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Sin With Me

Page 7

by C Davis

  Tilly placed a hand on Benjamin’s shoulder, “Ben, I’m going to do everything in my power to take them both down. Chloe deserves it… her aunt needs justice brought to her. It’s the right thing to do.”

  “I know.”

  Benjamin leaned on the bar and drank from the bottle. After drinking about half, he felt two arms wrap around his waist. Chloe pressed herself against his back and said. “I thought you left me.”

  Benjamin twisted and wrapped an arm around her waist, “Never, baby. I’ll never leave you.”

  “Good… because I don’t think I could live without you. You are my Master… my protector. I love you too much to be let go.” Chloe placed a hand over his heart and pressed her cheek to his chest.

  “I love you too, Babygirl. Chloe, your body is my canvas… to mold and paint a beautiful picture.”

  Tilly watched from the doorway and listened to Benjamin express his feelings. It overjoyed her to know that Benjamin was finally getting his chance at love. Tilly turned and left the room without being noticed. She walked to the window and looked at the stars. She whispered, “You can rest now… Benjamin is finally finding his peace. You can rest in peace, now.”

  Just as she was about to look away, a shooting star shot across the sky. She let out a strangled gasp, covering her mouth. Tilly exhaled and pressed her hand against the window as a single tear ran down her face. Now, she just hoped all will work out in the end. If anyone deserved to be happy, it was Benjamin and Chloe. Benjamin may be a badboy, but Chloe brings out a side that Tilly never knew existed. He was gentle and caring with the woman he’s always loved.

  Chapter 10


  Benjamin grabbed the back of Chloe’s thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist. She gasped as he spun them around and placed her on the counter. Chloe bit her lip as he gently pushed her back on the surface. Benjamin gripped her hips, pressing his manhood into her sex. She blushed as his lips feathered over her neck and gently blew on her skin.

  “Babe, I want to try something. Will you let me take you to another level with me?”

  “Yes, Master. I’m ready for you… take me as you please.”

  Benjamin reached into his pocket and revealed an egg shaped vibrator. Chloe furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She’d never seen such a thing. Benjamin chuckled at how clueless the girl was. He held it up by the string and leaned in next to her ear, “Do you know what this is, little one?”


  “This is a vibrator and the key to controlling your urges.” Benjamin reached under her dress and slid her panties to the side, “I’m going to insert this inside you, and I want you to control yourself. Do not come until I tell you to.”

  Benjamin pressed the vibrator to her slit and inserted the tiny contraption into her pussy. Chloe moaned as he slid it all the way in. He tugged on the string sticking out, making her arch her back. Benjamin leaned back and reached into his pocket, retrieving the small remote.

  “How do you feel, Chloe?” Benjamin asked.

  “I feel… oh Ben… Master.” Chloe moaned as he pushed the button on the remote.

  “It’s all about control, little girl. You feel that?” Benjamin pressed another button, “It’s the urge to give into the sin. Don’t give in and show your Master how strong you are.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Chloe grabbed the edge of the counter to fight the urge to come. She wanted to so badly, but knew better. Benjamin gave her an order, and she knew if she disobeyed… there would be consequences.

  Chloe held her breath, squeezing her eyes shut. She bit her lip to suppress the moan threatening to spill from her lips. Benjamin laid the remote down and cupped her cheek. He murmured, “Such a good girl.”

  Chloe asked, “May I come for you, Master?”

  “No, not yet. I want to see how much control you have until you cream in your panties.”

  Chloe whimpered as his fingers trailed down her neck, making her arch her back. She wanted… no, she needed to show him she could be a good girl. Her insides twisted in knots as she felt the vibrations bring her to her knees. Benjamin palmed her breasts as she rocked her hips as the toy buzzed. He wanted to take her completely, but knew better. Tilly would kick his ass if she even knew this was happening in her kitchen. He picked up the remote and turned the vibrator off. Chloe gritted her teeth, angry he’d powered off the toy. She was a wanton whore, eager to come without permission.

  She whimpered, still gyrating her hips. “Please, Master. I need to feel the vibrations.”

  Benjamin chuckled and shook his head, “This is only the beginning for you. I’m going to take you up to your room and use your body. You will be my little sex doll to mold you into a beautiful piece of art.”

  Benjamin carried Chloe to her room and set her down. He slipped his shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor. He cocked his head to the side and said, “When the shirt comes off, so do your panties, Babygirl. Strip for me and bare your soul to me.”

  Chloe let her dress fall to the floor, pooling at her ankles. She hooked her fingers in her panties and slid them down her hips. To Benjamin, it was like they were slowly falling to the floor. Next, she took off her bra and wrapped her arms around her waist.

  Benjamin shook his head, “Don’t hide your body from me. I want to see you… all of you.”

  Chloe unwrapped her arms and bowed her head. Benjamin unbuttoned his pants as he stepped forwards. His cock was throbbing terribly, making the pants uncomfortable. He put two fingers under her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. “You are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on. Never look away from me and most certainly, never hide your body from me.”

  Chloe nodded, “Yes, Master. My body is your temple… yours to worship.”

  “That’s right, and don’t you forget it. Now, lay down on the bed… Master wants to admire you.”

  Chloe crawled onto the bed and obeyed Benjamin. She was spread eagle for him… ready for anything he desired to give her. Benjamin walked to the door and locked it. He sure didn’t want to risk Tilly walking in on this. Benjamin walked back to the bed and stripped off his pants, leaving him in his boxer. Benjamin opened the nightstand and pulled out the ball gag. Chloe widened her eyes, not sure where he was going to stick that.

  Benjamin chuckled, “No Chloe, this isn’t going in your pussy. Open your mouth, I can’t risk someone hearing you scream as I bring you pleasure.”

  Chloe opened her mouth and Benjamin put the ball in her mouth, fastening it at the back of her head. He could hear her moan against it as she looked down to his lower region. She let her eyes glaze over with lust as she eyed his hardened cock. She felt his fingers caress her cheek, “Tonight, I’m going to restrain you to this bed. I’m going to make you feel things you’ve never felt.”

  Benjamin reached into the nightstand again, pulling out a pair of handcuffs. He dangled them in her face and said, “Give me your wrists.”

  Benjamin pulled Chloe’s wrists above her head and attached the chain to the hook in the middle of the headboard. Chloe shivered as Benjamin loomed over her small frame. Benjamin leaned back, holding up the small remote. “Now, let’s put this control to the ultimate test.”

  Benjamin pressed the button, putting it on the highest setting. Chloe’s muffled screams was music to Benjamin’s ears. She bucked her hips as he watched her thrash against the cuffs. Benjamin cooed, “Do you want to come?”

  “Mmmhmmm.” Chloe moaned as Benjamin took her nipple between his index finger and thumb.

  “Such a good girl. Do you feel the ache, little one?”

  Tears formed in her eyes as Benjamin tugged her nipple. She cried out, vibrating against the gag. Benjamin turned off the toy and placed the remote on the nightstand. He released her nipple and removed the vibrator from her dripping pussy. She whimpered as he placed the toy next to the remote. The chains clanged against the headboard as he ran his hands down her chest, making his way down to her stomach. She arched her back as h
e made his way down to her lower region. She was hungry… needing to feel her Master’s touch.

  “So wet for me.” Benjamin said, sliding two fingers between her slit, “I’m going to give you a reward. Since you were a good girl, I’m going to make you come with my fingers. Then, I’m going to fuck you so hard, you won’t be able to sit for weeks.”

  Chapter 11


  Colton hung his head down, his guilt setting in. After being interrogated by the officers and Tilly Scott, he finally caved. He ratted out his own father—his blood. He wasn’t guilty about telling the police about everything that happened over the years. He was guilty about lying to the one woman who’d stood by his side—the only one that became his rock over the years. Now that he was going to prison, he knew she would know that he was a bad man. She would probably hate him. The only reason he hurt everyone he ever loved was to protect her—Jenna Bradley.

  What would she think of him after reading about it in the news?

  Throughout the years, his father brainwashed him. His father made him do unspeakable things to his sister. He told him to do as he said, or else he would hurt Jenna. His father even made him start a war with Benjamin Grayson and Jeff Scott. Everything he’s done, was all for Jenna. He hated the fact that he used the one person against him. The door opened and a police officer stepped inside. Colton raised his head, confused to why they were coming back.

  Hadn’t he told them everything?

  “Get up, you have a visitor.”

  Colton rose up from his chair and obeyed the man, “What visitor?”

  He replied, “Pretty little blonde is demanding to see you.”

  Colton was escorted to another room and took him to a table with a chair. He sat down, waiting for his guest. He kept his head down, his nerves in knots. He really hoped it wasn’t Jenna. He didn’t know if he could look her in the eyes. He couldn’t—not yet. He heard the door open and close, but still couldn’t bring himself to look up. He didn’t want to.

  “Colton, what have you done?” Jenna whispered, taking a seat in front of him.

  He slowly raised his head, looking into her eyes and whispered. “Jenna, baby—”

  “People are saying things—horrible things. They say you’re a murderer—that you beat your sister.” Jenna said, holding back her tears.

  “Baby, please.” Colton whispered.

  “How could you do those things?” She said as she wiped her tears.

  “I’m sorry… I’m…fuck, Jenna. I did this for us.”

  Jenna pounded her fists on the table, “I never asked you to kill someone!”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “That you’re a killer…an asshole who beat your own sister and tried to kill your mother.”

  “God dammit!” Colton hissed, “Everything I did was to protect you.”

  Jenna choked as tears fell down her face, “I thought I knew you, Colton.”

  “You do, baby. I was only trying to keep you out of harm’s way…to protect you.” Colton said truthfully, but knew she wouldn’t believe him.

  “Protect me from what, huh?”

  “Dammit, I was protecting you from my father. My father killed my aunt and almost killed my mother. I was scared he—”

  “Fuck you, Colton Davenport. I’ve been there for you every fucking time.”

  He sighed, “I know. And that’s why I couldn’t let him hurt you. I love you, Jenna.”

  “If you love me, then you wouldn’t have lied to me.”

  Colton reached for her, but she recoiled. “Don’t fucking touch me.”

  “Please, baby.” Colton begged.

  “I hate you and never want to see you again. Goodbye, Colton Davenport. Have a nice life.”

  “No!” Colton screamed, “Don’t leave… I need you.”

  “I loved you and you killed our love…just like you did to that woman.”

  Jenna scooted her chair back and walked to the door. She paused, looking over her shoulder and whispered, “I knew you were too good to be true.”

  Colton was officially broken, just like his sister—his mother. The officer escorted him to his cell and locked the door. Colton leaned against the wall, letting his back slide down the wall. He held his head in his hands, breaking down completely. He cried for Jenna—his sister—his mother. If only he could’ve just stood up to his father, none of this would be happening. But in a small town like this, who would believe the man everyone trusted was corrupt.

  Over the next few days, he was a mess. He wanted to curl up in a corner and die. Without Jenna, he was nothing. He couldn’t even muster the strength to eat the food that was brought to him. He just laid on the uncomfortable bed and looked up to the ceiling. He prayed that Jenna would come back, not that it would help. God probably was looking down laughing at how pathetic he was being. To his surprise, the officer from a few days ago came to him.

  “You have another visitor.”

  Just like before, he was escorted to the same room. He waited patiently, hoping that it was Jenna. He widened his eyes in horror as he watched Benjamin Grayson sit down in front of him. He cleared his throat, “Colton.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “I came to tell you that your sister will be staying with Tilly and I. She is never going anywhere near you or your father again. And, if you touch her again… I’ll fucking kill you. I’ll make sure nobody ever touches her, again. Chloe wanted to come see you, but I couldn’t allow that. Not after you hurt her.”

  Colton agreed, “It’s best she doesn’t see me.”

  “I just have to know one thing. Who took the pictures?”

  “My father hired a private detective. I swear it wasn’t me.”

  “What’s his name?”

  “Her name is Sarah Jennings.”

  “One more thing before I go, I hope you rot in hell for everything you’ve done.”

  Colton watched Benjamin leave without another word. In the morning was his preliminary hearing, and that meant one thing. He was going to have to face his father—The Devil himself. That was something he wasn’t prepared to do. By now, his father knew he ratted him out to the cops. His father was probably already plotting on how to kill him slowly.


  Benjamin felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Chloe’s father and Colton were behind bars… where they both belonged. Mr. Davenport was supposed to be a man of God. A person everyone looked up to, but that wasn’t the case. He was a corrupt man. The Devil in disguise. Now that word has spread around town, Benjamin was no longer ‘town trash’. The only trash was the two Davenport men. It would only be a matter of time till they went before the judge, jury, and many peers. Benjamin was coming out, when he saw Jenna Bradley walking in through the doors.

  Jenna Bradley was a good girl, much like Chloe. She owned a little flower shop in town that she inherited from her mother. Benjamin knew she had been involved with Colton and couldn’t understand why. Did Colton hurt her like he did Chloe and the waitress?

  Benjamin paused as she locked eyes with him. She had tears staining her face from crying. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and she was wearing baggy clothes. This was definitely not Colton’s usual type. His type was skinny and brunette—anything with tits.

  “Ben… I’m so sorry.” Jenna said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Jenna, are you okay? Did Colton hurt you, too?” Benjamin asked.

  “No. Yes.” Jenna wiped her eyes, “Not in the way you’re thinking. Colton would never—”

  “Then, he threatened you? That’s why you’re here…to press charges.”

  She shook her head, “No. It’s complicated.”

  “Sweetheart, either he hurt you or didn’t. Which is it?” Benjamin narrowed his eyes, taking a step forwards.

  “The only thing that got hurt was my heart.”

  “Jenna, I—I’m sorry you’re hurting, but you didn’t answer my question. What are you doing here?”

bsp; Jenna looked down and smoothed down her shirt. “I came for answers. It’s the only way I can move on with my life.”

  Benjamin frowned, confused why she was even friends with Colton. He didn’t deserve her. Jenna sighed, “Tell Chloe hello for me and that I’m sorry…about everything.”

  “Jenna, wait.” Benjamin said as she began to walk away.


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