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Kayne's Fury: A Savage Saints MC

Page 10

by J. Lynn Lombard

  Tatt rolls up the door and we pull inside, the sound of our Harleys vibrate the windows and walls. Once we’re all inside, Tatt closes the door. I turn off my bike, put my kickstand down, looking around. We’re parked inside the repair bay, which is fourteen-foot-wide by twenty-four-foot-long with thick chains attached to the walls and a drainage system. To the right is a smaller bay to store our bikes in the winter and tweak or remodify during the cold months. The ceilings are twenty feet high, giving us enough space if we need to work on anything other than our bikes.

  A small kitchen is next to the work bays. It has a small stove, refrigerator, cupboards and a stainless-steel counter with four stools currently occupied by Poison, Siren, Holly and Talon. Our club logo on the wall in the kitchen, the only decoration in the whole place. Behind them is a parts room where we store all the things we need for our bikes and the security room. Behind that is a small office which we never use.

  Poison is watching me from her stool, her head tipped to the side. She’s changed her clothes to a pair of tight blue jeans that hug her curves, her black riding boots, and my hoodie. A shy smile graces her plump red lips. Her eyes are betraying her thoughts with the come-hither look she’s throwing me, causing my dick to take notice. Fuck, what is this woman doing to me? I remove my brain bucket, hang it on my handlebars and reach her in five quick strides. I pick her up, throwing her tight body over my shoulder, slapping that fine ass with the palm of my hand.

  “Kayne put me down.” Poison squeals in protest.

  “Fuck no, I’ve been thinking about these long, lean legs wrapped around me while I pound into that tight pussy the entire time I’ve been gone. It’s been extremely distracting.” I carry Poison into the office behind the parts room. I lower her to the floor, sliding her body down mine. When her feet touch the ground there isn’t an inch of space between us. Poison’s arms wrap around my neck, her fingers running through my hair. My hands are gripping her waist tight. I’m trying to keep myself under control. There’s a job to do and we can’t be distracted but I need these few minutes with her.

  Staring into her beautiful hazel eyes, I swallow hard. “Listen, I’ve been thinking a lot about the two of us.” I brush a strand of blonde hair off her face. “I need you in my life.”

  “So have I. Kayne, I’m grateful for what you’ve done for me. The way you protected me these last two years. No one’s ever done that for me except MadDog.” Poison’s voice is soft as she stares back at me, tears welling in her eyes. “No matter how hard I’ve tried, you’ve wormed your way under my skin and in my heart. You own me. I’ve tried to fight it, but I can’t anymore.”

  “I’m no hero, Poison. I’ve done things I’m not proud of in the name of protecting my club. Protecting those I care about and love.” I inhale a deep breath and continue. “I’ve done something tonight and it’s up to you if you want to finish the job.”

  The questioning look in her eyes makes me want to forget it. “What are you talking about?”

  “How much of the darker side have you seen?” Shit, I should have had this conversation with her before I made a deal with the devil herself.

  “I’ve seen enough to know it’s not all sunshine and roses with club business but never involved. Why? What’s going on?”

  “I have a job for you. If you do this, the boys and I agreed to patch you in. Make you a part of our club with a title. If you don’t want to do this, I want to give you my property patch. Either way, I will protect you. It’s up to you.”

  “What’s the job?” Poison asks with no hesitation.

  “Information. There’s someone I’ve brought back with us and if you can get information from him, we agreed to make you our Cleaner.”

  “Cleaner? What kind of title is that?” Her eyebrows scrunch down in confusion.

  “I know you have a lot of pent up aggression from the years of verbal abuse from Drex. I figured this way, you can use that, get what information you need, in whatever form you desire and take care of business. Kind of like a physical form of therapy. I want you back in control of your life. I want you to be proud of your name. Instead of you thinking it’s a curse on yourself, I want others to hear your name and know you’ll fuck them up if they cross you. I want you to believe in yourself and what you can do.”

  “You’re asking me to torture some innocent guy for information?”

  “Trust me, he’s far from innocent. I would never do that to you.”

  “What did he do?”

  “Do you want to do this? If not, it’s OK. This guy I have in the back of the van has done some serious shit. You can see for yourself.” I’m nervous she doesn’t want to go through with it. I’m hoping I didn’t fuck up.

  “Let me see the guy and then I’ll decide. I’m tired of being afraid, Kayne. I’m done with people thinking I’m a monster. When all I want is someone to care about me and not the curse I have.”

  I cup Poison’s face and rest my forehead against hers. “You are not cursed. Do you hear me? I care about you and I know you’re not cursed.” Her sweet breath fans across my lips.

  “Drex has told me all these years, I’m cursed. That it’s my fault my mother died, that every bad thing that’s happened to those I care about is my fault. My ex missing, he told me it was my fault because I got too close to him.” A lonely tear falls down Poison’s cheek and over my thumb when she closes her eyes. “I don’t want to be the reason something happens to you. I’d never forgive myself.”

  “Poison, look at me.” She opens her eyes, staring into mine. “None of those things are your fault. It’s time you take back your life. Can you do that?”

  Poison nods her head. “Under one condition.”

  “Anything for you.”

  “You never leave me. You promise to stay by my side, no matter what I do or what you witness. If I unleash this darkness lurking inside, I don’t want it to scare you away. I like you, Kayne. A lot. Somehow through all this, you’ve captured my heart.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Until my dying breath, you will be my center stage. You’re embedded here.” I lift her hand and place it over my heart. “You’ve been in here since the moment I laid eyes on you in your father’s club.”

  Poison searches my eyes and I’m telling the truth so there’s no reason for her to doubt me. She pulls at my cut and her lips are on mine. Soft, perfect and all mine. I gather her into my arms and deepen the kiss. Our tongues exploring each other, searching and seeking. A soft moan escapes Poison’s throat and I swallow it up. I grab her ass pulling her against my throbbing cock, hard and aching against the zipper of my jeans from her taste. I want to explore her body. Own every inch of her.

  Breaking the kiss, I rest my forehead against hers again. My chest is heaving and my heart is pounding hard. “Come on before I get too carried away and we’re here all night. I can think of several better ways to spend the rest of the night.” I release my hold on Poison’s ass and take her small hand in mine, pulling her from the room.

  Poison follows beside me, her grip on my hand is tight. She’s more nervous than what she’s letting on. I can feel the sweat gathering between our joined hands. We reach the mechanic’s bay together. Tex, Axel, Talon, Stryker, Blayde, Tatt, Ace, Siren and Holly all stop what they’re doing and watch us with curiosity. I nod to the prospect Duke leaning against the side of the van.

  Once we get closer, Duke opens the back doors and drags the body out, slamming it against the concrete floor. The man is still out cold from Stryker’s blow to his head. Everyone is behind us, watching and waiting to see what Poison does. A small gasp leaves her lips and her body trembles.

  “Kayne, what the fuck have you done?” Poison whispers.

  “Letting you serve your justice,” I answer with a shrug. “Prospect, chain him up.”

  Duke drags the body toward the chains on the wall. Once he’s in place, Duke backs up and stands behind me, not saying a word. The man in front of us is responsible for death and destruction on so many
people, Poison included.

  “Poison,” I turn to face her and she’s terrified. Her whole body is shaking uncontrollably. “I’m here. So are the rest of my brothers. We won’t let anything happen to you.” I gather her in my arms and soothe her the best I can.

  Poison inhales a deep breath before pushing away from me and glaring at the sick fuck chained to the wall. I watch the strong woman I know she can be emerging if she has a chance to prove it. I’m giving her that chance.

  “Do you know who that is?” Poison asks, her voice is stronger now.

  “Yes, I do,” I answer.

  “No Kayne.” She shakes her head, pieces of her blonde hair fall into her face. “Do you know who he is?” Her voice is cold and detached. “Did you know I know him? I used to know him very well?”

  “Poison, you’re talking in riddles. Siren, what is she talking about?” I ask, looking at Siren.

  Her green eyes are wide with shock and she’s shaking her head back and forth, not taking her stare off the man chained to the wall. “It can’t be,” Siren whispers.

  “Oh, it is,” Poison answers. She pushes away from me and steps closer to the asshole chained to the wall. She’s clenching and unclenching her fists at her sides. Her body trembling with rage instead of fear. “Kayne, I’d like you to meet Damon. My ex.”



  Staring at the man who I thought was my entire world and wanted to marry years ago, chained to the wall in Kayne’s garage, something on him catches my attention. I walk closer to him to get a better look. He still hasn’t moved since Duke chained him up but the back of his right hand is facing me. My body trembles with rage and confusion while I stare at the black heart-shaped spider wrapped around the back. The same tattoo I saw when my club went up in flames. When my whole life was terrorized right in front of me. The same tattoo that destroyed everything. I sneak a glance at Kayne. He’s staring at Damon his blue eyes are cold and deadly. A shiver runs down my spine. I turn my attention back to Damon. He starts to move, coming back to us.

  I crouch in front of him and wait. I want him to see me. To understand I’m still alive and I will be the one to send him to hell. Damon’s dark lashes flutter against his tanned cheeks and a groan escapes his lips. Lips I’ve kissed. Lips that descended upon my body, a long time ago.

  He shakes his hands, that tattoo teasing and taunting me, rattling the chains he’s attached too. His eyes flutter open. Confusion mars his face. A face I once found attractive. A face I once thought I’d wake up with for the rest of my life. Damon’s soulless black eyes lock onto mine and I smile, a cold, calculating smile. Kayne stands behind me, resting his hands on my shoulders, offering me support.

  “Hello, Damon. I bet you’d never see me again. Did ya?” My voice is low and deadly. His eyes widen in surprise before a grin splits his face.

  “Poison, what a pleasant surprise.” His husky voice grating on my nerves. “I hope you know what you’re doing.” His black eyes bore into Kayne. “Who you’re involved with.” He spits out in disgust.

  I rear my hand back, making a fist and hit him as hard as I can across the face. His head snaps to the side then turns back toward me. He smiles, blood dripping from his mouth, coating his teeth. “That all you got? I figured Drex would teach you better.” He spits blood out at my feet.

  I stand up. Rage and adrenaline fueling my system as I tap into the darkness surrounding my soul. The piece of me I keep under a tight grip. I pace in front of him, waiting to see what he does next. He reaches out with his feet, attempting to trip me but I sidestep him and kick him hard with my boot in the ribs. He tries to double over, but the chains stop him.

  “Bitch, you’re going to pay for that one.” He growls out.

  I lean over him and yank his head back by his black hair, getting right in his face. “By the time I’m finished with you, you’ll wish you never crossed me.” I release his head, banging it against the brick wall with a thud. I walk over to the tools lined up on the wall, selecting my weapon of choice carefully. Silence is descending in the shop and it’s grating on my nerves. I spot a radio on the wall and walk over to it. Turning it on, Drowning Pool’s song Bodies pour out of the system, urging me on. Let the bodies hit the floor motherfucker.

  I stroll back to Damon. His black eyes widen when he sees the weapon I chose. A long, heavy pipe wrench rests in my hand. No one says a word while I get to work. Rage pouring from my body from the betrayal Damon has done. He tried to kill me and succeeded in killing my family. I bring the wrench above my head. I swing with everything I have and it connects with the side of his body, making a sickening thwack. He grunts in pain but doesn’t say a word.

  “Who are you working for?” I shout over the music. Damon doesn’t speak. He only laughs and that pisses me off more.

  “You like your legs?” I ask. I bring the pipe wrench down. It connects with his kneecap. A crack vibrates up the wrench into my arms. Damon howls in pain as his kneecap shatters. “They won’t work anymore, motherfucker.” I swing again, shattering his other knee. I hit him a few more times in the gut, until he starts coughing, sucking in a ragged breath. His ribs are broken from my blows.

  I toss the pipe wrench down. It clatters against the concrete floor. Rock music continues to flow through the shop. I don’t pay attention to anyone around me. I don’t see anyone but my prey, begging for his life.

  “Please, no more.” Damon pleads.

  “You think you can beg your way out of this? Did any of my family beg for mercy before you ended their lives?” I yank his head back hard. A knife appears in my hand. I don’t know who gave it to me, but the shiny blade reflects back at me under the glow of the lights.

  I slice Damon’s face from the corner of his ear down to his lip. Blood drips down onto his shirt. “Who are you working for and why did they kill my club?” I ask.

  He still refuses to answer. I drag the blade down his other cheek. “Answer me and I’ll kill you quickly.” No response. I split open his t-shirt and dig the blade of the knife deep into his chest. He howls in pain as I split him open. “Are you going to answer me yet?”

  Damon shakes his head. Blood is pouring down his chest, covering his lap. I slice a few more times across his chest. “Give me the fucking salt,” I demand.

  His eyes grow wide in fear. “Ok, Ok. I’ll tell you.” He begs. “But you can’t do this Poison. This isn’t who you are.”

  “Wrong motherfucker. The moment you killed my family was the moment I changed. Gone is the naive little girl you thought you knew. You destroyed my family. You destroyed me. Tell me who you’re working for and why they killed everyone I’ve loved.” My chest is heaving, my heart beating hard. Staring into Damon’s battered face, I see it all. I see what he’s not saying. “Drex. You killed my family because Drex ordered it.”

  I stand up and pace back and forth in front of Damon, thinking everything through. “Why would he order a hit on his whole club? Why would he want to murder everyone? What the fuck is going on?” I look over at Kayne. He’s watching me talk this through. “Kayne, why would he do this?”

  Kayne’s jaw ticks with pent-up rage. He steps next to me; his cold blue eyes are watching Damon. He rests his hands on my shoulders, his touch is gentle even though I can feel hatred and fury shaking his body. “I don’t think he wanted to kill everyone.”

  Damon snorts through the blood dripping down his face. “Quit lying to her you piece of shit. Of course Drex wanted to kill everyone.” Kayne releases me and kicks Damon in the face with his boot. Damon’s head snaps back, hitting the wall behind him. “Motherfucker that hurt.” Damon groans.

  “That’s for being a piece of shit asshole,” Kayne growls. His chest is heaving with heavy breaths. “Tell us why Drex put a hit out on Deadly Sins.”

  “Fuck you,” Damon spits out. Kayne brings his foot back to kick him again.

  I need to stop Kayne before he goes too far and kills him. “Kayne!” I shout over the base of the musi
c. He stops mid kick and turns toward me. His face is twisted in fury, his eyes are wild and his chest is still heaving with pent-up rage. “There’s more he isn’t telling us. Give me a few moments alone with him. I’ll get the answers we need.”

  Kayne lowers his foot to the floor. He leans in whispering something I can’t hear to Damon and steps away. He walks toward me in three quick strides, his hands are shaking with rage. Kayne inhales a deep breath, closing his eyes. When he opens them, he’s back in control.

  “If he touches you, I will kill him.” He cups my cheeks with his big hands. “I swear it Poison. You are mine.” The heat from his body so close to mine sends a shot of desire through me.

  “Trust me, Kayne. He can’t hurt me again.” There’s only one man who has the ability to crush me and I’m staring into his eyes. “I need answers. I have to find out why.”

  Kayne leans in and presses a kiss to my forehead. The tender gesture leaves me breathless. Wanting to say fuck it, kill Damon and fuck Kayne. I can’t do that right now though. I need answers. Kayne must know what I’m thinking because he smirks at me before he kisses me. His lips descend upon mine, hard and unrelenting. His tongue slips past my lips and into my mouth, creating a pool of desire low in my core. Fuck, I want this man with every inch of my body. I want to own him the way he owns me.

  Breaking the soul-shattering kiss, Kayne releases me. “Everyone outside.” He growls but doesn’t release me. “I’ll be right out that door. If he tries anything, and I mean anything, kill him. We’ll get answers somewhere else.”


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