know what I mean?”

  “Yeah, I do.” I agree, thinking about Poison. Her sexy body wrapped around me, her cries of pleasure as I pound into her tight pussy. Once is not enough and I know I’ll never let her go. I adjust my now aching cock, trying to will it to go back down. This is what she’s done to me for the last two years. “Listen, if Siren makes you a better man and you want to protect her with everything you have, you should give it a shot.”

  “I would, but I don’t know if I can trust her. She has secrets she isn’t telling anyone, not even Poison. I know we said we’d never go back to Deadly Sins Strip Club, but one night I was riding by and something in my gut told me someone needed me there. When I walked in, she was dancing. Some fucker had his hands all over her, forcing her to do things. To touch him in places she shouldn’t have been. I saw red. I ripped that asshole off her and beat him with an inch of his life. MadDog pulled me off him before I could finish the job and shoved the two of us in a room. Siren was in shock and when I tried to comfort her, she punched me in the jaw and told me not to touch her.” Blayde rubs his jaw with his left hand remembering that night. “Anyway, I left and went back every night since then to watch and make sure no one touched her again.”

  “What happened to the guy?”

  “I don’t know. MadDog never said and the sleazy asshole never came back. That man should have been the president of Deadly Sins. He kept everyone in line and actually cared. Drex was an asshole and didn’t care about anyone but himself. You saw the way he was with Poison. He turned her over to the wolves and didn’t give a fuck because it brought him in money. We protected her from the Irish. If she went on those drops with anyone but us, she would be dead by now.”

  “I know. Trust me, brother, I know. And what we’re about to do will hopefully help her. It won’t be the head we’re taking out tonight, but one of the strong arms. Knock one leg off and the rest will fall. When they do, we’ll be waiting, ready.” He doesn’t know the secret I do about the head Irish, Cahal, and it will stay that way until it’s time.

  “Are you going to patch her in or give her a property patch?” Blayde asks surprising me.

  “Honestly, I’d rather have her patched in with a property patch. Be one of us but letting everyone know she belongs to me. Is that crazy?”

  “Not if you feel it’s right. You’re the Prez. We could make her our Cleaner.” Blayde flicks his cigarette.

  “Let’s see how she does tonight. If she has the stomach to do it, I’ll talk to her.” Ideas of what Poison’s role in the club could be flying through my mind. It’s unorthodox to have a woman patched in, but I play by my rules, not what society thinks. I hope to the biker Gods she wants this. I want her by my side, in my bed, and a part of my life for however long I have left.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket, so I toss my cigarette and read the incoming text.

  Unknown number: We’re ready.

  Me: Be there soon.

  I pocket my phone and fire up my Harley, “It’s show time.” Blayde, Stryker and Ace fire up their bikes following behind me. The sun is setting, creating an eerie purple haze. The Prospect, Duke, is behind us in our white van, hanging a few feet back, blocking anyone trying to pass.

  Talon, Maddox, Butch and Knuckles are at the legitimate body shop we own in the country. They’re getting things set up for when we arrive.

  By the time we reach the pick-up point, there are three bikes and a black town car waiting. I signal to turn into the warehouse in the outskirts of the bordering town. A man dressed in black leather with no patches on his cut, a nomad, gets off his bike and waits next to the car, gun drawn. These motherfuckers are crazy as fuck and I’m a little nervous about the deal I made to get my merchandise.

  I shut my bike off and remove my brain bucket, hanging it on the handlebars. Blayde, Stryker and Ace follow suit and we all approach the waiting car, hands on our guns, ready for anything. This boss we’re dealing with is a badass bitch and she gets things done. I’ve only worked with her a few times since she resides in Cali. But she has family here that calls her out when needed.

  The window to the waiting car slowly rolls down. I can’t see her face, but I know she’s in there. The hint of strawberries flow out and teases my nose. “Kayne, what a pleasant surprise when you called. Your merchandise is in the trunk. It might be a little banged up, but it’s still in one piece.” She rolls the window up before I can respond.

  I walk to the back of the car and draw my gun, pointing it at the trunk. I nod my head and it opens with a pop. Inside is one man who I’ve wanted to exact revenge on for the last two years. He caused a lot of death and destruction to my club. His hands and feet are hog-tied and his mouth is taped shut. His black, soulless eyes widen when he sees me. He fights against the ropes, making them cut deeper into his skin. Blood trickles down his flaring nostrils, covering the duck tape. I smirk at the little fuckhead.

  “Welcome to hell, bitch.” I reach inside, yank him out of the trunk and toss his worthless ass onto the pavement, smacking it with a thud. He tries to belly crawl away, but my boot lands between his shoulder blades, digging his face into the cold, unforgiving asphalt. Pointing my gun at his sniveling face, I push it against the side of his head, clicking the safety off. “We’re going for a ride, my friend. You try anything and I will kill you. We clear? Blink once for yes.” The prick blinks once. It doesn’t matter because he’s as good as dead anyway. I lift my boot from his shoulder blades. Stryker heaves him up by the back of his cut and drags him toward our van. Rage and mercilessness are pumping through my blood, I want death and I want his pain to quench my tortured soul.

  Stryker dumps him in the back of the van, knocking him out in the process. I turn around to the waiting car, nostrils flaring, adrenaline coursing through my body. The back door opens and she steps out. Her long legs travel for miles in a pair of skin-tight dark blue jeans over black racing boots. My eyes travel up her lethal body dressed in a black and white tank top and a black flannel over it. Seeing her face for the first time takes my breath away. She has straight blonde hair pulled up in a messy bun, perfect nose, a killer smile, and her light brown eyes are appraising the way we handled the little fuckhead. She crosses her arms over her full chest and leans up against the car. A man around my height but built like a fighter, huge biceps with tribal tattoos traveling up his arms into his black t-shirt, steps up next to her and she turns her body toward him, signaling she’s his and he’s hers. Something haunts his whiskey-colored eyes, watching me and my men. His posture is rigid, military-like. His knuckles are scarred from fighting.

  “Krimson, you about done here?” This massive man asks. She pins him with a glare before she softens her look.

  “Almost.” Her seductive voice sends a shiver down my spine. She’s dangerous and right now her honey-colored eyes are focused on me. “Kayne, a pleasure as always. Hope to see you in Cali sometime.”

  “Thanks, Krimson. You don’t know what he’s done and why, but I appreciate it and my girl will too.”

  “I’d like to keep it that way. Remember our deal. You cashed in and next time it’s my turn.” Krimson and the fighter climb back in the car. She leans over him, peeking her head out the window. “Oh, and Kayne, my favor will involve the streets. So, keep up on your racing skills.” She rolls the window up and they drive off, leaving me in their dust, speechless. Stunned, I shake my head

  “We’re ready Prez,” Blayde speaks behind me, making me jump. Fuck that woman leaves my nerves rattled. Word on the street those two took down a whole gang in NYC a few months back. No way do I want to be on her bad side.

  I pull out my phone and send a text to Tatt.

  Me: Bring Poison to the shop. Be there in thirty.

  Tatt: You got it, Prez.

  I pocket my phone while walking to my Harley in quick strides. Once I reach my bike, I straddle it and strap on my brain bucket. Raising the kickstand, I fire it up and take off toward the shop, everyone else is following close behind me. Soon, I’ll get to see and feel Poison again, have her sweet taste on my lips, her pussy begging for relief as I suck, bite and nip at her clit, licking up her juices, filling her pussy with my fingers, pinch and squeeze her full tits. I’ll swallow her moans of pleasure, while I thrust into her, her pussy clamping down on my hard cock when she peaks, her nails digging into my back, mixing pain and pleasure.

  Darkness has blanketed the countryside and the temperature has dropped a few degrees pulling me out of my fantasy. Goosebumps gather on my arms, but not from the cold. Questions flood my mind. Is this a mistake? Can Poison do what’s necessary to avenge her family’s death? Will this change her? Does she even want this? There’s only one way to find out. He’s currently unconscious in the back of our van.



  We reach the mechanic shop in record time and pull around back. It’s a huge brick building with a single roll-up door in the back for cars to enter and exit. The front is full of pane glass windows we’ve tinted, so no one can see inside, but we can see out. The front door is solid metal with no windows. We placed security cameras on top of the roof, looking down onto the blind spots of the building, which we constantly monitor. The parking lot is cracked with weeds trying to break through from lack of use. The best part about the shop is its just outside the city limits. Traffic is light and scarce in this area.


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