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Savage Devil: A Secret Baby, High School Bully Romance (Devils of Sun Valley High Book 2)

Page 5

by Daniela Romero

  Monique: Was he an asshole?

  I snort. Heads turn my way and I bite my lip, sinking down lower in my seat.

  Me: No. He’s friends with this girl, Allie. She introduced us. I think you’d like her.

  Monique: Don’t get any ideas about replacing me B.

  I roll my eyes and smile.

  Me: Not possible. But she wants to hangout this weekend. Us three and a girl named Kasey. You in?

  I hope she says yes. Now that I know Allie and Kasey are friends with Emilio, I have every intention of feeling them out and getting every detail I can about him. He one hundred percent has every right to know he has a son, but that little boy is my everything, and I owe it to him to make sure that whoever I bring into his life isn’t going to walk right back out of it either.

  Monique: Yes! I need to meet this chick.

  Me: Allie?

  Monique: No. Kasey. Dom gripes about her ALL THE TIME. Anyone who can rile my brother up like that is someone I need to know.

  Me: LOL. Okay. I’ll tell Allie you’re in. TTYL.

  I shove my phone back in my pocket just as the teacher walks by my desk, placing a sheet of paper on the surface. “Pop quiz. Let’s see what you know and how behind you all are. I like to see what I’m working with. Fair warning, Christmas break is over, and I don’t tolerate slackers in my classroom,” he says, and the collective room groans.

  The rest of class goes by in silence as we all work on the math quiz. I finish before the bell rings and take a few extra minutes to go over my work until I’m satisfied with all of my answers. I need to finish strong this year. I might not know what I plan to do after graduation, but I want college to be an option. Monique is going to Suncrest U. And I don’t know…maybe I can work out a way to go there too. It wouldn’t be full time. Not with Luis. But it would be something and I’m okay with college taking a little bit longer. I’ll do whatever I need to do in order to make sure Luis gets the life he deserves.

  I wonder briefly what Emilio’s plans are after high school. How his plans might affect my own. But before I get too stuck in my own head, I force myself to take a breath and relax. There’s no point in worrying about any of that yet.

  For now, I need to figure how to tell him about Luis, which sounds a hell of a lot easier than I know it will be. After that, I can worry about the rest.


  This is one of the absolute worst fucks I’ve had in my life. I don’t know what the deal is. Sarah is into it, but my dick certainly isn’t. Her moans are loud and dramatic. And the excessive back scratching is starting to hurt. It’s like she’s auditioning for a B-rated porn flick.

  “Yes. Yes. Oh. My. God. More. Emilio, Yes!” Her moan is obnoxiously loud.

  I grit my teeth as she tightens her grip around my hips with her legs and I plow into her, trying to find a rhythm that will do something—anything—for me, but it’s no fucking use. Her pussy convulses on my cock, her eyes all but rolling into the back of her head as she finds her release again.


  How is she enjoying this? I made her come in the car before she dragged me up here, and she’s clearly getting her rocks off a second time, but I’m not even close. I can’t get into it. I should be focused on the naked girl beneath me, but instead, my mind wanders to her. To her full lips. Her striking blue eyes. The way she looked lying beside me before I fell asleep.

  This was a mistake.

  We’ve been screwing for close to twenty minutes. Sweat drips down my back and my release is literally nowhere in sight. I thrust into her harder. Deeper. I am not going to let her get in my fucking head.

  Goddammit. What is wrong with me?

  Fuck it. I’ve had enough. I groan loud and scrunch my eyes closed, faking that I’ve dropped my load, before I pull out and sag against Sarah’s naked body. Thank fuck for condoms. Between that and my hand I should be able to hide my still evident hard on. How fucking embarrassing.

  I roll to my side, grab my boxers off the floor and head to the attached bathroom, my hand over my dick as if I’m trying to keep the condom from slipping off. Sarah’s breaths are heavy behind me as I close the door and sag against the wall.

  I stare at my still erect cock and clench my jaw. “You and me are going to have words,” I mutter. Bracing my hands on the countertop, I take a moment to catch my breath and will my cock to stand down. Does it? No. Why? Because my dick is a fucking dick. “Not cool, dude. See if you get action again anytime soon.” He won’t come in Sarah’s cunt, and he’s determined to leave me with a case of blue balls.

  Fuck me right now. I lean back and fist myself, working my length up and down in an effort to find my own release. I can hear Sarah moving around in her room, but I block out the sounds as I think of the one chick I shouldn’t be thinking of. Get it together, man. You’re letting her fuck with your head. I tighten my grip, envisioning her tight little pussy. The soft mewls of pleasure she made. The way she clung to me like she couldn’t bear to let go. That was seriously a good fucking night.

  Out of nowhere, my orgasm slams into me. Fuck. I empty myself into my hand, my chest heaving as I meet my own startled reflection. That was unexpected. I’ll have to try that fantasy more often.

  Irritation thrums through me. She left. She walked away without a word and now I can’t even get off without thinking of her. This is some seriously messed up shit.

  Washing my hands, I take care of business, slip on my boxers and go back out to Sarah’s room in search of my jeans. Ah. There they are. I start dressing, eager to get the hell out of here, when—still naked—Sarah makes a beeline for me. Her small perky tits bounce with her steps and she gives me a wanton look. What is she up to now?

  She runs her manicured nails over my chest and leans up on tiptoe to kiss my neck. “That was fun,” she says, her voice husky.

  I force myself to remain still and face her. I do the polite thing and plant a kiss on her lips, giving her a sly grin. “Always fun,” I tell her. “But I gotta run. I’m supposed to meet Roman after school and”—I check the time on my phone—“school’s already out. I’ll catch you later,” I say, not really meaning it. Coming here was supposed to smooth shit over between us so we could go back to our casual arrangement. An arrangement I’m no longer interested in maintaining.

  Her face falls and I hesitate. Tilting her chin up I brush my thumb along her jaw.

  “Why the long face, beautiful?” She brightens at the endearment but forces a petulant look on her face. One I can see right through.

  “I thought we could, I don’t know, hang out?” Her cheeks turn pink and I stifle a groan, forcing the easy and carefree smile to remain on my face. I need to end this. If the shitty fuck wasn’t an indication, this whole wanting to hang out bit certainly is.

  “Sarah,” I draw her name out and tsk.

  Her eyes water, and despite feeling like a piece of shit, I force myself to say the next words that come out of my mouth. “We’re not a thing. We’re friends with benefits—without the friend part.”

  She sniffles. “And if that’s not enough for me?”

  I look up the ceiling. We just went over this. “Then I’m out. I don’t do complicated pussy.” I grab the last of my clothes and head for the door.


  I don’t.

  “Emilio Chavez, if you walk out that door you are never getting with me again,” she threatens, as if that is enough to make me reconsider.

  “Later, Sarah.” This was a mistake. I should have stayed in class.

  “Emilio, please.”

  I sigh, but keep walking, pulling out my phone to text Aaron.

  “I drove you. You can’t just leave.”

  Clearly, she doesn’t know me if she thinks a thing as simple as a ride will slow me down.

  Me: I’m going to your place.

  Aaron: Why?

  I roll my eyes. Come on, man. Get with the program.

  Me: Shit with Sarah. I need a lift to Roman’s.

Aaron: Fine. I’ll drop everything I’m doing and be right over.

  I grin. Fucker thinks he’s funny.

  Me: Sounds good, friend.

  I shove my phone in my back pocket and cut across the lawn, grateful for once that he lives next door. If I wait on the porch for Aaron to show up, Sarah will just follow me and do the whole begging then yelling then begging again thing, so I make my way to the back gate and take a seat on one of the patio chairs.

  Aaron’s place is nice. He lives in one of those cookie-cutter gated communities where all the houses look the same and they have to deal with HOAs that tell you exactly how long your grass is allowed to be. His parents do well enough if memory serves. He went to private school for a while before he started kicking it with us. Then he convinced his parents to let him go to Sun Valley High so he could be with his friends.

  That blew up in his face. Well, sort of. I guess it's working out now, what with Allie around. Henderson and Roman made some sort of deal I don’t have all the details on. All I know is that he helped Roman win Allie back and Roman decided to drop the beef between them. Personally, I’m not that forgiving. He fucked up and we all got hurt because of it.

  We might tolerate him these days, but I sure as shit don’t trust him.

  My phone dings and I glance down at the screen.

  Aaron: Where you at?

  Me: Backyard.

  A few seconds later the back door opens, and Aaron walks outside. He’s wearing his usual emo shit. Black pants. Black shirt. Black beanie pulled low over his blond hair. He looks like Justin Bieber had a baby with Machine Gun Kelley. No wonder the dude is still single. “You could use a little more color in your life,” I tell him.

  He frowns. “Are you on something?”

  “Nope. That’s your MO. Not mine,” I say with a grin.

  His scowl darkens.

  “Really, man. You wanna go there right now?”

  I shrug. Why not? I’m already having a shitty day. But Aaron decides to flip shit around. Smooth fucker.

  “What happened to smoothing shit over with Sarah?” he asks, taking a seat in one of the chairs beside me.

  “Decided the pussy wasn’t worth the effort. She’s getting too attached.”

  He snorts. “You’ve been staying the night at her place almost every night for the last month. What did you expect?”

  “You’ve been tracking me?” I ask, remembering he’s hooked up with her, too. “Jealous it was me in her bed instead of you?”

  He snorts. “Hardly. I try not to repeat my mistakes. And no, fucker, I’m not tracking you. But you’re not hard in the mornings when you do the walk of shame to your car early enough to get your sister to school.”

  I shrug, not meeting his eyes. I don’t like that he knows how often I’ve been here. Aaron’s not an idiot, and he demonstrates that even more with his next question.

  “What’s really going on, Emilio? Why don’t you wanna be home?”

  I jerk my gaze to his. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” It comes out angrier than I intended, but fuck, he’s got no right prying into my business.

  “It means, I’m not stupid. I know you have issues with your dad. Why haven’t you said anything to Roman or Dominique?” Because Roman’s got Allie now. I’m not about to crash in on their happy little life. And Dom… I shake my head. Dom’s got his own problems. Neither one of them needs to worry about mine.

  “It’s not a big deal.” I push to my feet.

  “Stop fronting. What’s going on?”

  “Drop it,” I snarl.

  Aaron lifts both hands. “Fine, be an asshole. I was only trying to help.”

  “Right, well, the only help I need is a lift to Roman’s. You going to help with that or not?”

  He scowls, but nods. “Come on. But just so you know, screwing random girls isn’t going to solve your problems. And getting involved with chicks like Sarah Draven is going to come back and bite you in the ass. I would know.”


  My palms are sweaty. My knees weak. I don’t know what to say to him. How to break the news or even start a conversation with the guy, so I do the smart thing and avoid him. Okay, it’s also the cowardly thing to do, but it’s not like I have a lot of options here. I only manage to make it two days before I’m faced with speaking to Emilio though, and like all the times before, as soon as I see him, it’s like everything around me stops.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he says, taking me completely by surprise as he sits down at the lunch table. It takes me a second to realize he’s not talking to me. His words are directed toward Allie, who is seated beside him, but hearing his voice has goosebumps breaking out across my skin. “Who’s the new new chick?” he asks, his tone suggestive, but he’s still not looking my way and it bothers me. It’s not like we’re strangers. He can say hello. Just as easily ask me for my name instead of asking Allie when I’m literally sitting right in front of him.

  Roman smacks him upside the back of his head as he claims his seat on Allie’s other side, but there’s a smile on his lips that says he’s not actually pissed. “Lay off Allie’s new friend,” he comments, not making eye contact, but this time I don’t take it personally. Given all that I’ve learned about the Devils of Sun Valley High and how uncommon it is for anyone new to be welcomed into their inner circle, Roman’s quiet acceptance of me is enough.

  “This is Bibiana,” Allie says. “Play nice.”

  “Bibiana. Hmm…” Emilio says my name as though testing its flavor. The corners of his mouth curl on either side, his expression almost savage as he finally deigns to look at me.

  His chocolate brown eyes lock on mine and I freeze like a deer caught in headlights, unable to tear my gaze away as he rakes his bottom lip through his teeth, electricity crackling between us. Was it always like this? I think back to the night we met. The chemistry between us. I swallow hard because yeah, it felt just like this. An imaginary cord stretched taut between us.

  Dominique drops his tray beside me, claiming the seat to my left while Kasey claims the seat to my right, pulling my attention away from Emilio and effectively shattering the moment.

  Emilio turns to Dominique, ignoring me now as the two dive into a conversation about the upcoming game. Listening in, I learn the Devils made it to the playoffs. No surprise there. They finished their season undefeated, so making it all the way and going to state is their next objective.

  Roman joins the conversation, leaving Allie, Kasey, Aaron, and I to talk amongst ourselves. I try to push Emilio from my mind, but every few minutes I can feel his eyes boring into me. His gaze like a physical caress, only when I turn to look at him, he jerks his attention away.

  “Hello, Earth to Bibi,” Allie calls, and I force my gaze away from him.

  “What’d you say? Sorry, I got a little lost in my head.”

  She smiles. “Right. I was saying, what do you want to do this weekend? We’re dragging Aaron along, too.” My eyes flick to his as I consider her question.

  “Uh…” Crap. Now isn’t the time to tell them I have a son, but I can’t very well go out on weekends with him either. I’m a mom, and yes, my mom watches him while I’m at school, but I don’t like the idea of dumping Luis on her just so I can hang out with friends. I’m his mom. I’m the one who should be taking care of him. He’s my responsibility.

  I don’t want to lose more time with him either, especially when I’m already not seeing him during the day most of the week. It’s made him clingier then usual, and he’s only going to be my baby a little while longer. Soon, he’ll be a toddler. Then a little boy. The thought alone makes my chest ache. He’s growing up too fast.

  “Why don’t we do something at my place?” I suggest. “Movies, junk food. Something casual?” I’ll come up with a way to let them know about Luis between then and now. Hopefully it’s not a deal breaker for our friendship. Monique loves Luis and Allie seems nice. With any luck, she’ll love him too.

  Allie’s eyes brighten at my s
uggestion. “Yes! I love that idea. You guys in?” She looks between Kasey and Aaron.

  “I’m in. What do you think, little sis?” Aaron asks, ruffling his sister’s hair.

  “Urgh, don’t do that,” she whines, smacking his hand away as if she’s annoyed, but I don’t miss her affectionate smile. “Yes. I’m in. I could use a low-drama night and some junk food.”

  “Perfect. I’ll text you guys the address. Let’s plan on, I don’t know, seven-ish?”

  Everyone nods just as the lunch bell rings and we all rise to drop our trays in the waste bin as we head to our next class. I lose track of the others in the crowd, not really worried since I’ll see them again—save for Kasey—fourth period, when a hand wraps around my arm and pushes me into an open classroom door. I stumble forward before whirling around, hands fisted at my sides and ready, only to find Emilio behind me.

  He closes the door, pressing the lock and leaning against it as he folds his arms over his chest and gives me a once-over before quirking a brow. “Pretending we don’t know each other?” he asks, a sinful expression on his face. The bell rings again and I grit my teeth together. I’m already behind. I shouldn’t miss any of my classes without a damn good reason, but Emilio doesn’t look like he’s going to just let me brush past him. He looks like someone who has something they need to get off their chest, though I can’t imagine what it is—I’m supposed to be the one with something to share.

  I swallow hard and take a few steps back, managing to put some much-needed distance between us. My heart is racing in my chest, my palms suddenly sweaty. “I’m not pretending,” I tell him. “I just didn’t know if I should mention—”

  “That we fucked.” The gravely quality of his voice grates along my senses. “That I buried my dick inside of you three times before you vanished. Poof. Like a ghost.”

  My brows furrow and I take another involuntary step back. He sounds angry, almost. But that can’t be right. He has nothing to be angry about. At least, not yet.


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