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Savage Devil: A Secret Baby, High School Bully Romance (Devils of Sun Valley High Book 2)

Page 4

by Daniela Romero

  Not that it should matter. Sarah knows what we’re doing isn’t exclusive, but I guess having it thrown in her face hurt her feelings, or some shit and now I have to deal with it.

  Aaron’s frown deepens. “Why would she do that?” The poor bastard actually sounds confused. His little sister has the wool pulled over his eyes, but she doesn’t have the rest of us fooled. Baby Henderson is a hellion, and since she joined our crew—not that we had much of a say in it—she’s made it her mission to stir the pot any way she can.

  Usually, she reserves her antics for Dominique’s benefit—those two are like gunpowder and a lit match when they’re in the same room—but lately she’s enjoyed fucking with me, too.

  I don’t like it.

  “Because she’s demon spawn,” I mutter, turning to head for the exit. I need to make my escape before Allie catches sight of me or she’ll drag my ass back to class come hell or high water. That girl is the mother hen I absolutely adore but do not fucking need right now. “I’ll catch you boys later.”

  “Rubber up,” Roman shouts after me. “You don’t need to create any devil spawn anytime soon.” Yeah, a definite “no” to that. The spawn, not the rubber. I always remember to wrap my shit.

  I give him a two-fingered salute just as Allie turns the corner, some random right beside her.

  “Peace, carbón.” My eyes linger on the unknown girl for a moment. There’s something familiar about her. She’s wearing snug fit jeans and a giant ass black hoodie. It hides most of her body, but for some damn reason I’m intrigued.

  I pause, knowing I shouldn’t. It’s only going to get me in trouble, but she isn’t someone I’ve seen Allie with before. Allie only ever kicks it with the Devils or Kasey, no one else at Sun Valley High can be trusted. Not after what went down earlier this year. Girls are catty fucking bitches and seeing some random next to her has me both curious and on alert. “Where do you think you’re going?” Allie calls, noticing that my feet are still pulling me toward the exit and not in the direction of our class.

  The girl beside her lifts her head and our eyes meet, recognition flaring through me. No fucking way. Her bright blue eyes widen and I know right away she recognizes me too. Isn’t that a fucking plot twist for today?

  I give her another once over, remembering her in a whole new light. Small waist. Flat stomach. Perfectly round tits. The way her hair felt wrapped around my fist. Her pussy convulsing on my cock.

  I bite back a groan. Well, fuck me. I need to get laid. Pronto. My eyes narrow on the blast from my past before I shove my thoughts away and turn back toward Allie. No way am I giving this chick even a second of my time. Not after she fucking ghosted me like I was nothing. I refuse to let this girl think she has any sort of hold over me.

  “Sorry, vanilla. I gotta run.” I edge back closer toward the exit, the new girl still in my peripheral. Look away, dammit. Look away. Her eyes are wide as saucers and glued to me. Her mouth forming a small O. I shouldn’t like the attention, her obvious surprise, but I do, and the distraction allows Allie to creep right up on me.

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” She grabs my arm, looping hers through mine and turns me away from the doors I’d almost made it too. “You can’t miss fourth. It’s the one class we all have together and, my new friend has it too. Come say hi and don’t be a jerk. I like her.” The last is muttered under her breath.

  She tugs me forward, but I keep my feet planted, looking down to meet her determined brown-eyed gaze. “I’ll make it up to you. But, I really do need to go. I got someone waiting on me.” I make sure to say it loud enough for the other girl to hear.

  Allie scowls and turns back to her friend who’s still staring, eyes wide and mouth parted. I’m not sure if I should be flattered or insulted that she’s yet to tear her gaze off me. Is she remembering our night together in vivid detail like I am? Or maybe she’s realizing who the fuck I am and what I can do to her if she steps out of line here. I can make her life her hell if I want to.

  We fucked like rabbits that night. I buried myself inside her warm cunt three fucking times. Took her goddamn innocence. You’d think that would matter to a chick, but she acted like it was nothing. Gave as good as she got. No hesitation. No insecurities. Even on the last round when we ran out of condoms, she didn’t bat an eye when I suggested I could pull out—something I never fucking do.

  I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t passing out beside her with the chick wrapped in my arms only to wake up with her gone and the space on the couch cold beside me.

  I swear for a whole week I wondered if I’d dreamt the entire thing up. I never saw her again, and no one knew who the hell she was when I described her. And now, she’s here. Wide-eyed and hot as shit, even in that oversized hoodie she’s trying to hide in.

  I pull out of Allie’s grip, giving Roman a nod. I don’t have time for this. Thankfully, he understands my meaning and before Allie can move for me again, he wraps his arms around her and pulls her into an embrace. She melts in his arms. God, they’re disgustingly cute together. And I speed walk out the door, hearing her muttered curse behind me, but she doesn’t run after me again.

  Thank god for small favors. I love Allie to death, don’t get me wrong. But since she and Roman made things official, she’s decided Dom and I are her latest pet projects, and I for one have no desire to be reformed from my savage ways, nor do I have any plans to deal with the new problem staring at my retreating back right now. I can feel her eyes boring into me, but I refuse to give her the satisfaction of knowing just how much her being here is fucking with me.

  It won’t be long before she learns who I am and what it means to be a Devil.

  I run a hand through my hair. Fuck. Who knows what will happen then. Will she turn into every other chick in this school determined to land me? And no, I’m not being arrogant. Every girl at Sun Valley High wants to date a Devil. Some for status, others for what they perceive to be an easy life if they can lock us down early.

  Roman, Dominique, and I are football legends around these parts. Each of us with full ride scholarships to Suncrest U and a good chance at going pro in the future. It’s why we get so much attention and why I make it a point of never dating exclusively. Women can’t be trusted. They always have an ulterior motive.

  Will she throw herself at me like the others? Regret leaving me in the pool house like she did? Ghosting me like the sex wasn’t fucking magical and shit? I know we said no names. We sure as shit didn’t exchange numbers. But I still expected to see the girl at some point.

  I suck on my teeth. I know it was just as good for her as it was for me. No way is she unaffected after seeing me today. Hmm… I can work with that. Show her the mistake she made. What she passed up on. And then remind her why she’ll never fucking have me.

  Outside, Sarah is sitting on the hood of her Jetta. I head straight toward her, a shit-eating grin stamped on my face as a plan begins to form in my mind. The previous appeal of getting my dick wet isn’t the same, my mind now full of other more intriguing possibilities. But I’m also not going to let this chick get in my head. I’ll fuck my way through the entire school if I have to before I let that happen.

  “Ready to blow this place?” I ask Sarah once I’m close. I’m committed to the course of action and I’m always one to follow through. Sure, seeing her with Allie may have thrown me for a loop. I won’t deny I’ve thought about her a time or two this past year and a half. You would too if you’d had awesome sex with a hot chick only to never see her again. But here she is in the flesh. Hmmm…maybe if shit doesn’t blow over with Sarah, I can work out a different arrangement. I mean, she’d been down for a casual fuck before.

  No. That’s what she wants. Wanted. I’m not giving it to her again. Letting her fucking use me. Nah. Her disappearing act deserves a little punishment. She needs to see what it’s like to be left behind. Tossed aside like you don’t fucking matter.

  A plan starts forming in my mind.

  If she and Allie are
friends, Allie will have my balls for breaking the girl’s heart. I consider this. Fuck it. It’ll be worth it. She never should have ghosted me. I told her I’d ruin her for anyone else, and if I didn’t accomplish that the first time around, I’ll make it my mission here and now.

  “I’m ready for you to do some groveling,” Sarah retorts, arms folded across her chest, shoving her breasts up higher in her already too-tight green top. “I can’t believe you made out with some random this morning.”

  My grin widens. “Baby, I don’t grovel.” I lift the hem of my shirt, exposing my cut abs that look amazing thank you very fucking much. “Women beg to be with this, not the other way around. Besides,” I drop the hem of my shirt. “I didn’t kiss Gwen. She kissed me. What was I supposed to do?”

  She pouts. She thinks it’s cute. It’s not. But I let it slide, knowing she’ll come around. Sarah knows the deal between us. She doesn’t get to own me. I’m not hers, and this thing between us isn’t exclusive. I don’t do relationships. Never have. And I have no desire to in the near future. Maybe when I’m thirty. But hell, who knows, I might decide to be a badass bachelor forever.

  “Urgh, do not say her name in my presence,” she snaps.

  Irritation flashes through me but I shove it aside and lower my voice to a growl. “You know you want to beg for me, baby girl.”

  Her eyes darken and I can see desire burning in her honey-colored gaze. She licks her lips but manages to hold herself in place. Funny. She thinks she’s going to make me work for it.

  Sarah wants something I refuse to give her. Commitment. And while I’m here, smoothing shit over with her, it’s not because I actually give two fucks about losing her. This little arrangement between us is one of convenience. Shit gets too real at home sometimes and she’s a hot little body to pass the time in. Nothing more. Nothing less. Well, maybe a little less, but I try not to be a complete asshole about it, which is why I’m here. I should get brownie points or something for that shit.

  It’s easier for me to cut fourth and give her a rare moment of my undivided attention than to find another piece to bury myself in. A new chick might get clingy. I don’t have time for that. I’ve got a scholarship and football on my horizon. I’m not looking to chain myself to anyone. Then again…my mind flashes to the brief blast from my past before I focus back on the chick in front of me. Stop fucking thinking about her.

  “What if I don’t want to?” Sarah’s lip juts out further and I lean toward her, nipping at it. She moans and arches toward me.

  “Then I guess this—like all good things—will come to an end.”

  She wraps her arms around my neck, pressing her breasts against my chest. “I don’t want it to end.” Her voice is low and breathy. “But I hate that I have to share you.”

  I fight the urge to roll my eyes and decide to respond to the first part of her statement, ignoring the second. This is to fucking easy.

  “Then you know what to do?”

  The corners of her mouth curl into a seductive smile. “My place?”

  I nod and accept her keys when she hands them to me. Like I said, too fucking easy.


  “Urgh. What is going on with him?” Allie says, but I’m barely paying attention to her because oh my god, that was him.

  “Emilio.” I whisper his name to myself, liking the way it sounds. Emilio Chavez is what she said his name was. Oh my God. Luis’s dad is here. He’s really here and he has a name. Well, obviously. He has a name. Everyone has a name.

  A million thoughts are running through my mind. I can’t seem to focus on any single one of them.

  What do I do? Should I go after him? No. That would make me look like a crazy person. He recognized me though, right? At least, it looked like he did. Not that he stuck around. I’m not sure what I expected. It’s been eighteen months and it was just a casual hook up. I mean, yes, it was memorable for me. I lost my virginity that night. That’s kind a big deal. And even if I hadn’t gotten pregnant, I wouldn’t be able to forget being with him. We had sex three times. I didn’t even know a guy could do that. I thought it was a one and done sort of thing, but Emilio certainly proved me wrong. And I didn’t realize a girl could orgasm as many times as I did. I expected pain. Discomfort. Embarrassment. What I did not expect was…that. It sounds so dumb, but it was a dream. Magical.

  As stupid as it sounds, slipping out early that morning to get home before Mom and Miguel woke up was physically painful.

  He’d been asleep when I left, and I didn’t bother to wake him. At the time, I told myself it was because I wanted to avoid an awkward goodbye. But if I’m honest with myself, I think I didn’t wake him because I knew it would hurt even more to leave. He made me feel things I didn’t realize I could feel, and that scared me.

  But judging by his expression when he saw me, I’m just one in a long line of hookups for him. My shoulders slump and my stomach drops. Why does that realization hurt so much? I don’t even know him. I knew what the deal was. And hell, I’ve been dealing with the consequences of that night ever since. Seeing him in the flesh shouldn’t suddenly bring about these feelings of loneliness.

  Allie’s chatting with three boys in the hallway when suddenly she’s snapping her fingers in my face, drawing my attention. “Earth to Bibiana. Where’d you go?”

  I shake my head. “Sorry. What’d you say?”

  Allie rolls her eyes but smiles before turning to the boy closest to her.

  “Bibiana, this is my boyfriend, Roman.” He inclines his head toward me, his way of saying hello. “This one is Aaron,” she indicates the blond boy with the skateboard, “and this ray of sunshine is Dominique.” I know she’s kidding, because Dominique is definitely not a ray of sunshine. He’s wearing the most brooding expression of the bunch, his eyes still trained on the door Emilio just exited out of. Allie elbows him in the stomach and he pretends to wince, rubbing his stomach, but I don’t miss her smirk. She knows she didn’t really hurt him.

  “Ignore him. I swear he knows his manners. He just rarely shows them.”

  Roman tilts his head back and laughs, a deep chuckle that has Allie’s smirk morphing into a wide smile. God, they’re cute together. My heart gives a pathetic lurch. I want what they have. It looks so easy. They’re so content. What if…no. I can’t get ahead of myself here. It was just sex, Bibi. Stop trying to remember it as anything else. And besides, once you tell him about Luis, he still might want nothing to do with you.

  Determination straightens my spine when I think of that. He doesn’t have to like me. He doesn’t owe me any sort of relationship or commitment just because we have a kid together. But he does owe Luis his attention and affections. I just hope he’s the kind of guy who will step up once he realizes what we created together.

  “You look…” Dom’s voice pulls me from my thoughts. His head tilts to the side as he scrutinizes my face. “Familiar,” he finishes. “How do I know you?”

  Allie’s eyes brighten. “You two know each other?” She bounces on her feet.

  “Not really.” I say with a shrug. I’m not sure if I should be answering her or him, so I go with the less intimidating option of the two. “I’m best friends with Monique. His sister. We used to go to school together.”

  “Oh! I haven’t met her yet. Is she as stoic and broody as her brother?” She turns to him. “And why doesn’t she go here?”

  Dom grunts and I laugh. “She’s Dominique’s complete opposite,” I tell her. “And she’s a senior at Suncrest Academy. Dominique’s parents only let him go here because of the football program.”

  Allie’s eyes widen and she whirls on Dominique. “You have a twin!?” She squeals. “Why haven’t I met her yet?”

  All three guys shake their heads. “She’s not my twin. She’s my little sister and I haven’t introduced you yet because look how well that worked out for us when you hooked up with baby Henderson. I do not need to add fuel to that fire.”

  Aaron and Roman both nod in agreement.r />
  “If she’s not your twin, then how—”

  I answer for him. “Monique is smart. Like insanely smart. She skipped eighth grade. That’s why they’re both seniors. She could probably graduate early if she wanted to.”

  “Okay, this is great. You know Monique and I’m friends with Kasey. The four of us have to get together this weekend. It’ll be so much fun. Girl’s night!”

  The guys groan in unison just as the bell rings, signaling that we’re officially late to class. I should probably be a little concerned about that, but I’m too excited over the prospect of making new friends and finding my son’s father to think about anything else.

  “Come on. We’ll sort out all the details after school. We better hurry or Mr. Chu is going to bite our heads off.” I follow her to class, a small ball of warmth unfurling in my chest.

  As the teacher drones on about this week’s assignment, I slip my cell phone out from my pocket and fire off a text to my mom. It’s only been a few hours, but I’m not used to being away from my little boy this long.

  Me: How is he?

  Mom: Perfect.

  She includes a picture of Luis sleeping in her arms and I smile, running a finger across the screen before opening a new text conversation and pulling up Monique’s number. There is no way this can wait.

  Me: He’s here.

  Three dots appear almost instantly because of course she isn’t paying attention in class. Like she even needs to.

  Monique: Oh my God! Did you tell him?

  I roll my eyes. Is she serious? You don’t just see a guy for the first time in close to two years and drop a baby in his lap day one.

  Me: No. I didn’t get the chance to talk to him, but at least now I know he’s here.

  Me: Also, I ran into your brother.

  I leave out the part about her brother being friends with Luis’s dad. Knowing Monique, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from grilling Dominique about him and I don’t want word of Luis getting to Emilio from anyone but me.


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