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To Boston, With Love

Page 22

by Chenell Parker

  “This music is horrific. I’m tired of having to tell his ass what to play. If he keeps this up, he will not be getting the rest of his money,” Kissy fussed when she came over to them with her compact in hand.

  She had been crying and sweating all night and she kept touching up her makeup. Boss and Indigo did their first dance to “Why I love you” by Major and she damn near passed out. Kissy was overly dramatic, so they were used to it. She did the exact same thing when they exchanged wedding vows the day before.

  “He’s doing fine,” Indigo said.

  “By whose standards? Listen to what he’s playing now. We can’t dance to that shit. He will not ruin my baby’s dinner party playing that mediocre mess,” Kissy snapped as she got up and walked over to the sound booth once again.

  “See what I’m saying,” Boss fussed once she walked away.

  “Leave her alone Boston. She’s happy,” Indigo replied.

  “Me too.” He smiled while looking at her.

  “It must really be true love. You married a bitch with a black eye and all,” Indigo laughed. Kissy had her makeup looking photoshoot ready and her fading black eye was nonexistent.

  “I love your whole fucking life, black eye and all,” Boss said as he kissed her.

  “I love you too baby.” Indigo smiled, right as the DJ played one of her favorite bounce songs.

  Boss looked over at her and she already knew what he wanted. Indigo downed her glass of champagne and got up to go give her husband a show. Unlike before, Boss didn’t pull his phone out to record her. She was his wife now, so he could get a free show any time he wanted it. After a while, Kissy and some of her friends got up and started performing. Indigo and Jaci were right there with them as they walked the imaginary runway.

  “I’m still mad as fuck with you and your wife,” Draco said when he sat down next to Boss.

  “Man, let that shit go,” Boss replied while waving him off.

  “I’m not letting shit go. Y’all could have told me that Indigo’s married ass daddy was fucking my mama,” Draco fussed.

  “That lady is grown as fuck. She can fuck whoever she wants to,” Boston laughed.

  “I don’t like that shit though bruh. That nigga already got a wife. And she’s happy as fuck messing with his married ass,” Draco ranted.

  He wasn’t shocked to see his mother show up to Boston and Indigo’s dinner but he was surprised to see who she showed up with. Boss and Indigo didn’t seem surprised and he wanted to know why. When they told him how they found out about the two of them messing around, he was pissed. He wanted his mother to be happy but not with another woman’s husband. Cynthia and her daughter weren’t invited, so they didn’t have to hide from anyone. They were acting like they were the newlyweds the way they kept kissing and smiling at each other.

  “Let that shit go bruh. Nigga bout to spend a whole week in Hawaii. I’m not stressing over nothing until I get back,” Boss said.

  Draco and Jaci were accompanying them on their honeymoon trip, but they didn’t mind. It wasn’t like they were gonna be sleeping in the same room. They always vacationed together so that was nothing new.

  “Yeah, my girl is ready to roll. You and Indigo got her in my ear about this marriage shit now,” Draco replied.

  “The fuck is you scared of? Y’all been living together for almost five years now,” Boss noted.

  “I know man. Hawaii might be the perfect place to pop the question,” Draco said.

  “Do that shit nigga,” Boss encouraged, right as his father walked over to them. Draco got up to let Bear have his seat and give them some privacy.

  “I’m not trying to be disrespectful and please correct me if I’m wrong,” Bear said.

  “Wrong about what?” Boston asked.

  “Kissy. Is that a man?” Bear asked, as Boss fell out laughing.

  “Yeah, her real name is Kendall but don’t ever call her that,” Boss warned.

  “How do you know him?” Bear asked.

  “Her,” Boss corrected. “She was my uncle Ray’s best friend.”

  “I’m just having a hard time with you calling a six foot tall nigga with size twelve feet a her,” Bear said.

  “It’s what she prefers and I respect her too much not to,” Boss replied.

  Boss forgot that his father hadn’t been around for a long time, so he took a few minutes and explained some things to him. Bear had just met Kissy for the first time, but he made a note to go thank her before the night was out. He appreciated any and everyone who looked out for his son at a time when he couldn’t. That’s why he loved and appreciated Indigo so much. Boss couldn’t have chosen a better wife and he was happy for them.

  “What’s up with that other nigga?” Bear asked, referring to Justice. He had met him a few times when he came to the bar for Indigo but he didn’t strike him as the violent type.

  “I think the nigga ran by his people in Florida. I got Jaci to call the job and they said he was out on emergency family leave. His hoe ass had the nerve to call my wife and apologize. Bitch ass nigga is bold as fuck, but I got something for his ass when I get back from my honeymoon,” Boss fumed.

  Justice had reached out to Irvin too, but he wanted no parts of him. He had just given Justice his blessing to marry his daughter and he turned around and tried to kill her. Indigo was wrong, but he could have walked away like a real man should have.

  “Move smart bruh. You know where to find me if you need my help,” Bear replied.

  “Shit, I might have to take you up on that offer. Draco is my boy but that nigga nerves be too bad for me,” Boss laughed.

  “That’s what you need though. He’ll be focused and see shit that you might miss,” Bear advised.

  “You ain’t never lied. He don’t help me do my dirt but he’s definitely my eyes and ears,” Boss acknowledged.

  “That’s what’s up.” Bear nodded.

  Hours passed, and everyone had a great time. They drank, ate and danced the night away. Boss and Indigo stayed until the last guest left before they went home. They were already packed and ready to leave for their honeymoon the following morning. Irvin was taking them to the airport and they couldn’t wait.

  “Good, stupid ass hoes,” Boss mumbled as he looked at his phone. He and Indigo were in bed preparing to get some sleep before their early morning flight.

  “What’s wrong?” Indigo asked.

  “That was an email from Quita,” Boss replied.

  “The fuck do she want?” Indigo frowned.

  “They’re moving out and I’m happy,” Boss replied.

  Per their lease, they had to give at least thirty days’ notice before they wanted to move. Boss didn’t even care about the extra income that they would be losing. He was just happy to be rid of one of his problems. Indigo wasn’t the insecure type but he didn’t want to make her feel no kind of way about it.

  “We should move in,” Indigo said after a long pause.

  “Move in where?” Boss asked.

  “My mama’s house,” she replied.

  “No Indie. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Too many painful memories,” he noted.

  “That’s not true Boston. Most of our best memories were made in that house,” Indigo replied.

  Granted, she did find her mother dead in the house, but that was the only painful memory that she had. At first, she couldn’t even pass in front of the house without crying, but things changed. With therapy and lots of emotional support, she was so much better now. Indigo often smiled when she thought about some of the good times and that’s what helped her to get through it. Her mother loved that house and so did she and Boston.

  “I don’t know baby,” Boss sighed.

  “I know that you’re worried about me, Boss, but don’t be. We don’t have to talk about it right now but it makes sense. We already own it,” Indigo pointed out.

  “We’ll discuss it later baby. Get some rest. We have to be up early,” he replied as he pulled her closer.

; They had no way of knowing it, but they were both thinking the same thing. A few people were going to see them after their honeymoon. Until then, everybody got a pass.

  “If that was your illegitimate daughter, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation right now!” Cynthia yelled angrily as Irvin remained unfazed.

  “Watch your mouth and keep my daughter out of this. My baby was a child when she got locked up. Irv is a grown ass man who knew better,” Irvin replied, referring to their son.

  “So, you’re just gonna let him sit in there for God knows how long?” Cynthia asked.

  “That’s the plan. I’m not using my hard earned money to bail his stupid ass out. I told him a thousand times to stay away from them boys but he didn’t listen. Let his ass sit for a few weeks to think about that shit,” Irvin replied.

  He loved his only son, but he was tired of taking care of a grown ass thirty year old man. If he hadn’t made it in the rap game in all that time, Irvin was doubtful that he ever would. He hung with some of the worst characters ever and got caught up in a drug sting. He had some weed on him and got locked up along with the rest of them. Cynthia was begging Irvin to get him out, but that wasn’t happening. He’d bailed him out more times than he cared to admit and it wasn’t happening again. It was bad enough that he was still living at home. He had no job and no real source of income. If by chance he did sell one of his mixed tapes, he spent all the money that he made on weed and liquor. Cynthia still shopped for him and took care of him like he was a minor.

  “I’ll get the money back to you if it’s that serious. He’s your damn child too,” Cynthia noted.

  When they separated the last time, they separated their bank accounts too. She no longer had access to his money and he wanted to keep it that way. Since Irvin paid all the bills, she didn’t have a reason to. Cynthia had a shopping addiction and all of her money went on makeup, clothes and shoes. She had just gotten paid two days ago and she was almost broke already.

  “That’s just it Cynthia, he’s thirty years old. He’s not a child,” Irvin pointed out.

  “You don’t even try to hide the fact that you play favorites. I bet you didn’t even blink an eye when you paid for Indigo to go to Hawaii for a week!” Cynthia yelled angrily.

  Ivy and her fiancé were sitting at the kitchen table and she nodded, most likely agreeing with her mother. They wouldn’t have gone to Indigo’s low budget wedding or dinner party, but they were in their feelings about not even being invited. Ivy was shocked that her sister was now married to Boston. That was unexpected and came out of nowhere.

  “I didn’t do anything more for her that I won’t do for Ivy when her day comes. And since y’all are so worried, put some money up and get the nigga out,” Irvin replied, right as his phone rang.

  “Yeah, go lock up in your office and talk on the phone with your side bitch!” Cynthia yelled to his retreating back as he headed down the hall.

  “How much does he need? Maybe we can help,” Ivy offered.

  “No, we can’t. We’re already spending a grip on getting this house renovated and our wedding. I’m sorry but it’s just not in the budget,” Antonio, her fiancé, interjected.

  He felt the same way that Irvin felt. Irv was too damn old to still be a bum. He understood that people fell on hard times but his brother-in-law didn’t even try to do better. Cynthia went back and forth with them for a few minutes, trying to find a solution to her son’s problem. It was sad that his own father didn’t care. He was too busy entertaining another bitch.

  When the alarm chimed, alerting them that the front door had been opened, Cynthia was livid. She already knew who it was and she didn’t appreciate her stepdaughter using a key that she never wanted her to have. Cynthia was already in a foul mood and Indigo was about to feel her wrath. When she and Boston walked into the kitchen, she was about to go off but she never got the chance. Indigo walked up to Ivy and punched her so hard, she fell out of the chair.

  “Bitch! Mind your business and keep my muthafucking name out your mouth hoe!” Indigo yelled, hitting her sister with every word that she spoke.

  “Get off of her!” Antonio fumed as he rushed over to them.

  “Don’t do it bruh. I promise you that it’s not even worth it,” Boss said as he lifted his shirt to reveal his gun. He and Indigo had just come back from Hawaii the day before and he was still in vacation mode. He wasn’t in the mood to be knocking niggas out but he didn’t mind shooting one.

  Ivy was on the floor kicking and screaming, trying to defend herself. The dress that she had on was lifted up near her waist, exposing her black underwear. She had blood coming from some part of her face, but things were happening too fast to see exactly where. Antonio looked like he was losing it but not more than Cynthia.

  “Irvin! Come out here! Hurry up!” she screamed as she jumped up and down like a crazy person. Her daughter was getting her ass beat and she needed her husband to stop it.

  “What’s going on?” Irvin rushed down the hall and asked.

  When he saw his youngest daughter beating the brakes off his oldest one, he already knew. Cynthia expected him to spring into action and break it up, but he just stood there and watched. Ivy needed to mind her business and hopefully, after that day, she would.

  “Why are you just standing there? Get that bitch off of my baby!” Cynthia yelled, making Boss look at her and frown.

  “Come on baby. Calm down,” Irvin said as he touched Indigo’s shoulder.

  “Jealous ass bitch,” Indigo spat when she finally stopped her assault. Ivy wasn’t even fighting back. She was curled up into a fetal position and she felt that her sister had enough.

  “You ain’t got shit for her to be jealous of,” Cynthia said, defending her daughter.

  “You good baby?” Boss asked his wife, as Antonio helped Ivy up from the floor.

  “Look at your face! You need to send her ass to jail,” Cynthia encouraged her daughter, as Irvin looked at her and scowled.

  She knew better than to even try it, but Ivy didn’t have anything to lose. Irvin would leave her without a second thought and that was something that she did not want to go through again. He was no better than Boss. He stood there and didn’t even try to stop the fight at first.

  “Mind your business Cynthia. I hate to see my children getting along like this, but that’s all your fault. Ivy know that she was dead ass wrong for telling Justice anything about Indigo. She could have cost somebody their life. And she can call the police if she wants to but both of them will be going to jail,” Irvin said, trying to discourage anyone from going that far.

  Boss held Indigo around her waist as he whispered in her ear. She nodded her head before she walked up to her stepmother and punched her so hard, she fell over the counter and hit the floor. She didn’t hear when Cynthia called her a bitch, but Boss did.

  “Shit!” Irvin yelled as he went to go help his wife.

  He wanted to be shocked by what happened, but he really wasn’t. He was actually surprised that it hadn’t happened before now. As wrong as it probably was, he wasn’t even mad at Indigo. She ignored the slick comments and sideways glances longer than he thought she would. She had tagged Ivy’s ass once before but she still hadn’t learned her lesson. She was fed up and it showed.

  “I told you that you were all out of passes with me. And your daughter is a bitch. Oh yeah, Antonio, Ivy is fucking the neighbor’s son. When you left to go offshore last month, she let him use your car while his was in the shop,” Indigo said, right before she and Boston left out of the house.

  Her sister had done way more than that but she didn’t have time to tell it all. Ivy was a stupid bitch. She was throwing stones when she lived in a glass house.

  “One down, two to go,” Boss said as he drove away from the house.

  “What two?” Indigo questioned.

  “Justice and West,” he replied.

  “Fuck Justice,” she spat angrily.

  “Why do you keep trying to give
that nigga a pass? I let you get at your sister but you keep trying to stop me from getting at him.” Boss frowned.

  “I only beat her ass. You’re trying to commit a murder,” Indigo pointed out.

  Boss remained silent because he knew that she was right. Justice deserved to eat some bullets for the shit that he did and there was no getting around it. Boss passed by the house that he and Indigo used to share, but Justice was never there. Indigo assumed that he was either in Florida by his parents or hiding out by his brother. Justice was remorseful for what he had done, but Boss wasn’t the forgiving type. Indigo felt guilty and that was the only reason why she wasn’t as pressed as her husband.

  “He gon’ have to see me, but I’ll let him live. I’m sorry baby but I can’t let him get away with that shit,” Boss replied.

  “I get what you’re saying Boston but I have to keep shit real. Unlike you, I was in a committed relationship and I cheated. As perfect as you think I am, I was dead ass wrong,” Indigo admitted.

  “First of all, you are perfect,” he corrected.

  “Only in your eyes,” Indigo laughed.

  “True, we were both wrong as fuck but that’s life Indie. People cheat and break up every day. That nigga should have taken his L and moved the fuck on,” Boss argued.

  “Whatever Boston,” Indigo replied. She was tired of always going back and forth with him because he didn’t know when to stop. When he was passionate about something, he didn’t let up.

  “Where to now?” Boss asked her.

  “Home,” Indigo replied.

  “That shit sounds good as hell coming out of your mouth.” Boss smiled.

  They hadn’t really had time to relax since they came back from their honeymoon. Indigo wanted to cook her husband a nice meal and relax with something to smoke and drink. That was the beauty of being married to Boston. She had a homie, lover and best friend all rolled up into one sexy, dark chocolate package.


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