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Page 8

by Jennis Slaughter

  “Well, one of us is going to have to move to turn out the light so I’ll be right back,” she withdrew her hand, rose up to her knees and leaned over her wife to turn off the lamp. Settling herself back down, she drew the sheet over them and returned her head to Delaney’s shoulder. “Sleep sweet Darlin’.”

  “Lying next to you, I can do nothing but,” Del whispered, kissing the top of Raelin’s head as she pulled the taller woman close and tangled their legs together. “See you in the morning babe.”

  The darkened room was soon filled with quiet breathing and gentle snores.

  ~ Chapter 3 ~

  Pulling open the door, Kasey smiled when she stepped into The Nook and found Raelin alone behind the counter, sorting through a box of used books. She’d just gotten off work and had a quick idea for a treat for her and Jenny. “Hey Raelin, got a minute?”

  “Hey are you? Yeah, what can I do for you?” The witch continued sorting the books.

  “I am just fine, you?” she asked, stalling just a little.

  Glancing up at the young woman, the witch put down the books and waited. “You can ask me anything, you know that right?”

  “Yeah, I do,” she paused a little, and then looked back at the witch. “Jenny’s been running herself ragged on that piano of hers and I think it’s great she’s been so inspired, but I’m also worried. So I want to take her out to relax, just the two of us you know, but we can’t go anywhere without someone pestering us. I love this town and most everyone in it, but I just want some time with my girlfriend and I don’t know the town that well and I have the perfect idea and everything, but I want privacy and...” Kasey stopped, realizing she’d hardly taken a breath and that she’d been rambling once again in her nervousness. She blushed a little then finished. “I guess I was just wondering if you knew a good place for a picnic away from the prying eyes of everyone in town.”

  “Wow...I didn’t know that someone could say that much without taking a breath, but yeah, I do. Head out towards my house and there’s a turn off road about a mile from it on the right. If you follow it to the dead end, you’ll be about two hundred yards away from a fresh water spring. You can swim, picnic or just relax. It’s on our property so no one will bother you. Jenny knows about it.”

  Raelin came from around the counter and placed a gentle hand on the younger woman’s arm. “Hold on for a minute.” Walking over to the tearoom side of the store, she got some sandwiches, cookies, and a couple of slices of pie and boxed everything up. Carrying it back, she handed it to the Deputy. “This is for you guys. Have a good time and don’t forget the towels.”

  “I, wow. Thank you. She’s just been working so hard that I want her to relax a little. This will help.” Kasey smiled peaking in the box. “Thanks again.”

  Leaning forward to kiss Kasey on the cheek, Raelin explained. “You’re family. Now go get your girl.”

  Kasey offered a shy smile and headed out the door waving over her shoulder as she went. She set the box of food on the seat next to her and threw the truck into drive, intent on prying her lover away from the piano.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  She arrived at the house and stepped through the front door, smiling when she heard the chords of Jenny’s latest piece floating through. Listening closer, she was able to hear the attempt to play through the beginning of some nasty hand cramps. Shaking her head she entered the music room, gently pulling down the cover on the piano careful not to close it on her lover’s hands. “You shouldn’t play through the cramps like that and you know it Jenn,” she admonished gently, messaging one of the sore hands with her own.

  Sighing, Jenny leaned her head against Kasey’s shoulder. “I know, but I keep thinking that if I do, something wonderful will come out of it.”

  “Something wonderful is coming out. All that happens when you play through cramps is you getting frustrated at how it starts to sound forced and then you end up getting angry and pushing even harder,” Kasey replied, switching hands. “How about you take the night off?”

  Looking up shyly at her dark haired lover, Jenny quietly asked, “And what exactly did you have in mind?”

  “Well, I was thinking a nice picnic, away from the prying eyes of our well-meaning townsfolk. Raelin gave me a box of goodies from the tea room and mentioned something about a nice private spring on her property we could borrow,” Kasey replied, a shy smile on her face.

  “I know that place that you’re talking about. That sounds perfect. What else do we need to bring?” The younger woman slid out from behind the piano and headed towards the kitchen.

  “Towels if you want to go for a dip and bathing suits. Raelin gave us some sandwiches, cookies and a couple pieces of pie so unless you want more than that, all we need to do is grab some wine. I’ll grab a blanket from the linen closet to take. Anything else you can think of?” Kasey asked, following Jenny into the kitchen. She pulled out the silverware drawer and grabbed some utensils, setting them on the table so she could grab some dishes.

  Going into their bedroom, Jenny quickly put on a bikini and then pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt over it before sliding her feet into her sneakers. Then going into the bathroom to grab a few towels, she headed back into the kitchen to help gather everything into a cooler.

  Smiling, Kasey let her girlfriend take over so she could go change, kissing the top of her head on the way by. She dug into a box in the closet she hadn’t gotten around to unpacking and pulled out her swimsuit, relieved when the bikini still fit. She pulled on a pair of swimming shorts and a t-shirt before heading back down to get them on their way.

  Jenny had the cooler and everything else waiting for Kasey beside the front door. She reached for a hair tie that she kept on a nearby table and pulled back her hair. Hearing her lover come down the stairs, she turned to watch as the long legged beauty came into view. “Ready to go Deputy Dawg,” she cracked a grin.

  Rolling her eyes Kasey nodded. “Sure am. You sure you’ll be okay. No ivory withdrawals?” Kasey teased, hefting up the cooler and heading to the back of the truck, waiting for Jenny to drop the tailgate.

  “Oh, I’m sure that I can find something to play with at the springs.” Jenny walked over to the tailgate to slowly let it down. “And if you’re really nice, I’ll let it be you.”

  Kasey nearly dropped the cooler at Jenny’s teasing words spoken in a tone she only ever heard in the privacy of their bedroom. She felt the slow spread of heat, starting in her face, and settling much, much lower. Clearing her throat she set the cooler and the other things Jenny had brought out with her into the back of the truck, closing the tailgate when she was done. “You like doing that to me don’t you,” she asked wryly; blush still spread across her cheeks.

  “I do because I love the way that you blush.” Jenny let her finger glide along Kasey’s arm.

  Kasey shivered feeling the goose bumps spreading where Jenny’s fingers trailed. She stepped forward, dropping her head so her lips were only inches from her lover’s. “Get in the truck Jenn before the neighbors see a lot more than they bargained for.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Jenny slowly walked towards the front of the truck, swaying her hips suggestively. “I’ll keep it in mind for later on.”

  Watching as her lover moved, Kasey sent up a quick prayer to whoever wanted to listen, thanking them for bringing that wonderful woman into her life. She hopped into the driver’s side and started the truck, pulling out of the driveway and heading towards Raelin’s. “So I can only assume you know where this spring is. She gave me directions well enough, but it will be easier to find if one of us knows what we are looking for.”

  Jenny turned to her lover. “Yeah, turn at the road about a half mile up on the right, and follow it all the way until it dead ends...Oh, this is the spring where Rae’s mother was killed. I wonder if she’s been out there since she found out.”

  “Wait what?” Kasey asked, spotting the road up ahead. “You sure she won’t mind us using it then?”

  “I don’t think that she would have suggested it if she didn’t want us to use it. And besides, if I know Rae, she’ll think that our being there could possible heal any old wounds that the area has. You know how nature girl is.” Jenny smiled. “Turn right here.”

  Nodding, Kasey pulled onto the dirt road. “How far back this go?”

  “About a half mile or so. Once around the bend, you’ll see.”

  Pulling around the bend Kasey saw the end of the road and pulled to a stop at the end. “I guess that didn’t take as long as I thought. You sure it’s private?” she asked, jumping out of the truck and heading around to the back.

  Getting out and walking to the back of the truck, Jenny grabbed the towels. “Yeah, the Kingsley’s wouldn’t let anyone come here, and now that it belongs to Rae, I’m sure that she will allow us, but not too many other people to come here. The ley lines run underneath the spring, and too many negative vibes will taint them.”

  “How long of a hike is it from here to the spring?” Kasey asked regarding the cooler thoughtfully.

  “Would you like me to help you with that?” Jenny stepped close to the taller woman.

  “Nope, if it’s not too long I should be okay, it’s not too heavy. If it starts to be a bit much, I’ll ask for help, promise,” Kasey said grabbing a towel from Jenny and draping it over her shoulder. Grabbing the cooler, she hefted it onto her shoulder with a grunt setting it gently on the towel. “You have everything else?”

  “Yes dear. It’s only about three minutes away. Just past those trees up ahead.” Jenny pointed.

  “Okay. Let’s go,” she pressed the lock button on her key ring with her free hand and shoved them into her pocket offering the now empty hand out for Jenny with a smile.

  Holding onto her lover’s hand Jenny carefully led the way over a downed tree and through some bushes until they arrived at the clearing with the spring. Sunlight shone through the leaves on the trees and danced on crystal clear waters.

  “Wow,” Kasey breathed setting the cooler down. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Isn’t it? Rae and I used to sneak here every once in a while, or at least we thought we were sneaking. The water isn’t too cold...I think that it has something to do with the lines. Rae would always be full of energy after we went swimming.” Jenny spread out the blanket in a clear spot so that Kasey could set down the cooler.

  “So the lines run right under here. Maybe it’s an easy access point to the lines. Sort of like a gas station for witches.” Kasey grinned wryly.

  “Kasey!” Jenny slapped at her lover’s arm. “Don’t say it like that.”

  “Why not? It’s true. You said she always seemed full of energy afterwards. Maybe she just recharges here.” The deputy laughed, swatting back playfully.

  “I know, it just sounds...I don’t know.” Jenny knelt on the blanket and looked up at the brunette. “What would you like to do first?”

  “We should probably eat some first. I’m not sure how long the food will keep in this heat, even in the cooler,” Kasey replied, stretching her long form out next to her girlfriend. She closed her eyes to better feel the warm of the sun slanting through the trees before turning her head to look at the red head next to her. “My only real mission was to get you unchained from your piano,” she chuckled lightly.

  Jenny turned to look at her girlfriend. “Have I been spending too much time there? If I’ve been ignoring you, I’m sorry. It hasn’t been my intention. It’s just I get these songs in my head, and it’s like they take control until they get out and on paper,” she ran her hand along Kasey’s cheek.

  “No, not all. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just get worried that you’re running yourself into the ground. I’m sure even Mozart took a break once in a while.” She smiled warmly, tilting her head into the gentle fingers caressing her.

  “I’m sure that he did, but I bet he never had a girlfriend as beautiful as you.” Leaning over, Jenny stole a kiss.

  Reaching up the brunette cupped the back of her girlfriends head holding her in place as they kissed. Letting go only when air became an issue, Kasey smiled up at her girl. “Bet he couldn’t kiss like you do either.”

  “Maybe not, but I’m not going to let you to compare me to anyone else in the near or distant future.” Running her fingers through raven hair, Jenny smiled at her lover. “So do you want a sandwich or your dessert first?”

  “Depends on what’s for dessert?” the Deputy said looking up at her girl with a crooked smirk on her face.

  “I was talking about the pie, but what did you have in mind?”

  “You, but the pie will work too.” She laughed reaching out to tickle behind Jenny’s knee.

  “Ha, ha.” Reaching out Jenny opened the cooler and brought out the food. Handing the bottle of wine and the corkscrew to her lover she laid out everything else and reached around Kasey’s arms to tuck a napkin into the collar of the t-shirt. “Don’t want you drooling when you see the pie that Rae put in here for you. It’s your favorite.”

  Popping open the bottle of wine, Kasey attempted to peer over Jenny’s shoulder. “Apple and Cinnamon pie?” she asked eagerly.

  “Yup, and it’s all know, Rae really takes good care of us. It is so cool to think of her as my Aunt. She was always supportive of me after we became friends.” Jenny smoothed out the napkin and leaned back.

  Pouring a small glass of wine for each of them, Kasey handed one to her girlfriend before taking a sip of her own. “So Raelin is the cool Aunt then. Every family’s got one. When did you become friends?”

  “You heard about the time that Rae took on Brito at school? From that day forward, we were friends.” Jenny put her glass on the ground and unwrapped a sandwich to find out that it was country ham and mozzarella. The next one was a roast beef and cheddar. Holding them up, she offered them to Kasey. “Which one do you want?”

  “Whichever one you don't want. Go ahead baby, take your favorite.” Kasey smiled. “I'm glad you had Raelin growing up. I can't say I know what it's like to be treated the way you were. I grew up knowing my father.”

  Handing Kasey the roast beef, Jenny took a bite and after she swallowed, she asked, “Tell me about your family. You don't talk about them much.”

  “I had a pretty normal childhood,” she laughed. “The whole, one mom, one dad, and 2.4 kids. What do you want to know?”

  “Their names, what do they do...the whole nine yards silly,” Jenny joked before taking another bite.

  Swallowing, Kasey laughed again. “I grew up in Houston; my mom was a stay at home Mommy, loving and adoring. Her name is Olivia. My father was a police officer. Officer Charles Spaulding. The best man I've ever known. He treated us like queens, and was wrapped right around mine and my little sister’s fingers,” she reached up and traced the silver chain around Jenny's neck. “You already know how his story ends.”

  “Yes, and I hold him and you very close to my heart. What is your sister's name, and how old is she?” Jenny leaned down to kiss Kasey's knuckles.

  “Her name is Kylie, but she prefers the nickname Kai. She's seventeen now but was ten when Daddy was killed. She didn't take it well, became really quiet and withdrawn from us. I used to be her awesome big sister, you know. Now I don't even know how to help her anymore. She's a good kid but I'm scared that she's a little lost inside herself too,” Kasey explained, her smile fading.

  “Maybe she can come here to stay during the summer break. This place is so different from Houston, that maybe she will have the time to relax and get herself together. You guys can spend some quality time together,” Jenny offered.

  “Maybe. I miss her and my mom. Maybe I can go visit them sometime.” She smiled. “Now, I believe there was yummy pie waiting for me.”

  Balling up the paper, Jenny put it in the trash bag that she brought and pulled out the pie. Picking up a fork she handed them both to her girlfriend. “Here you go my love. Enjoy.”

  “This isn't the only piece, is it
?” she asked breaking off a huge bite and moaning as she popped it into her mouth.

  “No, she gave me a piece of coconut cream pie so you enjoy that. I'm perfect.” The younger woman took a bite, and moaned. Talking around the food in her mouth, she continued, “I am so perfect.”

  “Isn't that the truth?” Kasey grinned around her own bite.

  The clearing was silent for a few moments while the women finished the dessert. When Jenny cleaned her plate she leaned back on her elbows and sighed. “Thank you for suggesting this. I needed the time away, and I didn't even know it.”

  “You never do. That's why you have me.” Kasey smiled, once again stretching her lanky body out next to her lover in much the same way a cat lounges in the sun. “You're welcome though.”

  “And I am so glad that I do.” Leaning forward, she kissed her lover. “I do think that I will keep you.”

  “Then marry me,” Kasey blurted out freezing even as the words left her mouth.

  “Excuse me...what did you say?” Jenny turned to look at the Deputy her mouth hanging open slightly.

  “I uh, I'm sorry forget it. It was nothing. Let's go swimming, our tummies should have settled by now,” Kasey rambled half attempting to find an escape route and half admonishing herself for being so stupid, to think Jenny might actually want to go there so soon.

  Rising up to her knees, Jenny straddled her girlfriend and pinned her down. “What did you ask me?”

  Feeling more than a little cornered, Kasey felt the heat rise to her cheeks. “I asked you to marry me. I know it's really soon so don't worry about it, I understand and all, so you know its fine if you say no and everything,” she babbled, barely stopping for breath. “I mean, I love you and I guess there's no rush I just thought, you know never mind. It doesn't matter, I'm happy either way.”

  “Yes, I'll marry you,” Jenny whispered, smiling down at the babbling love of her life.


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