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Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection

Page 83

by Jamie Knight


  My Billionaire Boss’s Secret Baby

  This is Book 18 in the His Secret Baby series,

  which are based on a theme and can be read alone

  but are fun to binge-read altogether!

  Copyright © 2021 Jamie Knight Romance

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

  Chapter 1 – Ben

  It’s a hectic Tuesday morning. Late to work, I'm running around trying to find my briefcase. I can’t be tardy for a big meeting with the investors for my new finance company, and not seeing my papers is driving me nuts. I finally find it hidden under my desk and sigh in frustration. There can only be one explanation for that—the nanny isn’t doing her job. I grab the briefcase and march angrily out of my home office.

  In the kitchen, my two-year-old daughter Katie is there with her nanny. “Come on, just one bite!” the nanny pleads, trying to coax her to eat. Katie stubbornly shakes her head.

  “I thought I told you to keep her away from my work stuff. I found my briefcase hidden under my desk,” I snap at the nanny.

  She sighs and puts the food away. “I am doing the best that I can,” she snaps back.

  Jumping out of her chair, Katie runs up to me and tries to hug my leg. My little monster can be such an angel sometimes. Like right now, you would never expect her to be hiding my things on purpose.

  Groaning slightly, I run a hand through my hair and level my gaze at the woman at fault. “Look, I hired you to not only take care of her. You are supposed to be teaching her the proper ways to act and behave,” I snap again, unable to control my anger today.

  She grabs her apron and pulls it over her head before slamming it into the table. “That's it! I'm done. If you want perfection, then raise her yourself because I quit!” the nanny yells as she storms out of the kitchen.

  I pull Katie off of me and try to hurry after her. “You can't quit! I have an important meeting that I can't miss this morning,” I reply.

  She ignores me, only stopping to flip me the bird, and walks out. The front door slams behind her.

  I sigh and pull at my tie. “This is just great!” I mutter to myself. Pulling out my phone, I push a number on speed dial—my secretary answers. “Mr. Price, how can I help you?” she asks.

  I'm in no mood for chitchat. “Look, my nanny just quit, and I'm about to be late for this meeting. I need you to get over here and watch my daughter now,” I order her.

  After a few seconds of silence, she responds, “I'm sorry, sir. I'm out of town this week, so I won't be able to help you.”

  I sigh in frustration, having completely forgotten about that. “It's fine. I'll have to figure something else out,” I snap irritably and hang up the phone without saying goodbye. All the women in my life are failing me at this moment.

  I look at Katie, who is sweetly playing with a doll at the kitchen table. After a moment of deliberation, I realize I have no choice. I'll have to take her to the meeting with me.

  “Peanut,” I say to her. The little girl looks up excitedly. “We are going to have to go to daddy’s office. Okay?” She nods her head, little ringlets of golden blonde flying.

  Bringing her doll with her, my daughter runs up to me. “Daddy, can we go in the car now?” She asks.

  “Of course, just give me a moment,” I reply wearily, having lost my briefcase again.

  It feels like it took hours to get going, but it was probably only 30 minutes. Katie is strapped securely in her car seat in the backseat, babbling about what she sees out the window.

  It's a decent winter morning without any chill, but I can't concentrate on that. I drive slowly through the traffic. The reason I'm so on edge is that today marks 6 months that my so-called wife, Isabel, left me for our tennis coach. Just the thought of her makes my blood boil.

  On top of that, I have to find a new nanny for Katie now. This is getting to be very difficult. I need someone that will raise her and teach her all those things she will need to know to get through life. Yeah, good luck finding a person like that.

  Traffic starts to move again, so I drive forward.

  “Daddy! I'm hungry!” Katie announces from the backseat interrupting my thoughts.

  “Katie, there was plenty of food at the house,” I scold her.

  “I'm hungry. I want to eat,” she chants while bouncing her doll on her knee.

  “Okay, okay. We will stop and get something,” I reply tiredly.

  Glancing at my watch, I see that I'm wasting time. I should already be at the office. Looking around to see what's close by, I spy a little coffee shop. That will have to do. I exit the freeway and pull into the parking lot.

  “Okay, let's go eat,” I say, getting Katie out of the car. She's happy about it.

  I don't know how the nannies do it. It’s only been an hour, and I'm already exhausted.

  As we walk into the coffee shop, I realize that I have no idea what my daughter eats. Everything is usually handled by the nannies that I hire. This is the first time I have ever spent time like this with my daughter. I feel my anger at Isabel building again. How dare she leave our daughter and me in this situation!

  I find an empty table and lead Katie to it. She's an active bundle of energy, pulling at my hand and trying to run off. I get her situated in the chair next to mine and then fall down into the seat after setting my briefcase on the table. I need to find a new nanny right away.

  For a few seconds, Katie is distracted by the people walking by the window. I take advantage of this opportunity and look at my phone. I scroll through the website of the service I have hired nannies from before. None of their credentials are up to my standards. I sigh softly.

  Katie pulls my arm. “Daddy! I want food!” she demands.

  I put my phone down, though, not without first glancing at the time. This day is just so overwhelming already.

  “Daddy! We need to get food!” Katie screeches, pulling my arm again.

  “Okay, peanut. We are. What do you want to eat?” I ask.

  Katie thinks and shrugs her narrow shoulders. “I don't know, I just want food,” she says.

  I have to take a deep breath. She doesn't even know what she eats. “You don't know?” I ask.

  “No. I eat what they make,” Katie answers with another shrug. “Can I go look out the window?” She asks.

  I nod, grateful for another minute of distraction. I help her out of her chair and stand beside her. She pushes her hands and face against the glass, watching the cars driving by and the people walking on the street.

  I'm wracking my brain trying to think of what is appropriate to feed her. I mean, she's still a child, so I assume her diet is different than mine. I try to pull out my phone to check online, but Katie is pulling at my arm again.

  I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

  Chapter 2 - Cece

  It's a typical Tuesday. I arrived at the coffee shop on time for my shift then greeted and helped a few of our regulars. Now, I'm standing behind the register, putting fresh pastries into the display case.

  I hear the sounds of traffic as the door opens. In walks the cutest little girl with a man who I assume to be her father. She has golden ringlets pulled up into pigtails, and the pinkness of her cheeks is adorable. The little girl is so happy and full of life that it makes me smile. Sometimes it's seeing little things like that which make this job worth staying at.

  I finish my work with the pastries right as another customer comes up. I assist them with their order. It's not too busy today, which is good.

  When I look back at the girl, she is standing by the window with her dad. I laugh a little because I can hear them talking from here. She is asking him for food, and he sounds confused. I look at him quickly. Dark, short cut hair and a perfectly fitting suit, he seems like the busy business type, not very involved with his daughter.

  I hear t
he little girl ask him for food again, and I can't just watch this. I walk over to them. “Excuse me, maybe I can be of some help?” I ask softly.

  The father has his phone in his hand as he turns to look at me. I kneel before the little girl and talk to her.

  “What would you like to eat?” I ask in my sweetest voice.

  The baby doesn't hesitate. “Chocolate cake, I want chocolate cake,” she shouts. I laugh a little. That's a very kid thing to say.

  “Chocolate cake? I think we have some,” I answer, giving her a little smile.

  She jumps up and down eagerly. “Daddy, please!” she begs, tugging on his arm.

  He looks at her and asks, “If I get you the chocolate cake, will you be quiet and behave during daddy's important meeting?”

  I frown a little when I hear that. He really has no idea what he is doing, so I stand and talk to him. “No child can keep calm after having a whole piece of chocolate cake,” I explain gently. He looks at me, perplexed. “May I make a suggestion?” I ask. He nods. With my direction, we turn to look at the menu above the counter. “I recommend that you get her the cheese and crackers platter. It's healthier for her,” I inform him.

  When I look at him, he's giving me an odd look. I don't know whether or not to feel uncomfortable. “Have you ever nannied before?” he asks in a no-nonsense tone.

  “No, but I have babysat before,” I admit a little shyly, thinking that was an odd question to ask.

  He gives me that piercing stare again, and I notice how dark his eyes are. Still frowning, he says, “I'll pay you double what you are making here if you quit your job right now to be my little girl's nanny for a few weeks. I have an important meeting I can't miss.”

  I'm beyond shocked. This has to be a dream. Stuff like that doesn't just happen. So many thoughts run through my head at once. My goal has always been to go to college, but I can't afford it. That was why I started working here. I had this foolish idea that maybe one day I would be able to afford the tuition with this job. I was dumb to believe that. Now, this opportunity falls in my lap. I would definitely be able to cover all my school fees with double my salary.

  I need to move fast before he changes his mind, but I still can't believe this is happening.

  “Okay. I'll do it,” I say. I have to. A job like this is just too good to pass up.

  He nods and puts his phone away. “Great. Katie, this lady is going to watch you,” he says, talking to his daughter. He turns to me and hands me a business card. “My number. I'll call after work so I can pick her up.” The man grabs his briefcase off the table and hurries out of the coffee shop.

  I can't believe the unexpected turn this day has taken. My head spins at the thought of it. I wonder if my luck is finally turning around. It must be for me to be offered a job like this. I try not to get too excited at the thought of the money. Let's be realistic. This incredible job was just what I needed.

  I look at Katie and smile down at her. She holds my hand tightly, gazing up at me like I'm an angel or something. I try to think about what we can do today.

  “It’s a beautiful day. Would you like to go to the park for a little while?” I ask.

  She nods her head quickly, and I smile at her. After a brief talk to my boss, we walk outside together. The park is just a few blocks over from where we are. Katie looks around with childlike curiosity at everything. I hold her hand firmly as people pass us on the sidewalk. We arrive at the park, and she immediately pulls me to the swings. She climbs up, and I give her a gentle push.

  “Higher!” she yells with a laugh and kicks her legs. I smile and oblige her. I love listening to her laughter as she swings.

  Done with the swings, we spy other children running around playing tag on the jungle gym. I keep a watchful eye on her as she joins in. Maybe this job won't be so bad. Katie seems like a happy child, very easy to watch. If her father is true to his word and pays me what he said, then this could work out great. I could start school much sooner than I anticipated.

  My thoughts are interrupted as Katie runs up to me. “Push me in the swings again,” she demands.

  “Okay!” I reply with a smile.

  After that, we walk in the grass together. She holds my hand as we start to skip down the sidewalk, singing. Everything seems perfect.

  Chapter 3 - Ben

  I started Wednesday morning in my home office, trying to work as Katie plays with dolls on the floor. For once, she is calm, and I am able to concentrate. I'm preparing all the documents I need to hire Cece as my nanny for the next few weeks. The young woman will be here shortly to discuss everything. I'll admit I was a little surprised at how quickly she accepted my offer, but I'm also glad that she did. Yesterday I actually made it to my meeting on time because of her.

  When I picked Katie up at the coffee shop later that day, she couldn't stop talking about all the fun she had at the park with Cece. That's why I arranged to have our hiring discussion this morning. I need her to start as soon as possible. This meeting will also allow me to get to know her better. Yesterday, she seemed very reliable and helpful, but I couldn't say for sure when I was in such a rush.

  I pull out a pen and paper so I can make notes as we talk. Anxious to get started, I tap the pen on the desk and think about money. I did offer her double the coffee shop's salary, but I am curious to see what else she will ask for. Not that the expense matters. I have enough money; I can offer her whatever is necessary.

  “Daddy, can we see the nice lady from yesterday?” Katie asks, staring up at me with her big brown eyes.

  I reach down and run my hands through her silky curls. “Yes, sweetie. Just let me concentrate on this a little bit longer,” I answer her. She goes back to playing with her dolls. I check my watch just as the doorbell rings. “Punctual,” I comment to myself.

  As I get up to answer the door, Katie remains seated on the floor.

  “Hello. Glad to see you're right on time.” I say, greeting Cece. She gives me a polite smile. “Please follow me,” I say, maintaining my professional demeanor as I lead her to my office. Waving to the couch on the side of the room, I take my seat behind my desk, and she sits across from me.

  Katie runs eagerly over to Cece and shows the dolls to her. “Oh, how pretty!” Cece comments. The young woman is so kind to my daughter; it lifts a weight in my chest. Katie smiles and goes back to where she was playing.

  Looking over at Cece, I level my gaze on her face. She has an open nature that indicates trustworthiness—something about her full pink cheeks and pouty lips. “We can get down to business. Okay, now,” I start to say, trying to stop myself from staring. The future nanny really is quite lovely.

  Cece interrupts me. “I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity and tell you that I am looking forward to this job. I am at a point in my life where I could really accomplish a lot with this money,” she explains. She gestures a lot as she speaks, and I find myself drawn to the wiggle of her full bust as her body moves.

  “Oh?” I ask politely, moving my eyes back up to hers.

  “Yes. I am going to use it to go to college,” she answers proudly.

  That's actually really admirable of her, but I don't say it out loud. I'm not that type of person. A thought occurs to me. Instead of paying her double salary, I might be able to work out another arrangement that might benefit both of us.

  “I have a suggestion,” I announce. She watches me curiously. “Since you are interested in going to school, and we both know the value of a good education. What if I cover the cost of your tuition and fees instead of paying you a salary?” I ask, putting forth my proposition.

  I notice the shock on her face, and she actually puts a slim hand up against her lips. I don't know what she was expecting me to say, but it definitely wasn't that. “How long would this job be for?” she asks curiously.

  “Three weeks. That's when my mother and sister get back from their cruise. After that, your job will be over, and they will ta
ke care of Katie for me,” I explain.

  “So, this is a temporary job then?” she asks.

  “Yes, do you accept?” I ask. She doesn't hesitate as she nods her head in agreement. “Great!” I reply, a little relieved.

  I write everything down and give her a copy of the agreement. She takes the papers, and as she leans forward, my eyes are drawn to her tits again. Her tight t-shirt outlines their shape. They look so soft and big, I can hardly help but stare. Cece puts the papers in her purse.

  “Can we play now?” Katie asks, jumping up and looking up at us.

  “Yes. Let's show Cece your playroom,” I suggest getting up from my desk.

  Katie jumps up and down happily. The new nanny takes my daughter’s hand. They walk out of the office and down the hall together. I follow them.

  A quick glance lets me see how perfect the young woman’s body is. Her hips are wide. Her legs are long and lean in tight jeans that show off the swelling curve of her ass. It’s so round and perfect I want to grab both her cheeks with my hands then maybe slip my dick in between them.

  She must look like heaven naked, I think to myself, then shake my head. I don’t need those kinds of ideas on my mind.

  “This is where I play,” Katie says as they walk into the room.

  “It's adorable,” Cece says.

  Half of the room is fixed like a preschool classroom. The other side is fixed up like a playhouse and playground.

  “What are we going to play?” Katie asks.

  Cece sets her purse down on a chair in the corner. “First, we are going to work on our ABC's and counting. After that, we can play with dolls or hide and seek,” she explains, thoroughly taking charge.

  “Oh! I like that!” my daughter says happily.

  I watch from the doorway as they sit at the little kid's table together. The nanny reaches for the ABC flashcards that are there. She starts showing them to Katie. I watch them a few minutes longer. They seem to get along well together. Cece appears reliable and trustworthy. She already has Katie learning, which is what I was hoping for. She's a bit young to be a nanny, though, and I can’t help staring at her, but it will work for three weeks…or maybe longer.


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