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Page 14

by Jennis Slaughter

  Del finally stopped teasing and slid two fingers deep into her wife’s center before pulling out and then returning again, this time curling her fingers as she set a slow pace.

  “Aw soon as the trial is, set a day that you can go with me and we’ll see what they want...there,” Raelin stuttered.

  Jessie paused, her hands stilling in the fine blonde hair of her daughter. “I’ll let them know. Are you okay Raelin? You sound a little distracted and out of breath.”

  Del grinned and added a third finger and pressed her thumb across Rae’s clit.

  “I’m fine, I’m fine...does that sound okay with you?” Raelin bit her fist to keep from moaning.

  “Yeah it’s fine. This trial shouldn’t be too much longer, I’ve got the defense by the,” she paused, aware of Ariel now looking up at her. “Tail, we’ve got them by the tail. I’ll call you back when I’ve arranged the date and let you know.”

  “Okay then. Talk with you later. Bye.” Raelin tossed away the phone and let a moan that reverberated off the bathroom walls. “Don’t you dare stop Delaney...not now.”

  “Never Darlin’.” She picked up her pace aware of the water sloshing over the edge of the tub getting her clothes wet, but too involved in her wife to care. She picked up her pace pushing harder as she felt Raelin get closer and closer to the edge. “Is this what you were after before the phone rang?”

  “Yesss, fuck yes,” the witch hissed and tried to keep her eyes on her wife’s but the need to close them was becoming harder and harder to resist.

  Del leaned over the edge of the tub nibbling on the skin just below her wife’s ear. She curled her fingers, and once again pressed against the needy bundle of nerves as she whispered a gentle command. “Let go Raelin Delacroix. Cum for me.”

  Waves of water crashed over the edge of the tub as Raelin fell over the edge, gripping the sides as she tried to anchor herself in the moment shouting her release in a guttural moan.

  Del drew it out despite having been drenched by the water sloshed over the edge of the tub as Raelin trembled and moaned under her fingertips. She continued to kiss, nibble, and lick as the damp skin of her wife her fingers only slowing when she felt Raelin start to relax. “I love you. Feel better now?”

  “I feel perfect,” the witch looked up at her wife, still feeling tiny tremors coursing through her body. “Thank you.”

  “The pleasure was all mine, I promise.” Del smiled, resting her chin on top of her arms, which were now crossed over the edge of the tub. “What did Jessie want?”

  “Umm, let me think a minute. Ah, to congratulate us on the opening and to warn me about an article that might be coming out. And that the casino partners want a meeting.” Leaning forward, she captured her wife’s lips in a loving kiss.

  “Mmm, you should have paid closer attention. Seems like you have a hard time recalling what she told you.” Del grinned against Raelin’s lips.

  Reaching out Raelin tugged the blonde into the tub and kissed her hard threading her fingers in golden hair.

  Del flailed as she was pulled into the tub still fully clothed but relaxed as Raelin kissed her. She let her body fall onto Raelin’s groaning as the witch left no part of her mouth unexplored and her fingers scratched lightly at her scalp. Finally pulling away when she needed air she grinned ruefully at her wife. “You could have just asked me to join you.”

  “I didn’t want to wait.” Sliding her hands underneath Del’s tank top Raelin pulled it over her head and tossed in the direction of the sink before she leaned over to capture the blonde’s lips again while her hands palmed Delaney’s breasts.

  Unable to help herself Del settled her knees on either side of Raelin’s thighs arching into the teasing fingers on her chest, helpless under her wife’s kiss. She rolled her hips lightly, her body demanding attention as Raelin continued her teasing.

  Leaning back the brunette watched her wife start to come undone. She loved how deep green Del’s eyes got and how she would bite her bottom lip as Raelin’s fingers touched a sensitive spot. Slowly, one hand slid into tepid water and between Del’s body and shorts to tease short curls.

  “Please,” Del pleaded in a whisper. Watching Raelin fall apart under her hands was always one of the most arousing things Del knew and it always left her aching. She threaded her fingers through dark hair nibbling on her lower lip to try to keep in control.

  Teasing her fingers into Del’s opening, Raelin let her thumb graze against the tiny bundle of nerves, letting her nail flick against it watching her wife tremble in her lap.

  “Yes,” Del hissed, hips shifting restlessly as Raelin worked her over. She clutched tighter at Raelin’s hair as her body began to tense restless energy coiling deep in her abdomen. She tried not to but she knew she was probably pulling a little too tightly and she whimpered when Raelin hit a sensitive spot and she bit her lip a little too hard tasting blood on the tip of her tongue. She really needed to learn to stop chewing on her lip when Raelin played her body like this.

  Sliding in three fingers the witch pumped as she reached up to draw Del’s lips down to hers, running her tongue over her wife’s bottom lip before blowing on it healing it so she could kiss her hard. Curling her fingers she hit the spot that caused the blonde to buck against her hands. “What do you want Delaney?”

  Feeling the pull from the lines and the slight burning as Raelin healed her lip Del returned the kiss with as much fervor as she could muster. “You, only you from now until forever,” Del whispered, desperately rolling her hips so close that her entire body was trembling nearly violently.

  “Cum for me Darlin’,” Raelin breathed against Del’s lips. The tub water covered the floor and the closest walls but she didn’t care. All her attention was on the blonde coming undone in front of her.

  Del managed to get Raelin’s name out before everything that came out of her mouth descended into garbled nonsense. She trembled her body twitching as nerves fired all over her body. She threw her head back the ends of her hair trailing in the water as she panted through her release. Her fingers tightened in silky hair as her muscles locked holding Raelin close until she was able to come back to her senses.

  Slowing her thrust Raelin reached around Del’s back with her free hand pulling her closer so that she could suckle against a pulse point on the side of her neck.

  “Mmm,” Del moaned, lazily tilting her head to give Raelin more room to work. Realizing her hands were still tightly wound in Raelin’s hair she loosened her hold somewhat with a sheepish apology.

  “It’s okay Del.” Raelin smiled up at her wife. “I like it when you hold me tight.”

  “The water’s getting cold. You’re going to catch a chill,” Del admonished gently unable to bring herself to leave the circle of her wife’s arms.

  “It is a bit cool, but I can warm it up if you want,” the witch offered.

  “No, we should probably get out soon. I imagine you’re probably hungry by now aren’t you?” Del asked, tracing Raelin’s jaw with her fingertips smiling as she locked eyes with her wife nearly overwhelmed by the emotion she saw there. Curious she closed her eyes and dropped the mental blocks Raelin had taught her. She attempted to project her love over the link they shared. Raelin hadn’t taught this to her yet, but she wanted her love to know without a doubt what she was feeling in that moment. She knew Raelin’s own magical barriers were up simply by the fact that she wasn’t getting anything more from her witch than she usually did.

  A flood of emotions rolled over the witch and Raelin shook with the sensation. Staring up at her wife she swore that she had never seen anything more beautiful than this woman who had stolen her heart. “Look at me Del,” she whispered.

  Furrowing her brows she opened her eyes, struggling to maintain enough control over the empathic abilities she held as she made eye contact with her wife. “You were right, projection is hard.”

  “I feel you Delaney...I feel all of you,” the witch whispered once again.

/>   “I wanted you to know. You’ve done this for me I’ve felt you doing it but I needed you to feel it from me too,” she breathed.

  Raelin smiled up at her wife. “Don’t you know that I feel everything every time you look at me or when you touch me in passing? I feel you all the time.”

  Having projected as long as she could she withdrew exhausted, panting, “I know. I wanted to know that I could do it to open myself up to you like that. I don’t mean physically Raelin. It’s exhausting though I don’t know how you do it so easily.” She smiled, wrapping her arms around Raelin’s neck and cuddling close.

  Brushing her lips against Del’s skin, Raelin couldn’t help but to smile. “Darlin’, let’s get us and the bathroom dried off, get something to eat and snuggle on the sofa watching a movie. What do you say? Will ya be my date?”

  “Sure I’ll be your date. Wanna go steady?” the blonde asked with a crooked smile. “I think I still have my class ring even.”

  “You are so silly. Let’s go fix dinner.” She smiled up at the blonde.

  Grinning Del rose from the now cold water and stepped out onto the bathmat. She held a hand out to her wife to help her from the tub, her free hand reaching for a bath sheet to wrap around her. “Anything specific you want to eat?”

  “How about bacon and grill cheese sandwiches with a salad?” Raelin rose from the tub and reached for the other bath sheet.

  Beating her wife to the punch Del wrapped her in the towel she was holding. “Always the bacon with you isn’t it.” She grinned. “Had to make sure you were properly restrained when I said that. Not sure I could handle the smack I would have earned.” She grinned, wrapping her arms tightly around her wife’s form.

  Instead of a comeback Raelin kissed her wife backing the blonde up until she was against a wall. Moving her lips along Del’s jaw line, the witch murmured, “I don’t care about the bacon.”

  Breathing deeply Del fought down the urge to start something up again, she always loved it when Raelin used her size to an advantage over her. She’d never really liked anyone controlling her until she’d met her witch. “Yeah right, you know that sandwich wouldn’t be the same without bacon Darlin’,” she breathed, involuntarily tilting her head.

  Placing her lips against a pulse point Raelin drew in the warm skin, marking her wife where the collar of her uniform would cover it. Leaning back, she admired her work. Jokingly, she let her eyes go wide as she said, “Oops.”

  Del’s eyes snapped open to regard her wife one hand shooting up to cover her neck. “Raelin Delacroix, I told you not to leave them where my uniform wouldn’t cover it,” she said exasperated. She knew her witch had a liking for marking her territory it seemed and Del didn’t mind, as long as she left them somewhere only they could see.

  “Psych...” the witch took a step back. “Gotcha.”

  “Raelin, that’s not funny,” Del scolded trying not to smile as she used her own towel to get rid of the lingering water on her skin. Seeing her witch was distracted towel drying the ends of her hair, she grinned and twisted her towel. Sneaking over she snapped it at her wife’s ass before dashing out into the bedroom laughing. She headed for the dresser intent on finding another tank and shorts set to pull on.

  “Ow! You’ll pay for that Delaney Delacroix.” Raelin walked into the bedroom wrapped in the towel. “When you least expect it, you will pay.”

  Turning her head, Del grinned cheekily over her shoulder. “Oh I’m counting on it Darlin’.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  After finally getting themselves put together and down the stairs, they enjoyed a quiet meal, taking pleasure in each other’s company as they ate and cleaned up together. Eventually Raelin wandered to the living room as Del finished the last bits of tidying and soon enough she was settling onto the couch next to her wife. She held her arm up so Raelin could cuddle into her shoulder. “So what movie did you find?”

  “How do you feel about Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp?” The witch looked up at her wife. “I hear that it quite good...if you like Tim Burton as a director.”

  “I’ve heard the same. Tim Burton and Johnny Depp together is a wonderful thing to watch any day.” Del chuckled, kissing the top of her wife’s head.

  Pressing the play button Raelin dropped her arm around Delaney’s waist and settled down to be entertained.

  A half hour or so into the movie Del noticed Tasha stalking into the room a look of irritation clearly written over her face. Rori followed behind looking properly chastised and watched forlornly as Tasha jumped gingerly onto the sofa crawling into Del’s lap with a glare for Rori. “Do you mind Delaney?” The feline asked.

  “No not at all. Is something wrong?” Del asked aloud for Raelin’s benefit.

  “Why don’t you ask your wife’s familiar.” Tasha replied. Purring as she felt Del’s hand run down her back soothing her aches. “At least you know how to take care of a woman,” she muttered.

  “Rori, what’s going on?” Del asked.

  “Umm, Raelin...” Rori wasn’t moving from his place near the doorway with his head bowed. He couldn’t look at his witch.

  “Rori Montrose...What did you do?” The brunette leaned forward to glare at her cat.

  “Congratulations! You’re going to be a grandmother,” he spit out in a rush.

  “I’m WHAT!” Raelin was now on her feet.

  Del’s hand stilled for a moment on Tasha’s back and her eyes went wide.

  “It’s true Delaney, I am expecting a litter in a couple weeks, give or take. This is not a bad thing, I love Rori. Can you tell her that?” Tasha asked looking up with sharp green eyes.

  Del nodded and reached a hand up to pull Raelin back to the couch. “Tasha tells me she is expecting a litter of kittens in a month or so. She wants you to know that she doesn’t consider this a bad thing, because they love each other,” Del said trying to calm her witch. She paused, then chuckled a little, “She says sorry if it came off that way, she’s just a little tired and cranky and her back hurts.”

  Looking from Tasha to Rori the brunette had a puzzled look on her face. “I thought that you two just met. Exactly how long has this been going on? And why didn’t you tell us Rori?”

  “Oh my God,” Del breathed. “That night, way back. You were starved when you came in and I teased you about getting up to something. That was a few weeks ago right before Michaels was interviewed,” Del said, her investigators mind going to work.

  “Yes, we’ve been seeing each other for a while,” Tasha explained, enjoying the attention Del was still giving her.

  “Rori, I asked you a question.” Raelin was still upset with her familiar.

  “Delaney is right. That night was the first one I spent with her. Please Raelin, I didn’t mention it because you and Delaney had so many other things to worry about. Then she told me about the kittens and I knew I had to bring her here, so she would be safe and have a place to stay. I care about her, please don’t be upset with me,” Rori pleaded, taking a few small steps towards his witch.

  “Do you think that I should just accept your apology? Do you remember the hard time that you gave Delaney when we first got together?” Turning to the cat in her wife’s lap. “Did he tell you that he attacked Delaney in our bed while we were...?”

  Tasha’s ears perked up as Raelin spoke. “Did he really?” she asked the blonde. Del simply nodded.

  “No, he never mentioned that to me. He mentioned there were a lot of things changing around the house and town but that was the extent of it,” Tasha explained.

  “She says he never mentioned it, only that a lot of things were changing in his home and town.” Del translated once again. “She added that he did seem to even out a little as time went by.”

  “Raelin please, I know I was a jerk at first, but things were happening very quickly. I’ve grown to love Delaney as much as I love you.” He paused, his head hanging. “You aren’t being fair. You’re not the only one who wanted a family to call their own.”r />
  Del’s hand froze, her eyes slowly turning to watch her wife. “He just went somewhere that is very sensitive for your wife, didn’t he,” she heard Tasha ask, and she silently nodded in response.

  “I thought I was your family, Rori. I guess not.” Turning to Tasha and her wife, Raelin stated, “Please consider our home as your own, and let us know if you need any special food or if you think you should be taken to the vet for a check-up. Anything at all. Now if you will excuse me, today was a very long day and I’m suddenly very tired.” The witch got up and made her way to bed.

  Del watched her wife head up the stairs and turned her attention to Rori. “You could have worded that a little better.”

  “Well, it’s true. It was hard when it was just me and her, but I thought that she wouldn’t be able to handle me having a family when she didn’t. So when you two got together, I decided that it was my time too.” Rori thought that he explained the situation very well.

  “Okay, I can understand that, but you didn’t explain that very well to her. Remember how you felt when I came along, she’s probably feeling the same.” She stroked Tasha’s fur a few minutes longer before shifting her gently to the side. “That being said, I’m very happy for you both. Congratulations. Tasha, I’ll arrange a checkup at the local vet for you, okay?”

  “Thank you Delaney. Thank Raelin for me as well.”

  “Anything else you want us to know Rori?” Del asked gently. “I’m not mad at you, and I don’t think she is either. She’s just caught a little off guard; you know how Raelin hates that.”

  “Please tell her that I’m sorry that I didn’t explain it to her satisfaction,” Rori simply stated. He didn’t feel that he had done anything wrong.

  Del was about to say something when Tasha jumped carefully down from the couch and walked up to Rori, thwacking him upside the head with her paw. “You know, as much as I love you, you really can be a jackass sometimes. She’s not upset you have a family you big oaf, she’s upset because you lied to her. She never hid Delaney from you, but you hid me from her. That’s what is upsetting her.”


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