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Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection

Page 84

by Jamie Knight

  I almost choke aloud. I can't believe I would think something like that. Ever since my wife left, I've sworn off relationships and romance. They lead to nothing but heartache.

  I look at them once more. Katie is smiling happily. Feeling confident that I made the right choice, I walk back down the hall to my office and close the door. Now that Katie is in safe hands, I can finally get some work done.

  I sit at my desk and file the papers of Cece's work agreement. I pull my laptop to me and check my email. I open one and start to read it, then completely space out. For 5 minutes, I just stare at my computer screen.

  I can't concentrate. I keep thinking about her. I imagine Cece, sweet and beautiful, sitting in my office again. Gazing at me with those beautiful eyes. Talking about college in that soft voice of hers. Before I can stop, I have my hand in my pants. As I stroke my cock, I want to spread her open on my desk. To feel her perfect, young body against mine. The swell of her hips, the curve of her waist, all of it is perfection.

  I stroke myself up and down, imagining that I'm inside of her. That she belongs to me. That I bent her over my desk so that those huge breasts press into the wood or took her upstairs to my bed where I could lay her out before me. Her hot body naked and underneath me.

  The more I touch myself, the more I want the new nanny. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help myself. So sweet and beautiful, I can't get her out of my head. It doesn't help that she is just down the hall from me. Knowing how close she turns me on more.

  I stroke myself faster until I cum, imagining her silky pussy walls clamping down on me. I couldn't stop myself as I empty my seed into my hand. It’s been too long, and Cece is making me lust like never before.

  Cleaning up, I look around the room. I feel less distracted now but troubled by my thoughts and feelings. Maybe this was a bad idea.

  Chapter 4 - Ben

  It's been a few days since Cece has started working for me. Thanks to her, I have been able to accomplish a lot of business, free of distractions. This morning, as I walk into my home office ready to start the day, I'm the only one home. Cece and Katie have gone out, I think shopping, or errands or something. All the same, I know Katie is in capable hands.

  I look around at my desk. I'm shocked and a little amused. This has never happened before. I am all caught up on my tasks. In fact, I might even be ahead of schedule. I stand there, wondering what to do.

  My phone rings. I check it and see my friend Rick's number on my caller id. “Hey, buddy,” I say, answering the phone.

  “Hey! Feel like getting a coffee?” Rick asks.

  I'm about to turn him down when I realize I actually have time for that. “Sure. See you at the coffee shop soon,” I say and hang up.

  The house is quiet without Katie and Cece. I hope they are enjoying themselves out and about. I'm sure they ended up at the park. That is Katie's favorite place to go now. Maybe Cece will like it too. I realize that's an odd thought for me to have. I shake my head in confusion. I turn off the light in my office and leave for the coffee shop. It feels weird not worrying about work today.

  Rick is already there when I arrive. He waves to me. I order my coffee and join him.

  “So, did you finally get your childcare situation taken care of?” my friend asks curiously.

  I sip my coffee before answering. “Yes, I found a girl. Her name is Cece. She's great and gets along well with Katie. Really takes the time to teach her and stuff,” I reply. My mind slips into a fantasy about the nanny taking off her shirt while sitting on my desk. It wanders there often these days.

  “That's it? You don't talk to her and try and get to know her?” Rick asks curiously.

  I shake my head. “No. I don't want to. I don't need Katie getting attached to her. Talking to her would only encourage that,” I reply sternly. The fantasy in my mind keeps going as I stare off into the distance. Now, Cece has her pink lips wrapped around my hard throbbing cock.

  Rick clears his throat, and I turn to look at him. “Are you sure it's not you who is getting attached to her?” he asks in a teasing voice.

  “What do you mean?” I demand.

  “Well, you just told me how great she is and everything,” he says, joking with me. “And you certainly are distracted.” I can see him trying not to laugh, but I don't find this funny. I am actually upset at myself. I’m letting this girl get to me. She is taking up residence in my fantasies.

  I think about that daydream that I had about Cece in my office the other day. I have worked so hard to avoid relationships and situations like this so I wouldn't have a repeat of the hell that Isabel put me through.

  “Are you okay, man?” Rick asks after I have been quiet for too long.

  I sip my coffee. “I think I need a new nanny,” I answer.

  My friend rolls his eyes. “Relax, I was only joking. Besides, Cece has only been working with you for a few days,” He says, trying to talk some sense into me. I sip my coffee and listen to what he has to say. “Let her finish her job. You said she is great with Katie, and you can finally get your work done,” he insists, proving his point.

  We both sip our coffee. I know he is right. I'm probably just overreacting to a few daydreams. Besides, what Cece and I have is a professional relationship stipulated by our work contract.

  “Besides, it is only for a few weeks anyway, and then she will be gone,” Rick comments.

  I nod my head in agreement. I just have to keep reminding myself of that. “I don't even know why I'm worrying,” I say, but the fantasy of shirtless Cece is back in my mind. She takes off her jeans and leaning over the desk, so I can see the dusky rose of her pussy lips.

  Rick looks at me, curiously. He knows I am about to admit something to him. He's my friend, so he knows what happened between Isabel and me.

  “I've sworn off relationships and women,” I admit, desperately trying to get my mind to behave.

  He gives me a somber look. “I can understand that. What Isabel did to you was so messed up. You don't need to go through that again,” he agrees, understanding.

  We silently drink our coffee. I'm lost in my thoughts again. I remind myself of our contract. It would be wrong to break that. I hired her to do a job. I'm even paying for her school. That's actually an excellent way to look at it. The position will soon be over, then she will be off to college and out of my life. Far away from me, hopefully. The temptation will be gone then, as will these thoughts that I have been having about her.

  It's a nice day out. The morning wears on. It's gone from cool to almost warm out from the looks of it. Rick and I take our time drinking our coffees since I have no work to do today. The bell over the door rings as another customer walks in. Almost bored, I turn and look to see who it is. My expression changes instantly when I spot Cece and Katie standing there.

  They haven't noticed me yet. Katie is holding tightly to Cece's hand as they walk up to the counter. As I continue to observe them, Cece points at the menu and starts naming items. Katie can't decide what to eat. The nanny makes a suggestion, and Katie laughs. I can't stop watching them. In fact, I almost smile. I really did make the right choice in hiring this girl. Actually, it seems like Katie might already be getting attached to her. That is both a good and bad thing, I suppose, but I can't worry about that now.

  What matters is that she is sweet to Katie and teaches her the things she needs to know. They wait for their order. Cece asks a question. I can tell by their smiles and laughter a moment later that Katie gave the right answer. A feeling of pride comes over me as I watch the two of them together. They are bonding almost like mother and daughter.

  Entranced by them, I not only notice how well they get along, but also, Cece is seated in a way that is very flattering to her figure. She doesn't see me, and before I know it, I'm checking out every inch of her—from the boobs that pull at her tight sweater to the long legs clad in black tights. All of her clothing clings to her body, showing it off even more. I don't think sh
e realizes this, which makes her look even hotter. She seems so innocently unaware of her beauty. She just needs a man to show her how sexy she is, perhaps make her a woman, by causing her to scream with an orgasm.

  I quickly realize what I was just thinking and turn away from them. I take a big gulp of my coffee, feeling myself starting to panic again. I mean, if I am having thoughts like this about her, then I must be in trouble. I fidget with my cup. “This is not good.” I think to myself. Once again, I repeat my mantra of “it's only temporary”, but it doesn't seem to help. It has to though, it's the only defense I have against these intense desires that keep popping up. I can’t make Cece mine. That would ruin everything.

  Chapter 5 - Cece

  I find myself enjoying my job as a nanny. That is surprising. I didn't think I was going to. It is not all about the fact that my tuition is paid for. I adore Katie. She is such a sweet little girl and so easy to care for. The one issue that is proving challenging to deal with is her father, Ben. I am always so polite and kind to both of them. No matter how nice I am, though, he still treats me coldly.

  The other day I was so polite to him, before and after he got home from work, and all he did was nod curtly at me. I really need to find a way to get on his good side if I want my job here to last. I just don't know how. No matter how polite I am or how hard I try, nothing seems to work.

  Spending the afternoon in the playroom with Katie, we sit at the little table together. She draws quietly on her art pad while I continue to think about this situation with Ben. I wish I could do something to help him relax. His job must be taking a toll on him because he always acts so stressed and grumpy. The man seems to barely smile.

  “Will Daddy be home soon?” Katie asks, interrupting my thoughts.

  I check the clock. “Yes, he will. That means it is almost time for dinner. Let's go to the kitchen,” I say to her.

  Katie puts away her drawing stuff. “Is Daddy going to be cranky and tense when he gets home?” she asks.

  We both stop cleaning, and I look at her. I'm shocked that she noticed something like that for a child so young. She is really astute. “He is probably just tired from working so much. Come and help me decide what to make for dinner,” I suggest trying to distract her. It works.

  She grabs my hand, and we walk to the kitchen. I sit her at the table and give her a snack.

  Frowning as I open the fridge, I look at everything inside. I want to make a meal that everyone will enjoy. Inspiration comes to me suddenly. I will make my grandmother's special meatloaf. It's a tasty meal and was always very filling.

  Katie remains at the table. She eats her snack and sips her juice quietly as she watches me with curiosity. I pull out all of the ingredients and start cooking. By the time Ben gets home from work, the food is already done. His daughter is all washed up for dinner and seated back at the table, waiting for him.

  Busy serving the food, I hear the front door open and close, followed by the sound of footsteps. Ben walks into the kitchen and sets his briefcase on the counter. Towering above us, the tall man sniffs the air a few times.

  “Something smells good,” he comments in surprise. I glance at him in time to see his dark eyes light up.

  “It's meatloaf, Daddy,” Katie replies to him.

  “Yes, I see that…” he answers hesitantly.

  He strolls to the table. I bring our food and set it down. We both take our seats. Katie and I immediately start eating. Ben stares at his plate. Slowly he picks up his fork and takes a bite.

  I watch his face as he chews the food. “Wow, this is really good,” he compliments, then reaches for another bite. Watching his face relax, I realize that he is really quite handsome. He has a large square jaw that compliments his broad shoulders.

  “Thank you. It is a family recipe,” I answer softly.

  We keep eating, but every so often, I take glances at Ben. I used to think of him as hulking; now, I can see how well built he is. When relaxed, his intense dark eyes are passionate, not scary.

  “Did you have a good day, sweetie?” he asks Katie.

  “Oh, yes!” she answers and starts telling him all about our time together. I smile a little bit because I can see him loosening up and relaxing as his child talks.

  “Sounds like you two had a busy day,” Ben comments once Katie has finished talking.

  “Yes, we spent part of the day drawing. The other half, we learned about shapes and colors,” I answer, joining them in the conversation.

  “That is great. I am happy that she is making such progress with you,” Ben says, meeting my eyes.

  A shiver runs through my body all the way to my pussy. Suddenly a vision flashes in my head of Ben holding that big body over me and staring at me with those dark eyes. Embarrassed, I have to look away.

  We finish eating our dinner in silence. After we are done with the meatloaf, I clear the table.

  Ben is about to get up and leave, but Katie stops him by saying, “No, daddy, it's time for dessert.” He sits down and looks at me.

  I cut up a chocolate cake I brought over and bring slices to the table for us. Katie eats hers with a glass of milk. I make coffee for Ben and me.

  “I don't think I have ever had cake this tasty before,” he comments.

  I smile proudly. After we are done eating, Ben remains sitting at the table. He listens patiently while Katie recites her colors to him. I wash the dishes and clean everything up but continue watching him from the corner of my eye. The lines around his eyes start to soften, and his jaw unclenches. My dinner seems to have worked. He is acting so different tonight.

  “Okay, time for bed,” Ben announces once we are all done in the kitchen.

  “I don't want to!” Katie protests while crossing her arms, cutely.

  “Sweetie, it is time for bed,” her father repeats gently but firmly. The little girl gives him a cute little pouty face in response.

  “Come on. I'll help you get ready,” I say as I take Katie by the hand. I lead her out of the kitchen, down the long hallway, and towards the stairs.

  “Do I really have to go to bed?” she asks as we walk upstairs to her room.

  “Yes, you do. I will stay with you until you fall asleep,” I say, hoping this will help convince her.

  I turn on the bedroom light and get her bed ready. She changes into her pajamas.

  “Let's brush your teeth now,” I instruct.

  She follows me into the bathroom. I watch as she brushes her teeth carefully. We go back to the room, and she climbs into bed. I tuck her in.

  “Will you sing me songs?” Katie asks as she lies down and looks at me.

  “Of course, I will,” I reply sweetly. How can I resist those big brown eyes?

  She grabs her favorite stuffed bear and cuddles it. I start to sing a lullaby while stroking her soft hair. I watch as her eyes grow heavy. Soon my charge is asleep, and I’m done with my workday. Turn off the light, I tiptoe quietly out of the room.

  Heading back downstairs, I notice how quiet everything is. I assume Ben has gone to work in his home office as usual. However, I am shocked when I find him asleep on one of the sofas in the living room.

  My boss looks so peaceful. His broad chest rises softly with each breath. Watching his lips move, I imagine him kissing me. I shouldn’t think such things about my employer, but it’s starting to be difficult not to. One of Ben’s hands twitches in his sleep, bringing my attention to his large palms and thick fingers. I have to turn away as I feel my face flush.

  I turn off the light, being careful not to make any noise. I don't want to disturb him. I stand there and watch him sleep for a few seconds more. Then I realize that I have a problem on my hands. I don't know whether or not I am scheduled to work tomorrow. I really don't want to wake him up, so I decide to wait on the other couch.

  He will wake up eventually, and then I can ask him. Besides, I'm not in a hurry to go back to my box-like apartment anyway. I don't mind waiting,
so I get comfortable on the couch. Relaxed by the decadent dinner we ate, my eyes soon close, and I’m asleep.

  Chapter 6 - Cece

  I'm awakened by someone shaking me. Opening my eyes, I realize that it is entirely dark. It must be the middle of the night. It takes me a few minutes to realize where I am. Still at my employer’s, I sit up quickly.

  Ben pulls his hand away from my shoulder. “Good, you are awake,” he says coldly.

  I feel a little embarrassed. I didn't mean to fall asleep like that. I don't know what happened, probably the heavy dinner that we ate. That's one of the drawbacks of cooking that meal.

  Before I have a chance to explain or even ask him about my work schedule, he is suddenly rude to me. “I think you are getting too comfortable here, Cece. It's best if you leave and don't come back.”.

  Crossing my arms, I try to glare up at him in the darkness. How dare he speak to me like that? I've done nothing but be nice to him. I’ve worked hard. I treasure his daughter and do my best to take care of her and teach in all the ways he expects, so why am I not good enough? This is so frustrating. I'm so tired of this man’s mood changes. I don't deserve to be treated this way. Now is probably the only chance I will get to stand up for myself, considering that he pretty much just fired me, so I have to stand my ground. Who does he think he is?

  I stand up, ready to tell him off when he grabs my shoulders.

  Frozen in shock, I try to pull away from him, but the big man moves his body towards mine, trapping me up against the wall. Suddenly he's kissing me, roughly and urgently. This is not what I was expecting at all. What is happening here? Before I have time to respond, he pushes me away again, almost like he's conflicted. He stares at me with his penetrating eyes. I try to figure out what he's thinking or feeling. He grabs me again. This time his arms wrap around me. Our faces are inches apart.


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