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Page 9

by Jennis Slaughter

  “What?” Kasey asked her eyes wide. “But you seemed upset and I thought, I don't...I didn't want to sound desperate or over eager. I mean I’ve already broken the wait three days to call rule considering how we started dating and everything. Holy Jesus, you just said yes, didn't you?” Kasey breathed, disbelief written all over her face.

  “Yes Kasey...I said yes. Now kiss your fiancée.” The younger woman was grinning atop her.

  Reaching up Kasey cupped Jenny's cheeks and pulled her down for a loving kiss, barely able to believe her good fortune. “I'm sorry I just blurted it out like that.”

  “Don't was totally you. It one of the reasons I love you so much.” Jenny murmured against her lips.

  “I bought a ring. It's in the glove compartment of the truck. I wasn't expecting to use it for a while though,” Kasey explained between kisses.

  Sitting up, Jenny slid off Kasey's waist. “You have it here? Can you go get it?” She grinned and bit her bottom lip.

  “Yeah, I can. As if I could say no to that face anyway.” Kasey smiled, climbing to her feet. She leaned over and pressed a couple more kisses to her fiancée’s lips. “I'll be right back.” She smiled and took off at a light jog.

  Jenny stood up as she watched Kasey jog towards the truck. She was engaged. She started to giggle to herself. She pinched herself to make sure that she wasn't dreaming.

  Reaching the truck Kasey opened the passenger side door and opened the glove compartment. She pulled out the ring box and opened it, looking at the delicate piece and smiling. Her girl had actually said yes, and while this wasn't what she'd initially been planning as a proposal, it had certainly done the trick. Closing it back up Kasey locked up the truck and headed back to her girl smiling when she entered the clearing and saw Jenny waiting for her. She approached the smaller woman hesitantly, her smile shy as she stopped in front of her. “Hey.”

  “Hey...” Jenny nervously shifted from foot to foot looking between Kasey’s face and the box in the older woman’s hands.

  “Oh, I guess I should...” the brunette dropped to one knee looking up into the bright hazel eyes of her lover. “I guess I already asked you this, but I’d like to do it right. You deserve a little bit of romance. So, Jenny Montrose, will you do me the honor of being my wife?” she asked hesitantly almost scared that Jenny had changed her mind. She opened the box revealing an elegantly cut white gold band with a delicate stone set in the middle.

  Reaching down to caress Kasey’s face, Jenny sighed. “Yes, Kasey Spaulding, I will marry you.”

  Unable to stop the wide smile that spread across her face, Kasey removed the ring from its box and slid it gently onto Jenny’s left ring finger relieved when it fit. She kissed the palm of Jenny’s left hand, finally rising to her feet to gaze lovingly down at her future bride. “I know it isn’t a big fancy ring, but I didn’t want to get anything that would feel heavy or cumbersome on your hand. You have such delicate piano hands that anything bigger would look awkward. The band is thin because I didn’t want it getting in the way when you played,” she stuttered a little wanting nothing more than to have pleased her girl.

  “It’s perfect...just like you are,” tears were forming in Jenny’s eyes. Reaching up with her left hand, she grinned as the sunlight caught the diamond and tiny prisms of light glittered. Her hand continued up until she could bring down Kasey’s mouth to hers. “I love you Kasey.”

  “I love you too Jenn. You’ve honestly just made me the happiest person on this planet.” Kasey chuckled around her own tight throat. She leaned down and captured her fiancée in another kiss enjoying this moment and locking it away in her memories forever.

  “Hmm, what are you thinking about now? Would you like to so swimming or...” Jenny left the question open, but she couldn’t stop herself from smiling.

  “I’m thinking about you, and how happy you make me. As to your second question, why not a little one and a lot of the other?” Kasey grinned wiggling her eyebrows and leading Jenny towards the water’s edge. As she was walking, her foot got tangled in something and she looked down to find an interesting article of clothing at her feet. “I think that answers your question about whether or not Rae’s been here recently,” she quipped, one eyebrow raised as she looked down at the pair of dark blue boy shorts lying on the ground.

  Jenny’s hand flew up to her mouth. “Oh my...” her face started turning red and she started to laugh. “They had a good idea though, don’t you think?”

  “I do, too bad I actually thought to wear a bathing suit,” the brunette teased.

  Taking a step back, Jenny took the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it off, revealing her top before she pulled off her shorts. Dropping them on the ground she reached behind her to untie the top. “There’s no reason we can’t go skinny dipping.”

  “Yep, totally the happiest person on earth,” Kasey breathed watching as Jenny slowly slid the bottoms over her thighs. Smiling she pulled her own clothes off quickly, undoing her own top as she wiggled her hips so her shorts would fall.

  Finally removing the top, Jenny stepped forward to press herself against her beloved. “Yesss, now this is what I call a dessert.”

  Kasey said nothing, simply leaning down and capturing her future wife’s lips in a hungry kiss, wrapping her arms tightly around the smaller woman’s slim waist.

  Letting her hands roam along Kasey’s sides and then up her back Jenny moaned into the raven-haired beauty’s kiss. Moving her lips along the taller woman’s jaw line she moved to a pulse point under her ear and sucked lightly, marking her.

  Shivering at her fiancée’s touch Kasey let her fingers trail down over the younger woman’s spine, cupping her ass and then hefting her up into her arms. “I think you need to cool down Montrose,” and at those words, she jumped into the spring.

  Jenny came up sputtering and wiping her hair from her eyes. “Kase!”

  “What? You wanted to skinny dip, and as your faithful servant, I made it happen.” Kasey smiled innocently using one arm to tread water and the other to pull her girl close.

  Coming over to wrap her arms around Kasey’s shoulders, Jenny kicked lightly in the warm water, helping her lover keep them afloat. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “You can, I might even have an answer,” she joked back.

  “Why me? You could have any woman that you want, but you chose me. Why?” Jenny was truly curious.

  “I think you seriously over estimate my social skills. To answer your question, how could I not? You’re smart, brilliantly so, and talented in so many ways. Your art, your music, all of it. You make me laugh, even when I’m feeling my worst and you even put up with my terrible awkwardness when I’m flustered. More importantly, you’re my best friend. You get me on a level I didn’t think anyone could. You know when to push me, when to reel me back, when to let me have my space, and when I don’t need anything but your touch. You know me better than I do, and I love you so much for getting me, despite my faults, of which there are plenty,” Kasey said softly.

  Jenny’s mouth was open as she stared at the woman. “Wow...okay, I have no idea how to respond to that.”

  “No need. The yes you gave me earlier works well enough.” Kasey laughed blushing lightly kissing Jenny’s chin.

  “Okay then,” the two women swam around in lazy circles enjoying the quiet and being with each other. Every once in a while one would lean over to kiss the other and tell them that they were loved, but nothing more was done other than enjoy the afternoon.

  It was getting close to dinnertime and they were lying on the blanket drying off when Jenny raised her head to turn and look at her fiancée. “What do you think about giving Rae and Delaney a call to see if they would like to join us for dinner at the new restaurant?”

  “You mean Milamodo? The new sushi place? That could be fun. I’m guessing you want to tell them the news.” Kasey smiled, turning her head to look at Jenny from where she was sprawled on her stomach. “I still can’t believe Leroy h
as a sushi joint of all things.”

  “I know, never thought that I would see it. I guess that goes to prove that Leroy is an up and coming town. Yeah, why don’t we give them a call? I want to share the news with the world, and they’re a great start.” Jenny reached over to run her fingertips over Kasey’s cheek.

  “Sure baby.” Grabbing her cell phone, Kasey checked the clock on the screen and handed it over to her girlfriend. “Dial Del’s number. Its speed dial three. At this time of day, she’s probably picking Raelin up from the Nook and we can ask them to join us before they get to the house and make dinner.”

  Hitting the mentioned speed dial, the woman waited.

  “Hey Kasey, what’s up?” Del answered, throwing Raelin a smile as the other woman jumped into the Jeep.

  “It’s Jenny...hey, we were wondering if we could take you guys to dinner. We thought that we needed a girl’s night out and we wanna try that new sushi place. What do you say?” Jenny smiled at her lover.

  “Oh hey Jenny. A girl’s night out, you say. I’m good with it, why don’t you talk to Raelin so I can drive us home and get changed,” Del suggested.

  “Sure, you might wanna do that since it’s illegal to talk on a phone and drive.”

  Del just chuckled, handing the phone to her wife. “It’s your niece.”

  “Hey Jenny, what’s up.”

  “Hi, I was just suggesting to Delaney that you should let us take you guys out to dinner. We haven’t really been out together in a while and we wanted to try that new sushi place,” she said, trying to keep most of the giddiness out of her voice, knowing Raelin would figure something was up otherwise.

  “That sounds like fun. What time did you wanna meet?” Raelin reached out to twine her fingers with that of her wife’s.

  “Well, Del mentioned wanting to go home to change and we do too so what about in say,” she paused, thinking. “Around six?”

  “That sounds good. Did you guys enjoy your afternoon at the spring?”

  “Yes. Thanks for giving Kasey the tip and thanks for the food. It was really great. I’ve never seen Kasey scarf pie down so fast,” she chuckled, running her fingers through the dark hair of her fiancée.

  “Well, I remembered that it was her favorite. Okay then, we’ll see you there at six. Bye.”

  “Bye Auntie,” Jenny teased with a laugh.

  “Oh, I’m sure she just loved that.” Kasey smiled rolling to her back, feeling the heat of a slight burn.

  Leaning over to surround a nipple with her lips Jenny let her hand slide down into slick moisture. Teasing Kasey’s breast for a moment, Jenny let her fingers play for a second. “Don’t burn the front Dawg; I’ve got plans for you.”

  “Oh Jesus… we really don’t have time to start something like this up..,” Kasey breathed even as her body responded to the touches.

  “Does that mean that you want me to stop?” Jenny leaned down to breath in her lover’s ear.

  “Never,” Kasey moaned wrapping her arms around her lover’s neck.

  Slowing she thrust in and out, curling her fingers every so often, and getting Kasey on the edge of release before backing off. Jenny loved to watch as the woman bit her bottom lip or as she clenched and unclenched her hand as she got closer, but she adored as Kasey’s inner walls tightened around her fingers and throbbed as Jenny leaned for to whisper. “Cum for me.”

  Panting harshly Kasey did just that letting her body go, knowing she was safe with Jenny. Her toes curled as nothing but pure sensation crashed over her, her entire body alive with feeling. Knowing they were alone she didn’t bother trying to stay quiet and she knew Jenny liked to hear her cries any way.

  Shifting her fingers slightly Jenny didn’t let her fiancée catch her breath as she curled them again and sped up the thrusts rubbing her thumb against Kasey’s clit. “Cum for me again.”

  “Jenn,” Kasey whined feeling as her body crashed over once again. She was always amazed at how quickly Jenny was always able to build her up and push her over, playing her body as well as any piano. She clutched desperately at her lover keeping herself grounded as her body trembled.

  “Yes my love?” Jenny’s mouth was over a pulse point on Kasey’s shoulder.

  Barely having caught her breath Kasey rolled them over pinning Jenny to the blanket as she slid one hand between their bodies teasing damp curls. “You’re bad. I love you, I do, but you’re bad.”

  Inhaling quickly, Jenny rolled her hips. “I love you Kasey.” Bringing up her head, she caught the woman in a hard kiss.

  Taking that as permission Kasey entered her lover swiftly never breaking their kiss. She knew Jenny’s body well enough to know that her girl would be more than ready for her and she threw her hips into each thrust knowing by Jenny’s kiss how her lover wanted this to go.

  Yanking her lips away from Kasey’s Jenny panted and scratched at the older woman’s back. Wrapping her legs around her lover’s waist she encouraged her to thrust harder. “Please Kasey...Fuck me harder.”

  Panting into Jenny’s shoulder where she was busy leaving a mark Kasey picked up her pace with a growl, adding a third finger to the mix. She always loved it when Jenny wrapped her legs around her. Since being with Jenny she’d discovered that she liked that her girl was a bit of a biter and scratcher. If anything it always made her that much hotter.

  Arching against her lover Jenny bucked as she was teetering on the edge of release, biting her bottom lip she looked up into Kasey's dark chocolate eyes and in them she saw pure love. “I love you,” she gasped out.

  Hissing at the feel of Jenny’s fingers digging into the slight burn on her back she swiped her thumb roughly over Jenny’s clit. “Cum for me Jenn, let me watch you fall apart,” she groaned curling her fingers.

  “Ahh, Kasey!!” The younger woman screamed her release tightening around Kasey’s fingers and curling her toes.

  “That’s it,” Kasey purred, not slowing her movements. She watched fascinated as Jenny fell apart underneath her and she twined her free hand with one of Jenny’s stretching it out above her fiancée’s head and pinning it there. Seeing that her girl was starting to relax, she shook her head grinning. “Oh no, you aren’t done yet. Again, pretty girl. Cum for me again,” she commanded.

  Arching up Jenny’s eyes went wide as Kasey continued to draw her towards release again. Biting her bottom lip, she yanked her hand out of Kasey’s and flipped them so that she was on top with her lover’s fingers still inside. “I want to ride you.”

  “That’s a privilege you’ll have to earn,” Kasey growled out sitting up swiftly not stopping again until Jenny was once more underneath her, her fingers never once stopping. “What are you going to do now?” she asked, liking this little game of cat and mouse. She spread her free hand out in the space between Jenny’s breasts holding her down as she smirked victoriously down at her.

  Reaching up Jenny tweaked at Kasey’s breasts while her other hand played with one of her own, never stopping rolling her hips. “Wanna nibble?”

  “You aren’t going to distract me brat.” Kasey panted with the effort to keep up their frantic pace. She twisted her hand slightly hitting a spot that always drove her lover nuts determined to win this game.

  Jenny lost it screaming at the top of her voice while her nerves scattered into the winds and rockets were going off behind her eyelids.

  After Jenny finally started to relax Kasey slumped forward panting into Jenny’s chest, her fingers still buried deep no doubt just as exhausted as her lover was. “God Jenny, I’m so sorry. I have no idea where that came from.”

  Her voice rough from screaming Jenny felt tiny tremors continuing to run through her body. “Don’t you dare apologize, I loved it. I love you when you are like that.”

  “But I was so rough with you,” Kasey replied. She’d never been this domineering over Jenny and wasn’t quite sure if it had been okay for her to do so. She knew Jenny liked some measure of control being taken away, but they’d never really defined any

  Reaching to caress Kasey’s face, Jenny reassured her. “I’ll let you know when you get too rough. I promise, and you weren’t.”

  Nodding, she turned her head to press light kisses to the sensitive skin in the valley of Jenny’s breast, licking lightly at the sheen of sweat coating her lover’s skin. “I’m going to pull my hand out now. You ready?”

  Nodding her head, Jenny kept her eyes locked on Kasey’s.

  Moving her hand slowly, she smiled as she felt the lingering ticks and twitches as she pulled her hand away. Grinning cheekily, she lifted her hand to her mouth, cleaning her fingers, moaning at the taste of her lover. “So good.”

  Reaching up, the young woman brought her love’s hand down to taste herself. “Mmm, that’s different than the way that you taste.”

  “Is that so? I wouldn’t know.” She smiled, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to her lover’s lips.

  “I can arrange it sometime if you want? Hey! What time is it?” Jenny realized that the light was a bit lower in the sky.

  Realizing the same, Kasey looked around for her cell phone and glanced at the screen. “Shit, it’s already a little after five,” she pressed a really quick peck on Jenny’s lips before scrambling to start packing things up.

  Jenny stood, grabbing their suits before pulling on her shorts and t-shirt. Glancing around, she also grabbed the pair of boy shorts that they found and wrapped everything in a towel. Watching her fiancée hurriedly dressed, she asked, “Is that everything?”

  “Yeah, good thing we cleaned as we went. Did you make sure to grab all of our clothes? I’d rather not leave anything behind,” she laughed, referencing the boy shorts they’d found.

  “Yup, got everything.” Jenny followed the dark haired woman to the truck and got inside. “We’ll just make it if we rush.”

  “Including time to change?” she asked driving quickly back to the house.

  “Barely, unless you want to call Del and tell her that we’re running late.”

  She handed her fiancée the phone. “Can you do it? It’s a nice place we can’t show up in swimming shorts and flip flops.”


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