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Page 28

by Peavey Marshall

  Caly brushed the sugar off her fingers, swallowing the rest of her snack. "You're welcome. That's what friends do."

  "Yeah. But I know you hate it when people whine about their problems." Cas seized her hand, pressing it against his large palm. "I appreciate it."

  She wasn't expecting any reward of sorts but Castor's words had warmed her heart. She grinned at him. "Don't get used to it."

  Castor chuckled and let her get back to eating. "Another thing..."


  "Franco and I decided to meet my mother tomorrow.”

  Caly ceased eating her doughnut halfway. She set it down. He was leaving.

  Callista knew that her fears were irrational and childish to an extent. Castor wasn't like her dad. Her best friend didn't run away. But she felt fear nonetheless.

  "So, this is what the doughnuts are for?" She scoffed, flicking her hair over her shoulders. "You don't have to ask for my permission. I don't own you, remember?"

  Castor tilted his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "I still want to let you know. Will you miss me? I really like waking up next to you."

  She choked as her face flamed with his candid words. "Huh?"

  "It's a legit question." Castor pulled his leg upwards, letting his chin rest on his knee.

  Callista calmed her breathing. What she wanted was not important anymore. "Good luck with your meeting. I'm sure it'll turn out fine."

  "You didn't answer my question."

  "Stop it." She started to get up when he spoke again.

  "Are you running away? Your dad did run away."

  Caly gritted her teeth as she halted her movements. It seemed that Castor was keen on lighting her already short fuse. She shot him a freezing glare. "What do you want from me?"

  "Be honest, Callista." Castor faced her, meeting her turbulent gaze. "Do you like what we are to each other? Being friends and all that?"

  She gawked at him. "Of course I do. What are you even saying?"

  "Because I can't be friends with you anymore, your majesty."


  "I want more.”

  Callista couldn't breathe. Her head whirled as the world spun around her. "I... I need a drink."

  She stood up and marched inside the house. Caly ransacked the fridge before she found a bottle of wine. Before she could do anything, Castor's arms circled her exposed waist.

  "Are you afraid?" His hot breath sent shivers down her spine.

  "I hurt you once. I almost destroyed what we have." Her voice shattered as she remembered her lies. She felt tears form at the edge of her eyes. "I'll mess up."

  "I don't care." Castor began as his teeth grazed her ear. His lips traveled downwards to place a soft kiss on her neck. "If there's one person I want to be by my side as life throw shit at me, it's you. It's always been you, Callista.”

  Caly bit her lip. His words sparked bliss in her heart that all she wanted to do was burst in happiness. All the fears that her father had instilled in her felt so trivial in front of Castor's vows.

  Damn. She guessed this must be why love was so rare.

  "Castor, you know you can't take that back," she mumbled, gripping his clasped hands against her stomach.

  "I won't."

  Caly smirked. She had been ready to accept whatever he wanted them to be. Friends, enemies, strangers. Each possibility had a scenario in her mind. But being lovers didn't cross her mind. She never thought she would find love and with her best friend of all people.

  But if this what Castor wanted, she'd happily accept it. Caly didn't care what people would say or that she didn't deserve him. As long as he wanted her, she'll be with him.

  She twisted her body to face him, snaking an arm around his neck to bring their faces closer. "Then, I'll stay by your side. For as long as you want me to."

  "How about forever?”

  "Forever sounds good."



  Labels and nicknames were something that Caly liked. But in relationships, she always found it an annoyance. Women couldn't even decline invitations and such unless they used the 'boyfriend' card. People seemed to need labels.

  But she understood a little bit now. Her fearful heart had ceased trembling the moment Castor had declared his feelings. She was falling into oblivion and for the first time, she didn't care.

  Callista had dragged Castor to her room as they kissed. They had spent the whole afternoon in each other's arms and enjoying each other's taste. She had fallen asleep for a while before waking up to someone kissing and biting her neck.

  She smiled as Castor's arms circled her waist. He pressed his sturdy body against her back.

  "Are you awake?" he whispered with a sleep-laced voice that made her skin hot.


  "Can I kiss you," Castor asked without hesitation.

  She laughed and twisted to face him. Caly traced a finger from his nose down to his cheek. "You don't need to ask for permission."

  He kissed her and Callista the world turned slower. Her fingers threaded through Castor's dark hair as his rough hands squeezed to her ass. His tongue invaded her mouth, flicking in the most delicious ways that made her whimper.

  Callista caressed his cheek as she bit his bottom lip and let her tongue twist with his. He tasted utterly male with a hint of mint. It was addicting that her core clenched in anticipation.

  He pulled away with a smile. Castor's green eyes sparkled as he gazed at her. He brushed away the dark strands off her face. "I'm not mistaking anything, right? You're actually my girlfriend?"

  "Yeah. I'm your girlfriend," she answered with a giggle.

  "And I'm not dreaming either?”

  Caly nodded. She tried to think of the correct words but no words—in any language—could ever describe what she felt. So, she kissed him again.

  The kiss started slow but it didn't take long before it escalated. She kissed deeper and he returned it with the same intensity. His heated hands rubbed over her body and the loose shirt she wore only gave more access to his searching hands. She gasped as he cupped her left breast, kneading it softly.

  Castor moved his lips to her neck down to her cleavage. He pushed her shirt upward and claimed her other breast. He licked at her nipple and alternated between hard and soft sucks.

  Caly wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning as their centers touched. She could feel his throbbing erection. But feeling wasn't enough. She reached down to touch him and as if being burned, Castor got off her.

  Her jaw slacked and her body turned cold. What the fuck? Was it something she did?

  "Cas! What the hell?" she snapped and forced him to face her. "Is something wrong?"

  Castor rubbed a hand over his face. He looked sheepish. "Sorry. I... maybe we're moving too fast?”

  Callista resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Too fast? We've been at this since we were in high school!"

  "Caly..." His voice was gentle as he embraced her again. His skin was scorching hot and his boxers barely left anything to Caly's imagination. "I'm sorry. But I've been waiting for you my whole life. I don't want to fuck this up.”

  The ice around her heart melted. How could it not? She sighed and burrowed her face on his bare chest. Her fingers traced at the constellation tattoo—her tattoo—on his ribs. "Fine. But I told you, if anyone would fuck this up, it would be me."

  "Let's not fight about that." He hummed as his fingers carded through her long raven hair. He bit her earlobe. "I promise you won't regret waiting."

  "I know. I apologize for getting upset." She tutted and touched his hard-rock abs. "I'm still horny though.”

  His gleeful chuckle made his chest rumble. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you."

  "Really?" She looked up and was met by a pair of mischievous eyes. Caly had fantasized about her best friend once when they were in high school. She had felt like a pervert and erased the thought. But as they got older, her curiosity became stronger. She desired to know what kind of lover he was.
br />   "Can I?" he questioned as he laid her on her back. His fingers danced on her legs, circling nonsense patterns before he reached her panties. He played with the edges, wetting his lips suggestively.

  Damn. She knew he would be a generous lover.


  He pressed a soft kiss to her lips before his hands cupped her boobs. Castor worked diligently, leaving his marks all over her cleavage down to her stomach and her inner thighs. She grew frustrated at the slowness that she yanked at his hair. "Cas, please!"

  Caly's wishes were answered as he peeled her panties off her legs. His fingers found her wetness. She heard his groan before his tongue swirled at her clit.

  He sucked and licked and delve deeper. Callista could only drown at the sensation he was giving her. Castor paused and glanced at her. The hunger in his eyes made her regret agreeing with his 'waiting' game.

  "More," she grumbled which he smirked at.

  Castor parted her legs wider. His fingers dug into her thighs as his tongue pressed at her sensitive nub. The sounds they were making sparked the passion in her body like an uncontrollable wildfire. Castor increased the pace and pressure and her back arched to get more. She was close. And Cas kept pushing and pushing, hurling her to the edge. It didn't take long for the fire to turn into explosions, erupting along her spine.

  "Fuck!" Her hands gripped his hair as an all-consuming blaze stormed her body. Caly threw her head back as stars burst beneath her eyes.

  She was still catching her breath when Castor came up to kiss her. He was rough and insistent. And just when she felt the embers lighting up again, Castor pulled away with a frustrated growl. He placed his head on the crook of her neck. "Want me to get you off?"


  Caly sighed. "Where is this self-control coming from, Cas?"

  "Is it unlike me?"

  She chuckled and dragged her nails on his muscled back. "Are you afraid you're gonna come in like... five seconds?”

  He gawked at her before tickling her sides. Caly kept laughing as Castor caged her in his arms. "Take that back."

  She chuckled, enjoying the way his ears turned red. "I'm serious. Is there something you wanna tell me?"

  Castor swallowed thickly. His hands moved up and down her stomach. "It's not a big deal. But I feel like I should be honest. I don't like keeping secrets from you."

  Her heart pounded at his despondent tone. "What is it?”

  Before Castor could continue, a series of knocks echoed on the door. "Hey! Where's my dinner?"

  Castor rolled his eyes at Franco's voice. "Are you a kid? Make your own dinner!" He turned to her. "Isn't he supposed to be out?"

  "Time's up." Caly chuckled and got up. She grabbed her underwear and entered her walk-in closet, leaving her boyfriend with a dumbfounded expression.

  "Fuck!" She heard him yell as a pillow flew over her head. "This is exactly why I don't like having siblings.”

  She laughed at his distress.


  Tomorrow came faster than Caly had expected. She hadn't gotten enough of Castor yet and now, he's leaving. Cas had wanted to carry her off to her room but she playfully evaded his attempts. He had been the one who wanted to wait anyway. And she had fun teasing him.

  So they had ended up watching Criminal Minds with Franco. Cas didn't like shows with a lot of talking and explanation but he ended up requesting more episodes. She had fallen asleep on his arms until the sunlight penetrated through the gaps of her curtains.

  Callista followed him to the door as Franco brought out Castor's Ferrari. Their hands were clasped together and she hesitated when he tried to pull away. "When will you be back?"

  He grinned. "So, you'll miss me?"

  "Don't be an ass. Of course, I would." Caly placed a short kiss on his lips but he grasped her neck and let his tongue surged forward. She sighed happily before a series of honks caught their attention.

  Castor growled in exasperation. "I'm starting to hate him for real.”

  She grinned. "Let's understand him. Apparently, that's what single people do."

  "Oh, that means I can make fun of singles now?" he mumbled without bothering to hide the spark of sadistic delight in his eyes.

  "Yeah. You're allowed to do that." Caly kissed his cheek and propelled him outside. "Go. Call me when you get there."

  She stayed by the door as the car passed the gates. Caly felt like crying. Which was ridiculous. She shook the sadness away and grabbed her mail. She went through it and gasped as she saw a postcard. It was in Greece.

  Callista sat on the porch as her heart pounded. She turned the card and saw her father's handwriting. The emotions that bubbled on her blood turned into a full-blown waterfall as she gripped the card tightly.

  She almost hated the relief she felt. But she understood now. She was her father. Her family. And that wouldn't change. She would think of him even if they were far apart.

  Caly took a deep breath and read the words.

  If you are so stubborn and decided to ignore my advice, then you better win.

  "Damn old man." She smiled at the unorthodox way her father was showing his affections. She read the last part.

  Even without me, you always had someone watching over you. By now, I'm sure you already know who is it you're looking for.

  Good luck.

  Caly bit her lip as the pieces fell into place. Why Franco looked confused. Why Castor wanted to be honest. Why she always felt safer with him.

  Ah, fate.

  She frowned as a red envelope caught her attention from the pile of mails. There was no address but the color was obviously meant to taunt her. Her fingers shook as she opened it and pictures of her with Castor and Franco fell.

  Her jaw clenched as she read the words. The game is not over.

  Caly smirked as she tore the paper with vehemence. "It seems that way.”

  There's only one person she could think of that wouldn't be happy with Castor and Franco's closeness. It was none other than Francisco Castellano.

  "Well then, it's time to work."



  Franco stepped on the gas as Castor busied on his phone. The smile on his face indicated that he was texting Callista. To think they parted just thirty minutes ago. He wanted to roll his eyes but he was somewhat glad too.

  At least now, he didn't have to see all those pining looks they were giving each other. Honestly, their sexual tension was getting ridiculous. Though he sincerely prayed that they wouldn't be the type of couple who worships PDA.

  "You just saw each other," Franco quipped.

  "Yeah, well, I miss her," Castor replied with a shrug.

  He chuckled.

  Franco cringed at his past actions. He had never fathomed why he thought he could get between Caly and Castor. Damn, he was too stupid to even question his father.


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