Book Read Free

Always Fraser

Page 17

by A. K. Steel


  I can feel the warmth of the sun shining into the room and Fraser's arms snaked around my body. I could get used to this feeling, waking up with his sexy naked body wrapped around me. I wonder what time it is. I reach over to the bedside table to check my phone. 8.45, that's not too bad, I close my eyes and snuggle in again. Wait, 8.45, shit! We're supposed to be moving this morning. Everyone at home will be wondering where I am.

  “Wake up, Fraser, it's 8.45!” I shake his arm, and he rolls over and pulls me back to him.

  “Stay for a bit longer, gorgeous,” he mumbles sleepily. I push my way out of his arms. “Oh, you're no fun.”

  “Come on, we need to get up now! I'll go over to the house first so they don’t suspect anything. We can have fun later, when I’m in my own place.”

  I jump up and start to throw my clothes on and lace up my boots. Grrr, why did I drink so much last night? I can't even think straight this morning. I have total brain fog.

  “See ya in ten.” I kiss him goodbye then rush out the door as quick as I can.

  I run through the front door at home and meet eyes with Drew sitting at the breakfast table. Damn, I was hoping to avoid this conversation today.

  “Where have you been, sis?”

  “Where’s the girl from last night, bro?” I ask, as I grab one of his pieces of toast and bite into it, sitting down next to him at the breakfast bar.

  “Hey, you can make me some more now for that!”

  “Sorry, I don't have time, I need to pack, everyone will be here soon, but thanks for this piece,” I smile sweetly at him.

  “Typical,” he grumbles, getting up to make himself some more.

  “So, where’s your friend?”

  “Back at her place. Where have you been anyway? I thought you would’ve been up early organising everything for the move.”

  “I went home with Indie. We had a little too much to drink so I wanted to make sure she got home safe.”

  “Oh, that's nice of you, sissy. Why don't I believe your story, though?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know, little brother, maybe cause you’re sneakier than me. And you would be up to no good!”

  “Hmm maybe... What’s going on with you lately, Elly? You’ve been avoiding me since the party. I thought this trip home would be like old times with us hanging out together. But you're always out. Is there something going on or are you just avoiding me? Are you okay?"

  “I’m fine. Anyway, you took off early last night with the girl when you could have hung with your awesome sister, so you're just as bad! And since when do you worry about me so much?”

  “Since always. It's a big bad world out there and it's my job to look out for you. Fraser thinks you're just trying to get over Jessie. Is that what it is?”

  “Does he! Wait. You talked to Fraser about me? Why would you do that?”

  “I’m worried about you, Elly.” His forehead creases in concern, and now I feel even worse. I probably should just tell him and get it out in the open. What am I supposed to say to him? Yeah, everything’s fine, I’m just screwing your best friend from high school and it's messing with my head. I’m sure that's going to go down well! Oh, and by the way, we fucked back in high school too, no big deal. He’s going to flip his lid! Or maybe he won't? We’re all adults now, he probably won't care at all. There's only one way to find out, I need to just tell him straight up what's going on. Do it fast like ripping off a band-aid.

  “What if there was something I needed to talk to you about? I can tell you anything and you won't get mad with me, right?”

  “Anything. What is it, Elly?”

  “Well, you know how..."

  Mum walks through the front door with Blake, Indie, and Fraser. “Look who I found out the front, the moving crew.”

  I jump up from where I am sitting. “Oh, good. We can get started. The boxes are in my room.” The others head for my bedroom.

  Drew puts his hand on mine. “What is it, Elly?”

  “Doesn't matter now, I’ll tell you about it another time.”

  He still has the same worried look on his face, but now's not the time. I don’t know what I was thinking. I follow after the others as quickly as I can. Probably best we don’t talk about this today anyway.

  Four hours and two trips later, we’ve packed Blake’s ute and our various cars with all the boxes and furniture from Indie’s place and mine, and delivered it to the new apartment. Luckily there's only one flight of stairs at this new place.

  As soon as I saw this place I was in love. It’s so cute. I’m assuming it’s art deco style. Probably built in the 1920’s judging by the facade. There’s a shop frontage downstairs at the front of the building, then you follow the long hallway to the stairs at the back. Our apartment and the art gallery, where Indie will be able to display her work, are up there. I love 1920’s anything, the fashion, the furniture, but especially the architecture. I could hardly believe my luck when Indie brought me here last week to have a quick look.

  “I’m so excited, Elly. I can't believe we're roomies.” Indie hugs me as we stand in the living room to our new apartment.

  Fraser walks in with the last box. “Nice place, I’m impressed.”

  “I knew you would like it. It's like stepping back in time, hey? How good is this beautiful dark timber floor?” When I first checked out this place with Indie, the floor was the first thing I noticed. “Did you see the beautiful geometric patterned cornice on the ceilings in every room? The owners must have had everything restored perfectly for it to look this good, hey?”

  “Yeah, I’d say so, they have done a nice job.”

  “Go check out the massive balcony off the front that looks over the main street, you can nearly see the beach.” The boys go to look over the balcony, then come back in.

  “Yeah, this place is sweet, Elly, and I’ll be able to crash here after a big night at the pub,” suggests Drew, as usual thinking with his dick.

  “Is that right? You won't be able to bring any of your girlfriends back here! Isn’t getting pussy the only reason you go out? I’m sure those are the words I’ve heard you say.”

  He gives me his cheeky grin. “I’m sure I’ve said nothing like that, Elly. I love women, all of them. I would never disrespect them like that.”

  “Yeah, sure, whatever you say, Drew.”

  “Can we be let off our moving duties to go for lunch? I’m starving!” grumbles Drew.

  “Yeah, okay. Where do you guys want to go? My shout for you guys helping.”

  “There’s a sushi place downstairs that will be quick and easy,” offers Indie.

  “Good idea, Indie. Here’s my credit card, Drew. Can you get what everyone wants and bring me back a tuna and avo?”

  “Yeah, no worries. You're not coming?”

  “Nah, I want to get started setting up my room.” Fraser's eyes look over to me excitedly.

  “I think I’ll stay and help. You won't be able to put the bed back together by yourself. Get me the same as Elly, will you, Drew.” Drew nods and leaves with the others.

  “Thanks, Fraser, but you didn't have to stay.”

  He follows me into my new room and closes the door behind me, “I finally have you to myself. Let's christen your room.” He wraps his arms around me, pulling me in for a kiss.

  “I knew you had an ulterior motive for staying. But this place is a total mess. Even if I was thinking the same thing, it's hardly possible at the moment. How about you help me put the bed together as you said, and I might let you stay tonight.”

  “I’m definitely staying tonight, that’s not even a question, and we don’t need a bed put together to have a little fun right now, Elly. I thought I had taught you that already, but maybe you need some more lessons in less-vanilla sex.” He walks us back towards the wall, his hands going straight to my arse. “We could use the shower again, or I could bend you over that cute retro bench top in the kitchen? Or what about the balcony, looking out over the street below?”

raser,” I cry, slapping him across the chest. “The others will be back soon. We can't leave this room or we'll get caught.” As much as I try to fight it, his words do things to me. My body is already wet with arousal hearing him list off all the places he wants to have sex.

  “I’ve been trying my best to keep my hands off you all day, and now they're all gone, I’m not waiting any longer.”

  He has me pinned up against the wall with his hips. He grabs my wrists in one of his hands and places them above my head. I can feel his rock-hard cock pushing into me. As our lips meet with passionate persuasion, he has me all but begging for him in a matter of seconds.

  I’m not sure how I keep getting myself into this same predicament with him. But I love it. His body pinning me right where he wants me. His lips are on mine, and I can't help but soften into his kiss. Whatever he wants, I want to give it to him, whenever he wants it. He makes me feel naughty in a good way. As soon as our lips meet, my body is his and my brain loses all rational thought. There are no rules anymore, just want for the pleasure he’s about to provide.

  His free hand tugs my shirt up and over my hands. He then uses my shirt to tie my hands in place as he turns me around to face the wall, leaning my bound hands on the wall for support. His hands move up my body to my breasts, cupping them as he pulls the delicate lace fabric down, exposing my nipples to the cold air. He twists my nipples in his fingers. Just this small movement does all sorts of things to my insides, and I moan with pleasure, pushing my arse back into his hard erection, greedy for more. He trails kisses and small nips from my neck across my shoulder as he cups my breasts, gently massaging them.

  “Fuck, you have the best tits,” he almost growls. His lips are now on my neck, kissing up to my ear before softly biting down, sending a wave of goosebumps through my body. “I’m going to fuck you just like this, my naughty girl, hard and fast from behind.”

  We both jump when we hear a knock at the door. “Shit, get me untied, Fraser! That could be my parents.”

  He starts laughing at my predicament. “What if I go get the door and get rid of whoever it is. I’m not finished with you yet. I like the way you look like this. Way too much to untie you right now.”

  “No way,” I'm stomping my feet at him being such a smartarse at a time like this. “I’m not staying here like this. Untie me now!” The person at the door knocks again. “I’m coming,” I yell, in the direction of the door, as Fraser leans over and unties my hands. He’s still laughing at the situation and how panicked I am. “It's not funny,” I whimper, nudging him off me. I pull up my bra, tug my crumpled-up T-shirt down, and try to flatten it out as I run into the living room to answer the door.

  “Theo,” I can feel how flushed my face is. I must look like a beetroot. “Hey, big brother, what are you doing here? Thought you had to work today.”

  “I did but my shift is finished, and Fiona has sent me over to help. You okay? You look a bit flushed, Elly, everything okay?”

  “Yeah. Just moving heavy furniture, I’m not fit for it, that’s all. Are you still driving Fi nuts with all the pregnancy stuff?” I ask, trying to deflect from the colour of my face and my crumpled-up T-shirt.

  “How did you know about that?”

  “Girls talk, Theo. Leave her alone. She knows what she can handle. She's a big girl and the strongest woman I know. She doesn't need you bossing her around, being all protective.”

  “Of course you're on her side. I’m not bossing her around. Can’t blame a man for trying to keep the woman he loves safe!”

  “Just saying, give her some space, so she still wants your ugly face around, that's all.”

  “Ha ha, you’re so funny, little sis. Where’s the rest of the moving crew?”

  “They went for lunch, it's just me and Fraser here. We're setting up my bedroom.”

  “Hmm, that explains the red face then.”

  “Theo,” I smack him on the arm.

  “Have you told Drew yet? You need to tell him before he finds out like I did. He could have walked back in now, then what?”

  “We’re being careful. It would have been fine because we weren’t doing anything,” I say, giving him a filthy look. His goody-two-shoes attitude is starting to piss me off. You can tell he’s a cop, he knows too much.

  Fraser finally walks out of the bedroom. “We’ll tell him when we're ready, Theo. This isn’t your problem to worry about.”

  “You know keeping secrets never goes well, especially from Drew. You two know him better than anyone. This isn’t going to go down well.”

  “Stop lecturing us. You're not working right now, and we don't need you being the family cop. Come and help. That's what you're here for.” I start pushing him down the hallway into the bedroom to help us with the set-up.

  Theo’s right, though, Drew hates secrets as much as I do. We’re so screwed when we do tell him.

  A few hours later, with everyone’s help, we have all the furniture in place and have set up the kitchen, lounge room, and both bedrooms. Blake took it upon himself to set up anything electrical, so everything is almost done. Drew and Theo left an hour ago for the Walker family dinner at my parents’ house, so it’s just the four of us now.

  I collapse onto the sofa. “I’m exhausted. I can't do any more unpacking today.”

  “Me either. We’re pretty much done anyway.” Indie joins me, slumping down next to me, placing her head on my lap.

  “What do you ladies want to do for dinner then?” Blake asks.

  Food is the last thing on my mind. I’m so tired my eyes are nearly closing just sitting here. “I don't care. Anything where I don’t have to move to make it happen.”

  Blake grabs his phone and stands to leave. “I’ll order a pizza then.”

  Fraser grabs his keys. “I'll come with you, man, and grab a bottle of wine to celebrate.”

  Indie and I are still curled up on the lounge. I can't move. So glad the boys are here to take care of dinner, because if they weren’t, I’d probably just have toast for dinner tonight, or nothing, which would have been fine too.

  I feel Indie’s weight shift on the lounge. “Hey, Elly.”

  “Yeah, Indie,” I mutter, with my eyes closed.

  She's come to stand right in front of me. “Open your eyes. I’ve got an idea.”

  My eyes flicker open and I slowly sit up to look at my friend. “This sounds dangerous! What's the big idea?”

  Indie’s twisting her large hoop earrings around. She must be nervous. I've noticed she does this when she’s worried about something. “Hear me out. You know how you’ve been trying to start up your own business and now we have this massive space, well, it's too big for just an art gallery, and there's an underground storage space too.”

  I'm sitting up a little further now, giving her my full attention.

  “I’m thinking, why don’t we join forces somehow, my art, your styling? We could start collecting some of our own special furnishings and styling pieces, which we can store downstairs, to go with what you can get from that hire place you use. If we join our experience and money together, it will be a lot easier to get it off the ground. We can start small with the jobs we can get from the boys. Then Blake can set us up a website so people can find us, and, if we do it together, we will always have someone to bounce ideas off.”

  “Are you serious about this? You won't get sick of me? You know I’m a pain in the bum and you're already living with me.”

  “Yeah, of course I’m serious, otherwise I wouldn’t be saying it. We will organise it so we have our own roles so we are not on top of each other.”

  “Sounds like you have already given this a lot of thought. Why not, hey? This is a fantastic idea. I’ve been too scared to take the leap by myself, but if we do it together, we have each other.” We jump up hugging each other as the boys walk back in the apartment with the pizza.

  Blake puts the pizza boxes down on the dining room table. “What's going on? You two were half dead when we left, now you're
jumping around smiling.”

  “We're starting a business together,” we both scream excitedly.

  Fraser’s looking at Blake with his eyebrow raised. “How long were we gone for?”

  “I’ll get some glasses,” I call out from the kitchen as I try and reach the top shelf where the wine glasses are. “We have even more to celebrate now, you boys want wine too?”

  Blake calls out first, “Definitely.”

  Then Fraser. “Nah, I’m good. I don’t like wine.”

  I walk back in with three glasses. “Why didn’t you get yourself some beer then?”

  “It's a school night. I'm trying to be a good boy.”

  “Since when do you care about being a good boy? You're bad to the core, Fraser Davis.”

  “You two need to get a room, I’m sick of the overshare already,” Indie laughs, trying to look disgusted in us.

  “We’ve got one, and you might want to put earphones in tonight. It's going to get loud,” says Fraser excitedly.

  “Fraser,” I cry, slapping him as Indie and Blake just laugh at us. He’s so embarrassing.

  Indie fills the three glasses. “To us and our new beginnings.”

  The three of us clink glasses. “To new beginnings.”

  I’m standing on the stage in front of my whole year group, trying to plead my case. I’m holding some palm cards in front of me, but I can't see what they say, and no matter how hard I try, I can't get any words to come out of my mouth.

  I take a deep breath and try again, but as I go to talk, I look down and realise I’m completely naked and that bitch, Angela Cook, is in the front row of the hall laughing at me. Everyone else joins in. I should run off the stage, but my feet won't let me. It's like I’m glued to the floor. Why can't I move or talk?

  I can feel my body start to drip with sweat as my heart hammers in my chest and the laughing gets louder. So loud it’s deafening. Then my mum is there, at the side of the stage. She must be here to help me. I try to call out to her, but I can't. She just mouths the word “disappointed” then disappears.

  What's going on? Why is no one helping me? What’s happening? Then I see Drew. Maybe he can help, he always helps me. He walks up to the front of the room and starts knocking on the stage. Why is he doing that? Why isn’t he helping me?... knock... knock... knock... it's getting louder... knock


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