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Page 56

by Douglas E Roff

  “Pish posh, my love. See you at two.”


  Hannah was quickly back at work reading her diary but was already thinking of what she was going to wear for her ‘date’ with Vera. She was looking forward to a nice visit with her new acquaintance and some serious shopping time to pick up something nicer than the ‘industrial grunge’ she had been wearing. She thought she would go as is, skinny jeans, short spikey heels and a peasant blouse and see what she could find in the trendy shops of downtown Portland, Oregon.

  By one o’clock or so, Hannah had had just about enough of the Gens diary, the lady who wrote it and her complaints about the “heavy human odor that permeated every nook and cranny of her home.” So, she gathered her stuff, decided to leave a little early from work, drop her things off at her hotel and take a leisurely cab ride to Vera’s place. By the time she had ordered the cab, and was comfortably sitting in the back seat, she wondered if she had left early enough to arrive on time. She wasn’t quite sure where Vera lived and assumed it was in the downtown area somewhere.

  As it turned out, she arrived at Vera’s building within minutes, as it was just a few miles or so away from her hotel and right on the river walk. It was an elegant new building, complete with a uniformed concierge downstairs in the lobby. Hannah checked in with the pleasant looking middle age man named William before buzzing Vera on the lobby intercom.

  “Hi Vera, it’s Hannah. Sorry, I thought your place was a little further away, so I’m more than a little early. Can I still come up?”

  “Of course, sweetie. Ask William to dial you in to my floor; I’ll be waiting.”

  Hannah was up on eleven in a jiffy and noticed there were only two doors on the entire floor: 1101 and 1102. She knocked on 1102, the number on the ceramic brick affixed to the wall adjacent to the door.

  A voice sang out, “Who … is … it?”

  “Land sharks,” was Hannah’s reply.

  The door opened to the sight of a partially dressed Vera, sheathed in a short pink shimmering silk frock. Hannah was struck by her natural beauty, and her athletic and toned body. No doubt this was a woman at ease with her physical self, her appearance and her obvious sensuality. It crossed Hannah’s mind that Vera was the kind of woman men prized: tall, leggy, tan and fit.

  “Well don’t just stand there, sweetie, come inside. I won’t bite. Much.” Vera smiled an impish smile.

  Vera caught Hannah staring; not too bad, just a little. Hannah guessed that Vera wasn’t unfamiliar with gawkers, both male and female.

  As Hannah entered the flat and the door closed, Vera instantly wrapped her arms around her new friend and giving her a peck on the cheek.

  “Welcome to my digs. Make yourself comfortable while I put myself together. Shouldn’t be more than an hour or two.” She laughed and ducked into a rather large room Hannah took for her bedroom.

  “I can help if you want.” Hannah shouted back, “Or not.”

  Vera’s head popped out from behind the bedroom door, and said, “Well, come in then and help me untangle this mess.”

  Hannah entered a huge bedroom. To her right was an enormous walk in closet, filled with clothes and shoes, neatly arranged in some order she did not immediately recognize. Vera was now nearly naked, having dropped her silk robe, and was clothed only in her panties, while she seemed to be searching for the matching bra in her antique chest of drawers. She was a spectacular sight and even Hannah had to take notice.

  “Have a seat somewhere, anywhere. I’m horrible at deciding and clothes are my worst. Takes me forever and I’m never satisfied. Can you help me please?”

  “Certainly. What are you deciding?”

  “I want to wear a cute little white sun dress I just found that should be nice for shopping and dinner. And afterwards. Trying to decide what to wear underneath. I’m thinking about these.” She held up pink panties and matching bra. “And these.” She flung down the sheer pink garments and held out a small red and black garter with white stockings patterned with red cupids. “I like to go old school when it comes to feeling yummy underneath. Sexy and feminine, don’t you think?”

  “I do, I do. Let me see.”

  Vera pulled out her ensemble and laid it out on the bed. She dropped her panties which tumbled to the floor in a tiny heap, which Vera stepped out of without hesitation. She was smooth and shaved almost everywhere and needed no clothing to enhance what God had already given her. Hannah assessed her new friend, and caught herself staring again, as she inventoried the assets of this beautiful young woman.

  Her breasts were rather small, but pert and proud, with marvellously taut and erect nipples. Rosebuds, as the English poets might say. She was lithe with athletic, firm buttocks and runners’ legs. Her bush was mostly absent, trimmed to almost smooth and very exotic. She was breathtaking in the simple beauty of a still young woman who cared for her look, inside and out.

  “I’m sorry if I’m staring, Vera. I don’t mean to, but you are simply gorgeous, and I can’t help myself. I’m sorry if I’m being rude. I don’t mean to be.”

  “Not at all. We’re all girls here, and I’m sure my gear ain’t no different than yours. I’m perfectly comfortable being naked and around women. You can touch if you’d like. I won’t mind.” Vera smiled coyly but this wasn’t her first time being appreciated by a member of her same gender.

  Hannah had never done anything remotely like this before in her life but was completely enthralled by what she saw as the embodiment of true physical natural beauty. From head to toe, Vera was a vision of the Greek personification of beauty: she was tan, lithe and beautifully sculptured. Vera pulled Hannah to the edge of her bed and sat her down. Then she stood in front of Hannah, as if readying herself for display.

  “Go ahead. You can touch. I know I’ll enjoy the natural curiosity of your fingertips. You can start right here.”

  Hannah thought Vera enjoyed being watched and admired. Whatever Vera was thinking about, Hannah thought, it wasn’t about shopping. Or dinner.

  The two women were alone, and Hannah had always been curious about this aspect of her own sexuality, so she began to move her hand cautiously toward Vera’s body. Ever so slowly at first, tentatively as if expecting Vera to suddenly stop and tell Hannah ‘no’. But Vera made no sound at all, and instead closed her eyes, signalling to Hannah her acquiescence to the invitation she had already extended.

  Vera, had she even thought to take notice of the soft hands and gentle fingertips about to caress her body, did nothing to resist. Instead, she watched intently as her somewhat shy and tentative new friend wondered what to do.

  “Don’t be shy. I’m not.”

  Hannah saw the beauty of the gift that Vera was offering and touched Vera’s smooth soft surface. Vera’s skin was unblemished, sensitive to the touch, and Hannah detected a tiny tremor as she began to lightly touch the contours of Vera’s body. With each passing moment, Hannah felt the exultation of exploration and her growing desire to first explore, then possess Vera, to discover all the femininity that was being offered so freely and openly to her.

  Hannah didn’t stop to think nor pause to consider. She simply accepted this gift with gracious appreciation and drew Vera firmly in close to her. Hannah now began to kiss and caress Vera slowly and tentatively. Then, as no resistance was broached, Hannah’s own hesitance was the next item to be abandoned, no longer conscious of any other distraction. Time stopped, and Hannah became driven by an instinctive need to drink deeply in the innocence of the moment. Vera had, by now, placed both hands around Hannah’s head, and began directing her lips and tongue to the places she most desired. Vera broached no resistance and Hannah was a willing actor in a scene she had never even considered.

  Hannah’s increasing unrestrained lust and desire for Vera had reached the stage where mere touching was no longer enough, and she pulled Vera to the bed, forcing her on her back. Vera looked up at Hannah in the expectation of dominance. She wasn’t disap

  As Vera watched, wet with excitement, Hannah began removing her clothing. The first to come undone was her blouse, which Hannah opened slowly, button by button, knowing that this show was now for her new friend. Outer clothes now disposed of and strewn about the foot of the bed, Hannah straddled Vera, peering down at her, intentions clear and with mounting tension in each tiny act of dominance over a woman who had enjoyed this kind of performance before. Whether or not she was aware of her own power, Hannah felt a strength and control she had never known before. Hannah was now herself powerless to curb the course she had set and released all the pent-up strength and energy she had long kept restrained. Her inhibitions released from self-captivity, she felt a new euphoria and intoxication. Hannah abandoned conscious reason and gave in to the urgency of the moment. Long banished were the issues of right or wrong, male or female, lust or love. Gone too was any residual consideration of Adam, work or the social constructs of cultural constraints.

  She existed purely in the moment and the moment was occupied by intense thoughts of sexual satisfaction that would not be impeded in any way by her rational mind. Her emotional and primal mind and the whole of her body told her that what she wanted, and wanted with immediacy, and that was Vera. Only Vera’s sudden change of mind would prevent Hannah from devouring her new friend in ways she had previously thought unimaginable.

  “Why don’t we stay in tonight, Hannah?” Vera whispered. “We can have dinner late or not at all. I love shopping, but I love this yumminess even more.”

  Hannah looked down at Vera with such intense feelings of urgent desire that she couldn’t answer right away. She merely unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor, revealing her own exquisite breasts. Her nipples had now become erect, made even harder as she squeezed them between her own fingertips. Hannah, now fully unclothed, straddled the object of her passion while slowly moving closer to gently kiss, just brush, Vera’s receptive lips.

  Hannah’s gaze was now solely focused on the exquisite beauty that was her new lover and felt even stronger, more powerful, strangely confidant than she had ever sexually experienced before.

  “I think we should stay in. For a long while. I have a couple of other things I’d like to explore. Do you mind?”

  “Of course not. You may experiment in any way you wish. The restraints are in the top drawer over there, as are all the other toys you may wish to … employ. Am I your first?”

  “You are,” Hannah said breathlessly.

  “Then, please tell me what you would have me do. I am yours.”

  Chapter 41

  Hannah awoke in the big bed early the next morning, feeling safe and warm, and once again enjoying the closeness of another human being she could touch, feel, cuddle and kiss. Her night with Vera had been long and sensuous and she felt no desire to remove herself from Vera’s side for any reason, least of all for work at the office. She had willingly given up her life, her nights, her weekends and her future to indulge Edward in the pursuit of something she agreed was truly monumental. But now, even with her personal life in utter of chaos and uncertainty, she began to lightly question the wisdom of the decision and the tentative commitment she had only recently made.

  The bed was big and warm, and she lay next to this creature, this angel who had only the night before introduced her to such joy and passion that whether her experience was permanent, or transient didn’t matter. From this day forward, her life could never be the same.

  “Are you awake, Vera? It’s almost eight o’clock and I need to call the office or go to work. Do you have plans today?”

  “What time did we get to sleep last night? Seems like five minutes ago.”

  “It was late. Like four in the morning late. Sorry to wake you, I just need to get going or spoon with you for the rest of the day.”

  “I bet we don’t spoon all day.” Vera said lazily. “But if you’re asking me if you should stay or go, I’d rather you stay. I don’t want to cause any work issues, but it appears you’ve earned some time off for good behavior. I’d rather you spend that time here with me. So, stay. Please.”

  “Was I horrible last night? Did I do anything right?” Hannah was normally a confidant woman but less so in her own sexuality. She didn’t lack for experience, just depth. And in her tryst with this vision, she felt no confidence at all.

  Vera laughed, “You mean do you suck as a lesbian? Is that the question? You do not suck as a lesbian sweetie. I stopped counting orgasms sometime after ten or so. The big deep screaming kind, the little light skipping kind, the ones that make me almost lose consciousness and the ones that I never want to end. There was kissing and hugging and acrobatics. My God woman you are limber. How did you do that one thing?”

  “Which thing?” Hannah knew exactly what Vera meant. But she wanted to hear Vera say it out loud. More erotic that way.

  “That thing where you do the splits, and then you’re all like upside down or … something else. Or was I upside down? I can’t remember? Can we do that again later? I had a big loud, dirty talking, filthy minded orgasm. My God I was a noisy broad. You remember that one?”

  “I do. I remember the whole night, every detail of every position and everything you said, and we did. I loved every breath, every scream and every filthy thing you whispered in my ear. I loved every moment. I have never felt so satisfied in my life and every time we stopped, I couldn’t wait to go again. I have very naughty designs on you this morning, if you let me. May I please?”

  “Call in first, then we’ll trade sleep for orgasms. I’m willing to negotiate and I warn you that I’m notoriously bad at that. You can just roll me over and have your way with me. If I snore, it isn’t lack of interest. It’s lack of sleep.”

  Hannah got up and made her call, then slipped back under the covers. She told Tony she would be out for a few days, then back on Monday. He asked if everything was OK and she assured him it was.

  “I just need a couple of days to think and reflect, that’s all. I think I just ran out of gas. See you Monday.”

  Hannah pulled Vera close and spooned with her as she had so many times with Adam. But this didn’t compare with any experience she had ever had with any man. This was different, and she felt her own wetness even as she reached down to feel Vera’s.

  Vera said, “Again? You’re an insatiable monster. What do you want me to do now?”

  “Just lie back and let me do all the work. You’re tired and I’m wide awake. I’ll go easy on you. I promise.”

  “Don’t. I like it rough too. Change of pace, then it’s my turn.”

  “If you insist.”

  “I do, I do.”

  Chapter 42

  It was three o’clock in the afternoon before they finally admitted they were too tired to carry on. Both wanted a shower and a late lunch and Vera had received calls she was simply too exhausted to get up and answer.

  They were seated at her kitchen table having a very late lunch when Hannah asked how her conversation with Bitsie had gone yesterday.

  “Oh that. You are definitely on her shit list, but it really has nothing to do with you. I didn’t know that your bad romance was with Adam St. James, which explains a lot. You must know how much she detests the Princeling. She swears she’s quitting to get away from him every single week but then she shows up for work bright and early every Monday morning.”

  “What on earth has that got to do with me?” Hannah was genuinely surprised, though she thought this might be at the root of the problem. But with people, you never truly know why they think what they think.

  “Nothing. Like I said. But your boss hired you and she thinks it’s because of Adam, not you. She thinks you got the job by sleeping with the boss’s son.”

  “That’s just Bitsie’s nasty imagination at work. I think she’s just an unhappy you-know-what and she wants everyone else to be just as miserable as she is. Truthfully, she knows nothing about me, my work or my past. She’s just spewing.�

  Vera was nonplussed and was well aware of Bitsie’s capacity for pettiness.

  Hannah continued, “But she’s right that I got the job because of my relationship to Adam’s family but not because of Adam. The work I do is totally top secret and Adam’s Dad, Edward, doesn’t trust anyone to keep it quiet. So, I may not be the best qualified but more qualified than anyone else who he trusts. Besides, the job offer came after I broke up with Adam, not before.”

  “You a secret agent or something?”

  Hannah smiled with delight, “Yeah and I’m going to have to strip search you later. Sorry, ma’am, but that’s the law.”

  “You going to restrain me again? I mean if you must, I’ll go peacefully.”

  “No need, I’d rather do it the hard way.”

  “In that case, I won’t go quietly. And I’ll have to talk dirty while you interrogate me.”


  Chapter 43

  The initial flush of newness for a blossoming relationship was still in evidence as each day passed from their erotic first encounter. Vera and Hannah laughed, slept, ate and shopped their way through a few days as they remained cloistered in Vera’s immense condo. There was nothing the two did not enjoy about the other and Hannah felt somehow liberated from the convention she had always clung to as safe. There was nothing about this new reality, however, that she hadn’t thought about before.

  It had only been a few days, but Hannah felt a great comfort being with Vera and Vera was proving to be a kind and gentle influence on the normally wound up, tense and competitive Hannah. Vera was a little older, but she was willing to defer to the younger Hannah on a whole host of matters. Hannah had not been used to all the thoughtful and sweet attention paid to her and the warmth of another soul who was beginning to care deeply about her. Hannah felt the exultation and sheer joy of belonging.

  Sunday morning had arrived and while neither girl had any fixed notion of when Hannah would leave and go back to the confines of her hotel room, Hannah assumed she would be overstaying her welcome if she remained past the weekend. Vera had become a bit distant, which Hannah assumed meant the affair was beginning to run its course. Hannah decided she should gather the few items she had purchased while shopping with Vera and depart later that afternoon.


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