Book Read Free

Always Fraser

Page 3

by A. K. Steel

  I'm an emotional mess. Why am I crying over this? I swipe away the stray tear that escaped with my hand. I’ve got to pull myself together. I’m so emotional at the moment. What’s wrong with me? I never cry.

  “Elena, I’m all done.” I flinch, spilling my coffee all over the countertop.

  “Sorry, you scared me.” I was in my own little world and didn’t even see that Blake had come back inside and was standing right in front of me. I hop up and start to wipe up the mess.

  “Sorry, are you okay?” he asks, trying to help clean up the mess.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, you just startled me.”

  “It looked like you were upset about something.”

  “I’m fine... It's just all the changes to our house. You know, all the memories. I can't imagine coming down here every morning to see villas instead of the yard we grew up in.” I don’t know why I’m feeling this way. I'm a total mess, how embarrassing.

  “You still live with your parents?” he utters in surprise, throwing me a raised brow in question.

  “Don’t be so judgemental! I am recently back living with them, yes,” I protest, standing my ground. Who does this guy think he is?

  “I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just surprised. You seem like the independent type who’s got it all together, that's all.”

  “I am! But things haven’t gone my way lately.” I sigh sadly.

  “Shit happens. It couldn’t be all that bad, though, could it?” He offers me a kind smile. "Sorry I was kinda in a bad mood when I arrived here today, family stuff, I shouldn't have been so rude to you, though. I feel bad now."

  "It's okay, don't worry about it."

  "So, what brings you back home living with your parents, then? If you don't mind me asking." He smiles; his face has softened, and his eyes are now warm and friendly. Maybe I was too quick to judge this guy.

  I sigh. "My life kinda fell apart in the space of a day. I was living in Sydney working my dream job as an interior stylist until I threw it all away because I couldn’t work for my dragon boss anymore. Then, would you believe in a cruel twist of fate, I arrived home early to walk in on my fiancé with his face buried in another girl's pussy! Pardon my language. This was three months before we were supposed to get married." His face says it all, shock, pity, sympathy. "So, yeah, I’m back at home living with my parents. It's not ideal, but sometimes, as you say, shit happens!”

  “Wow, that's quite the day from hell! I’m sorry, Elena. Me and my big mouth, I shouldn’t have said anything. I don’t have much of a filter. Sometimes I open my mouth without thinking.”

  “It's okay. Don’t worry about it. You weren’t to know. I guess my life does look pretty sad right now. I was supposed to be up here getting married this weekend, and now I’m hanging out with my parents, watching Netflix.” I finish cleaning up the spill. “Did you need to go over the plans? I was hoping to show your architect some of the samples I’ve got for the bathrooms.”

  “That's okay, we don’t need to finalise any of that yet. You can talk to him about it later. So, you're an interior stylist?”

  “Yeah, I’ve mostly worked as a stylist and assistant to the head designer on that TV show Project Reno. That's why Dad asked for my help with this project. I’ve helped them with the renovation for most of the house already. But this was an exciting new project he sprang on us, and it’s nice to have something to work on until I get myself sorted out and get my own business up and running.”

  “Oh, really, you worked on a TV show? That would’ve been all right.”

  “You’d think so, hey, but in the end, it was long hours, a lot of travel, and no recognition for a pretty shitty wage. It was time to move on. I should’ve just waited until I had some sort of a back-up plan.”

  “If you have a portfolio of some of your work, I could show it to our architect. Sometimes we need help with the styling for the sale of some of the larger projects. I know he’s been looking for the right person to take over that part.”

  “Really? That would be amazing. I can show you my work right now if you want,” I blurt, probably a little too excitedly. I really do need my luck to change, though.

  Seeing my excitement, he offers me a bigger smile this time. His smile is gorgeous. He really should do it more often. “I’ve got no idea about all of that, you're better off talking to him. Come into the office on Monday morning, I’ll let him know you're coming.” He hands me his business card.

  “Thanks, that's really nice of you.” I take the card from him and put it in my pocket. He’s looking at me like he wants to say something else. “Did you get everything you needed? Are there any questions you need me to pass on to Dad?”

  “Oh no, it was all pretty straightforward. Just tell Jim I’ll email through the final designs, and if he can approve them this week sometime, I’ll get them into council so we can get started as soon as possible.”

  “No worries, I'll show you to the door.” I walk over to the door, holding it open for him. As he walks out, he turns to me again. What’s the go with this guy? First, he’s all serious, then he’s lost for words.

  “Elena... if you're looking for something to do this weekend...” he mutters, looking down, suddenly shy, “I’ve only been in Byron for six months myself, so I haven’t really settled in, other than hanging out with my business partner. Maybe we could hang out, if you like? I know you have just come out of a pretty serious relationship, so not a date or anything, maybe just as friends. If you want to hang out with someone your age rather than watch Netflix with your parents, that's all.” That’s a surprise, not what I expected him to say at all.

  “Sure, why not? It's been a long time since I’ve been out in Byron. You can show me the hot places to go.”

  “Okay, perfect, I'll pick you up from here at seven then?”

  “Sounds good. Thanks, Blake, see you then.”

  Well, that was interesting. A night out as ‘friends’. I thought he would have run for it when I told him my shitty life story. Maybe my luck is changing. I knew today was going to be the start of something better, and it looks like I was right.

  Chapter Two


  I peek through my bedroom blinds to see a white ute pull up in front of my house. How predictable, a builder driving a white ute. I quickly lace up my black Doc Martin boots. I don’t want to keep him waiting too long, or he’ll get chatting with my parents and this will all go to shit before it's begun. I check out my reflection in the mirror.

  Man, I love these boots, I look hot! Jessie always wanted me to wear heels and look like a girl when we went out, so I did. I hadn’t even realised how much of a doormat I had become. Everything he suggested, I did without a second thought. The more I think about it, we were never a good match. I just fitted into his life and became what he wanted me to be. Never again. I have learned from my mistakes, and from now on I’m living life my way. Strong, independent Elena is back, and the world better watch out!

  I walk down the hallway with a little skip in my step. I'm so excited and nervous. It's been a long time since I’ve been out with someone new. Mum and Dad have opened the door and are chatting to Blake. He radiates this fantastic self-confidence as he shakes their hands. Man, he looks good in black jeans and a button-up. Dad lays the plans out on the dining table and is talking his head off about his latest ideas.

  “Hey, Dad, put them away, he's not here for work.” Both men look up and give me a stern look.

  “What, he’s not,” I smile over to them with a super sweet smile. That tells them I'm cute but I'm going to get pissed really soon if we stand around too long looking at plans. I'm ready for a drink and I'm starving.

  “Hi, Elena, it's okay. Just a couple of things to go over, we won't be long,” offers Mr Serious with a little smile. Tonight’s going to be interesting.

  “You look nice, honey,” Dad adds. “I’m so glad you two hit it off and decided to have a night out." He turns his attention back to Blake. "Look after her tonigh
t, though, Blake. No funny business.” He’s always looking out for his baby girl even when I don't need it. Seems he still thinks I'm 16. No funny business, is he serious?

  I’m in skinny black jeans and a hot-pink silk cami. I'm wearing my favourite hot-pink lipstick and my hair is swept up into a high ponytail that runs all the way down my back. It’s the best I’ve looked in months. Getting dressed up with a full face of makeup was kind of my thing. I was one of those kids who got in trouble constantly for breaking into Mum’s bathroom cabinets and playing with her makeup, leaving bits of it smudged into the carpet. I was a shocker as a kid! Tonight, all done up, I’m finally feeling like myself again.

  “Thanks, Dad. You know I can look after myself, though, right? Poor Blake doesn't need the whole speech about you being a cop in this town.” Blake doesn't look worried. Actually, he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that is scared of much at all.

  “Of course we do, Elly, you have always been our Miss Independent,” Mum laughs as she hugs me goodbye.

  “See you guys later, don't wait up,” I call out, heading outside and giving them a little wave, making it clear we're not hanging around to chit-chat about the building plans tonight. Blake takes the hint and follows me out like a good boy.

  “Miss Independent, hey? Is that the family’s nickname for you or something?” he teases.

  “What? Mum just calls me that because my brothers are such mummy’s boys. I don’t need anyone looking after me. I can, and always have, looked after myself.”

  “Is that right? You're not one of those girls who think all men are jerks and women are better off by themselves, are you?”

  “I don’t know. If past experiences are anything to go off, that might be right,” I say with a shrug. “I guess I’m just not looking for a saviour to swoop in and take care of me. If I look after myself, then I’m all I need.”

  “Funnily enough, I feel the same about women,” he adds.

  “Well, I guess it's lucky we’re just planning on being friends then. That way we can just be ourselves and have some fun. What have you got planned for tonight?”

  “Well, I thought I’d show you a typical Saturday night with the boys. Do you like pizza?”

  “What kind of a question is that? Of course I love pizza! Then what?” I lean up against his ute as he goes around his side to jump in.

  “Then maybe go to a bar, play some pool and have a few drinks. What do you think?”

  “Perfect. Just what I need.” I smile.

  We jump in his ute and it's just a quick drive to the local pizza place, Angelo's. This place hasn’t changed since we used to come here for family birthday dinners when I was a kid. Still the same cosy atmosphere with red booth seats and checked tablecloths. I hope their menu’s the same too. The waiter shows us to a booth and places the menus in front of us.

  “The food smells delicious.” I probably should have eaten more today so I don’t look like a complete pig.

  “What do you feel like?” he asks, looking over the menu.

  “One of everything, I’m starving.” I grin.

  “You couldn’t handle one of everything, you're tiny!”

  “Ha, you’d be surprised what I can handle. I had to keep up with my brothers. Everything was always a competition, including how much we ate,” I laugh. Being in this restaurant brings back so many happy memories of us as kids. I have no idea why I used to compete with the boys so much, but I can't back down from a challenge. And more than once that ended badly for me.

  “Well, let's just start with a couple of different pizzas and a garlic bread, then we can always get more if you want later.”

  “Sounds good. You can pick. I'm not fussy.” The waiter comes over to take our order, then Blake heads to the bar to order some drinks. I take that opportunity to check my phone for the millionth time today. I don’t know why I keep torturing myself, but something about today being the day I was supposed to be getting married has me stupidly wishing Jessie would message me, begging for forgiveness.

  The night it all ended, he messaged to see when I was coming back, then that was it, nothing else. He didn’t fight for us, and I found out a month later the prick let the chick he was cheating on me with, move into our apartment. The one we had bought together. That's when I asked him to buy me out of the mortgage. I wanted nothing between us. But for some reason, I just hoped he would message today. It's pathetic. That's it, I’m turning it off now for the rest of the night. Tonight, I’m moving on and having fun with Blake the builder.

  “You okay?” Blake hands me a massive glass of wine.

  “I am now, thank you.” I take the glass and have a big gulp. It's so good and just what I need. I finish the glass and place it on the table.

  “Lucky I got the bottle,” he laughs at me, taking my glass and topping it up. “You okay? Did something happen while I was gone?”

  “No, all good, I'll drink this one more slowly,” I sigh, a little embarrassed.

  The garlic pizza arrives and I’m straight in there. “Yum, this smells so good and looks just how I remember it.”

  “You’ve been here before?”

  “Yeah, it was my family’s favourite. We came here for any big family occasions, like birthdays.”

  “Must have been where all the local families went. My business partner introduced me to it because this is where his family came too.”

  “Oh really? It was probably pretty popular when we were kids. It must be so nice having your own business. How long ago did you set it up?”

  “I met my business partner back in Newcastle. We often worked on the same projects and we were both looking for a roommate at the same time, so we moved in together and were roommates first. We had both had a shit week at work and were over working for someone else. My mate took a trip home for the weekend and returned with a business proposition for me. He had a good mate from school that was a developer here in Byron and had the money to start us off. The offer was too good to refuse and neither of us had any reason to stay in Newcastle, so the three of us went into business together.” He’s so proud and confident when he talks about his business.

  “That's so inspiring. You're lucky you have each other. I would love to start my own interior styling business. I just keep losing the nerve to do it.”

  “Sometimes you just have to start, you can figure out the rest as you go. I'm so glad we did, it's changed all of our lives. The business took off straight away when we landed a large government contract because they loved our eco-friendly edge. So we now have 20 employees and more contracts than we can keep up with.”

  “That sounds amazing, I don’t even know where to start!” I laugh.

  “As I said the other day, bring your portfolio in on Monday and we can work out if you’ll fit in with our aesthetic, and, if not, I’m sure I can point you in the right direction to get started.”

  “Blake, why are you being so nice to me?”

  “You look like you could use a friend, we’ve all been there.”

  “Thanks, you're a nice guy. Very serious, but nice,” I say with a lopsided smile. He raises his dark eyes from the pizza he’s just bitten into.

  “Hey, what do you mean serious?” he grumbles.

  “I don’t know, just an observation. You just seem kind of serious and structured, like everything needs to be perfectly organised and in place for your world to be okay.”

  “So, I like things organised. Drink up. I’ll show you I’m not Mr Serious all the time. I can be fun too,” he says with a mischievous smile. And when he says it like that, I totally believe him. Maybe I have judged him too early and he has a completely different side to him.

  We finish up our food in record time. I don’t know if Blake was aware, but it was definitely a competition, and I won by two pieces.

  “You want to just head over to the bar? I can walk you home later. I feel like I need a drink tonight too.”

  “Long week, hey? Lucky I wore my walking boots,” I laugh as we walk ou
t of the restaurant. I’m a little tipsy from the wine already. “So what’s your deal anyway, Blakie?”

  He shoots me a puzzled glare at my cutie nickname for him. “No deal. What do you mean?”

  “Well, you're an attractive guy, with a decent job. I would think girls would be throwing themselves at you. How are you single?”

  “I don’t have girls throwing themselves at me,” he grumbles, with a stern look like I have somehow insulted him. “I’m kind of in the same situation as you. I had a long-term girlfriend back in Newcastle, but it was a long story. Things got kind of complicated and she had feelings for my business partner as well as me. He didn’t feel the same, but it tore me apart. So I broke it off not long before we decided to move here and I haven't really wanted to date again.”

  It's the first time I’ve seen him drop his tough, serious persona. She must have done a number on him to still be so hung up on her. I can see how wounded he is.

  “That's shit, Blake, I’m sorry. Chicks can be such skanky bitches!” I offer a sympathetic smile.

  “Yeah, it's been a while now. I thought I was getting over it, but she's been calling me again lately, wanting to try again. There's no way I’d go there, after how it ended, but it's hard to move on when she's still calling. I was glad we had plans tonight. I need a distraction.”

  “I can definitely organise that! I can be very distracting." I smirk.

  "I'm sure you can," he smiles sexily.

  "We need another drink.” I grab his hand and power walk through the door at the bar and straight to the bartender. “Four tequila shots, please,” I say to the bartender with a broad smile.

  “What are you doing?” Blake whispers to me.

  “Erasing our memories, for tonight anyway,” I say with a wink, as the bartender places the shots down in front of us. I hand Blake two and then grab two for myself, clinking his glass. “To forgetting the past and living in the now.” He gives me a slow smile and throws back the shots one at a time.


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