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Always Fraser

Page 10

by A. K. Steel

  I was so angry with her. Even if things weren’t good between her and Dad, how could she just take all our money and leave us to fall apart? I was her little boy. How could she not care what happened to me? Dad explained to me years later that she was an alcoholic and it had taken over her life. She no longer cared about anyone else, just that she had enough money for her next bottle of booze. That’s what most of their fights were over. He had been trying to get her help, but she refused.

  The Walker family were our support and they helped however they could. Jim and my dad were really close and Anne was amazing, cooking us warm meals, running me to weekend sports and helping me take care of the house, while Dad was working. I owe that family so much, and that's why I have tried so hard to stay away from Elly. But with her coming home again, all grown up, I just can't resist. She has this new air of confidence about her and her body is fucking perfection. But it's more than just a physical attraction. It's that feeling that was there years ago, a connection I have never had with anyone else, and now it’s only gotten stronger. If we start this, I know I’m not going to want to let her go ever again.

  We run six blocks at full speed. I'll never admit it to Blake, but he’s bloody fast. I’m out of breath and can't keep up. I have to slow down and catch my breath. Blake realises I’ve slowed down and comes back for me still jogging.

  “Can’t keep up, hey?”

  “I’m just not crazy fit like you. I’ve had enough.” We both slow down to a walk. “Sorry, man, I shouldn’t unload all my shit on you. It's not fair.”

  “Let's just jog then, pussy,” he teases, with a smug smile.

  I just glare at him but I’m too tired to take him on again, so I start to jog.

  “It's fine, that’s what mates are for. You know all my shit and I know yours. Did you work out what’s going on with Elly last night?”

  “Not really. We were getting somewhere, then I took off once Mum called. I was too angry to go back so I’m sure she's going to be pissed with me again. Probably for the best. Us getting involved is only going to cause trouble anyway…Theo walked in on us mid-kiss.”

  “Oh shit. What did he say?” He laughs at my pain.

  “Not a lot, but if looks could kill, I’d be dead!”

  “I’m not surprised, man, you were mauling his sister. It explains why Elly’s mood changed so suddenly after you left. She took herself off to bed. She said she didn’t feel like partying anymore.”

  “Now I feel bad. That was the last thing I wanted to do, ruin her birthday.”

  “I’m sure she’ll forgive you. She's been in love with you since high school. I’m sure you leaving a party early won't change that.”

  I whip my head over to look at him. “What do you mean, in love with me since high school? Did she tell you that?”

  “Yeah, when we were drunk the other night before she knew I was your friend. I probably shouldn’t be telling you. But It’s kind of obvious when you two are around each other anyway. I don’t know how her family haven’t worked it out yet, man.”

  “That's the problem. Her family was my family in high school. They helped Dad and me out when Mum left. Jim and Anne were like second parents to me. When Theo tells them what happened, they're going to kill me. God, if they knew what happened before Elly left for Sydney, they would really kill me.”

  “You're both consenting adults and they seem like cool people. I'm sure they will be happy for you.”

  “Somehow I doubt that.” We arrive back home and it's only 7.30am. Why did I get up so early? Today is going to be fucking long. “I'm going back to bed, man. I'll see you later.”

  “Yeah, good idea. Sleep off your shitty mood!”


  I don’t even know how I got through today. I tried to sleep for most of it. My head was still pounding every time I opened my eyes, and I blame Indie and Blake for that. But it's Sunday family dinner day, and when 4pm rolled around, I knew I was expected to be at the family dinner, massive hangover or not.

  And tonight, it was agony! Not only was I still feeling awfully sick, but I had Theo on my case the whole time, trying to get me to fess up to Drew what happened last night. He thinks there should be no secrets in our family and he can't be held accountable for accidentlly saying something in truth. But I’m not ready to tell Drew yet. I don't even know what’s going on between Fraser and me.

  I haven’t heard from Fraser today at all, so it looks like it's up to me to work this out. Typical, he lights the flame by kissing me and I get stuck putting out spot fires with my family. Once we were interrupted by Theo last night, I walked my brother and Fiona out as quickly as I could so he wouldn’t blab to Drew, and when I came back to the party, Fraser was gone. Nowhere to be seen. The coward took off so he didn’t have to face the music.

  Once everyone had finished dinner tonight, they decided to stay and watch a movie together. I took it as my cue to get out of the house for a bit. I told Mum I needed to go for a walk to clear my head after dinner. That was the plan. But, as I start walking, there's only one direction I’m going and that’s straight to Fraser’s place. I remember Blake saying they're only a couple of streets over from me, so I send him a quick text for the address as I walk in the general direction.

  Elena: What’s your address?

  Blake: Why? You sending me flowers?

  Elena: Oh, you just ruined the surprise! Address!

  Blake: 24 Palm St??

  I’ll leave him guessing. I type the address into my phone GPS and start heading in the direction it tells me. I had so much fun with Blake and Indie last night. Everything was like it was the first few times Blake and I hung out together, and he gets on so well with Indie. I knew they would. I'm pretty sure I could see sparks flying between them. There was definitely something and I do love playing matchmaker.

  We spent the night drinking tequila, playing games, and telling funny stories about our childhoods. He's a bad influence when it comes to alcohol, especially when I try to keep up with him.

  I arrive out the front of the house the GPS has taken me to. Their house is nothing special, just a normal suburban brick house. It's probably all they could get as a rental at short notice when they first moved back. I know Blake has big plans of designing and building his special place here in Byron as soon as he’s saved enough money. Which won't be long with the way their business is going. I wonder if Fraser is thinking of doing the same? Probably not. I can't see him settling down anytime soon, and a house seems way too permanent for him.

  Now that I’m standing in his driveway, I have lost my nerve. I’m not sure what I’m going to say. What if last night was just a one-off mistake for him and he’s not feeling what I am? Maybe that’s why he did a runner. But I’m sure he must feel it too. There's something between us, something I forgot existed until I was in his presence again. It's not something I can explain, but I know I’ve never felt this, whatever it is, with anyone else. I have to at least find out where his head’s at.

  I walk up the pebble driveway to the front door. Why am I here again? Maybe this is a bad idea. No, I need to know what this is. Just take a deep breath, you can do this. It's just Fraser. I knock on the front door. It's green. I wonder if that's a coincidence or if that's why they called their business The Green Door.

  Blake answers the door a little too quickly. “Were you expecting someone?” I say cheekily.

  “No, but you did just ask for our address, so I was assuming you were on your way,” he says, closing the door behind me as I make my way inside their house.

  You can tell it's two boys that live here. I mean, they have done a nice job and clearly have good taste, but the whole place smells of leather and masculinity. It’s dark and moody with brown leather lounges, a couple of large plants in pots, and what looks like recycled timber crates instead of a coffee table. The walls are slate grey, and it looks like the inside of an expensive night club, not a relaxing lounge room.

  “You know me too well already, Blakie!�

  He makes a face at the nickname I have given him. “You’re here to see Fraser?” He motions for me to come further into the house. I realise I’m still standing in the front entry like I’m scared to walk another step.

  “Yeah, is he around or is he still hiding out from me?”

  “I’m not hiding from anyone!” Fraser's loud voice carries through the house as we see him walking out of the kitchen with his arms crossed. He’s all dark and moody tonight, his hair messy, his face serious. Not the fun-loving man that kissed me at my party last night.

  “I'll leave you two to it.” Blake gives me a little sympathetic smile then heads down the hall. He knows how difficult Fraser is. We had a bit of a talk about it all last night. He's a really good friend to Fraser. I'm not sure Fraser deserves it after the way he acts sometimes, but the way Blake sees it, they're family, and they have each other’s backs no matter what.

  “Did I stir something in you last night, Elly, and you’ve come looking for more?” He’s walking towards me slowly like a lion stalking his prey.

  “No, Fraser, I’m not here for whatever you're suggesting. I want to know why you took off last night. Thought we better get it sorted before we have to work together tomorrow. You know, the meeting with the real estate agent? I thought we were finally getting somewhere, then I came back to the party to find you had left.”

  “I didn’t want to cause a scene on your birthday,” he says, with his eyes on my lips. I’m not sure if he’s even listening to what I’m saying.

  I can't help but bite my lip. He's making it hard to concentrate on the fact that I’m mad at him for taking off last night. The way he's looking at me, like he wants to eat me, has my stomach filled with butterflies. I try to shake it off. You're here for answers, Elena, nothing else. “And you didn’t think it might be a good idea to message me at some stage last night or today to let me know that?”

  “Sorry,” he shrugs. “I was just assuming you would have guessed when I wasn't there.” His face is close to mine and he places his arms on my shoulders.

  I shrug him off. “You’re such a jerk, Fraser. You only think about yourself. You didn’t want to come off like a bad friend to Drew so you ran scared. Well, you don’t need to worry, Drew doesn’t know anything, and I won't be telling him. I don’t know what I was even thinking, letting you kiss me last night.” I turn towards the door. I’m out of here. He’s more of a selfish jerk than I remember. He beats me to the door and closes it before I can take off.

  “Elly, wait.” He has me pinned against the door with his arms on either side of my waist. His eyes ablaze, with I think… desire.

  “What, Fraser?” His lips are on mine before I know what’s going on. His kiss is passionate, and I’m overwhelmed with how good he smells. It's so comforting. Like coming home. I melt into him. I couldn’t fight this even if I tried. When it comes to Fraser, my body’s instincts take over. I’ve wanted him for too long. I wrap my arms around his neck as he picks me up by the waist. I wrap my legs around him for support, my back up against the cold wall, and it cools my skin which now feels like it's on fire. Our kiss is long and passionate, neither of us wanting to stop to take a breath.

  He breaks it first. “No more talking, Elly. If we talk, we just fight, and I don’t want to fight with you anymore. Okay?”

  “Okay, Fraser.” I cradle my head in his neck as he carries me down the hall to his bedroom, my legs still wrapped around his waist. Then he throws me down on his bed. I sigh at how strong he is. The look in his beautiful grey eyes is pure sin, and I get a cold shiver running down my body from the anticipation. Something tells me this isn’t going to be like my first time with him when he was gentle and caring. He smiles down at me. God, I'm such a pushover when it comes to him and he knows it. One kiss and I'm in his bed.

  The sheets underneath me are so soft they must be Egyptian cotton or something fancy. I scramble up the bed as he crawls over me, straddling my waist, locking me in place so I can’t move. His lips are back on mine, swiping his tongue, nipping at my bottom lip. Kissing me with everything he's got. As we kiss, his hands roam up my body, lifting my top over my head. Cupping my breast through my lace bra, he places little kisses down my clavicle. Pulling the lace fabric of my bra down, exposing my nipples. The air is cold on my skin and my nipples harden as he takes his time sucking and teasing them one at a time. I moan, unable to help it, his touch feels so good. And I have waited so long.

  Pulling back from me smiling, he knows what he does to me. He reaches behind my back to unclasp my bra, growling with appreciation as my breasts are freed and the bra falls away. “So fucking hot,” he groans, as he pushes me back down to the bed. His lips are on me again, placing kisses from my neck down my chest. The stubble from his unshaven jaw scratches my skin but it feels so good to finally have his lips on me that I don’t care. I want his shirt off. I reach down to touch his chiselled chest, feeling the warmth radiating off his skin.

  He stops at my breasts, taking my hardened nipple in his mouth and sucking hard as his hand goes to my other breast and he pinches my nipple at the same time. It's sweet torture. I moan again. Fuck, this feels so good. My back arches off the bed, wanting everything he has to give me.

  “Last time I went easy on you because it was your first time, but tonight, gorgeous, you're going to feel what it’s really like to be fucked by me.”

  I hold my finger up to his lips. “You said no talking.”

  “You're such a smartarse. My bedroom, my rules. You're going to pay for that comment.”

  “Oh, I’m so scared, Fraser. Hurt me,” I laugh at him. He grabs my nipples in each hand, twisting a little harder and biting down on my neck as he does. “Ouch!”

  “You still want to be a smartarse with me?” I shake my head and I’m rewarded with a slow gentle kiss. He then slowly trails kisses down my chest and stomach till he gets to where my denim shorts sit. He undoes the stud and zipper, slowly dragging them down my legs and throwing them off the bed.

  He’s back placing light kisses up my inner thigh. His thumb swipes my pussy through the thin lace fabric of my panties. “So fucking wet already.” He hooks his thumbs into the sides of my panties, dragging them off.

  Then he's back between my legs, his eyes looking over me. “God, you’re gorgeous, Elly. I can't even tell you how many times I have thought about doing this to you again.”

  My back is arching off the bed, dying for contact from him. He's going so slow. I just want him to touch me. “Is there something you want from me, gorgeous?”

  “Touch me, Fraser, you're killing me here.”

  He offers a seductive smile, and with my request, his mouth is straight on my pussy, tasting me. His tongue swirling circles around my clit as he pushes two thick fingers into me. I cry out in appreciation of his touch.

  I reach my hands down and run them through his long hair, watching him as he continues to circle my clit with his tongue and slowly pump me with his fingers. His eyes are on mine as he works me with his mouth. The way he looks at me is almost too intimate. I have to cover my face because watching him is just too much. I rock back and forth on his fingers, loving everything he’s giving me, as my orgasm builds so quickly, I can feel I'm on the edge already.

  “Fuck, Fraser,” I cry out as I let go, my body convulsing under his touch. My whole body is shaking in the aftermath of the unbelievable orgasm he pulled from me.

  “You like that, gorgeous?”

  “Fraser, I’ve never... how did you... I don’t even have words.”

  As I come down from my orgasm and look up at him, I realise he’s still got all of his clothes on. I suddenly feel very vulnerable lying on his bed completely naked and exposed to him.

  “You have too many clothes on.”

  I push him back up to standing and sit up on the side of the bed. As I pull his T-shirt over his head, he drags his pants and boxers down his legs. Wow, he’s fucking ripped and his upper chest is covered in intricate tattoos. Why ar
e tattoos so sexy on men? The boy I knew in high school is long gone. This Fraser Davis is fucking hot as hell and he’s all man.

  I watch him walk over to his bedside table and grab a condom, ripping the packet and rolling it on. I feel a chill run through my body as I watch him. He’s so hot standing in front of me, totally naked. I can't help but stare at him.

  This is the body of a guy you would expect to see on the cover of a men’s fitness magazine or something. Chiselled-muscle gorgeousness all the way.

  He climbs over me, kissing me with such passion, forcing me to lie down again under his weight. I feel small and fragile under his large muscular frame. It feels so good to finally be consumed by his body. I run my hands over his back, feeling his muscular torso. God, he feels as good as he looks. His hands are running down my thighs, spreading my legs as wide as they will go. Every move he makes is slow and thought out. He's driving me crazy with need for him and he knows it. He positions himself at my entrance, and in one quick move, he slides deep inside me. Fuck, he’s big. He slowly moves in and out of me, giving me time to adjust to his size.

  “Are you okay, gorgeous?”

  I don’t need long. I’m so fucking ready for him. “Yes, fuck me, Fraser. I can't wait anymore.”

  Then his lips are back on mine and his thrusts are hard and fast as he loses all control. I rock my hips back and forth to meet him, moving with him as he fills me. He pulls back from my lips and his eyes are fixed on mine again. I don’t know how he’s doing it but he’s fucking me like an animal and looking straight into my soul at the same time. I want to look away under his steely stare, but this time I don’t. This is so much more than I’m ready for right now, but when it comes to Fraser, I want it all.

  We move together like our bodies were made for each other, and he continues the hard and fast rhythm. I don’t think I can take much more. I can feel my arousal building again and my body is beginning to quiver already. Our lips meet again, and I feel him jolt forward, as we hit our peak at the same time. His body collapses on mine.


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