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Page 27

by Peavey Marshall

  Castor nodded, knowing exactly who she was. They had dated in high school and Janice knew what she was getting into. She was damn considerate that Castor always felt guilty for using her whenever he and Caly skitted around each other. "Of course. From high school?”

  "Yes. I didn't go to our reunion since I was out of town. It's so great to see you!" she said before she tiptoed and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Janice ran her fingers through her bob-cut as she turned to Callista with a wide smile. "Hello, Caly!"

  "Yeah. Long time," Callista replied, her fingers tapping at the shopping cart's handle repeatedly.

  "So..." Janice clasped her palms together, eyes dancing between the pair. "Are you two together?"

  Castor immediately sought out his best friend's silver gaze but she wasn't looking at him.

  "No. He's single," Caly replied as she let out a nervous laugh. "Don't mind me. I'll just do my shopping.”

  Her steps doubled as she walked away from their bubble. Castor frowned at her silhouette. Callista Genovese wasn't like that. She reveled in bringing bad news and watching men and women's faces crumple at the fact that he was taken. Honestly, he liked it when she was possessive and bold. It was those moments that he felt precious to her.

  And seeing her walk away and giving him space made his chest throb. But damn, Castor couldn't help but appreciate her actions.

  "So, it's a 'no'?" Janice muttered with a knowing sparkle on her eyes.

  "Sorry. I..." He took a deep breath. "I love her.”




  "I know."



  Franco Castellano had never imagined living in the same house with the two people he used to admire (and envy) from afar. It still boggled him how time could change everything. Even his mother—Althea had been nice to him. It was probably because she didn't want to get caught for telling him the truth. They both knew that Francisco Castellano wouldn't approve of it.

  He sighed and directed his attention on the screen of his laptop. Callista had prepared a room for him and he hadn't gotten a chance to get out yet. He worked, trying to ignore the burning hole of trepidation in his stomach.

  Franco now realized how unsocial he was. Just the thought of talking with Castor, without being rude, had him sweating.

  All of his life, he had looked down on others. It was easy especially with the help of his glistening last name. And he had only looked up to one person: his father. The latter was a lot easier because he was scared and he knew that he couldn't disappoint the person who showed him love—or at least his definition of love.

  But he had never stood eye to eye with someone before. It was the reason why Castor and Callista's confidence irked him.

  Franco pulled off his glasses as he pressed a thumb on his temple. Relationships were far complicated than mathematical theorems and equations.

  He heard a knock that his stomach twisted. "Shit."

  Caly had her fist poised for another knock before a warm smile appeared on her face. "Hey. Did I disturb you?"

  "No," he answered hastily. Franco pushed his hair back. "Is something wrong?"

  "We have barbecue. Castor's inviting you," Callista spouted without losing her smile. "And we're gonna watch a movie."

  "I'm invited?”


  "Oh." Franco's palms felt clammy. "Am I dress okay?”

  Callista crossed her arms as she laughed. "Seriously?" Her eyes scanned her form. Pants and a grey sweatshirt. "That's fine."

  Franco closed his bedroom door and walked with her. His apprehension remained as they went down the stairs. "Are you sure this is okay?"

  "Yeah. Except for the fact that we're gonna watch 'Die Hard'." Callista snorted. "Again."

  "What is it about?"

  "Oh no. He's gonna enjoy converting you." Caly stopped in the kitchen for a second and grabbed a bottle of barbecue sauce. The girl paused in front of him, looking cozy in her large black hoodie. "You look like you're facing death row. It'll be okay."

  "That's easy for you to say. I've never really had...friends." Franco leaned against the counter.

  "I don't have one either. Castor was the only one who had guts and... my circle of friends grew after that." Callista's smile was a melancholic one as she continued talking. "He was so annoying and so are his family. I never thought I could tolerate them."

  Franco knew she was making him feel better but he wasn't convinced. "That's because you're friendly."

  "Of course not. I was spitting acid back then... even now." Caly shook her head and tugged him to the back of the mansion. "Don't worry. Cas will do all the work.”

  The pool was shining bright as Callista pushed the double doors open. They trudged to the left side where a barbecue grill and a projector screen were set up. A fire pit was burning softly in the middle. The stars were brighter as the lights went out.

  Castor sat on an outdoor recliner chair with his back to them. He bent down to get a canned beer from the cooler box.

  "Did you eat without us?" Caly asked and the answer was 'yes' as they went to their seats. Castor sat in the middle so they were forced to sit on each side.

  Callista grabbed the plate of barbecue from Castor's hand and helped herself to one stick. Franco observed them for a while that it took him a second to realize that Castor was speaking. To him.


  Castor glared at him. "I asked if you want a beer? Or is wine all you ever drink?”

  "No. Beer is fine," he replied as Castor threw him one. He barely caught the can that Caly slapped his best friend's arm.

  "What? He caught it!" Castor mumbled before going back to his comfortable seating position.

  Callista huffed a sigh and manned the grill which was closer to her. The movie started while they ate silently. Franco tried to appreciate the film but he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the fight scenes.

  "You don't like it?"

  Crap. Franco scratched at his forehead. What was he supposed to say? Why was Castor even observing him?

  "It's just...unbelievable." Franco managed to say before he drank half of his beer.

  "It's a movie." Castor snorted. "It makes sense though," he added and handed him a barbecue.

  "What makes sense?"

  "You probably like Inception and those depressing stuff. Like Caly." Castor let out an amused smile, patting Franco's arm. "That's okay.”

  "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Callista yelled in protest and kicked at his chair.

  Franco chuckled. He had never examined himself closely before but he always had to worked harder with liberal arts. "Yeah. I guess I like logic."

  Castor's green eyes hovered over Franco for a second before a determined look settled on his face. The man was quiet as the movie ran for an hour. He started to understand why Castor loved the movie. The tension was gripping.

  The two men drank most of the beers while Callista focused her attention on her phone. She shot Castor and Franco a jeering smile before she put her AirPods on.

  Franco frowned at what that smile could mean. His inquiry was answered as Castor lowered the movie's volume as the end credits rolled.

  "Do you want to meet my—our mother?"

  Franco gulped at the straightforward question. He crushed the can on his hand, feeling suffocated. "I... I guess so."

  "And what are you expecting?" Castor asked again in the same tone.

  "I don't know. Probably something different than the mother I have?"

  "Oh." Castor turned his gaze on the projector screen. "What was she like?"

  "My mother?" Franco felt his chest pound. He didn't know how to describe Althea Castellano. "She's...detached. Very modern."

  "Ah... that sounds like my mother." Castor drank another beer. "But I'm certain she'll treat you differently."

  Franco sensed the bitterness on his brother's tone. Callista hadn't told him anything about Castor's rage. He had assumed that he ju
st didn't want to share his family. "Why is that?”

  "Because you're her favorite son." Castor flicked the wetness off his hand as he swiveled to him. "Celeste's grief has spanned for years. You're all she's wanted to...raise.”

  Ah. Franco clenched his fist. So that's where his hate stemmed from. It seemed that both Castor and he were destined to have had shitty mothers. He didn't know what to say. "I'm s—”

  "Don't do that." A dry chuckle emitted from his lips. "Shit happens.”

  Franco sighed. "You think it'll go well?"

  "Maybe? I'm... I can't promise anything about parents and mother stuff. I'm not very good at that either but..." Castor let out an irritated sigh as he forced the words out. "Being brothers and all that... I can guarantee you that."

  "What... what do you mean?" Franco's ears buzzed in anticipation. Castor's words reminded him of that 'Die Hard' scene where McClane talked with a cop he barely knew. Like they were long time buddies.

  "It means I got your back."



  Callista had a sudden craving for ice cream. She had left Castor and Franco at around ten to sleep. But she had forgotten to eat. She peeked at the pool and the two men weren't around anymore. It was almost four anyway.

  Caly marched to the kitchen and grabbed a tub of ice cream. Thank god they bought some. She started eating when Castor found her.

  "Hey." He greeted and seized her spoon. The man scooped a spoonful and swallowed it in one go.

  "Cas! Really?" Caly grumbled in protest. "Why are you still up?"

  "I can't sleep," he answered and took the seat next to her. Castor gestured with the spoon. "One more."

  Callista pushed the ice cream to him, scanning his sleepy face. "So? What did you and Franco talk about?"

  "Why do you want to know?" Castor resumed eating that Caly rolled her eyes. "Its guy stuff."

  "Was it about girls?" she inquired, narrowing her eyes at him.

  "That's disgusting."

  "Then, what is it? I stopped listening after..." Caly grinned and cleared her throat. "'I've got your back'.”

  Castor gaped at her. "You eavesdropped on us?" He rubbed a hand over his face as a muffled groan escaped his lips. "Callista!"

  "Hey! Ladies don't eavesdrop," she insisted with a loud chuckle. "The video was buffering. I couldn't help but hear it."

  "But still—"

  "Not—Oh my god!" Caly screamed as the lights went out. Her heart clamored in terror as darkness covered her eyes. "Cas! Where are you? Shit!"

  "Caly, calm down.I'm here!"

  Callista felt Castor's arms on her. Her fear dissipated as his best friend scent filled her senses. The wild thrumming in her ears became a low hum.

  "Take a deep breath," he whispered, combing his fingers through her hair. "Don't be scared. I'm here, aren't I?"

  Caly blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the dim surroundings. She lifted her head to stare at him. "Cas..."


  "Have we met before?”

  "Uhm, what do you mean?"

  Callista took a step back as the lights returned. She tried to rack her brain as to where the thought came from but she found nothing. For now, it was just a gut feeling.

  "You're being weird. Here, eat this." Castor ushered her to sit down and gave her the rest of the ice cream. She forgot her worries as they talked for hours until Cas glanced at the clock. "Should we cook breakfast?"

  "You're not going to sleep?" she asked in amusement. "What a miracle."

  The two of them prepared a stack of pancakes, bacon, and breakfast burritos. An hour later, Franco came down in his usual white shirt and pressed pants. He and Castor started eating as Caly prepared a pitcher of orange juice.

  She took the seat in front of them and the stared at the two men. They ate so fast that the food was almost gone. Caly snorted and grabbed a burrito. She shot her best friend a steely gaze. "Are you not planning on leaving me food?"

  Franco drank his juice before he answered. "Sorry. I was hungry." He stood up after finishing his glass of juice. "I'll go ahead. And I'm having a dinner meeting later so don't worry about me."

  "Are you going now?" Castor mumbled with his mouth full.

  "Yeah. I'm late," Franco replied and grabbed his coat.

  "I'll go with you!" Castor announced and hurriedly finished his food. He ran a hand through his messy hair and trailed after Franco.

  "Cas! You're leaving me?" Caly called out. Her best friend ignored her that made her pout. "You didn't even take a bath yet!"

  Callista sighed. The mansion felt big when she had her dad, but now it was massive with her friends gone. She supposed she should be happy that Franco and Castor were getting along. But she groaned against her palms as she remembered that Castor was going back to his own life.


  Callista had spent her time in baking her favorite apple pie. She decided to swim and clear her mind but it kept coming back to her feelings. God, she sucked. She was never one to wallow in misery and all that crap but that was what she was doing.

  She came up from the water and sat by the pool, glaring at the sun's reflection. If it was up to her, then she would choose to stay here and be close to Castor. But was that okay? What if she didn't have that right anymore?

  In the end, only Castor could decide. No matter how much she desired to win his favor, she already knew that she couldn't interfere.

  She sighed. Was this what it felt like to be selfless?

  It sucked.

  "Hey!" A hand ruffled her wet hair.

  Caly looked up to see Castor's sparkling green eyes. Her worries vanished. "You're back?"

  Castor handed her a box as he sat beside her and crossed his legs. He wore a different set of clothes than he had this morning. A white tee and cargo shorts. Caly had no doubt it belonged to Franco.

  "Wow. You wear each other's clothes now?" she teased which Castor rolled his eyes at.

  "Were you waiting for me?" he asked as he gestured the box on her lap. "Open it."

  "I wasn't waiting." Caly opened the box and gasped at the powdered doughnuts. "Oh my god! I've missed this." She took one before she stopped and eyed her best friend. "Wait. What's the occasion?"

  "Nothing." Castor's hand reached out and pushed the wet hair off her face. "I just want to thank you."

  "For what?" Caly took consecutive bites from her doughnut as she waited for his answer.

  Callista got another doughnut when she realized that Castor had gone quiet. She looked at him, meeting his fervent jade eyes. Her heart raced faster. "What?"

  "Nothing. Just thank you," he finally mumbled. "For listening to me these past few days."


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