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Destiny Collides Past and Present

Page 32

by J P Sayle

  The howls of laughter had him wanting to join in, but the low rumbling growl emanating from the ground had him rethinking as his eyes clashed with Max’s bicoloured ones. Max’s hard stare had him stepping back from Princess.

  The others clearly amused by the situation had his pinking cheeks puffing out as he sat down on the only vacant chair. The feeling that normal service had resumed between him and Princess had him grinning.

  “Well, I was promised breakfast and a little cuddle from my brave little soldier, since I’ve had the second. Well sort of.” His disgruntled stare at Princess and Max causing more hilarity at the implied short length of the hug. He turned a beaming sultry smile on Brad. “Now, where is my breakfast?” Ramping up the huskiness, Stuart gave him a full watt sexy smile.

  The implication behind his voice not lost on either Joe or Martin as they growled in unison. Stuart kept his satisfied smile in place as Brad went to grab a plate from the oven as he spoke.

  “We had ours an hour ago, but I kept this warm for you, babe.”

  Smiling brightly, Stuart noted how healthy Brad looked. Their initial visit to him had been difficult for everyone and he hadn’t really paid any attention to anyone. The feeling of guilt had made it hard, especially when you added in Brad’s obvious distress about Princess. Now, however, he could see that the holiday sun had deepened his skin to a beautiful bronze, making his sea green eyes glow with health. Though he had dark circles around his eyes, it didn’t detract from the radiating happiness that Princess’s return caused.

  He ate in silence, happy to listen to the happy banter as Joe filled them in on how he would be helping Aaden finish his house. The work they’d started all those weeks ago had had to stop for obvious reasons.

  Aaden had done some more work, but not much from what he gleaned from Joe. Aaden, it appeared, had been preoccupied with other things, but Stuart knew better than to ask what they were. With Stuart’s injuries healed he had encouraged Joe to help his friend to get things moving again. Joe’s hate for the state of the house only increasing with every visit, he was utterly convinced it was impossible to live with shit brown and flocked walls.

  Ms Stevens, it would appear, had decided to sell and Aaden had chosen to purchase it for a steal. The offer by all accounts far too good to pass up, the question it raised for Stuart was why was he staying? Aaden had appeared even more broody and distant since the incident so it begged the question, why was he staying and what was his real problem?

  Stuart looked at Joe raising his brow, swallowing his mouthful of bacon he tried to recall what he’d just been asked after zoning out.

  Joe gave him a concerned look before speaking. “I think Greg has a little thing for Aaden, did you see the way his ass keeps making buttons to go over to the house to keep checking on Aaden? Or that he appears to have had a new fake tan done? Do you think he looks like he’s been tangoed? I think you need to have a word with him, Stuart. You know, tell him to scrub that shit off. Anyway, what do you think about him and Aaden, you know, being a thing? There seems to be sparks, even if Aaden acts like he doesn’t exist.”

  Head battered at the rush of words, Stuart considered how to respond. While he and Greg were friendly, he wasn’t sure how to interrupt the behaviour he’d witnessed since Greg’s return from Aaden’s last week.

  It had taken Greg three weeks before he had finally mustered the courage to go and actually talk about what was going on between them. The ‘come to Jesus’ chat as he’d called it with Aaden didn’t seem to go all that well. The anger had been palpable when Greg returned and he hadn’t wanted to talk about it, so he let him be. But he couldn’t fail to notice the constant glances out the window and the subsequent lack of work, eventually he’d told him he could go home. Greg’s heavy sigh and slumped shoulders left Stuart feeling apprehensive for him, but unsure how he could help when Greg wouldn’t talk about what was troubling him.

  “I’m not sure, but whatever it is, neither man seems happy about it. I think we should just leave them to it. As for the tangoed part, you’re a brave man, if you want to tell Greg he looks like an orange, he may be timid at times, but I bet under that quiet exterior is a little hellion.” His knowing look had Joe pouting, realising he had hit the nail on the head when Joe cheeks flushed under his stare.

  “I mean it, Joe, leave them to sort it themselves. They do not need our help.” His stern tone had Joe poking out his tongue making them all laugh at his childish action. Looking down at his now empty plate, he gazed back at the sleeping Princess before turning to Joe. “Come on, I think Brad and Martin would like a little time alone with Princess.”

  Rising he stopped mid step as Brad laid a small hand on his arm speaking in a hushed tone.

  “Can I have a word?”

  Nodding, he followed him out of the room overlooking Joe’s worried expression, giving him a quick reassuring grin even as his stomach dropped. Stepping into the bright lounge he waited for Brad to get whatever it was he needed to say off his chest. Trying to calm his pounding pulse didn’t seem to stop the cold sweat that gathered at the base of his back. Stuart’s mind anxiously made up all sorts of scenarios, none of them with a happy ending.

  Brad could see the worry on Stuart’s face so he launched right in. “I know you blame yourself for what happened, as does Joe. I want to tell you what I told him. Princess is a guardian, it’s hard to explain but she has this innate knowledge that tells her when she needs to help. Whatever happened to her, she chose to take the risk knowing it would help you. So whatever feelings of guilt you’re carrying, drop them into the bin on the way out the door. They’re not yours to carry, okay?”

  The blunt forthright speech had him think back to the timid Brad he had met so many years ago. His smile grew as he looked at Brad, delighted at how he had grown into such a wonderfully strong man. Pride swelled in his chest as he grinned back at him cheekily, hauling him closer for a hug. He was grateful once again they had been able to get past their history and become friends.

  “Thank you.” Choking back his emotions, he kissed Brad’s cheek. The slight noise behind him had the imp of mischief make him move his mouth a little to the left, making their lips meet knowing who was behind them. Brad’s round startled sea green eyes stared up. The sparkle of devilment that flashed back at him had him trying to pull back, only to find him clasped against Brad’s small firm chest. Brad wet his lips lavishly a second before smashing them against Stuart’s.

  “Uhg,” trying to pull back from Brad’s rather firm grip, Stuart shuddered in disgust as he swiped at his soaking lips, hating nothing more than sloppy wet kisses.

  “Oh, Stuart, I didn’t know you wanted me so much, how can I ever tell Martin or Joe that you’re going to run away with me?” The high screeching falsetto voice had him cringing, as slick wet lips puckered up again. The devilish glint never leaving Brad’s flashing green depths making his cheeks flood with heat before he turned feeling the weight of Martin and Joe’s amusement as he faced them.

  Disregarding them both and their joint laughter he rubbed his wet mouth on his sleeve, stalking past them with his head held high. The sound of rushing feet behind him had his sense of humour returning, though he kept his face turned so Joe couldn’t see his twitching lips.

  Joe’s warm hand caught his, making him stop at their front door. The look of concern deep in his chocolate gaze had Stuart think about his earlier ideas on how to remove the wall Joe had built with his guilt. Without thinking he pulled Joe to him, pleased when he came easily, he bent to nuzzle into his neck. The scent of apples invaded his senses making his mouth water for a taste. Christ it has been too long since I’ve had even the smallest of tastes.

  Joe’s rigid stance had Stuart struggling to hold back the sigh of frustration that wanted to escape. The urge to shake him had his hands clutching at Joe’s soft wool jumper. Taking a breath he hoped to calm his rampant system, only Joe’s scent and warmth against him was making his cock want in on the action. Stuart angle
d his body slightly away, needing at least some semblance of coherent thought if he wanted to achieve his end goal: a naked and moaning Joe on the end of his hard cock.

  Enough was enough, it ended now. He was back to where he’d been, well nearly, but his body was definitely up for more than a cuddle. This lack of intimacy was over whether Joe was ready or not. He wanted back the Joe who would have happily jumped him if there was the slightest chance of sex, rather than the one he had now doing everything to avoid it.

  Stuart felt his mind hold onto that thought a second before he tugged on Joe’s dishevelled hair, wrapping his fingers in the silky length. Tilting Joe’s head back so he could see his face, he needed to see his eyes. He wasn’t going to let Joe hide anymore. Stuart instantly felt heat spread across his chest at the reflection of love he could see on Joe’s face but the guilt was there, tainting it.

  Holding Joe still in his arms he slowly bent, maintaining eye contact as he licked the seam of his lush peach lips, Stuart felt them quiver under his tongue. Joe’s eyes melted into puddles of gooey chocolate before him. Encouraging him to explore the sweetness he could taste on Joe’s lush mouth, his body tightened painfully. The desire to plunder, to drink in the sweetness, had Stuart struggling to remember they were still outside their home.

  Stuart felt a light puff of air brush his lips as Joe exhaled on a moan. Stuart flexed his fingers as Joe tried to move forward and take control. “Tut, tut, we will have less of that. You know who’s in control here. Who will give you everything you want, sweetheart, hmm?” Growling against Joe’s lips he felt his body shudder before going plaint a second after he spoke. Stuart licked his lips, watching as Joe tongue’s came out to play trying to get to his mouth, a grin formed before he could stop it.

  Leaning in he let Joe take what he wanted, heat spread fast as the slick wet heat of his mouth made Stuart want to dive in. Oblivious to everything other than the taste and smell of Joe when he writhed in his arms making his cock pound a painful tattoo against Joe’s abdomen.

  Stuart drew back smirking when Joe followed, his lips puckered, pupils blown with lust making his eyes appear like dark chocolate. Shuddering at the sheer naked want on Joe’s face, he searched for the key to open the door. His fingers trembled as he tried for a second time to push the key in the lock; Joe’s quiet chuckle behind him had his pause.

  “Think you can do any better?” Challenge clear to hear as Stuart pushed the key into Joe’s shaking hand. Not stepping back he pulled Joe against his chest, leaning in and licking up the side of his neck, he tasted his body wash and a slight saltiness of his sweat. Stuart felt Joe shiver as he pushed the key into the lock achieving what he couldn’t, made him chuckle. I mustn’t be doing my job right, now that just won’t do.

  Moving his hands down Joe’s chest he made sure to tease his nipples through the soft wool before moving lower. The subtle grind of ass against his erection had his breath backing up in his lungs. Hissing a breath past his clenched teeth, he spoke without thinking.

  “Hell it’s been too long.” The stillness told him he should have kept his mouth shut. Joe’s withdrawal was almost instantaneous. Cursing under his breath as Joe pushed the door open, stepping away from him.

  Joe rubbed his sweaty palms down his legs hoping it would help the urge to turn around and grab on to Stuart and hump him like a dog. God he was getting desperate, one bloody touch and he would go up in smoke. Yanking his hair hard he barely registered the pain as he stalked into the kitchen, not taking any solace from his surroundings as he would habitually do.

  Nothing was making this any better, weeks—for fuck sake—he’d been walking round with a boner, weeks. Shitting hell, Stuart only needed to breathe next to him and his cock was waving the flag of surrender. He was a fricken heathen that he couldn’t even go without sex for a few weeks. He’d never had this problem before, so why couldn’t he control himself now.

  Stalking to the fridge he pulled it open, staring blindly. The warmth behind telling him Stuart wasn’t going to let this go without a fight. The blast of chilly air in front of him a stark contrast to the heat plastered to his back. Joe prayed the cold would keep his wayward cock under control. Looking down at the tent in his trousers he sighed in defeat. Nothing was going to sort it out, well maybe with the exception of Stuart riding him hard and fast. The minute the thought entered his head his cock pulsed hard bucking its agreement.

  “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but your body is yelling loudly, telling me exactly what it needs.”

  The hot words against his neck, followed up by an equally hot hand as it pushed inside his trousers, had his whole body quivering. The fire ignited inside his veins burned away all common sense as Stuart set up a brutal rhythm. Breathless, Joe literally felt his mind shut down as firm fingers gripped, spreading the slick wetness from the tip of his cock up his length. The slick easing Stuart’s strong grip, making Joe grateful for small mercies because he wasn’t convinced Stuart would stop to find the lube at this point. Lips devoured his neck making his balls tighten wickedly, hugging his body as if trying to find entry.

  He dragged in a breath trying to get his brain to function but the twisting action on the head of his cock was driving him insane. The grip just shy of being painful, kept him on edge. His ass had a mind of its own, ground back against Stuart’s rigid length. The open fridge chimed repeatedly reminding them they needed to shut the door. Neither registered the sound as Stuart used his other hand to open his trousers and push them to his knees finally freeing his cock to the cold draft of air. Joe couldn’t stop the shiver at the feel of the cold against is overheated, sensitive skin.

  “There’s my sexy boy. That’s it take what you need. I can feel how close you are. Do you want to come like this?” Words skittered across the delicate skin of his neck making Joe struggle to respond especially when Stuart stroked him faster. Fuck, was Stuart mad thinking he could talk when he was driving him insane with the desire to come inside in the open fridge. Hell, he’d be lucky to remember his own name when Stuart touched him like that.

  Joe trembled, licking his dry lips he panted, “What else are you offering?” Squeezing his eyes shut as Stuart whispered in his ear about something about a second breakfast and the kitchen table. The visual had him wheezing with the effort not to come, scrabbling to grab his balls Joe tugged hard, before he could form a coherent sentence.

  “That, I want all of what you just said.” Joe could already feel Stuart moving before he’d finished talking. The hardness of the wood bit into Joe’s hips as Stuart manhandled him. His cock slapped against his stomach unsure if it liked the brush of cool wood that it was trapped against. The contrast between his heated skin and the cool smooth wood distracted him. Wiggling his hips trying to find a comfortable spot, the warm breath on his ass caused him to still.

  “Now where were we? Ah yes, I remember.” Firm fingers spread his ass cheeks the only warning before hot puffs of air blew gently over his hole making it clench. The low growl letting Joe know Stuart approved of his body’s response.

  Seconds ticked by making his agitation grow, his lust reaching heights it had never had previously. Joe wasn’t convinced he could last much longer, the weeks of looking and not touching Stuart had made him ache. Now that he was finally getting what he wanted, he wasn’t sure he wasn’t going to embarrass himself and come before they’d even started.

  Small, warm wet licks circled his pulsing hole derailed his thoughts. The tentative movements tormenting him, needing more he pushed back only to find Stuart’s grip on his hips held him in place. Joe couldn’t stop the whine when he couldn’t move.

  “Shush, there is no rush. I want to enjoy my meal.”

  Joe groaned at the low evil chuckle that followed the next swipe. Shuddering, Joe struggled to stay still, grinding back as far as he could. His ass felt empty, the slow leisurely strokes made him feel empty, the ache growing with each passing swirl of that luscious tongue. As if hearing him, Joe groaned in delight
as Stuart moved his hand down his ass cheek. Praying it was heading in the right direction he wasn’t disappointed as Stuart pushed his finger deep, searching for his hot spot. Light blinded him as Stuart set up camp on his prostate, strumming his finger in time to his wicked tongue. Moaning in bliss as Stuart pushed his tongue inside along with his finger stretching him open. The burn making his eyes roll back as he rode the sensations. Pleasure thrummed up his sac as his balls rode up ready to off load.

  The sharp yank to his sac had him writhing as heat spread up his cock. “Not yet, I want to be inside you.” Breathless words hardly registered as Stuart gave him one final kiss to his hole, sucking hard he jabbed his tongue in deep. Joe hands flailed against the wooden table looking for purchase as he tried to focus past the need to come, even though his balls were not in agreement, and tried valiantly to make him come. Gasping he brought up images of Aaden’s home, the shit brown flocked walls, the disgusting yellow kitchen cupboards.

  The harsh slap to his ass had him realising he’d clenched down on Stuart’s tongue which he noticed was firmly stuck in his ass. With concerted effort he let his muscles relax, even though that was the last thing he wanted to do. The only consolation he supposed being that he was no longer on the brink of coming.

  Heat blanketed his back as Stuart braced his arms next to his head. Firm silky skin slid across his back making his muscles quiver with need. Wishing he’d removed his own clothes and not just pushed up his jumper. Sighing in satisfaction his thoughts drifted away as Stuart slowly pushed inside his body. Fuck, would he ever grow tired of the feeling, the rightness when Stuart became a part of him?

  Why had he been avoiding this?

  Joe wheezed loudly when Stuart nailed his prostate, his mind shutting down. Lifting his hips up, he twisted a hand under him so he could grab his cock.

  “No, don’t touch it.” Stuart’s harsh command had him grumbling his disapproval, but he obeyed figuring Stuart would only draw it out longer if he didn’t give in. Feeling the loss of heat from his back, he turned glaring at an unrepentant Stuart.


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