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Always Fraser

Page 16

by A. K. Steel

  Yeah, he’s dated plenty of girls, but he’s never stayed with one for longer than a couple of weeks. He’s never had to think about anyone else. He tells me it's because of me. I’m the reason he’s never stayed with anyone. But how can I trust he’s not just fucking me out of his system because it's new? Then he’ll get bored and be looking for someone more exciting in a few weeks.

  I sit feeling pissed-off for the entire second half of the game. I really just want to go home, but I can't make a scene or it will be obvious something's going on. I don’t know why I even came to watch. I have no idea about this game, and now that I know it's where the town skanks hang out, parading around in their little outfits, with their fake tits on display for all to see, I hate it even more.

  The game ends with our team winning and the players make their way over to the sheds.

  “Thank god that's over,” says Indie.

  “You girls going to come over and say hi?” calls Drew, already walking off to where the players are congregating at the sheds.

  “You boys go, we'll catch up with you all at the pub,” I say. There’s no way I want to talk to Fraser right now.

  “You okay, Elly? You’ve gone all quiet,” Indie asks, putting her arm around me as we make our way out of the grounds.

  “I don't know, Indie. I have no idea what I’m doing, starting something up with Fraser. Is this a really big mistake?”

  “You can't help who you fall for, Elly. It's been obvious there was something between the two of you since you guys were teenagers. I think you owe it to yourself to give it a go, see how it plays out, no regrets. Plus, my life's so boring at the moment, if you are a total train wreck at least I’ll have something to entertain me,” she laughs.

  “Oh, thanks, good to know I’m your entertainment! There’s just so many reasons not to, you know?”

  “Elly, you can always find reasons not to do something, but if it's what your heart wants, follow it. You’ll work the rest out later.” We walk into the pub and go straight to the bar. Indie orders two beers.

  “How did you get so smart, Indie girl?”

  “Guess not taking my own advice. Living too many mistakes,” she laughs. “But you know what? That's not me anymore. I’m going to do the same from now on. Getting the art gallery and moving somewhere new with you feels like the fresh start I need. I’m going to start living my life again and stop pining after what I thought my future would look like.”

  “That sounds like a great plan. To new beginnings,” I chant, clinking my glass with hers.

  We search the pub for a table. It's still pretty empty at this time of the day, so we can take our pick. We find a big table at the front, looking out over the street, and take a seat.

  Half an hour and three beers later, the boys finally arrive. Fraser’s sporting a fat lip from one of the game's tackles. I have no idea why he likes playing such a violent sport. The boys all grab a drink and pull up seats at our table. Fraser sits opposite me. He smiles his cheeky-as-fuck smile, but I turn my head so I can ignore him. I'm still pissed from the events I witnessed during half-time.

  “You girls having a party without us?” Drew says, looking at the table of empty glasses.

  “Well, you took your time, and we’re celebrating moving in together. From now on, our lives are going to be so exciting and fun, hey, Indie?” She clinks her glass with mine as we both giggle.

  “I think you two need some dinner before I’m walking your drunk arses home again,” scoffs Blake.

  “Thanks, Dad, glad we brought you,” jokes Indie.

  “We can always rely on you to look after us, Blakie,” I tease, as Indie giggles at me again and Blake rolls his eyes.

  “Good idea. I’m starving,” says Drew. “Let's go order.”

  We head up to the counter to order, and 20 minutes later our food arrives.

  As I’m about to cut into my steak a text pings on my phone. I look down to see it’s from Fraser.

  Fraser: What's your problem?

  Elly: Oh, sorry, Fraser, am I supposed to be all over you with my tits out like every other slut in Byron?

  Fraser: You're talking about Shea? Stop being silly, I’ve already told you there’s nothing there, she's just a massive flirt.

  Elly: Really? You looked pretty cosy with her this afternoon!

  I start eating my food, ignoring his texts, and he glares at me across the table. I can see how annoyed he’s getting, but I don’t care. His double standard fucking pisses me off.

  I purposely turn my head and try to concentrate on the story Drew entertains us with. Something about the latest girl he picked up at last night's bucks party for Ash. Fraser and Blake were there as well. They all went to the Pink Flamingo, our local strip club.

  I have no idea how Drew gets himself into these situations. We couldn't possibly have shared a womb for nine months, we're so different. Indie’s right, he’s a total man-whore. From what I can gather, he got friendly with one of the dancers and she lost a bet or something and he got to take her home for the night. Story doesn’t make any sense to me, I guess you had to be there. I can't think of anything worse. Fraser was very sketchy on the details of what actually took place, and after I saw what he was like today with another girl when I’m around, I don’t really want to know what he got up to at that club last night.

  I look down at my phone again because I can't help myself:

  Fraser: You're being ridiculous and acting like a child.

  I can see he's still watching me and knows I have just checked my phone. Is he serious!

  Elly: Maybe? So I guess you're saying, if some guy was all over me flirting, you’d be fine with that?

  Fraser: That's not what I said.

  Elly: Sounds like it to me.

  “You want another drink, Indie? Let's go to the bar.” I grab her arm and pull her with me.

  “What’s going on with you, you're acting crazy?” she calls, as I drag her through the now-crowded bar.

  “Fraser’s being a dick!”

  She looks back at him then to me. “You guys haven’t even talked to each other since he got here, I'm confused.”

  “He’s texting me with his double standards.”

  "Oh. Total dick."

  We line up at the bar and wait to be served.

  “Hey, I know you girls. You're from the café on the hill?” a man says, tall, dark and handsome. I do recognise him and his friend from the café, the two of them come in every morning.

  “Oh yeah, you’re flat white, no sugar, Americano,” laughs Indie.

  “Yeah, how do you remember?” says the one with the blond hair.

  “You come in every morning,” says Indie.

  “I have no idea how you do it, Indie. I’ve still got no idea. What are your names? So I can remember them at least. I’m Elena and the lady with the good memory is Indie.”

  “I’m Tristan,” says the one with the dark hair.

  “Luca,” says the one with the long blond hair in a man bun.

  These boys are cute. Tonight just got a lot more interesting.

  “Nice to meet you guys properly. You want to play some pool? The tables are free.” I can see Fraser watching me, but I don’t care. Who the fuck does he think he is being all possessive. We make our way over to the pool tables and start the first round.

  Half an hour later, us girls are up three. These guys suck at playing pool, but they're super nice. I almost feel bad for kicking their arses so badly, almost, but I do like to win at all cost.

  Another message pops up on my phone:

  Fraser: What do you think you're doing?

  I look over to him and shrug my shoulders. He knows what I’m doing, proving my point.

  Looks like Drew has found a new lady friend. He’s heading our way with his arm draped over some girl. She's very young, with long super-straight brown hair, and I’m not surprised she’s gorgeous, his women always are. “I’m going to get going, sis, I’ll see you tomorrow for the big move.”
  “Thanks, bro,” I say, mocking him. “Don't be late. We need you home at nine, okay?”

  “Might not have slept, but I’ll be there.” He gives the girl a wink and they walk off.

  “Gross, I don't want to know what he's getting up to.”

  “You girls want to mix things up?” asks Tristan.

  “Sure, you boys sick of getting smashed by two girls?” Indie laughs.


  She's making me crazy. She knows what happens when she makes me jealous. I can feel my hand clenching under the table and my heart starting to race as the adrenaline starts taking over.

  Blake is watching me. He knows I'm about to lose my shit. “Calm down, Fraser, you know she's just trying to get back at you. She spent the whole second half of the game fuming because Shea touched you on the arm,” he says.

  “Is it that obvious?” He raises an eyebrow at me. “Why can’t she just talk to me like a normal person?”

  “I’d say she’s trying to prove a point. Drew has gone now, try being the bigger person. Just go over there and ask her to talk without causing a fight.”

  As he says it, one of the fuckers wraps his arms around her while she's bent over the pool table to help her line up the pool cue. I’m not watching this shit anymore.

  “Yeah, sorry, mate, I can't do that.” I slide my chair back and stalk over to the pool tables where she's playing.

  “Fraser, just talk to her,” Blake calls out to me as he follows behind me.

  “Fraser, you boys coming to play with us?” she laughs. She's drunk and thinks this is a big joke.

  “We need to talk.” I grab her arm and pull her outside with me.

  “What are you doing? I was having fun, those boys are nice,” she cries.

  “I know what you were doing, Elly, and I’m trying not to cause another scene.” We’re out the front, leaning on the wall of the building near the street.

  “What?” she says, batting her eyelashes at me trying to be cute.

  “You have proved your point. I won't let Shea flirt with me anymore.”


  “Yes, no other fucker is putting his hands on you again.” I pull her face to mine, kissing her possessively. “You’re mine, you understand?”

  “Just like you’re mine. It goes both ways, Fraser." She runs her hands up my arms, placing them on my neck, playing with my hair as she kisses me back. “You need to learn how to be in a relationship. All this possessive shit if some guy looks in my direction, but you're allowed slutty girls hanging off you and I’m supposed to just ignore it? I’m not some pushover that will just do whatever you want to keep you happy. My last relationship ended with him cheating. So yeah, I’ve got some insecurities when it comes to trust, but when you let girls flirt with you like you do, it makes me feel like I mean nothing to you, and I’m going to let you know about it.”

  “I’m sorry, gorgeous, I’m not used to this relationship stuff. But you have to talk to me next time I stuff up, not shut me out.”

  “Okay.” She touches my lip. “It looks sore.”

  “It's fine.” I kiss her again to prove the point. “Let's go back inside with the others and play some pool.”

  “Okay, but be nice, those guys we were playing with are our regular customers at the café. They’re nice guys, don't give them a hard time.”

  “As long as they keep their hands to themselves.”

  We walk back in with my arm around her waist so they know to back off. The other boys are gone, it's just Indie and Blake. Good.

  “You two look cosy. What's going on here?” Elly questions.

  “Nothing. We’re not cosy.” They pull apart from where they were standing as Indie says it.

  “Just playing pool, waiting for you two to sort out your shit,” Blake says, getting all defensive.

  “Okay, chill out, man, let's play, Elly and me versus you two.”

  “Oh, I don't want to play Blake,” says Elly.

  “You worried I’ll kick your arse again?” Blake says with a smirk.

  “Maybe,” says Elly, crossing her arms.

  “Tough! They’re the teams, Elly, you're stuck with me.” I wrap my arms around her and kiss her cheek.

  “Okay. But you better bring your A-game tonight, Fraser. I’m not losing to them.”

  “Terms: losing team has to strip off at the beach and do a nudie run into the water,” Blake adds.

  “Done!” I agree. This is going to be funny.

  “Hey, I didn’t agree to these terms! Don’t I get a say? It will be freezing!” Elly complains.

  “No,” both Blake and I say, laughing at her stomping her feet like a toddler having a tantrum. Indie’s laughing at her friend's pain. I’d say she'd be up for anything and could care less about a nudie run.

  We lose the first round, and Elly talks them into a best of three. Then we win the second round so it all comes down to the third. Elly’s her usual competitive self, but she’s had way too much to drink so she's a little all over the place. I’m half tempted to throw the game so she has to do the run so I can see her naked tonight, but then I remember, that means Blake would too. That's not going to work! I’d better make sure we win.

  I sink our last ball but miss getting the black in. So it's Indie’s turn. She lines up the shot and sinks their last ball but also misses the black. It's down to both teams to sink the black and it's Elly’s turn. I go around behind her to give her some advice.

  “Get away, Fraser. You're going to stuff me up. I know what I’m doing, I don’t need your help,” she says, swatting me away, all serious.

  “Okay, Miss Know-it-all. But you’d better get it cause you know Blake will and that will leave you running nude up the beach.”

  “I’m not going to miss it.”

  She lines up the ball, slightly bent over the table, leaning on one leg to get the perfect shot. Then, in her drunken state, she loses her balance, shooting the cue forward and hitting the white ball. It bounces off the table, completely missing the black, as she falls to the floor. We all erupt into a fit of laughter.

  She sits sulking at her misfortune. Indie’s laughing so hard she has tears running down her face, then Elly starts laughing as well. She must realise how silly it looks.

  “You're a mess, Elly,” I say, holding out my hands to help her up. “Come on, a swim will do you some good, sober you up a bit.”

  She's shaking her head. “I’m not doing the nudie run, you can't make me,” she protests, still laughing at herself, making it hard for me to get her upright.

  Blake sinks the winning shot, and the game is over.

  “We lost because of you, miss. I can’t do the nudie run all by myself. I’m pretty sure you're doing it with me!” I say, picking her up over my shoulder and heading out through the front doors of the building. The other two follow behind me still in hysterics.

  We get over to the beach with her struggling in my arms and winging the whole way. I put her down on the sand.

  “Indie, don't make me do it. You know I can't get nude in front of people,” she begs at Indie’s feet.

  “Come on, Elly. You're the one who said you want to start living your life, what better way!” Elly is still looking up at Indie with pouty lips, begging her. “Well, how about just your bra and undies then. But you still have to run into the water,” Indie offers, still laughing at her friend's misfortune.

  “Fine. You guys are big meanies.”

  She’s going to do it, I never thought she would. She is so shy about this type of thing. She's got her boots off and stands pulling her dress over her head. She's just in a black lace bra and G-string and she looks fucking hot. I pull my shirt over my head and drop my jeans down as she takes off down the beach to the water. “No looking, Blake,” she pleads.

  “What? I wasn’t.” He’s still laughing with Indie, the two of them now sitting on the sand taking off their shoes.

  I whip off my briefs and take off down the beach butt naked after Elly
to make sure she doesn't drown in her drunken state. She’s knee-deep in the water when I get there.

  “Come on in, the water's fine,” she says, laughing to herself.

  I wrap my arms around her, crash tackling her into the water. As we come up, our mouths meet, and she wraps her body around mine. “You look so hot in just your bra and panties. How am I supposed to walk back up the beach with this?” I say, thrusting my hips forward so she can feel how hard I am.

  “I thought the cool water would’ve fixed that.”

  “Not when you're around, gorgeous.” We kiss again and I can feel her shivering. “Come on, let's get you out and dry, you’re cold. The other two are now in the water as well, swimming a bit further up, so we can get out without them seeing.”

  “You worried about Blake seeing me?”

  “Of course I am. No man could resist seeing you like this, and you two are already too close for my liking.”

  “It's not like that with him, Fraser. Seriously, you have nothing to worry about, we're just friends.”

  We walk up the beach, collecting our clothes, as the others come out of the water joining us.

  “We're going to get a kebab on the walk home, you guys in?” calls Indie.

  “I’m going to take Elly home. She's freezing. We'll see you guys in the morning.”

  “Okay, see you then,” they both say.

  We make our way back up the beach towards Elly’s house. As we get close to her street, she turns to walk towards her parents’ house, but I grab her hand and steer her in the direction of my place.

  “I’ve got to stay at home tonight, Fraser. We’re moving in the morning, remember?”

  “Don’t care. You're coming home with me. You can't leave me like this till tomorrow.” I place her hand on my rock-hard dick. “You can go home in the morning. Just say you stayed at Indie’s.”

  “You're so bossy when you're being controlled by your dick,” she laughs at me and cuddles in under my arm for warmth as we make our way to my place.

  Chapter Thirteen


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