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Destiny Collides Past and Present

Page 33

by J P Sayle

  “I want to watch you come.” The husky words had him springing up as Stuart pulled back. Not sure how or where Stuart wanted him. He stood waiting for direction. Joe eyes raked over Stuart, finally getting a load of his naked body. Shuddering as his eyes devoured the rippling muscles, the flat abdomen that led down to his straining erection nestled in blond hair. Licking his lips, his mouth watered as he focused on the flushed head as it leaked. The lube Stuart had somehow found glistened, mixing with his pre-come.

  Joe’s mind finally caught up as he stared at the bare cock before him. No evidence of bruising or swelling, well other than the obvious erection. The harm Joel had inflicted no longer evident, it was as if it never happened. Looking back up to Stuart’s face it finally registered he’d been doing more harm by not being intimate with Stuart. He’d been letting Joel take that from him, just as he had stolen all those months he’d had to run. Joe tried to remember he’d ended up running in the right direction, straight to this man, his love, his soul.

  Emotions swarmed deep inside as he watched Stuart’s smile grow. Joe convinced he was reading his mind when he finally spoke. “I needed you to see I’m still the same, he didn’t break me or us.” Stuart’s raised hand halted Joe as he opened his mouth to speak.

  “He may have caused a crack but it wasn’t broken. We both had the glue to fix it, our love to put it back together. You just needed the time to come to terms with everything and realise my glue was always there waiting to bond with yours.”

  Joe chuckled at the analogy, stepping forward wrapping his arms tightly around Stuart as the urgent need inside him settled. The need was still brutal but now wrapped in Stuart’s love, he felt like they’d been given all the time in the world. Reaching up Joe gently kissed Stuart, the desire building slowly. Grinding against Stuart’s turgid cock, the satin encased steel rubbing against him felt wonderfully arousing. Lifting up as Stuart encouraged him to wrap his legs around his waist. Feeling as if he was floating, the need for air secondary to his need to kiss Stuart.

  The cool soft cotton made him sigh as the duvet cushioned them both. Stuart warm solid body settled against encouraging him to open for him. Joe let his legs fall open offering himself up to Stuart’s heated molten silver gaze. The heat from his cock tunnelling under his sac had him writhe desperate for it to reach its destination.

  Gentle hot strokes pushed against his pucker letting him know exactly what Stuart wanted. Joe couldn’t hold back any longer, begging. “I’m ready, please no more teasing.” Desperation making his voice husky as Stuart took him at his word and plunged deep not stopping until his hips ground against Joe’s.

  “Arrghhh, oh yes, right there, shitttt please harder.” Panting into Stuart’s neck, he hoped he could hear his whispered pleas. Not having any strength to move as he melted languidly into the bed with each slow deep stroke. Lazy deep plunges made his ass sing in joy as Stuart sucked at the junction of his neck and shoulder making him shudder wantonly.

  Not sure how long Stuart kept up his steady pace but the pool of wet stickiness on his stomach told his it was a while. Groaning as Stuart released his hot mouth from his neck. Hot feverish kisses trailed across his flushed sweaty cheeks seconds before Stuart licked and suckled as his mouth homing in on his lips. Joe strained wanting them against his, their hot breath mingled. The taste so familiar had him weaken as Stuart sucked his tongue into his warm mouth. Stuart mimicked the movement of his hips, thrusting and sucking in time driving Joe nuts with the need to come.

  Pushing up against Stuart’s abs so he could get some purchase on his cock, deliriously happy when Stuart pushed down against him grinding harder. His eyes rolled back a myriad of colour exploded in glorious technicolour behind his eyelids. “Oh fuck, oh gawdddddd.”

  Straining his body bowed as he pelted cum all over his stomach, ass clenching down as he felt Stuart swelling stretching him impossibly wide as heat pulsed into his ass. Groaning at the feeling, wanting more he held tight eliciting a deep moan from Stuart as he pushed deeper. He could feel Stuart’s muscles tensing as his body gave Joe everything it wanted before collapsing heavily against him, making him grin.

  Joe felt the loss as Stuart rolled off him on the bed beside him.

  “Do you want to move in permanently, make this your home?”

  The urge to laugh at Stuart’s question had him sucking his lip between his teeth not wanting him to get the wrong idea. That was the last thing he’d expected Stuart to ask after mind blowing sex. Giving Stuart a radiant smile he hoped he could see the light of hope sparkling in his eyes. Hell if it had been sunny outside Joe was convinced his smile would have eclipsed it in that moment.

  He rolled on to Stuart squishing the cooling cum into his skin as he lifted his mouth, not caring about the mess he was creating between them. Inches from Stuart’s mouth he grinned like a loon. “It was always going to be my home the minute you opened the door to me all those weeks ago, because a man several years ago in London had already captured my soul.”

  Stuart seemed to have lost his eyebrows as they shot up his forehead. Giggling Joe squirmed before going on. “You saw me when you stopped. I mean you really saw me, I felt it.” Joe shrugged at Stuart’s startled expression. “We just needed to find each other again. You will always be my home. I just needed to find you again. Joel may have been the absolute bane of my life, but look what he gave me, you. ”

  Stuart’s stunned face had emotions swell inside Joe choking him into releasing a wet giggle as he bit his lip. Should he have mentioned it before? He’d been convinced Stuart had forgotten when he’d never mentioned it, but now something told him that Stuart hadn’t forgotten him either.

  Stuart yanked him down peppering him with kisses punctuating them with words of love. Only stopping when Joe became breathless, the world spinning around him he took a minute to remember this feeling.

  “I love you and you are my home, now and always, Joe. Come on, let’s go celebrate.” Stuart’s excitement sparkled between them like a rainbow just after a heavy shower, it glowed the power making him believe everything would be fine.

  Joe righted himself as Stuart yanked out of the bed, his body fully on board with the thought of round two in the bathroom shower. He followed behind Stuart’s swaying hips he took pleasure in the moment, if this moment was all anyone ever had then he was going to live it fully, now and always.

  His last thought as he moved quickly, his eyes gleaming when he heard the shower turn on, oh yes he could definitely live in this moment forever and ever when it meant his destiny had collided with his past in the best possible way.

  Her side still bothered her much to her disgust. It, for some reason hadn’t completely healed yet, but nobody was going to tell her she couldn’t go and spy, well not exactly spy but check up on Stuart and Joe. She had sensed their discord the minute Stuart had entered her home. The feeling of unhappiness when Stuart had looked at Joe saddened her, making her worry about what had happened.

  She couldn’t understand what had gone wrong when they had been all but sorted before she got shot. Max the brute wouldn’t talk about what had happened. In fact, his silence had driven her to distraction, well that and his insistence on not leaving her side.

  Shrugging him off was harder said than done. The feeling something had happened while she had been out of it made her wary of asking too many questions where Max was concerned. Something had changed between them, though as yet, she hadn’t figured out what. Her mother’s silence was telling so she chose to ignore it.

  Princess perched on the window ledge, nudging her wet nose against the glass trying to get a closer look inside the bedroom. Pleased they had forgotten to close the curtains so she could see everything. Okay, maybe not everything but they definitely looked smoking hot together. Even if she had struggled to climb the tree and follow them upstairs, it had been worth the pain.

  Movement distracted her from the pain, her whiskers twitched as she watched Joe and Stuart finally make their bond snap
into place. The connection visible as she felt the slight pull in her chest as their auras hummed and pulsed a second before turning blinding white. Preening at her success, she missed the sound behind her.

  A loud growl had her hackles rising fast, knowing exactly who was behind her did not stop her tiny heart from racing. Balanced on the small ledge Princess clung on, ignoring Max. She pretended to be focused on what was happening on the other side of the window. Praying Max didn’t come any closer. She lost sight of Joe and Stuart a few seconds later.

  The second growl sounded louder and closer. Peering over her shoulder she could see Max stalking closer across the balcony. Crap, the angry expression doing nothing to calm her. Sidling back the way she came, avoiding getting any closer to Max. Princess dived off the building too quickly the chuff loud as she landed heavily, hurting her side.

  The throbbing slowed her down as she tried to make a quick getaway. Princess knew she was out of luck the instant she turned the corner to head to the street. Feeling the heat at her back a second before teeth sunk into her scruff of her neck. Max took her to the ground, his weight making it impossible to move.

  Growling a warning as he moved more his bulk on to her tiny body, what the hell? Panic had her yowling, trying to claw at him. The loud purr in her ear made her still, it appeared Max was enjoying her spirited play. Not wanting to give in she settled down, hoping to lull him into a false sense of security. Two could play this came.

  Max purred as he settled his weight more firmly onto Princess, her smell intoxicating him. The urge to lick had him grinding his teeth into her neck. The connection he had formed was easy to see, but the little minx was fighting it all the way. Sighing, he knew he was in trouble if he gave in, she would walk right over the top of him.

  He felt her go compliant under him, his whiskers twitched as he dropped his guard and released his grip. The sudden movement had him lying on his back stunned she had been able to move him off her so fast. Looking at her retreating ass, he groaned in distress when his body got ready to mate. Oh hell.

  His bi-coloured eyes gleamed as he watched her tiny hips sway as she climbed up the steps to her home. The last quick flick of her nose in the air had pleasure coursing through his large bulk. Game on.

  The End.

  Hi All,

  My name is Jayne, and normally by night I am a nurse manager of a hospital. I’ve been happily married for 25 years to a wonderfully complicated man, and I have a wonderful daughter with a very young grandbaby and another soon to join the family.

  I am an identical twin, so if you see me, check, as it may not be me.

  In 2016 I made a decision to follow my dreams, which resulted in my first book being released earlier this year, Seeing Beyond the Scars.

  Living in a quiet, controlled world, Brad Cummings does everything he can to not dwell on his traumatic past. Staying hidden, unaware that fate is about to turn his life upside down. A new neighbour has Brad questioning everything about his life and his feelings. Coming to terms with his new life, Brad has no idea something sinister lurks, watching and waiting to steal his happiness and drag him back into the horrors of his past.

  Martin Clegg was dissatisfied with his life, he finds himself drawn to a small island off the Irish Sea, but the draw to the mysterious house across the way is even stronger. A new business, a new house, a new neighbour who just may be the reason for the pull Martin felt. Everything about Brad calls to Martin, but Brad’s past seems to stand between them. Can Martin protect his heart when he’s also worried about protecting Brad from the evil that surrounds them?

  Guardian cats walk this earth, there to protect—if you are fortunate enough to be blessed by the fates. Princess is one such cat. As far as Brad knows, she is his quirky little cheeky black cat.

  Princess is sworn to hide her secret about her real nature. But when Brad finds himself in danger Princess breaks all the rules that govern her. Will there be consequences for her actions, only time will tell.

  That book was the first in the series for the Manx Cat Guardians. This book second in the series and as yet I’m not sure how many more there will be, but there will definitely be one more. You have already been introduced to Aaden and Greg and I’m excited for you to meet Max Aaden’s ancient cat. Though there are no spoilers here, there will be more about my little cats in book three by request.

  So if you would like to follow me you can find me on:

  Facebook—JP Sayle author page, or Jayne MmRead




  If you would like to give me any feedback or just have any questions, go ahead and friend me on Facebook and I would be happy to answer anything, well almost anything. I hope you enjoy my boys and my wonderful mystical cat. If you would also like to leave a review then I would love to read your thoughts.

  Thank you for taking the time to be part of my dream.

  Seeing Beyond the Scars: Manx Cat Guardians Book 1

  Living in a quiet, controlled world, Brad Cummings does everything he can to not dwell on his traumatic past. Staying hidden, unaware that fate is about to turn his life upside down. A new neighbour has Brad questioning everything about his life and his feelings. Coming to terms with his new life, Brad has no idea something sinister lurks, watching and waiting to steal his happiness and drag him back into the horrors of his past.

  Martin Clegg was dissatisfied with his life, he finds himself drawn to a small island off the Irish Sea, but the draw to the mysterious house across the way is even stronger. A new business, a new house, a new neighbour who just may be the reason for the pull Martin felt. Everything about Brad calls to Martin, but Brad’s past seems to stand between them. Can Martin protect his heart when he’s also worried about protecting Brad from the evil that surrounds them?

  Guardian cats walk this earth, there to protect—if you are fortunate enough to be blessed by the fates. Princess is one such cat. As far as Brad knows, she is his quirky little cheeky black cat.

  Princess is sworn to hide her secret about her real nature. But when Brad finds himself in danger Princess breaks all the rules that govern her. Will there be consequences for her actions, only time will tell.




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