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The Iliad

Page 72

by Homer

  ADRESTUS (a-drees'-tus): (1) Trojan, son of Merops, brother of Amphius (1), commander of contingent from Adrestia, killed by Diomedes, 2.941. (2) Trojan killed by Menelaus and Agamemnon, 6.44. (3) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.812.

  AEACIDES (ee-a'-si-deez): "grandson of Aeacus," patronymic of Achilles, 18.256.

  AEACUS (ee'-a-kus): son of Zeus, father of Peleus, grandfather of Achilles, 9.230.

  AEANTES (ee-an'-teez): the two Achaeans called Ajax when spoken of as a pair, 4.321.

  AEGAE (ee'-jee): Achaean city in the northern Peloponnese and sacred to Poseidon, 8.230..

  AEGAEON (ee-jee'-on): name used by mortals for the hundred-handed giant called Briareus by the gods, 1.479.

  AEGEUS (ee'-joos): father of Theseus, 1.309.

  AEGIALIA (ee-ji-a-leye'-a): daughter (or perhaps granddaughter) of Adrastus, wife of Diomedes, 5.471. See note 14.148.

  AEGIALUS (ee'-ji-a-lus): city in Paphlagonia, 2.967.

  AEGILIPS (ee'-ji-lips): city or vicinity in the kingdom of Odysseus, 2.727.

  AEGINA (ee.jeye'.na): island in the Saronic Gulf, in the kingdom of Argos, 2.653.

  AEGION (ee'-jj-on): city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.665.

  AENEAS (ee-nee'-as): Trojan, son of Anchises and Aphrodite, commander of the Dardanians and future king of the Trojans, 2.931. See note 20.248-79.

  AENIUS (ee'-ni-us): Trojan ally, Paeonian killed by Achilles, 21.236.

  AENUS (ee'-nus): city in Thrace, 4.603.

  AEOLUS (ee'-o-lus): father of Sisyphus, 6.181.

  AEPEA (ee-pee'-a): city in the realm of Pylos, in the southwestern Peloponnese, 9.182.

  AEPY (ee'-pee): city near Pylos in Nestor's kingdom, 2.684.

  APPYTUS (ee'-pi-tus): a hero of Arcadia, his tomb a landmark near Mount Cyllene in that region, 2.697.

  AESEPUS (ee-see'-pus): (1) river near Zelea, flowing seaward from the Idaean hills, 2.936. (2) Trojan, son of Bucolion, twin brother of Pedasus, killed by Euryalus, 6.24.

  AESYETES (ee-seye-ee1-teez): (1) hero whose tomb is on the Trojan plain, 2.902. (2) Father of Trojan Alcathous, 13.495.

  AESYME (ce-seye'-mee): city in Thrace, 8.347.

  AESYMNUS (ee-sim'-nus): Achaean killed by Hector, 11.352.

  AETHICES (ee-theye'-seez): tribe in Thessaly, 2.846.

  AETHRA (ee'-thra): daughter of Pittheus and one of Helen's women, 3.173.

  AETOLIANS (ee-toh'-li-unz): 2.738, people of AETOLIA (ee-toh'-li-a). a region in northwestern Greece, 2.732.

  AGACLES (at -ga-kleez): Trojan, father of the Achaean Epigeus, 16.668.

  AGAMEDE (a-ga-mee'-dee): wife of Mulius. daughter of Augeas, king of the Epeans. 11.880.

  AGAMEMNON (a-ga-mem'-non): Achaean, king of Mycenae, son of Atreus, husband of Clytemnestra, brother of Menelaus, supreme commander of all Achaea's armies and leader of the largest Achaean contingent, 1.8.

  AGAPENOR (a-ga-pee'-nor): Achaean, son of Ancaeus, commander of the Arcadian contingent, 2.702.

  AGASTHENES (a-gas' -the-neez): son of Augeas, father of the Achaean Polyxinus of Elis, 2.717.

  AGASTROPHUS (a-gas'-tro-fus): Trojan, son of Paeon, killed by Diomedes, 11.394.

  AGATHON (a'-ga-thon): Trojan, son of Priam, 24.295.

  AGELAUS (a-je-lay'-us): (1) Trojan, son of Phradmon, killed by Diomedes, 8.295. (2) Achaean killed by Hector, 11.351.

  AGENOR (a-jee'-nor): Trojan, son of Antenor, father of Echeclus, 4.540.

  AGLAEA (a-glee'-a): mother of Achaean Nireus by King Charopus, 2.768.

  AGRIUS (a'-gri-us): a prince of Calydon, son of Portheus, 14.143.

  AJAX (ay'-jax): (1) Achaean, son of Telamon, Telamonian or Great Ajax, commander of the contingent from Salamis, 2.482. (2) Achaean, son of Oileus, Oilean or Little Ajax, commander of the contingent from Locris, 2.482.

  ALASTOR (a-las'-tor): (1) Achaean, one of the Pylian captains, 4.338. (2) Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.777. (3) Achaean, comrade of Teucer, 8.380. (4) Trojan, father of Tros (2), 20.523.

  ALCANDER (al-kan'-der): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.778.

  ALCATHOUS (al-ka'-tho-us): Trojan, son of Aesyetes (2), brother-in-law of Aeneas, killed by Idomeneus, 12.114.

  ALCESTIS (al-ses'-tis) daughter of Pelias, wife of Admetus, mother of the Achaean Eumelus, 2.815.

  ALCIMEDON (at-sim'-e-don): Achaean, son of Laerces, a Myrmidon commander, 16.232.

  ALCIMUS (al'-si-mus): alternative name for Alcimedon, 19.464.

  ALCMAON (alk-may'-on): Achaean, son of Thestor, killed by Sarpedon, 12.456.

  ALCMENA (alk-mee'-na): queen of Thebes, wife of Amphitryon, mother of Heracles by Zeus, 14.387. See note 2.748.

  ALEAN PLAIN (a-lee'-an): plain in Asia Minor where Bellerophon wandered, 6.238.

  ALECTRYON (a-lek'-tri-on): father of the Achaean Leitus, 17.681.

  ALEGENOR (a-le-jee1-nor): father of the Achaean Promachus, 14.589.

  ALESION (a-lee'-zi-on): city of the Epeans, 2.710.

  ALOEUS (a-lee'-us): father of the giants Ephialtes and Otus, 5.438.

  ALOPE (a'-lo-pee): city in Pelasgian Argos, the kingdom of Achilles, 2.778.

  ALPHEUS (al-fee'-us): river in the western Peloponnese, 2.684.

  ALTES (al'-teez): king of the Leleges. father of Laothoe, one of Priam's wives, 21.97.

  ALTHAEA (al-thee'-a): mother of Meleager. 9.676. See note 9.646-729.

  ALUS (a'-lus); city in Pelasgian Argos. in the kingdom of Achilles, 2.778.

  ALYBE (a'-li-bee): city of the Halizonians in Asia Minor, 2.968.

  AMARYNCEUS (a-ma-rins'-yoos): hero of Elis, father of the Achaean Diores, 2.715.

  AMAZONS (am'-a-zonz): a mythical nation of women warriors, vaguely located in the north, who are supposed to have invaded Phrygia in Asia Minor, 3.229.

  AMISODARUS (a-mi-soh'-da-rus): Lycian warlord, father of Atymnius and Maris, Trojan allies, 16.387.

  AMOPAON (a-mo-pay'-on): Trojan, son of Polyaemon, killed by Teucer, 8.316.

  AMPHICLUS (am'-fi-klus): Trojan killed by Meges, 16.369.

  AMPHIDAMAS (am-fi'-da-mas): (1) of Cythera, 10.314. (2) of Opois, whose son was killed by Patroclus, 23.105.

  AMPHIGENIA (amfi-je-neye'-a): city near Pylos, in Nestor's kingdom, 2.685.

  AMPHIMACHUS (am-fr'-ma-kus): (1) Achaean, son of Cteatus, grandson of Poseidon, a commander of the Epeans, killed by Hector, 2.713. See note 13.247. (2) Trojan ally, son of Nomion and co-commander of the Carians, 2.982.

  AMPHION (am jeye'-on): Achaean, a captain of the Epeans, 13.801.

  AMPHITRYON (am-fi'-tri-on): husband of Alcmena and supposed father of her son, Heracles, actually sired by Zeus. 5.446.

  AMPHIUS (am-feye'-us): (1) son of Merops, co-commander of Trojan allies from Adrestia, killed by Diomedes, 2.941. (2) Trojan ally, son of Selagus, killed by Great Ajax, 5.702.

  AMPHOTERUS (am-fo'-ter-us): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.495.

  AMYCLAE (a-meye'-klee): city near Sparta, in Lacedaemon, 2.676.

  AMYDON (a'-mi-don): city of the Paeonians on the river Axius, 2.961.

  AMYNTOR. (a-min'-tor): son of Onnenus. father of Phoenix, 9.545.

  ANCAEUS (an-see'-us): (1) father of the Achaean Agapenor, 2.702. (2) Of Pleuron, a wrestler defeated by Nestor, 23.708.

  ANCHIALUS (an-ki1-a-lus): Achaean killed by Hector, 5.699.

  ANCHISES (an-keye'-seez): (1) son of Capys, second cousin of Priam, father of Aeneas by Aphrodite, 2.930. (2) Achaean, father of Echepolus (2), 23.339.

  ANDRAEMON (an-dree'-mon): father of the Achaean Thoas. 2.732.

  ANDROMACHE (an-dro' -ma-kte): daughter of Eetion, wife of Hector, 6.441.

  ANEMOREA (a-ne-moh-ree'-a): city in Phocis, 2,611.

  ANTEA (an-tee'-a): wife of Proetus, king of Corinth, who tried to seduce Bellerophon, 6.189.

  ANTENOR (an-tee-nor): Trojan elder, counselor to King Priam, father of many sons who appear thorughout the Iliad, 3.178.

  ANTHEA (an-thee'-a city in vicinity of Pylos, 9.181.

  ANTHEDON (an-thee'-don): city in Boeotia, 2.598.
br />   ANTHEMION (an-thee'-mi-on): father of the Trojan Simoisius, 4.547.

  ANTILOCHUS (an-ti'-lo-kus): son of Nestor, brother of Thrasymedes, a favorite of Achilles, 4.529.

  ANTIMACHUS (an-ti'-ma-kus): father of the Trojans Pisander (1). Hippolochus (2) and Hippomachus, 11.154.

  ANTIPHATES (an-ti'-fa-feez): Trojan killed by Leonteus, 12.220.

  ANTIPHONUS (an-ti'-fo-nus): son of Priam, 24.296.

  ANTIPHUS (an'-ti-fus): (1) Achaean, son of Thessalus, co-commander of the contingent from Cos, 2.774. (2) Trojan ally, son of Talaemenes, co-commander of the Maeonians, 2.976. (3) Trojan, son of Priam, killed by Agamemnon, 11.121.

  ANTRON (an'-tron city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Protesilaus, 2.795.

  APAESUS (a-pee'-sus): city in the Troad, northeast of Troy, 2.939.

  APHARSUS (a-far'-yoos): son of Caletor, Achaean killed by Aeneas, 9.97.

  APHRODITE (a-fro-deye'-tee): goddess of love, daugher of Zeus and Dione, mother of Aeneas, 2.931. See note 24.35-36.

  APISAON (a-pi-say'-on): (1) Trojan, son of Phausias, killed by Euryplus, 11.682. (2) Trojan, son of Hippasus, killed by Lycomedes, 17.402.

  APOLLO (a-pol'-oh): god, son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis, a patron of the arts, especially music and poetry, 1.10. Also an archer--"lord of the silver bow"--and a prophet with a famous oracular shrine at Delphi, in central Greece. The principal divine champion of the Trojans. See notes, 1.45,1.53,4.117,7.523-25, 9.679-88.

  ARAETHYREA (a-ree-thi-ree'-a): city in Agamemnon's kingdom, 2.662.

  ARCADIA (ar-kay'-di-a): region in the central Peloponnese, 2.696.

  ARCESILAUS (ar-se-si-lay'-us): Achaean, leader of the Boeotians, killed by Hector, 2.585.

  ARCHELOCHUS (ar-ke'-lo-kus): Trojan, son of Antenor, killed by Great Ajax, 2.934.

  ARCHEPTOLEMUS (ar-kep-to'-le-mus): Trojan, son of lphitus, charioteer of Hector, killed by Teucer, 8.147.

  AREILYCUS (a-ree-i'-li-kus): (I) father of the Achaean Prothoenor, 14.530. (2) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.363.

  AREITHOUS (a-ree-i'-tho-us): (1) father of the Achaean Menesthius (1), called the Great War-club, killed by Lycurgus (2), 7.10. (2) Trojan, charioteer of Rhigmus, killed by Achilles, 20.550.

  ARENE (a-ree'-nee): city in Nestor's kingdom of Pylos, 2.683.

  ARES (ai'-reez): god of war, son of Zeus and Hera, one of the Trojans' chief protectors, 2.129.

  ARETAON (a-re-tay'-on): Trojan killed by Teucer, 6.37.

  ARETUS (a-ree'-tus): Trojan killed by Automedon, 17.566.

  ARGEAS (ar'-jee-as): father of Polymelus, 16.497.

  ARGISSA (ar-jis'-a): city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Polypoetes, 2.840.

  ARGIVES (ar'-geyevz): alternate name for the Achaeans, 1.19.

  ARGOS (ar'-gos): (1) city in the Argolid under the dominion of Diomedes, 2.650. (2) The entire Argolid, the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.126. (3) The general region of the Achaeans, mainland Greece, 2.335. (4) Pelasgian Argos, in northeastern Greece, the kingdom of Achilles, 2.777.

  ARIADNE (a-ri-ad'-nee): daughter of Minos, king of Crete, 18.692.

  ARIMA (a'-ri-ma): region in Cilicia where the monster Typhoeus lies buried, 2.891.

  ARION (a-reye'-on): renowned racehorse of Adrastus, 23.392.

  ARISBAS (a-riz'-bas): father of the Achaean Leocritus, 17.399.

  ARISBE (a-riz'-bee): city in the Troad, 2.948.

  ARNE (ar'-nee): city in Boeotia, 2.597.

  ARSINOUS (ar-si'-no-us): father of Hecamede, 11.737.

  ARTEMIS (ar'-te-mis): goddess of the hunt, daughter of Zeus and Leto. sister of Apollo, 5.56. See note 21.551.

  ASAEUS (a-see'-us): Achaean killed by Hector, 11.350.

  ASCALAPHUS (a-ska'-la-fus): Achaean, son of Ares and Astyoche, co-commander of the Minyans from Orchomenos, killed by Deiphobus, 2.602.

  ASCANIA (a-ska'-ni-a): city in Phrygia, 2.975.

  ASCANIUS (a-ska'-ni-us): Trojan ally, son of Hippotion, co-commander of the Phrygians, 2.974. See note 13.918.

  ASCLEPIUS (a-sklee'-pi-us): famous healer, father of the Achaeans Machaon and Podalirius, 2.833.

  ASINE (a'-si-nee): city in the Argolid, at the head of the Argolic Gulf, 2.651.

  ASIUS (ay'-si-us): (1) son of Hyrtacus, commander of Trojan allies from Percote and its environs, killed by idomeneus, 2.949. (2) Son of Dymas, brother of Hecuba, uncle of Hector, 16.837.

  ASOPUS (a-soh'-pus): river in Boeotia, 4.446.

  ASPLEDON (a-splee'-don): city of the Minyans near Orchomenos, 2.601.

  ASSARACUS (a-sar'-a-kus): son of Tros, brother of Ilus and Ganymede, father of Capys, great-grandfather of Aeneas, 20.268.

  ASTERION (a-ster'-i-on): city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Eurypylus, 2.837.

  ASTEROPAEUS (a-ste-ro-pee'-us): Trojan ally, son of Pelegon, commander of the Paeonians, killed by Achilles, 12.123.

  ASTYALUS (a-steye'-a-lus): Trojan killed by Polypoetes, 6.34.

  ASTYANAX (a-steye'-a-nax): "Lord of the City," infant son of Hector and Andromache, 6.477. See note 24.866.

  ASTYNOUS (a-sti'-no-us): (1) Trojan killed by Diomedes, 5.160. (2) Trojan charioteer, son of Protiaon, comrade of Polydamas, 15.531.

  ASTYOCHE (a-steye'-o-kee): mother of Ascalaphus and Ialmenus by Ares, 2.603.

  ASTYOCHEA (a-sti-o-kee'-a): mother of Tlepolemus by Heracles, 2.753.

  ASTYPYLUS (a-sti'-pi-lus): Trojan ally, Paeonian killed by Achilles, 21.236.

  ATHENA (a-thee'-na): or Pallas Athena, goddess, also called Tritogenia or Third-bom of the Gods (see note 4.597), daughter of Zeus, defender of the Achaeans. A patron of human ingenuity and resourcefulness, whether exemplified by handicrafts, such as spinning, or by skill in human relations, such as that possessed by Odysseus, her favorite among the Greeks, 1.229. See notes 4.8, 5.1017-18.

  ATHENIANS (a-thee'-ni-unz): 2.643, people of ATHENS (a'-thenz), the city of Erechtheus, in Attica, east central Greece, 2.637.

  ATHOS (ay'-thos): mountain on a promontory in the northern Aegean Sea, 14.275.

  ATREUS (ay'-tryoos): father of Agamemnon and Menelaus, 1.18.

  ATRIDAE (a-treye'-dee): "sons of Atreus," collective patronymic for Agamemnon and Menelaus, 7.429.

  ATRIDES (a-treye'-deez): "son of Atreus," patronymic of Agamemnon or Menelaus, 1.271.

  ATYMNIUS (a-tim'-ni-us): (1) Trojan, father of Mydon, 5.668. (2) Trojan, son of Amisodarus, brother of Maris, killed by Antilochus, 16.375.

  AUGEAE (aw-jee'-ee): (1) city in Locris, 2.622. (2) City in Lacedaemon, 2.675.

  AUGEAS (aw-jee'-as): warlord of the Epeans from Elis, 2.717.

  AULIS (aw'-lis): district in the narrow strait between Euboea and the Greek mainland, where the Greek fleet gathered before embarking for Troy, 2.356.

  AUTOLYCUS (aw-to'-li-kus): maternal grandfather of Odysseus, 10.310.

  AUTOMEDON (aw-to'-me-don): Achaean, son of Diores (2), Myrmidon comrade and charioteer of Achilles and Patroclus, 9.250.

  AUTONOUS (aw-to'-no-us): (1) Achaean killed by Hector, 11.350. (2) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.812.

  AXIUS (ax'-i-us): river and river god in Paeonia, father of Pelegon by Periboea, 2.961.

  AXYLUS (ax-eye'-lus): Trojan ally from Arisbe, son of Teuthras, killed by Diomedes, 6.14.

  AZEUS (az'-yoos): father of Actor (1), 2.603.

  BATHYCLES (bath'-i-kleez): Achaean, son of Chalcon, killed by Glaucus, 16.693.

  BELLEROPHON (be-ler'-o-fon): hero from Corinth, son of Glaucus (2), killer of the Chimaera, grandfather of Sarpedon and Glaucus, 6.182.

  BESSA (bee'-sa): city in Locris, 2.622.

  BIAS (beye'-as): (1) Achaean, Pylian captain under Nestor, 4.339. (2) Achaean, Athenian captain under Menestheus, 13.799. (3) Father of the Trojan Laogonus (2) and Dardanus (2), 20.520.

  BIENOR (bi-ee'-nor): Trojan killed by Agamemnon, 11.107.

  BOAGRIUS (bo-a' -gri-us): river in Locris, 2.623,

  BOEBE (bee'-bee): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Eumelus, 2.813.

  BOEBEIS, LAKE (bee-bee'-is): lake adjoining Boebe, 2.812.
r />   BOEOTIANS (bee-oh'-shunz): 2.600, people of BOIEOTIA (bee-oh1-sha), a region in central Greece, 2.584.

  BOREAS (bor'-e-as): the North Wind. 23.224.

  BORUS (bor'-us): (1) father of the Trojan Phaestus, 5.48. (2) Achaean, son of Perieres, husband of Polydora, nominal father of Menesthius (2), 16.208.

  BRIAREUS (bri-ar'yoos): name used by the gods for the hundred-handed giant called Aegaeon by mortals, 1.478.

  BRISEIS (breye-see'-is): daughter of Briseus, captive of Achilles, 1.218.

  BRISEUS (breyes'-yoos): father of Briseis, 1.466.

  BRYSIAE (breye-seye'-ee): city in Lacedaemon, 2.675.


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