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Page 29

by Peavey Marshall

  As Franco thought of his parents, his heart pounded in anxiety. Castor had assured him of Celeste Luciano's accommodation but he remained nervous. He touched the necklace that Callista had given him and a rush of air filled his lungs.

  "That...necklace..." Castor frowned. "Is that from Caly?"

  Franco straightened and set his hand back on the wheel. His first instinct was to lie. What if Castor was jealous? Their relationship wasn't fragile but it wasn't solid either. Fuck.

  "She gave that to you?" his brother inquired.

  "Y-yes..." Franco licked his lips as he changed gears. "But she said that—"

  "I'm not angry. I just..." Franco turned to see Castor fold his arms. He was in deep thought before he shook his head. "Nevermind. Don't lose that.”

  Franco was about to protest when Castor groaned again. "What is that shit playing in my car?"

  Castor bent forward to change the music when Franco swatted his hand. "Hey. Drivers pick the music. That's a rule."

  Beethoven's Für Elise blasted through the speakers. It calmed him down but his brother wasn't amused.

  "Christ! How nerdy can you get?" Cas grumbled before he focused on his phone.

  The drive was smooth aside from Castor's pleas of changing the music. But Franco wouldn't budge. He was too sure that Survivor couldn't calm his nerves. But Mozart could.

  Franco was proven wrong as they reached Luciano's mansion. The pit in his stomach was larger than before. He parked the car and Castor went out pretty fast while he froze.

  Cas knocked at the windshield. "What are you waiting for? An invitation?"

  Franco clicked his tongue and shoved the door open. He laughed as Castor rubbed his forehead and glared at him.

  "Come on."

  He followed his brother inside. It was lunchtime so Franco wasn't surprised at the smell that engulfed the air. He took another deep breath as they reached the dining room. His eyes settled on the woman who had the same features as him. Blue eyes and golden hair.

  "Dad, Mother... This is Franco. I'm sure you know him." Castor broke the silence as he pulled a chair and sat down.

  Nicholas Luciano strode forward. He forced a smile and offered his hand. "Welcome to our home, son."

  Franco hesitated before he shook his hand. "Thank you for inviting me, sir."

  His gaze flitted to his mother to see her smiling. Franco looked away and sat beside his brother. The older Luciano sat at the head of the wooden table while Celeste sat in front of Castor. The atmosphere was tense and Franco couldn't help but think that it was his presence.

  His apprehension was back in full force. Should he talk? He was damn clueless.

  "Mother, why don't you show Franco to the garden later? He's interested in flowers," Castor mumbled with nonchalance.

  "Ah, yes..." Franco didn't know what to call Celeste. He didn't even know anything about flowers. Everything was awkward but he didn't want to waste Castor's effort. "If that's okay."

  Celeste nodded with a brilliant smile. "Of course, it's okay. You're my son after all."

  "How is your business doing, Franco?" Nicholas asked and the conversation flowed. They asked about his work, his hobbies, and his favorite food which was a shortlist. Thankfully, Franco had remembered Caly's interrogation so his answers were now precise.

  "Any plans of getting married?" Celeste asked. It wasn't a harmful question until she added, "You're together with Miss Genovese, right?"

  Franco bit the inside of his cheek. He wanted to cuss. "No. She's..." He took a glance at his brother but Castor continued eating. "Caly is Castor's girlfriend.”

  Several 'what' echoed in the dining hall as Cas' choked on his food.

  Nicholas Luciano was the most amused. He looked at his son. "Really? You managed that?"

  Castor drank his water and leaned backward. "Your confidence in me is astounding, Dad."

  Nicholas laughed. "I was just asking!"

  "What was that we heard?" Someone yelled followed with heavy footsteps.

  "Shit." Castor stood up but not before squeezing Franco's left shoulder. "Good luck."

  Franco was bewildered but he understood what he meant as his phone pinged. He opened it and a book about flowers graced his eyes.


  Franco couldn't help but smile as sounds of raucous laughter reached his ears. He had caught a glimpse of Vincent and PJ. He immediately deduced that they had gathered to make fun of Castor.

  He was torn. He wanted to see what would happen but his mother was waiting for him.

  He sighed and walked next to Celeste Luciano. They passed a garden of roses before they reached the greenhouse. Franco had read the book Castor sent him. Of course, he could only remember the popular ones but he hoped it would be enough to keep the mood acceptable.

  "These are my favorite." Celeste adjusted her hat as they got closer to the line of sunflowers. "Do you know why?"

  Franco clenched his jaw. He knew where the conversation was going.

  "Because they always face the sun." She turned to him, blinking the tears that formed on her eyes. Celeste grasped his hands. "I never stopped thinking about you, Apollo.”

  Franco felt warmth burst at his chest.

  "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you had a hard time." His mother's hand settled on his cheek. "Can I hug you?"

  He nodded, not trusting his voice to speak. And Celeste embraced him tightly.

  Franco was unsure of what to do. As a child, he hadn't received a lot of hugs. As a boy, it had been embarrassing to do it. And as a man, he did not need it.

  And Franco realized that he had missed out a lot. His throat burned at the pitiful situation they were forced to live. He hugged her back that his mother wepth louder.

  Celeste refused to let go of him. She apologized repeatedly and Franco accepted everything. It wasn't enough to heal all the rips and cracks in his heart but it's a start.

  They walked back to the house, exchanging stories. No matter what he said, his mother listened attentively. It was the first time someone was so thrilled to see him.

  Suddenly, Celeste stopped with a curious look on her sapphire eyes. "Your necklace...? Is that from Castor?”

  "Huh? No." Franco played with the cross pendant, feeling the ridges of the roses that wrapped around it. "Caly said—"

  He stopped, clicking his tongue as his eyes opened to the truth. His father had once told him of something extraordinary that he did. Of saving a girl. He couldn't remember it but he knew he couldn't recall a lot so he believed Francisco Castellano's words.

  Franco gritted his teeth in anger. He had taken another thing from his brother.

  "Franco?" Celeste eyed him with concern.

  "It's nothing. You gave this Castor?" he asked instead.

  A melancholic smile spread her on her face. "Yes. When everything was perfect, when... It was the only thing I had given him. That boy... I owe him a lot." Celeste quickly swiveled to face him. "I owe you both a lot.”

  "It's in the past though..." Franco sighed. "You know, I'd like it if you and Castor will be okay."

  Celeste flushed with shame. "Is that what you want?”

  Franco faltered. He wanted her mother's love for Castor to be genuine. But Celeste was too scared and she needed a nudge.

  "Yes. Please get along for my sake."

  It was the little things for now but Franco vowed that he would correct every mistake his father did.



  Castor smiled and he didn't dare stop despite the jeers that came from his idiotic family. His girlfriend—damn, he couldn't get over that—kept sending him these funny gifs of couples that kiss and hug.

  He searched for his own set of cute stickers when the jabs came again.

  "Drink boys! This may be the last time we can see our boss!”

  He rolled his eyes at PJ's words.

  "Cheers! To us becoming second choices!" Vincent grabbed a beer bottle, clinking it with the others.

  Fuckin' idio
ts. Castor stood up and went outside the house. He heard one last jeer of 'Look! He's discarding us now!' before he reached the poolside.

  Castor was surprised at his father's presence by the pool bar. He drank alone, his gaze far away. "Dad?"

  "Oh, Cas? Why are you here?" Nicholas Luciano pulled a stool for him. "Sit.”

  "They were too noisy," Castor answered and sat beside him.

  "You know that's how they show their love, right?”

  Cas scoffed. "And you?"

  "I'm..." His emerald eyes shone. "...reminiscing."

  Castor had a pretty good idea of what his father had been mulling over. He texted Caly a short explanation. She replied with a good night that made him frown. He ignored it and focused on his dad. "Is this about Franco? I thought you were fine with it?"

  "It's not that."

  "Then, what?"

  "Your mother."

  Castor clicked his tongue. He promised never to give a fuck about Celeste Luciano again. But his dad was troubled. "What about her?"

  He winced as the bitterness drip from his words.

  "Cas..." his father began. "I knew she was pregnant and I married her anyway.”

  "What? Why?"

  "She's my best friend. And she needed help." Nicholas sipped from his glass. "It was a common knowledge that Francisco Castellano lusted after her. But that man knew his limits. He was a businessman first and Celeste was certain he wouldn't cross the line. So she set-up a trap. But she fell on it instead."

  Castor felt the world spin. "W-what?"

  "Celeste kept blaming herself. She said it was her fault for giving him an opportunity." Nicholas clenched his jaw as his nails dig into the wooden counter. "But she never called herself a victim. She vowed to forget it and that desire got stronger when she realized she was pregnant. She did everything, even marry me, just so her child wouldn't know the truth. So she could shield him from the pain.”

  What the fuck! Castor Luciano didn't know what to feel. He supposed he should pity his mother, his father, and himself. But all he could think about was how to tell Franco.

  "But of course, everything went wrong." Nicholas paused, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. "I'm sorry, son. I tried to fix it but I should've known Celeste wasn't up for it. Still, you should know where your mother is coming from.”

  "I'm sorry too, Dad. But Mother and I don't have a relationship for me to give a fuck." Castor ran a hand through his hair. "Shouldn't Franco know about this?”

  Nicholas let out a smirk. "You care more about Franco?"

  "Mother is a strong woman. She came this far, didn't she?" he sighed, meeting his father's inquisitive gaze. "But Franco is still struggling to find his footing. I don't know what that information would do to him. I don't even know how much he knows of our world."

  "You mean... he doesn't know what his father and our business are all about?" Nicholas chuckled. "We are mafia, son."

  "Yeah. But Caly said that Franco never strayed from hotels and wines. He even got upset about the drugs. He's opposite." Castor was almost ashamed to say it but it was the truth. Unlike him, Franco did live up to the 'archangel' title that the people had given him.

  "What are you going to do?" His father questioned.

  Castor crossed his arms. "I would know after tonight."

  "Occhio per occhio." His father nodded in agreement. "Speaking of..." Nicholas raised his glass toward the garden's direction.

  Celeste and Franco walked up the stairs towards the gleaming pool. The older woman smiled at her husband as Franco nodded to them. "Were you waiting for me?" she asked.

  Nicholas rose from his seat. "Let's go?"

  "I..." Celeste peeked at Castor before determination passed over her face. "I want to talk to Castor. Is that okay?"

  Cas arched an eyebrow. What now?

  He trailed after her mother as she trudged to the other side of the pool. Her palms were clasped together, knuckles pale. Celeste turned to him, her blonde hair falling over her shoulders. "You... I heard you and Miss Genovese are together?"

  Castor decided to end her misery. "Why don't you get to the point, Mother? We both know you're not interested in my life."

  Celeste's cerulean eyes hardened. "I want to be. You and Franco... I'm your mother."

  He resisted the urge to cackle. "Not really. Franco and I grew up without you."

  Castor realized he had gone too far as Celeste's face crumpled in agony. He cussed and amended his words. "I just meant—"

  "It's okay. You were telling the truth." She forced a smile. "I lost both of you.”

  Castor pinched his nose, breathing roughly as his heart hammered in distress. "It's okay. Our relationship is beyond salvage but...if you can be nice to Franco..." He let out a tiny smile. "That's enough for me.”

  He turned his back when Celeste grabbed his arm. Castor gasped at the tears on his mother's face. "Woah. Are you okay?"

  Shit. Despite what he said, he couldn't help but worry. This was still the woman his father loved.

  Celeste shook her head, controlling the wave of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. "I'm just... I'm proud of you. Even without me, you grew up so well."

  Her tears burst again and Castor's anger completely evaporated. He was uncomfortable, confused, annoyed, and worse, he was slightly happy. He wanted to run to his girlfriend and cry on her arms until morning.

  But he couldn't. So he waited until Nicholas came to get his wife.

  Castor and Franco both watched the couple as they disappeared into the house.

  "What the fuck did you tell her?" Castor demanded.

  "It was nothing bad." Franco shot him a sheepish smile. "I think... she went through a lot. She admitted that she'll need help. We all deserve a second chance, right?"

  Fuck. Now Castor was convinced that Franco didn't belong in their world. That was why Scarface followed him around. If it wasn't for that bodyguard, Franco's presence wouldn't even be a threat.

  "What? If you think that I stepped—I only wanted—"

  "Stop." Castor decided that it was time to determine what Franco Castellano was made of. "There's someone I want you to meet."

  He marched into the house and signaled for Marcus. The giant towered over them and Castor chuckled as Franco walked faster.

  They reached the basement and Marcus went ahead. He barely fit into the room. But his burly arms reached out and drag a boy outside. He gripped Dos' wrists, shoving him forward.

  "What's—" Franco's question died down. He froze and took in the scene. "Don't tell me that's—"

  Castor stepped forward, forcing Dos's face upward. He tapped the boy's cheek. "Hey, piccolo! Your trial is starting."


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