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Sin With Me

Page 8

by C Davis

  “I’m sorry, but I have to go. I can’t do this right now.”

  Benjamin nodded his head and watched the blonde walk away. He furrowed his brows as she walked up to the front desk. Benjamin stepped away from the door and waited for her to be escorted. She was here to visit someone, but who? Benjamin stepped up to the desk and tapped on the counter to get the woman’s attention.

  “Excuse me, but can you tell me who she was coming to see?”

  “I’m sorry, but I’m really not supposed to give out that information.”

  “Please, she’s a friend of my girlfriend. I need to know.”

  She sighed, “Mr. Axel Davenport. She’s been visiting him for about a week now.”

  “Shit.” Ben muttered under his breath.

  “Can I help you with anything else, Mr. Grayson?”

  Benjamin shook his head, “No.”

  Benjamin stormed out and pulled out his phone, dialing Tilly. “God dammit, Tilly! Answer your damn phone. Did you fucking know Jenna Bradley has been visiting Mr. Davenport?”

  The second he reached his car, his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and hit ignore. It was only Jeff calling. He could wait. Right now, he needed to get to Tilly’s and get some answers.

  Why was the girl visiting the very man that was facing murder charges and child abuse?

  It only took him abruptly five minutes to get to her house. Benjamin ran to the door and stormed inside. Tilly looked up from her book, confusion all over her face.


  “Why didn’t you call me back?”

  “My phone is charging in my room. What’s going on?”

  “So, I was at the police station and saw Jenna Bradley. I asked the clerk who she was visiting.”

  “And, who was it?”

  “Axel Davenport…Chloe’s father.”

  Tilly sat there stunned, not knowing what to think. She was just as confused as Ben to why Jenna Bradley was visiting Mr. Davenport. She leaned back, taking her glasses off. Tilly shook her head sadly, “But, why? It makes no sense why she would visit the bastard.”

  “I know. Did you know she was involved with Colton intimately?”

  She nodded, “Of course, I think everyone knew she and Colton were a thing. Why do you ask?”

  “I think whatever she was visiting Mr. Davenport for was about Colton. Do you think she’ll be okay?”

  “She’ll be fine. The guards are always present when she’s sitting in front of him.”

  “Can you just call to make sure she’s okay. Chloe would hate it if anything happened to Jenna because of her father.”

  Tilly picked up her home phone and dialed the station, “Betty, this is Tilly. Can you tell me if Jenna Bradley is okay? I heard she’s been visiting Mr. Davenport.” Tilly paused and frowned, “Are you sure? But he didn’t hurt her? Thank you.”

  Tilly hung up the phone and looked up to Benjamin, whispering. “Jenna Bradley was admitted to the hospital. And before you say anything, no. Mr. Davenport wasn’t responsible for it. She collapsed just as she was about to leave.”

  “Is she okay, though?”

  “I don’t know. Betty didn’t know anything, except the fact they rushed her to the hospital. Did you talk to her when you seen her?”

  “Briefly. She seemed…troubled. Jenna had been crying.”

  “About Colton?”

  “Yes, but something was bothering her. The last thing she said was she was there to get some answers.”

  “Did she seem scared?” Tilly asked.

  “She wasn’t scared, but she did seem concerned about something. She was very secretive about why she was there. I think maybe she might have been there to confront Colton’s father. There was one thing she said that threw me off. She said, She came for answers. It’s the only way she can move on with her life.”

  Tilly raised an eyebrow, “Meaning?”

  “I have no fucking idea. We need to get to that hospital and see her.”

  “They won’t let anyone but family see her. You know this, Benjamin.”

  “Oh yeah, and where is her family now?”

  Tilly warned Benjamin, narrowing her eyes. “Benjamin Grayson.”

  Benjamin grinned, making Tilly narrow her eyes. “But you can put those lawyer moves on your sexy doctor.”

  “Benjamin.” Tilly warned.

  “Please, I’ll buy you a new book if you do this.”

  “Fine, but you seriously owe me. I want you to buy me an entire box set of that sexy romance author I love so much.”

  “Deal. Now, let’s go. Chloe is still with Amber, so it gives us an hour.”

   Chapter 12


  Benjamin and Tilly entered the hospital. Tilly looked down the hall and sighed. Benjamin nudged her shoulder, “Go get him, Tilly. We need to know what happened and why she was visiting Mr. Davenport in the first place.”

  Tilly took a deep breath and fixed her top. She knew she would have to lay it on thick with this doctor. The doctor looked up from the clipboard and handed it over to the nurse, giving her a single nod. He took in Tilly’s appearance, forcing a smile. It wasn’t an angry smile. It was a smile that said it all. Dr. Drew felt an attraction to Tilly Scott

  “Tilly, what can I do for you?”

  “Drew, I need a favor.” She said, placing her hand on his forearm.

  “Shit woman, I’m working.”

  “So am I. I need you to let me see Jenna Bradley. I heard she was brought here about an hour ago.” Tilly said, her eyes pleading with him.

  “Tilly, you know I can’t do that.” Drew sighed, running his hand through his sandy-blonde hair.

  “Please, Drew.” Tilly licked her lips as she placed her palm flat on his chest. “I really need to talk to her. It’s crucial to the Davenport case.”

  “I would, but I can’t. Not in her condition.”

  “What condition?”

  “Tilly, Jenna is pregnant. I can’t allow you to upset her. She’s already stressed enough.”

  “So, that’s why she passed out? But, it doesn’t explain why she went to see Mr. Davenport. Why not tell Colton?”

  “I don’t know, Tilly. I do know that the girl is four weeks pregnant and needs her rest. The guard that brought her in said she got upset, and they argued. Then, she collapsed. She is going to be fine, but will have to have someone that can stay with her. Just in case she passes out again.”

  “I can have Jeff’s cousin look after her. He lives next door to her.”

  “That works for me. Will he be picking her up?”

  “No, I can pick her up.”

  “Works for me.” Drew paused, “And Tilly, you still owe me dinner and a whiskey.”

  “I haven’t forgotten, Dr. Drew.” She said, a flirty smile spread across her face.

  Tilly turned around and walked away from the sexy doctor… before she did something she might regret. Like shove him against the wall and kiss him. Benjamin was smirking when Tilly returned to him.

  She held up her hand and rolled her eyes, “I don’t want to hear it.”

  “Well?” He asked.

  Tilly sighed, “Jenna is pregnant. She went to confront Mr. Davenport, got upset, and passed out. The guard that brought her in confirmed it.”

  “Pregnant? As in, pregnant with Colton Davenport’s child.”

  “Yes. The woman is pregnant with his child.” Tilly sucked in a breath, “I need you to see if Tommy will look after her.”

  “Jeff’s cousin?”

  “That’s the one. Please, I talked to Drew for you. Jenna doesn’t need someone to stay with her, just someone to check in on her from time to time.”

  Benjamin chuckled and shook his head, “Tommy might not be the best person for the job.”

  Tilly squinted her eyes, “I’m not following.”

  “Tommy has been in love with that girl for years. This kind of news is going to destroy him.”

  “We better get back before your girl gets back to t
he house.”

  “Definitely. I’m taking her out tonight.”

  “Your parents would be so proud of the way you protect Chloe.”


  Benjamin held Chloe by the waist, leading her to his destination. Her eyes covered with a bandanna. He was nervous as he led her to the little house. He stopped, making her halt her movements. He took off the bandanna and leaned down next to her ear, “Do you like it?”

  “What is this?” Chloe asked.

  “This is our own private getaway. A place where nobody can hear you beg me for more. Tonight, I’m going to push you harder than I ever have before.”

  “Master, I love it.” Chloe whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I love it when you call me that… it makes me happy.” Ben said, placing a kiss to her forehead.

  Benjamin bought this place a month ago with the money he had locked away. Nobody but Chloe and Tilly knew he was secretly a rich boy. He always preferred it that way. The small cabin had everything he could ask for. He even had his own dark room stocked with all kinds of toys to play with her. Benjamin and Chloe would definitely be spending a lot of weekends here. And, he had a few more surprises for her before the night was over.

  Benjamin led her inside and watched her eyes light up. He had a fully stocked kitchen with all her favorite foods and snacks. A lot of whiskey for him, too. Benjamin took her hand and walked down the hallway to the far end. Chloe looks over to him, unsure of what lies on the other side of the door. Benjamin squeezes her hand and gives her a flirty wink.

  He says, “Don’t be afraid, Chloe. This is our special room.”

  “What is this?”

  “A place where we can let our fantasies take the wheel.”

  Benjamin turned the knob and pushed open the door. Chloe’s eyes danced with curiosity as she eyed all the different toys. She blushed as Benjamin led her in the room. Benjamin’s cock swelled, his head filling with which one he’d use first on her. A large X was mounted to the wall with all kinds of leather straps attached to it. Chloe stepped forwards and made her way over to it. She let her finger trail against the strange contraption.

  “Do you want to try it out?”

  She whispered, “Yes, Master.”

  Benjamin unzipped the back of her dress and pulled the straps off her shoulders. The dress fell to the floor, pooling at her feet. He helped her out her shoes, leaving her in just her panties. Benjamin growled as he eyed her bare back. “No bra… such a naughty girl.”

  Benjamin spun her around and pushed her against the leather X. He took one wrist, pressing it against the leather and secured the strap around it. Her breath hitched as he took her other wrist and did the same as before. She was at a loss for words as he knelt at her feet. He spread her legs, wrapping the straps around her ankles one at a time. Here she was, patiently waiting for Benjamin. He let his hands glide up her legs to her thighs.

  “You look so perfect, little one. Bound to the wall… for my pleasure.”

  “Master, please… dominate me.” Chloe said, lust glazing her eyes.

  “I’m not going to touch you… not yet and not with my hands.”

  Benjamin stripped off his shirt, pulling it over his head. He took a step closer, barely brushing against her body. Chloe tried to close the space, but failed. She couldn’t due to the fact she was restrained to the wall. Benjamin stepped back, a playful smile spread across his lips. He stepped to the side and tapped his chin. He didn’t know which one he wanted to use on her. Crop or the whip? Maybe the crop would do. He stretched out his arm and picked up the crop. The perfect item to start with. Then, he picked up a blindfold off the table and stood in front of her.

  Chloe swallowed hard, “Please Master, touch me.”

  Benjamin placed the blindfold over her eyes, preventing her from seeing anything. He took the crop and trailed it down her chest, making her nipples harden. Then, he raised it and struck her breasts. She let out a strangled scream, “More, Master.”

  He chuckled at her as she clenched her fists. She wasn’t the innocent girl anymore. Now, she was the dirty girl she claimed to be at their first encounter. He raised the crop again, striking her once again. She whimpered, “Please… I need you to touch me.”

  Benjamin placed the crop on the table and pressed against her, “I’ve created a monster, little girl. Remember when you said you were a dirty girl?”


  “Well, I’m about to show you just how filthy you can be. By the end of the night, I’ll make you so dirty… you’ll put the devil to shame.”

  “Please, I want to sin with you. I want to become your dirty slut.”

  “Fuck, you feel that?” Benjamin pressed his erection into her and wrapped his fingers around her throat. “That’s what you do to my cock.”

  “Fuck me, Master… make me sin all over your cock.”

  Chapter 13


  Benjamin loved how Chloe begged for him to take her. He wasted no time plunging into her heat. She was at his mercy. Moaning for her Master. Each time he slid out of her, he slammed back into her even harder. Benjamin pressed his forehead against her back, taking her harder with each thrust of his hips.

  Benjamin groaned, “Fuck!”

  “Please Master, may I come?”

  Benjamin held her by the hips and groaned through heavy breaths, “Come for me, Chloe.”

  He could feel her body tense and clench around his cock. She was squeezing him so hard. It was so hard for him to breathe as she came on his cock. He pressed his cheek against her and moaned, “Fuck, I can’t hold it any longer. I’m coming, Chloe… I’m coming for you.”

  “Ohhh, fill me up. Please, Master… take me completely.”

  Benjamin’s hips jerked, spilling inside her. With one final thrust, he kissed her neck and whispered. “I love you, Chloe. I’ve loved you for years.”

  “I love you, Benjamin Grayson. My Master… my protector.”

  Benjamin and Chloe got cleaned up and descended the secret room. He took her by the wrist and pulled her to his chest. Chloe tiptoed and kissed Benjamin, “Thank you, Benjamin.”

  “Thank me for what, sweetheart?”

  “I want to thank you for saving me… for being my Savior. You came to my rescue at the worst time in my life. If it weren’t for you, I might be the one lying in the hospital. Thank you for saving me, Master.”

  Benjamin cupped her cheeks and looked deeply into her eyes, “You don’t have to thank me. I would do anything for you, Chloe Davenport… I’d kill for you.”

  Benjamin and Chloe embraced each other meeting each other halfway. Their kiss was passionate. Hot. Full of nothing but love and admiration for each other. Nothing could get in the way ripping them apart. Not even her father.


  “Yes, Chloe?”

  “I think I’m ready to face my demons. I want to confront my father and forgive Colton.”

  Benjamin shook his head, “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Please.” she begged, “I need this. I want to move on with my life… to be free.”

  Benjamin sighed, “I don’t like it, but if it makes you happy… I will for you.”

  Benjamin drove Chloe to the station where Mr. Davenport and Colton were being held. The whole ride was silent. Silence… complete silence. When they arrived, Benjamin led Chloe to the front desk and cleared his throat. “Excuse me, we need to see Axel Davenport… and Colton Davenport.”

  The receptionist widened her eyes, “At the same time?”

  “No. Different rooms.”

  “I’m sorry, but you can only see Colton. Mr. Davenport is with his lawyer.”

  “That’s fine. Can we see Colton?”

  “Are you family?”

  Chloe nodded, “I’m his sister.”

  “And, I’m her boyfriend. She isn’t going to see him alone.”

  “It’s fine. I was just curious.”

  A guard came out an
d nodded for them to follow him. The guard came to a halt and unlocked the door. He turned to Benjamin and Chloe and said, “Ten minutes.”

  Chloe stepped into the room, expecting to see an angry Colton. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw him in a completely different way. He looked conflicted and broken. He met her gaze and narrowed his eyes, trying to put together the pieces. The last time Benjamin had talked to him, he told Colton to stay out of Chloe’s life. What had changed?


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