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The Iliad

Page 73

by Homer

  BUCOLION (bew-kol'-i-on): son of Laomedon, father of the Trojans Aesepus (2) and Pedasus (1), 6.25.

  BUCOLUS (bew'-ko-lus): father of Sphelus, grandfather of Iasus, 15.398.

  BUDION (bew-deye'-on): city in the domain of the Myrmidons, 16.669.

  BUPRASION (bew-pra'-si-on): city and district of Elis, in the northwestern Peloponnese, 2.708.

  CABESUS (ka-bee'-sus): city of unknown location, perhaps in the Troad, since it was allied with Troy, 13.422.

  CAENEUS (seen'-yoos): Lapith hero of the generation of Nestor, father of Coronus, 1.308.

  CALCHAS (kal'-kas): prophet of the Achaeans, son of Thestor (1), 1.79.

  CALESIUS (ka-lee'-si-us): Trojan, charioteer of Axylus, killed by Diomedes, 6.21.

  CALETOR (ka-lee' -tor): (1) father of the Achaean Aphareus, 13.627. (2) Trojan, son of Clytius, killed by Great Ajax. 15.490.

  CALLIARUS (ka-li'-a-rus): city in Locris, 2.621.

  CALYDNAE (ka-lid'-nee): islands in the southeastern Aegean, 2.773.

  CALYDON (ka'-li-don): city in Aetolia, the site of a legendary struggle between Aetolians and Curetes, 2.734.

  CAMIRUS (ka-meye1-rus): city in Rhodes, 2.751.

  CAPANEUS (ka'-pan-yoos): father of the Achaean Sthenelus (1), 2.655.

  CAPYS (ka'-pis): son of Assaracus, father of Anchises (1), grandfather of Aeneas, 20.276.

  CARDAMYLE (kar-da-'mi-lee): city near Pylos, in the southwestern Peloponnese, 9.180.

  CARESUS (ka-ree'-sus): river in the Troad, 12.23.

  CARIANS (kair'-i-unz): Trojan allies, inhabitants of a region in southern Asia Minor who hold the city of Miletus, 2.979.

  CARYSTUS (ka-ris'-tus): city of Euboea, 2.629.

  CASSANDRA (ka-san'-dra): daughter of Priam, 13.424.

  CASTIANIRA (ca-sti-a-neye'-ra): mother of the Trojan Gorgythion by Priam, 8.348.

  CASTOR (kas'-tor): brother of Helen and Polydeuces, 3.283.

  CASUS (ka'-sus): island near Crapathus in the southeastern Aegean, 2.772.

  CAUCONIANS (kaw-koh'-ni-unz): Trojan allies, people of Asia Minor, 10.496.

  CAYSTER (kay-is'-ter): river in Asia Minor, 2.546.

  CEAS (see'-as): father of Troezenus, 2.959.

  CEBRIONES (se-breye'-o-neez): Trojan, bastard son of Priam, brother of Hector, killed by Patroclus, 8.364.

  CELADON (se'la-don): river that may have bordered Arcadia and Pylos, 7.153.

  CENTAURS (sen'tawrz): wild creatures, part man and part horse, who live in the vicinity of Mount Pelion, 1.312.

  CEPHALLENIANS (se-fa-lee'-ni-unz): 4.387, people of CEPHALLIENIA (se-fa-lee'-ni-a), island off western Greece in the kingdom of Odysseus, 2.724. See Samos (1).

  CEPHISUS (se-feye'-sus): river in Phocis and Boeotia, 2.612.

  CEPHISUS, LAKE (se-feye'-sus): Lake Copais in Boeotia, 5.814.

  CERINTHUS (see-rin'-thus): city in Euboea, 2.628.

  CHALCIS (kal'-sis): (1) city in Euboea, 2.627. (2) City of Aetolia, 2.734.

  CHALCODON (kal-koh'-don): father of the Achaean Elephenor, 2.631.

  CHALCON (kal'-kon): father of the Achaean Bathycles, 16.694.

  CHARIS (ka'-ris): goddess, one of the Graces, wife of Hephaestus, 18.446.

  CHAROPS (ka'-rops): Trojan, son of Hippasus (1), brother of Socus, killed by Odysseus, 11.505.

  CHAROPUS (ka'-ro-pus): father of the Achaean Nireus, 2.768.

  CHERSIDAMAS (kur-si'-da-mas): Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.500.

  CHIMAERA (keye-mee'-ra): monster, "all lion in front, all snake behind, all goat between," reared by Amisodarus, killed by Bellerophon, 6.212.

  CHIRON (keye'-ron): most humane of the Centaurs, healer and teacher of Asclepius, friend of Peleus and Achilles, 4.251.

  CHROMIS (kro'-mis): Trojan ally, co-commander of the Mysians, killed by the Achilles, 2.970.

  CHROMIUS (kro'-mi-us): (1) Achaean, Pylian captain under Nestor, 4.338. (2) Trojan, son of Priam, killed by Diomedes, 5.179. (3) Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.777. (4) Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.315. (5) Trojan captain, 17.250.

  CHRYSE (kreye'-see): town in the Troad, home of Chryses, 1.44.

  CHRYSEIS (kreye-see'-is): daughter of Chryses, captive of Agamemnon, 1.130.

  CHRYSES (kreye'-seez): priest of Apollo, father of Chryseis, 1.13.

  CHRYSOTHEMIS (kreye-so'-the-mis): one of Agamemnon's daughters, 9.174.

  CICONES (si-koh'-neez): Trojan allies, living in Thrace, to the north of Troy, 2.958.

  CILICIA (si-li'-sha): region surrounding Thebe, in the vicinity of Troy, its people ruled by Eetion (1), 6.469.

  CILLA (si'-la): town in the Troad, 1.44.

  CINYRAS (sin'-i-ras): lord of Cyprus who gave a breastplate to Agamemnon, 11.22.

  CISSEUS (sis'-yoos): father of Theano, grandfather of the Trojan Iphidamas, 6.354.

  CLEOBULUS (kle-o-boo'-lus): Trojan killed by Little Ajax, 16.389.

  CLEONAE (kle-oh'-nee): city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.661.

  CLEOPATRA (kle-o-pa'-tra): daughter of Idas and Marpessa, called Halcyon by her parents, wife of Meleager, 9.678. See notes 9,646-729, 679-88.

  CLITUS (kleye'-tus): Trojan, son of Pisenor, charioteer of Polydamas, killed by Teucer, 15.519.

  CLONIUS (klo'-ni-us): Achaean, a captain of the Boeotians, killed by Agenor, 2.585.

  CLYMENE (kli'-me-nee): one of Helen's attendant women, 3.173.

  CLYTEMNESTRA (kleye-tem-nes'-tra): wife of Agamemnon, 1.133.

  CLYTIUS (kli'-ti-us): (1) Trojan elder, son of Laomedon, brother of Priam, father of Caletor (2), 3.176. (2) Father of the Achaean Dolops (1), 11.351.

  CLYTOMEDES (kli-to-mee'-deez): son of Enops (3), defeated by Nestor in boxing, 23.707.

  COERANUS (see'-ran-us): (1) Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.777. (2) Achaean, charioteer of Meriones, killed by Hector, 17.689.

  COON (koh'-on): Trojan, son of Antenor, killed by Agamemnon, 11.288.

  COPAE (koh'-pee): city in Boeotia, 2.592.

  COPREUS (kop'-ryoos): father of the Achaean Periphetes (2), herald of Eurystheus, 15.742.

  CORINTH (kor'-inth): city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.661.

  CORONEA (ko-roh-nee'-a): city in Boeotia, 2.593.

  CORONUS (ko-roh'-nus): son of Caeneus, father of the Achaean Leonteus, 2.848.

  COS (kohs): island near the Calydnae in the southeastern Aegean, 2.773.

  CRAPATHUS (kra'-pa-thus): island near Casus in the southeastern Aegean, 2.772.

  CREON (kree'-on): father of the Achaean Lycomedes, 9.98.

  CRETANS (kree'-tunz): 2.740, inhabitants of CRETE (kreet), the large island south of the Peloponnese in the Aegean, the kingdom of Idomeneus, 2.744.

  CRETHON (kree'-thon): Achaean, son of Diocles, killed by Aeneas, 5.624.

  CRISA (kreye'-sa): city in Phocis, 2.610.

  CROCYLIA (kro-si-leye'-a): place in Ithaca, 2.727.

  CROESMUS (kreez'-mus): Trojan killed by Meges, 15.605.

  CROMNA (krohm'-na): city in Paphlagonia, 2.967.

  CRONUS (kro'-nus): god, son of Uranus, father of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, 1.481. See notes 8.554, 14.244.

  CTEATUS (kte'-a-tus): reputed son of Actor (2), whose real father was Poseidon, twin brother of Eurytus (2), father of the Achaean Amphimachus (1), 2.714.

  CURETES (koo-ree'-teez): Aetolians living in Pleuron, who make war on Aetolians of Calydon, 9.646.

  CYLLENE (si-lee'-nee): mountain in northern Arcadia, 2.696.

  CYNUS (seye'-nus): city in Locris, 2.621.

  CYPARISSEIS (si-pa-ri-see'-is): city near Pylos in Nestor's kingdom, 2.685.

  CYPARISSUS (si-pa-ri'-sus): city in Phocis, 2.609.

  CYPHUS (seye'-fus): city in northwestern Greece, 2.850.

  CYPRUS (seye'-prus): large island in the eastern Mediterranean, 11.23.

  CYTHERA (si-thee'-ra): island off the southern coast of the Peloponnese, 10.314.

  CYTORUS (si-toh'-rus): city in Paphlagonia, 2.965.

  DAEDALUS (dee'-da-lus): the "fabulous artificer" in the service of Minos, ki
ng of Crete, for whom he built the famous labyrinth, 18.690.

  DAETOR (dee'-tor): Trojan killed by Teucer, 8.315.

  DAMASTOR (da-mas'-tor): father of the Trojan Tlepolemus (2), 16.496.

  DAMASUS (da'-ma-sus): Trojan killed by Polypoetes, 12.211.

  DANAANS (da'-nay-unz): alternative name for the Achaeans, 1.49.

  DANAE (da'-nay-ee): daughter of Acrisius; mother, by Zeus, of Perseus, 14.383.

  DARDAN or DARDANIAN GATES (dar'-dan, dar-day'-ni-an): one of the main gates of Troy, 5.908.

  DARDANIA (dar-day'-ni-a): kingdom of Dardanus (1), originally founded as a colony on the foothills of Mount Ida, and the predecessor of Troy, 20.252.

  DARDANIANS (dar-day'-ni-unz): people descended from Dardanus (1), specifically those Trojans led by Aeneas, 2.930.

  DARDANUS (dar'-da-nus): (1) son of Zeus, father of Erichthonius, forebear of Priam and the kings of Troy, 11.194. (2) Trojan, son of Bias, killed by Achilles, 20.520.

  DARES (dair'-eez): priest of Hephaestus, father of the Trojans Phegeus and Idaeus (2), 5.9.

  DAULIS (daw'-lis): city in Phocis, near Apollo's shrine in Pytho, 2.610.

  DAWN: goddess of the morning, wife of Tithonus, 1.569.

  DEATH: god, brother of Sleep, 1.3.

  DEICOON (dee-i'-koh-on): Trojan, son of Pergasus, killed by Agamemnon, 5.616.

  DEIOCHUS (dee-i'-o-kus): Achaean killed by Paris, 15.401.

  DEIOPITES (dee-i-o-peye'-teez): Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.497.

  DEIPHOBUS (dee-i'-fo-bus): Trojan, son of Priam, 12.115.

  DEIPYLUS (dee-i'-pi-lus): Achaean, comrade of Sthenelus, 5.363.

  DEIPYRUS (dee-i'-pi-rus): Achaean killed by Helenus, 9.97.

  DEMETER (dee-mee'-tur): goddess, sister of Zeus and mother of Persephone, she presides over the grain crops, 2.794.

  DEMOCOON (dee-mo'-koh-on): Trojan, bastard son of Priam, killed by Odysseus, 4.576.

  DEMOLEON (dee-mo'-le-on): Trojan, son of Antenor, killed by Achilles, 20.450.

  DEMUCHUS (dee-moo'-kus): Trojan, son of Philetor, killed by Achilles, 20.517.

  DEUCALION (dew-kay'-li-on): (1) Cretan hero, son of Minos, father of Idomeneus, 12.139. (2) Trojan killed by Achilles, 20.540.

  DEXIUS (dex'-i-us): father of the Achaean Iphinous, 7.16.

  DIOCLES (deye'-o-kleez): son of Ortilochus, father of the Achaeans Crethon and Orsilochus (1), 5.624.

  DIOMEDE (deye-o-mee'-dee): daughter of Phorbas, mistress of Achilles, captured from Lesbos, 9.812.

  DIOMEDES (deye-o-mee'-deez): Achaean, son of Tydeus, king of Argos, 2.482. See note 5.1 ff.

  DION (deye'-on): city in Euboea, 2.628.

  DIONE (deye-oh'-nee): goddess, mother of Aphrodite, 5.417.

  DIONYSUS (deye-o-neye'-sus): god, son of Zeus and Semele, a Theban princess; the god of ecstatic release, especially associated with wine, 6.153. See notes 6.153, 157-60.

  DIORES (deye-o'-reez): (1) Achaean, son of Amarynceus, co-commander of the Epeans, killed by Pirous, 2.715. (2) Father of the Achaean Automedon, 17.544.

  DISENOR (deye-see'-nor): Trojan captain, 17.250.

  DIUS (deye'-us): Trojan, son of Priam, 24.297.

  DODONA (doh-doh'-na): site in Epirus, in northwestern Greece, sanctuary of an oracle of Zeus, 2.852.

  DOG STAR: 11.70, see ORION'S DOG and note 22.35.

  DOLON (doh'-lon): Trojan scout, son of the herald Eumedes, killed by Diomedes and Odysseus, 10.366.

  DOLOPES (do'-lo-peez): people in Phthia ruled by Phoenix, 9.586.

  DOLOPION (do-lo-peye'-on): Trojan, priest of Scamander, father of Hypsenor (1), 5.85.

  DOLOPS (do'-lops): (1) Achaean, son of Clytius (2), killed by Hector, 11.351. (2) Trojan, son of Lampus (1), killed by Menelaus, 15.608.

  DORION (doh'-ri-on): city in the kingdom of Nestor, 2.686.

  DORYCLUS (do'-ri-clus): Trojan, bastard son of Priam, killed by Great Ajax, 11.577.

  DRACIUS (dray'-shus): Achaean, a captain of the Epeans, 13.801.

  DRESUS (dree'-sus): Trojan killed by Euryalus, 6.23.

  DRYAS (dreye'-as): (1) Lapith hero in Nestor's generation, 1.307. (2) Father of Lycurgus (1), 6.150.

  DRYOPS (dreye'-ops): Trojan killed by Achilles, 20.515.

  DULICHION (dew-li'-ki-on): island off western Greece in the kingdom of Meges, 2.718.

  DYMAS (deye'-mas): father of Hecuba and Asius (2), 16.838.

  ECHECLES (e-kek'-leez): Achaean, adoptive father of the Myrmidon captain Eudorus, son of Actor (4), husband of Polymela, 16.224.

  ECHECLUS (e-kek'-lus): (1) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.812. (2) Trojan, son of Agenor, killed by Achilles, 20.536.

  ECHEMMON (e-kem'-on): Trojan, son of Priam, killed by Diomedes, 5.179.

  ECHEPOLUS (e-ke-yoh'-lus): (1) Trojan, son of Thalysias, killed by Antilochus, 4.530. (2) Achaean, son of Anchises (2), 23.339.

  ECHINADES (e-keye'-na-deez): islands off western Greece in the kingdom of Meges, 2.719.

  ECHIUS (ek'-i-us): (1) father of the Achaean Mecisteus (2), 8.380. (2) Achaean killed by Polites, 15.399. (3) Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Patroclus, 16.496.

  EETION (ee-e'-ti-on): (1) king of the Cilicians in Thebe, father of Andromache, killed by Achilles, 1.433. (2) Father of the Trojan Podes, 17.653. (3) A lord of Imbros and friend of Priam, 21.49.

  EIONAE (ee-i'-o-nee): city in the Argolid, 2.652.

  EIONEUS (ee-i'-on-yoos): (1) Achaean killed by Hector, 7.12. (2) Father of the Trojan ally Rhesus (1), 10.503.

  ELASUS (el'-a-sus): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.814.

  ELATUS (el'-a-tus): Trojan ally, killed by Agamemnon, 6.39.

  ELEON (el'-e-on): city in Boeotia, 2.590.

  ELEPHENOR (e-le-fee'-nor): Achaean, commander of the Abantes, killed by Agenor, 2.630.

  ELIS (ee'-lis): realm of the Epeans, in the northwestern Peloponnese bordering Nestor's Pylos, 2.708.

  ELONE (ee-loh'-nee): city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Polypoetes, 2.841.

  EMATHIA (ee-ma'-thi-a): region to the northeast of mainland Greece, later Macedonia, 14.272.

  ENETIANS (e-nee'-shunz): people of Paphlagonia, Trojan allies, 2.964.

  ENIENES (e-ni-ee'-neez): Achaean contingent from Thessaly, in northwestern Greece, 2.851. 1.

  ENIOPEUS (ee-ni-op'-yoos): Trojan, son of Thebaeus, charioteer of Hector, killed by Diomedes, 8.138.

  ENISPE (e-nis'-pee): city in Arcadia, 2.699.

  ENNOMUS (en'-o-mus): (1) Trojan augur and ally, co-commander of the Mysians, killed by Achilles, 2.970. (2) Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.499.

  ENOPE (en'-o-pee): city in Messenia near Pylos, 9.180.

  ENOPS (ee'-nops): (1) father of the Trojan Satnius, 14.523. (2) Father of the Trojan Thestor, 16.477. (3) Father of Clytomedes, 23.707.

  ENYEUS (e-neye'-yoos): king of Seyros, 9.816.

  ENYO (e-neye'-oh): goddess of war, 5.373.

  EPALTES (e-pal'-teez): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Patroclus, 16.495.

  EPEANS (e-yee'-unz): people of Elis and Buprasion, in the northwestern Peloponnese, 2.712.

  EPEUS (e-pee'-us): Achaean, son of Panopeus (2), victor in the boxing match in the games for Patroclus, 23.741, and builder of the Trojan horse in the Odyssey.

  EPHIALTES (e-fi-al'-teez): son of Aloeus, giant who with his brother Otus imprisoned Ares, 5.437.

  EPHYRA (e'-fi-ra): city in Thesprotia, in northwestern Greece, on the Selleis River, 2.754.

  EPHYRI (e'-fi-reye): a tribe in Thessaly attacked by Ares, 13.353.

  EPICLES (e'-pi-kleez): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Great Ajax, 12.436.

  EPIDAURUS (e-pi-daw'-rus): city in the Argolid, in the kingdom of Diomedes, 2.652.

  EPIGEUS (e-peye'-joos): Achaean ally, Myrmidon, son of Agacles, killed by Hector, 16.668.

  EPISTOR (e-pis'-tor): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.813.

  EPISTROPHUS (e-pis'-tro-fus): (1) Achaean, son of Iphitus (1), co-commander of the Phocians, 2.607. (2) Trojan, son of Euenus, lord of Lyrnessus, killed by Achilles, 2.789. (3) Trojan ally, co-commander of the Halizonians, 2.9

  ERECHTHEUS (e-rek'-thyoos): first king of Athens, reared by Athena, 2.638.

  ERETRIA (e-re'-tri-a): city in Euboea, 2.627.

  EREUTHALION (er-yoo-thay'-li-on): Arcadian champion killed by Nestor, 4.368,

  ERIBOEA (e-ri-bee'-a): stepmother of Otus and Ephialtes, 5.442.

  ERICHTHONIUS (e-rik-thon'-i-us): son of Dardanus (1), father of Tros (1), forebear of the kings of Troy, 20.255.


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