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Page 7

by Jennis Slaughter

  “If you think that everything will be covered, I won’t need to see anything. I just was curious. I just hope that everything goes smoothly,” the witch leaned back, closed her eyes, and scratched her head. “I just hope that I have everything covered. I’ve gone over everything so many times that I just know that there’s something that I missed.”

  “You’re working yourself up. If there’s one thing I know about you baby, it’s that you’re thorough.” Del grinned popping both plates into the sink and grabbing the bowls to spoon the leftover salads into containers. “Also, Tasha says she thanks you for the offer and that she may take you up on it every now and then, but she doesn’t wish to intrude.”

  Turning to their guest for the evening, Raelin smiled. “You would not be intruding, but I understand.” Rising from the table, she gathered up the rest of the dishes to put them in the sink. “Do you want to wash or dry?”

  “Either one is fine with me. On the other hand, you could go relax in the living room and get a nice movie and some wine on the go. I can finish up,” Del suggested, popping the now filled containers into the fridge. She smiled as Tasha politely excused herself to follow Rori back to the porch and headed to the sink to start on the few dishes they had used.

  Wrapping her arms around the blonde’s waist, Raelin nuzzled her nose underneath Del’s ear. “I’ll be in the living room with the wine. Do you have a preference in the kind of movie?”

  “Something scary. You always cling so tightly when we watch horror movies.” Del smiled, leaning back into her wife’s warmth as she washed.

  “Okay...I’ll see what I can come up with,” the witch placed a kiss on Del’s head and patted her on the butt. Grabbing the bottle of wine and their glasses, she headed into the living room to pick out a movie.

  Placing the wine on the coffee table, she turned on the TV to see what was on pay-per view and didn’t see anything at all that looked interesting. Turning it off, she instead walked over to the stereo and turned it on to an easy listening station before she went to sit on the sofa. Tugging off her shoes, she stretched out and sighed as her body relaxed against the cushions.

  Del finished up with the kitchen and heard the music start in the living room. She smiled as she started slicing the various fruits she’d picked up at the store, arranging them around the plate. Once she was finished, she opened the microwave and pulled out the bowl of melted milk chocolate, placing it in the middle of the plate. She moved to join her wife and smiled when she saw her stretched out on the couch. “I brought you some dessert if you have room for it.”

  Turning her head, the brunette smiled when she saw the melted chocolate. “Be still my heart...chocolate covered fruit and you. What more could a woman ask for?”

  “Less clothing?” she replied jokingly, dipping a strawberry in the warm chocolate. She sat on the edge of the couch, offering the fruit to beautiful woman next to her.

  Opening her mouth, Raelin wrapped her lips around the strawberry and the blonde’s fingers. Humming, she sucked the chocolate from the fingertips.

  “Oh, heaven help me,” Del moaned as Raelin finally released her fingers with a playful nip. She leaned down and licked the lingering chocolate of her wife’s soft lips before kissing Raelin enthusiastically. She pulled away before things got out of hand, wanting to enjoy an intimate evening with her wife. She always wanted Raelin, but right now, she just wanted to be intimate and loving without anything more involved, just wanted to enjoy the romance.

  “Would you care to join me here on the sofa? We can just enjoy each other,” the witch held up her hand.

  “I would love nothing more,” Del whispered, stretching out in the space Raelin made for her. “Want another piece? I got some kiwis too.”

  “Ooo, kiwi. You know what I like, don’t you Darlin’?” Turning onto her side, Raelin ran her fingers down her wife’s arm, watching the goose bumps rise up.

  “I’d like to think so.” Del smiled, offering Raelin the kiwi she’d just coated in chocolate.

  Reaching over the blonde Raelin picked up a piece of banana, dipped it in chocolate, and lightly trailed it along Delaney’s bottom lip. “Do you like your dessert like this?”

  “Only if you’re the one sharing it with me,” the blonde answered softly, taking both the fruit and the tips of her fingers into her mouth, sucking lightly and never taking her eyes off her wife’s.

  Raelin felt herself falling into the cool green eyes and leaned forward to capture the lips that belonged to the love of her life. Humming she tasted the chocolate and murmured, “You taste better than chocolate does any day.”

  Grinning slyly, Del dipped a fingertip in the sticky substance and ran it over Raelin’s jaw, leaning closer to clean her mess, she whispered back. “Does this mean you want to skip the chocolate next time?” she joked.

  Moaning, the brunette murmured, “Nooo, this is too much fun.” She leaned back her head exposing more of her neck to her wife.

  Getting the hint Del continued her teasing touch making sure to clean up all traces of the sweet treat, lingering in places she knew drove Raelin crazy, but never long enough to cross the line from loving playfulness to lustful intent.

  Looking up, Raelin smiled at the blonde. “Sinjen.”

  The blonde had been pretty intent on her work and at the seemingly random utterance of the name; Del looked at her wife in confusion. “It’s Delaney, something you want to share?”

  Laughing Raelin reached up to run her fingers through golden hair. “Now you know how I feel when you throw a name out of the blue. I was thinking that Sinjen would be a good name for our child.”

  “Oh! Sorry, I was distracted and didn’t really clue in,” Del replied, joining in on the chuckles. “That is a nice name though. It would work for a boy or girl. What do you think about Caleb? Too biblical for you?”

  “No, I like it, but I don’t remember it being in the Bible.” Raelin’s eyes moved quickly like she was scanning the book. “Wait...hang on. Now I remember, while the children of Israel were wandering they came to the promise land and Caleb was one of the spies that came back with a favorable report that God would help them conquer Canaan. Right?” Raelin looked at her wife with a quizzical look.

  “Yes, that’s right. Does that mean you’ve actually read the Bible?” Del asked curiously.

  “Yeah, just because I’m Wiccan doesn’t mean I don’t want to learn about other religions. I’ve read about almost every religion that I’ve ever heard about. I don’t agree with them all, but I can at least talk to someone about theirs without sounding like an idiot.” The witch asked, “Do you find it hard to believe that I’ve read the Bible?”

  “I don’t find it hard to believe, you read just about anything you can get your hands on. I just wasn’t expecting it. I’m sorry if that came off sounding rude,” Del answered, knowing she’d probably sounded a bit skeptical.

  “It’s okay if you don’t believe me.” Raelin rolled so that she was lying on top of her wife. “You feel good Darlin’.”

  “Raelin, I didn’t say I didn’t believe you. People are surprised when they find out I’ve read it front to back at least four or five times. I just assumed that considering how devoted you are to your own religion that you wouldn’t have bothered with the others,” Del answered, wrapping her arms around Raelin’s waist to hold her close. “It’s kind of hot how well read you are. Always had a thing for bookworms,” the Chief grinned.

  “Oh really...well, the Joys of Lesbian Sex was an interesting read,” the witch waited to see her wife’s response to that one.

  Del busted out laughing when she saw the playfulness but also the seriousness in Raelin’s eyes that told her she’d actually read a book of that name. “Seriously baby? How long ago did you read that?” she asked, running her fingers over the soft skin exposed at the small of her wife’s back.

  Biting her bottom lip, Raelin admitted, “It’s been a few years, but if you want to go over a few things, I think I still have my co
py. If not, I’ll order one for you.”

  “Why read a book when I’ve got all the joys right here with me?” the shorter woman smooth talked.

  “Ooo, good come back. You really are a silver-tongued devil. I am so keeping you.” Raelin leaned down to kiss the very cute nose.

  “Well I should hope so, you’ve already got the rock,” Del teased, tilting her chin up for a kiss. “Not to mention you’ve already put the fear of the Goddess into anyone who’s even thought about looking at my ass. No one else would have me now.”

  Laughing, Raelin teased back, “Yeah right, and you have threatened how many people with a private cell if they look at my chest. I’m lucky if I can get anyone to talk to me.”

  “Oh come on Rae. Who wouldn’t want to look at them, they’re perfect. Can you really blame me? Michaels was damn near crapped his pants when you walked over the other day,” Del said with grin.

  “I don’t think he was crapping Del,” the witch wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Oh God, that is the last thing I need to be thinking about. I would much rather he gets tight pants while checking out someone other than my wife,” Del growled playfully, tickling Raelin’s sides. “Besides, I was just being fair to those people. It wouldn’t do well to hit on the Chief’s woman, and I just wanted them to know so they wouldn’t get in trouble in the future,” she explained innocently.

  Squirming against her wife’s teasing fingers, Raelin giggled. “Del...quit...let’s go to bed. I want to hold you and parts of me are beginning to feel rather sticky.”

  “I’m hoping that is a reference to my dashing good looks and sexy charms instead of the chocolate I smeared on you.” Del grinned, helping her wife sit up.

  “I plead the fifth,” she held up her left hand and placed her right hand over her heart. “You might want to find out for yourself though. You clean this up and I’ll meet you in the shower.”

  “It’s a date Darlin’,” she wrapped her arms around her wife, kissing her sweetly. “As much as I love all the sexy adult time we have, and boy, do I love it; I love these lighthearted playful moments with you just as much. I love you Raelin Delacroix and I’m so glad Regina twisted my arm into coming here so I could find you.”

  Raelin’s eyes closed for a moment at the mention on the woman’s name that killed her mother. “Calling you is the only good thing that woman ever did.” Opening her eyes, she lightly kissed Del on the lips. “Don’t take too long. I need you to wash my back.”

  “Rabid wolves couldn’t keep me away,” Del said, pulling away to start collecting the two wine glasses and the plate of mostly eaten fruit and nearly hardened chocolate.

  Walking up the stairs the witch set the wards around the house with a brief casting and started taking off her clothes the instant she crossed the threshold of their bedroom. Putting them in the clothes hamper, she reached into the shower to turned on the water and get it to the proper temperature. Quickly brushing her teeth, she got in and let the water cascade over her head and sighed with contentment.

  After cleaning up the mess she’d made, she turned off everything in the living room. Knowing her wife would have set the wards already Del only opened the back door long enough to let the two felines in before pulling it closed and locking it. She checked the front door and satisfied the house was secure, she all but ran to the bedroom knowing that what awaited her was worth rushing to get to.

  Raelin let the water hit her shoulders and upper back. She tried to clear her mind of the thoughts of Regina Kingsley not wanting the woman to disrupt the pleasant evening, but it was proving hard.

  Del could tell her wife was troubled the second she stepped into the bedroom. She quickly stripped down, threw her clothes into the bin as she passed it and hopped into the shower taking her witch in her arms. “I’m not snooping, but I felt your unease as soon as I got to the top of the stairs. I’m sorry I mentioned her.”

  Sighing, Raelin held onto her wife. “I’ve got to learn to block better. I don’t want my moods to bring you down.”

  “No Raelin, that’s not how we work. When I vowed to share my life with you, I meant all times, not just when you are in a good mood. Talk to me Darlin’, I want to help,” Del whispered, rubbing soothing circles over Rae’s back. “Besides, I’m the one who put a downer on the evening we were having.”

  Leaning back so that she could look at her wife’s face, the brunette shook her head. “No, I need to learn to deal with my emotions when it comes to Regina. I will not allow her to control me from the grave. She took enough from me when she was alive.”

  “While I think that is a very healthy approach to take, I don’t think anyone is going to fault you for any resentment or anger you might feel,” the blonde replied, grabbing a shampoo bottle and squirting some into her palm. She reached up and started running her hands gently through Raelin’s hair, massaging the scalp with her fingers as she worked.

  Moaning, Raelin closed her eyes. “Goddess… that feels good. You have very, very talented hands.”

  “I do what I can. They aren’t magic like yours, but they have their uses.” Del grinned, tilting Raelin’s head back so she could rinse out the soap. “So I didn’t tell you, a reporter from the paper asked me for an interview today. Asked me how it felt to be a part of Leroy’s up and coming power couple,” the blonde laughed.

  Raelin snorted. “Power couple! Where on earth did they get that?”

  “Probably a combination of me being the Chief and them finding out that you’re actually a Kingsley. You’ve made a huge number of changes in this town, probably turned it completely around. You’re an influential member of this community now. She was right though, this is our first real large town event together. Everyone is going to see us very much together in a formal work setting and not only that, but there’s going to be a lot of media attention. You ready for that?”

  Rinsing out the shampoo, the witch waited until she was out from underneath the water. “I don’t know. I’ve always been in the background, so a lot of this is very new to me. I’ll do the best that I can.”

  “You’ll be your perfect, graceful self I’m sure, and I’ll try to be the most dashing supportive spouse I can be. We’ll get through it together, because that’s how you and I work. As a team, right? Besides, if I screw up, Kasey will be there to pick up my slack and Jenny will be there as her date. Hopefully they’ll keep us out trouble,” Del answered lightly, trying to cheer her wife up with a little humor.

  Reaching for the shampoo bottle to return the favor to her wife, Raelin laughed. “Darlin’, I am far from perfect, but thank you for saying so. I have just as many faults as the next person. You just be yourself. You’ve earned your job on your own because of your honor and your experience,” she scratched Del’s scalp with her fingernails.

  “You’re perfect to me because you have faults. It makes you human, and it’s what makes you who you are.” Melting under Raelin’s hands, she pressed closer, enjoying the contact. “Shakespeare once said: ‘They say, best men are molded out of faults, and for the most, become much more the better for being a little bad.’ I think he has a good point.”

  “Ooo and she quotes Shakespeare. You are talented.” Raelin was quiet for a moment as she concentrated on her wife. “Does it ever bother you that we actually don’t know that much about each other?”

  “Sometimes. I realize that jumping into a relationship with someone I had only just met is terribly out of character for me. Then I remember all of the shit that was going on at the time and it reminds me that we had bigger things than just us going on. So I kind of look at it like a good thing. I get to wake up every morning next to the love of my life, and still learn something new about her. Besides, I don’t think you can ever truly know all of someone, because most people don’t even know themselves,” she answered carefully.

  “Well, I know all I need to know about you. You’re honest, loving, a hard worker who doesn’t mind keeping an open mind and you love me without restraint.” Raelin
leaned down to kiss her wife. “Those are the most important things to me. Everything else is just frosting on the cake.”

  “And you call me a sweet talker.” Del smiled, rinsing the last of the soap out of her hair. “Let’s finish up, I know for a fact that there is a nice fluffy bed waiting for us and I for one cannot wait to crawl in and cuddle you to sleep.”

  Chuckling, Raelin got out of the shower and grabbed a bath sheet. Drying herself off, she turned to the blonde as she got out. “You are just a tiny little cuddle monster, and I love it.”

  “You ever say that again outside this house and you’ll be the one offered a private cell. Woman’s got a reputation to keep you know.” Del scowled jokingly, wrapping up in her own bath sheet. “Even if it’s a little bit true,” she said under her breath.

  Pulling on a tank top and pair of matching shorts, Raelin brushed out her hair. “Well, hurry up snuggle bunny. I’ll get the bed turned down and ready for you.”

  “Snuggle bunny?” Del asked amused, pulling on a simple large t-shirt. She gave her hair a brush, noticing how long it had gotten and made a note to get a trim. After brushing her teeth, she entered the bedroom to find Raelin already in bed and after giving her a coy grin, ran over and dove onto the bed, bouncing as she landed next to her wife. “Hi there, what’s a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this? All alone too.”

  “I’m waiting on an incredibly sexy woman who said that she wanted to snuggle. Do you happen to know where she is?” The brunette grinned.

  “No idea, but her loss is my gain. I can snuggle with you if you’d like. Wouldn’t want you getting lonely,” the blonde answered wiggling her eyebrows.

  Pretending to consider the offer, Raelin replied. “I don’t know...She’s a pretty good snuggler. How good are you?”

  “I’ve never snuggled myself before, but I’m told I’m a heck of a cuddle monster,” she laughed in reply and opened her arms. “Never know till you try?”

  Sliding her hand underneath the t-shirt, cupping Delaney’s breast, Raelin laid her head down on the blonde’s shoulder. “There’s cuddling and then there’s cuddling. Let’s see how you do.”


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