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Page 13

by Jennis Slaughter

  “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. She’s right, I was a coward. I can’t keep you from Mama forever, but it’s going to break her heart. Kai and me, we’re all she has. I wish Daddy were still here, I miss him so much. He would know how to handle Mama.” Kasey shook her head, fighting back fresh tears.

  “What would your Dad do Kase? How would he handle her?”

  “He would tell me he loved me, and that he’d stand by whatever decision I made. He would say that she was my Mama, and that nothing I could do would make her love me any less.” The deputy took a deep breath before she continued, clutching Jenny’s waist a little tighter, “I wanted to tell them, but then Daddy died and I didn’t want to add that to what was going on, it just never seemed like the right time. Then she found God, and now she has these big dreams for me and Kai. She’s finally happy again and I can’t bring myself to be the one who ruins her happiness.”

  Jenny leaned back a bit to look at her lover in her face. “You don’t know if your news would ruin her happiness. If all she has ever wanted was for you to be happy, then you’ll make her happy because you are. Just remember that you don’t have to face her alone. I’m there for you, just as you are here for me.”

  “God, I don’t deserve you,” Kasey breathed burying her face in Jenny’s neck taking in the light smell of her perfume and underneath it the deeper tang of Jenny’s natural scent letting it soothe her ragged nerves.

  “Yes you do, just as I deserve you. You were made for me Kasey. I believe that with everything that I am. So, this is what we are going to do. As much as I love you in your uniform it doesn’t have the softest material in the world, so we’re going to get undressed take a shower and have a nice quiet dinner, followed with a session of cuddling here in bed.” Jenny smiled down at her love.

  “Can we make it a bath? With bubbles?” She hated how pathetic she sounded but she ached from the crying and stress she’d been carrying in her shoulders and neck.

  “A bubble bath it is. Would you care to join me Deputy Spaulding?” The younger woman wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Would I ever, just let me pack these back up?” the Deputy asked sitting up and rubbing at her eyes with the hand not clutching her picture.

  “Why don’t you put that on the mantle next to the picture of Rae and Del at their wedding? We can keep our family all in one place,” Jenny suggested.

  Kasey nodded smiling as she put the last of the mementos in the box, leaving the picture out. “That’s a good idea. Thanks.” Reaching up with both hands she cupped Jenny’s face and drew her in for a soft kiss. “I love you and thank you for loving me back. Even when my eyes are all red and puffy and my nose is all runny from crying.”

  Reaching up with her sleeve, Jenny wiped her lover’s nose. “I love everything about you Kasey.”

  Smiling gently even through her lingering sniffles she leaned in for another gentle kiss. “I’m going to run this downstairs then get this damned monkey suit off. Will you start the tub?”

  “Yup, go Dawg. I’ll put in the lavender scent that you like so much,” her hazel eyes were warm with emotion.

  Kasey stood but leaned down for a final peck before heading downstairs and placing the photo next to her favorite of Del and Rae. She smiled as she looked at it making a note to get a new frame for it. Running her fingers gently over the worn frame, she offered a quick I love you before heading back up to the master bath loosening various parts of her uniform as she went.

  “You had better not be leaving your uniform on the stairs again Dawg,” Jenny called out.

  Kasey paused, glancing at the tunic she’d just removed and hung over the stairway railing her fingers stilling as they worked her shirt buttons. She grabbed it and finished the walk to the bedroom hanging it up in the closet with a sheepish grin on her face. “It’s creepy how you do that,” she called to Jenny jokingly.

  Jenny was already sliding into a steamy bubble bath sighing in pleasure. “I just know you that’s all.”

  Having striped off her clothing and hung them up in the closet, Kasey moved to the bathroom and stopped so fast she had to grab the doorframe to steady herself her mouth hanging open.

  Jenny was sitting languidly in the tub amidst a pile of bubbles and steam, her hair piled up on her head in a messy bun. Her head was thrown back against the edge of the tub exposing her long neck and Kasey couldn’t help but follow a stray drop as it trailed down smooth skin. Hazel eyes were closed, but the Deputy knew her lover was enjoying herself by the relaxed smile on her face. Inhaling she felt her insides clench at the sight but knew she wasn’t up for anything more than some simple cuddles and soothing touches.

  “Are you gonna stand in the doorway all night or are you going to join me?” Jenny asked without opening her eyes.

  Snapping out of her daze, Kasey moved towards the tub and looked down at her lover. “You going to move forward a bit so I can get in?” Kasey asked ready to slide into her normal position behind her lover.

  “No, you’re gonna sit in front this time. I need to have you in my arms.” Jenny opened her eyes and looked up at Kasey.

  “But I’ll squish you,” Kasey said despite really wanting to be held. She stepped hesitantly into the hot water settling between her lover’s thighs.

  “Oh baby it will be a good squish, now come here,” the younger woman slid her hands up her lover’s strong back, as it lowered in front of her. Leaning forward, she placed gentle kisses along Kasey’s shoulder blades.

  Pulling her hair forward over one shoulder Kasey let her fiancée play along her skin for a bit before she leaned back and settled against Jenny’s chest. She moaned as the hot water relaxed her tense shoulders and Jenny’s arms wrapped around her holding her close. “I can see why you like sitting like this so much,” she breathed.

  Reaching to the shelf next to the tub Jenny poured some liquid soap on a body sponge and started bathing her lover, moving it along her long arms and over her shoulders.

  “You’re spoiling me,” Kasey moaned letting her head fall forward and enjoying the attention that she was being given.

  “You deserve everything that I do for you, and more,” Jenny leaned forward to whisper in Kasey’s ear.

  “No one has ever done this for me before, so thank you for being so good to me and for saying yes,” Kasey said lovingly bringing the hand not holding the body sponge up to her mouth and kissed it.

  Jenny was quiet for a moment. “Did you really think that I would say no?”

  “I was worried you would think it was too soon. I wasn’t planning on proposing so soon, but it felt so right being there with you and the next thing I knew, the question was falling out of my mouth. I had made this huge romantic plan for the proposal too, and I ended up just blurting it out in the most random moment.”

  “It was a perfect moment, Kase. It was totally you and I loved it.” Jenny leaned forward so that she could see her lover’s face.

  Smiling, Kasey turned her head to capture Jenny in a loving kiss. “I love you. You always know exactly what to say to make me feel better.”

  “I just told you the truth, like I always will. I want us to always tell each other the truth. No matter what.”

  “I’ve never lied to you Jenny, and I don’t ever plan to.” Kasey smiled reaching her hand up to cup Jenny’s cheek.

  “Now lean back and relax Kase. Let me take care of you please.”

  Nodding the brunette finally relaxed fully against her girl content to let Jenny have her way. She closed her eyes feeling the tension and knots in her back start to ease away

  Jenny moved the sponge over silky skin in a languid motion humming a little tune that had been running through her mind. Reaching around, she ran the sponge between Kasey’s breasts and down her stomach.

  Kasey hissed in a breath as she felt Jenny’s hand trailing over her skin and turned her head to nuzzle the sensitive spot just behind her ear. Jenny’s movements were slow and loving and Kasey felt herself melting under the ca
re of her future wife the day’s stress falling away. “That’s a nice melody. Is that the one you’ve been working on lately?” She purred as Jenny ran the sponge over her tummy.

  “No, this one popped into my head yesterday while we were at the spring. I was thinking that maybe...umm, maybe I was supposed to play it at our wedding.” Jenny blushed.

  Kasey smiled into the skin of Jenny’s neck at the thought. “That would be nice,” she whispered, her eyes getting heavy. “We need to get out soon Jenn or I’m going to fall asleep. Do you want to finish up while I start dinner?” Kasey murmured into Jenny’s neck too relaxed to move just yet.

  “Yeah, I’ll clean up in here and meet you downstairs. Did you eat today?” Jenny realized that her lover probably didn’t because she has a hard time keeping down food when she was stressed.

  “No, I felt too anxious and stressed all morning,” Kasey replied sheepishly. “Is there anything you want me to make?”

  Thinking for a moment, Jenny suggested, “How about a grill cheese sandwich and a salad?”

  “Sounds good to me,” the brunette took in a deep breath taking in the lavender smell of the bath water, the feel of Jenny against her, and let the rightness of the moment settle over her. Lifting her hand, she reached up and dabbed some stray bubbles onto Jenny’s nose laughing at the indignant look on her fiancée’s face.

  Wiping the suds away Kasey rose from the tub, grabbing one of the big fluffy bath sheets and dried herself off. She took her time knowing Jenny was probably enjoying the view anyways. With a final kiss for Jenny she grabbed her robe off the back of the door and headed downstairs to make them something to eat, feeling far more centered and once again thanking whatever higher power for bringing Jenny into her world.

  ~ Chapter 5 ~

  Rae stretched languidly in the hot water, pointing her toes as she sank deeper into the tub. She’d poured her favorite sea salts into the steaming water and moaned when she felt the aches and pains of a long tiring day melt away. She took a sip of the wine she’d brought up with her and cracked open the latest of her grandmother’s journals.

  She squinted a little at the pages the writing having seriously deteriorated over time. She had finally managed to find what she was looking for, and she had been right in her previous assumptions. Apparently, her ancestors had charmed the house so that anyone who crossed paths with the person they were meant to be with while in the house they would know it without a doubt. Not only that but it seemed as though it was particularly effective when it was a first meeting. Well that certainly explained her and Delaney’s relationship, but the writing was hard to read and she would need more time with it to truly understand the charm used.

  Putting the book aside she laid her head against the back of the four-claw tub that she had splurged on with some of the money from her father’s estate. It was definitely money well spent as she and Delaney fit in it together perfectly. Sighing she wondered what time her lovely Chief would be home.

  “Rae? I’m home!” Del called as she stepped through the front door. She hung her keys next to the door out of habit and unlaced her boots.

  “I’m up here,” Rae called out. “Don’t forget to take off your boots.”

  Del smiled as she finished pulling them off and headed up the stairs. She loosened her tunic and tie starting on the buttons of her shirt as she came into the bedroom. She quickly hung up her tunic and continued undressing pulling out a tank top and shorts to pull on after. “Hey Darlin’, how did things go after we left?” she asked in the direction of the half open bathroom door.

  “Well, I met Kasey’s sister, and she’s very nice. We had lunch together with Jenny and I really like her a lot,” the witch called back as she poured another glass of wine for her wife, having planned in advance and brought another glass with some crackers and cheese.

  Finishing up with her uniform, she pulled on the clothes she’d picked out and gave a soft knock on the door before moving into the room. She smiled at the sight of Rae looking relaxed in the large tub. The stark white of the tub made the bronze glow of her skin stand out now flushed pink from the heat of the water. “Well, don’t you look cozy,” she sat on the edge of the tub plucking one of Raelin’s feet out of the water and digging her fingertips into the sore muscles in the arch of her foot.

  “Oh Goddess, that feels good. I’ll give you days to stop that.” Raelin closed her eyes and moaned.

  “Only days? I was hoping for lifetimes. Silly me,” Del teased kissing the top of the foot in her hand and tickling it with her fingers. “So Kasey’s kid sister is a good one huh?”

  “I have other things that I want you to be touching for a lifetime Darlin’, and we can start anytime.” The witch grinned at her wife. “Yeah, she’s a good kid.”

  “I’ll take your word for it. I had to send Kasey home today,” she said worried dropping Raelin’s foot back into the water and switching to the other.

  Raelin looked at the blonde. “Why? What happened? Is she alright?”

  “She’s fine I think. Jenny sort of outed her to Kai so add that to the fact that Kasey already feels like she failed her somehow. She’ll be okay; I think she just needed some time to get herself back on an even keel. She was waging war through the bullpen when we got back poor Michaels looked terrified,” she explained, moving her hands up to rub Raelin’s legs working the tired muscles of her calves.

  Sinking down lower in the tub and resting her leg on the side Raelin sighed. “Mmm, well Jenny and Kai had a long talk and I think that they will end up being really good friends. Kai asked me if Kasey was happy and seemed glad when I told her that I thought she was.”

  “Well, Kasey did mention that they used to be close as kids. Hopefully they’ll be able to get that bond back.” She slipped to her knees and started working on Raelin’s thigh. “You look like your enjoying yourself. Those kids must have run you ragged.”

  “If that hand gets any higher, I’ll show you just how much I’m enjoying myself,” Raelin’s voice dropped and her eyes began to lighten.

  “Oh really? That a promise or a threat?” Del asked watching in fascination as Raelin’s eyes shifted. She always thrilled in watching the change seeing with her own eyes the effect she had on her wife. She let her hand drift under the water, leaning forward over the edge of the tub so she could reach, her fingers rubbing the sensitive skin on the inside of Raelin’s thigh.

  “Ah...oh, it’s a promise Darlin’.” Raelin’s breathe hitched as her wife’s fingers slid higher. She gripped the sides of the tub and bit her bottom lip.

  “Pity, you’re kind of hot when you’re threatening.” Del grinned her lips hovering over her wife’s. Just as she was about to shift her hand a shrill ringing from the bedroom froze her in place hovering mere inches from where Raelin so desperately wanted her. She looked towards the bedroom recognizing the ringtone as her own before looking back into the frustrated face of her wife.

  Sighing Raelin dropped her head and groaned. “Go ahead and answer it. It might be really important.” The witch knew that there would be times that Delaney’s job would come between what she wanted and what the town needed.

  “Sorry babe,” Del breathed placing a quick kiss on Raelin’s lips. She dashed into the bedroom and picked up her cell phone catching it just before the voicemail picked up. She headed back to the bathroom to wipe her hand on a bath towel as she answered.

  “Delacroix… oh Hi Jessie,” Del answered, sitting on the closed toilet seat. “Really? Oh okay, here she is,” she pulled the phone away from her ear a confused look on her face. “It’s Jessie, and it’s for you,” she explained, holding it out to her wife along with a towel to wipe her own hand on.

  Reaching for the towel Raelin wiped her hands before taking the phone. “Hey Jessie. What’s up?”

  “First of all, congratulations on your opening. Most of the press is really positive. I will warn you that the rightwing press picked up on you being there with Del and are questioning the morality of a le
sbian running a place set up for children in need of guidance but overall I’m hearing nothing but good. They shouldn’t be a problem and as your trusty lawyer I’ve already got measures in place in case anything happens. I imagine Del already warned you that the press would have a field day over you and her,” Jessie said, flipping through some paperwork on her desk.

  Slowly quirking one eyebrow, Del had a thought and didn’t bother to hold back the slow devious smirk that spread across her face.

  “I have some paperwork that I’m going to need you to go over just some stuff for the foundations accounts. Nothing too major, I’ll fax them up to you in the morning.” Jessie paused and once again started rifling through her desk. She was in the midst of a pretty serious trial and she’d spent the last few days with her desk looking like a complete warzone.

  Meanwhile Del’s own hand had resumed its previous path, the one that had been interrupted by the ringing of the phone. She paused tilting her head to one side, watching as Raelin’s eyes went wide.

  “Uh...what are they about?” The witch kept her eyes on her wife’s.

  “Oh, I just need some signatures on the expenses report. Like I said, nothing too major.”

  Del let her hand slip under the water, finding heat that had nothing to do with the bath. That wide smile of hers never fading.

  “Oh, Ari’s been bugging me to come visit. I’m in the middle of a trial, but I was thinking once it was over we could pop in to see you guys?” Jessie suggested, struggling to keep Ari off her lap as she sorted papers. One of the many reasons she tried to leave all of her work at the office. Her little one was too much like her aunt always wanting to know what the bad guys were doing.

  “Yeah, uh we would love to have there anything else that I can help you with?” The witch couldn’t help but roll her hips.

  “Yeah, one last thing I need to mention to you. Your partners at the casino called me. They wanted to arrange a meeting with you but said they were having a hard time getting a response out of you. They said they called me because they assumed you preferred to do business this way since you weren’t giving them a response. I told them I would get in touch and then call them back. What do you want me to do?” Jessie asked seriously, finally giving in and letting Ari crawl on top of her.


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