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The Age of Napoleon

Page 140

by Will Durant

  sees N. for last time, 721

  leaves Paris for Blois (1814), 724–25

  and N.’s abdication, 726–27

  and Marie Walewska’s visit to Elba, 735

  N.’s letters to, 734, 738, 740, 772

  in N.’s will, 767, 772

  later life, 772

  Marienburg, 713, 754

  Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte de Bourbon, Madame Royale (1778–1851), 50, 65

  Marigny, Abbé Augier de (d. 1762), 93

  Marino Faliero (Byron), 623

  Markos, Ivan, 683

  Marmion (Scott), 505

  Marmirolo, 103

  Marmont, Auguste-Frédéric-Louis Viesse de (1774–1852): in Italian campaign (1796), 99

  in Spain, 538–39

  in 1813 campaign, 716, 718, 722, 723

  in 1814 campaign, 724, 725, 726

  Marne River, 59, 722, 723

  Marriage of Cana (Vermeer), 279

  Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The (Blake), 415

  Marseillais, The (Rudé), 280

  “Marseillaise, The,” 37, 38, 40, 137

  Marseilles, 15

  and the blockades, 118, 262, 693

  economy of during Revolution, 5, 6, 8, 75

  Fédérés from, 38, 44

  Girondins in, 34, 56, 62

  in Hundred Days, 740

  Jews in, 275

  Terror in, 69

  White Terror in, 84, 753

  Martigny, Switzerland, 171, 172

  Martini, Padre Giovanni Battista (1706–84), 612

  Martini, Simone (1283?–1344), 611

  Martinique, 95

  Martyrs de Dioclétien, Les (Chateaubriand), 319, 320

  Marx, Karl (1818–83), 329, 346, 621, 684

  and Hegel, 649, 650, 657–58

  on Spain, 537

  Masdeu, Juan Francisco de (1744–1817), 534

  Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Eve (1572), 61, 138

  Masséna, André (1758–1817), 97, 173, 269

  besieged at Genoa (1800), 170–72

  jealous of N., 185–86

  leads Army of Italy (1805), 202

  in Portugal, 538

  suppresses Naples insurrection, 216

  in Switzerland (1799), 116, 117, 119

  Masson, Frédéric (1847–1923), 244

  mathematics, 142, 322–23, 608

  Mathews, Rev. A. S., 413

  Matrimonio segreto, II (Cimarosa), 553

  Maupeou, René-Nicolas de (1714–92), 162

  Mavrokordatos, Prince Alexandros (1791–1865), 498

  Maximilian, Archduke (1782–1863), 348

  Maximilian Francis, Elector of Cologne (r. 1784–1801), 568–69

  Maximilian I Joseph, King of Bavaria (r. 1806–25), Elector as Maximilian IV (r. 1799–1806), 206, 294, 387, 772

  maximum: prices, 54, 55–56, 62, 75, 695–96

  wages, 80, 83

  abolished by Convention, 84

  Mayer, Constance (1778–1821), 283

  Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805–72), 552, 590, 660

  McAdam, John Loudon (1756–1836), 342

  McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis (1866–1925), 658

  Mecklenburg-Schwerin, duchy of, 206

  Médecin de campagne, Le (Balzac), 773

  Médée (Cherubini), 137

  medicine, 324–25, 392–93, 551

  Medwin, Thomas (1788–1869), 494

  Méhul, Étienne-Nicolas (1763–1817), 137

  Meissen pottery, 593

  Melas, Baron Michael Friedrich Benedikt von (1729–1806), 170–74, 545

  Melbourne, Elizabeth Lamb, Viscountess, nee Milbanke (1749–1818), 460–62

  Melbourne, Peniston Lamb, 1st Viscount (1748–1819), 460

  Melbourne, 2d Viscount, see Lamb, William Memel, 593, 596–98

  Mémoires (Chateaubriand), 313–14

  Mémoires de chirurgie militaire et campagnes (Larrey), 324

  Mémoires d’outre-tombe (Chateaubriand), 320

  Mémoire sur la décomposition de la pensée (Maine), 331

  Memoirs (Mme. de Staël), 106–7

  Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène (Las Cases), 762, 763

  Mendelssohn, Brendel, later Dorothea von Schlegel (1763–1839), 603, 605, 634, 640

  conversion of, 602, 630, 634

  death of, 635

  Mendelssohn, Felix (1809–47), 614, 630

  Mendelssohn, Moses (1729–86), 634

  Méneval, Claude-François, later Baron de Méneval (1778–1850), 241, 767

  on Confederation of Rhine, 207

  on émigré plot, 190–91

  memoirs of, 187

  as N.’s secretary, 87, 194, 239, 246

  in Russia, 700, 707

  serves Marie Louise, 715, 735

  at Tilsit, 212

  Mengs, Anton Raphael (1728–79), 519, 611

  Menus Plaisirs, Hôtel des, 13, 15, 16

  Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare), 373

  Mercier, Louis-Sébastien (1740–1814), 51, 135

  Mercure de France, 20, 319–20

  Méricourt, Thérèse de (1762–1817), 133*

  Merlin of Douai, Philippe-Antoine (1754–1838), 106, 117, 180

  Merveilleux, Merveilleuses, 86, 135

  meteorology, 323

  Methodists, 359, 367, 516

  metric system, 87, 142, 154

  Metternich, Eleonore von Kaunitz, Princess von, 561

  Metternich, Prince Franz Georg Karl von (1746–1818), 560

  Metternich, Prince Klemens Wenzel Lothar von (1773–1859), 370, 560–62

  early life, 560–61

  Austrian ambassador to France, 225, 561

  urges war against France (1809), 225, 231

  appointed as foreign minister, 562

  helps arrange marriage of Marie Louise to N., 234, 235, 562

  at Dresden (1812), 700

  and Austria’s desire to break French alliance (1813), 712

  mediates between Allies and N., 716

  at Congress of Vienna, 624, 732–34

  Metz, 24, 722

  Metz, Parlement of, 130

  Meuse River, 97

  Mexico, 609

  Mexico, Gulf of, 311

  Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791–1864), 612, 613

  Mézières, military academy at, 323

  “Michael” (Wordsworth), 431

  Michaelis, Caroline, see Schelling, Caroline von Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475–1564), 141, 379, 553, 630

  Michelet, Jules (1798–1874), 30–31, 657, 660, 778

  Milan, 541

  architecture in, 554

  Cathedral of, 556

  center of Cisalpine Republic, 105, 187, 544, 546

  Jews in, 275

  liberals in, 543

  morals in, 551

  N. at as victor (1796), 100–103, 104*

  N. crowned at as king of Italy (1805), 202, 546

  and Pius VII, 232

  retaken for Austria (1799–1800), 117, 170

  won back by N. (1800), 172, 173, 175

  Milan Decree (1807), 219

  Milbanke, Annabella, see Byron, Annabella Milbanke, Lady Judith, nee Noel (d. 1822), 465–66, 494

  Milbanke, Sir Ralph, 465, 466, 481

  Mill, James (1773–1836), 358, 362, 503–4

  and Bentham, 404, 407, 503

  Mill, John Stuart (1806–73), 359, 404, 407, 503

  Millaud, Deputy (1793), 52

  Millesimo, battle of (1796), 98

  Millingen, Dr. Julius (fl. 1823), 499

  Milner, Emily (fl. 1814), 463

  Milo, Titus Annius (d. 48 B.C.), 194, 543

  Miloradovich, Mikhail Andreevich (1771–1825), 704

  Miloš Obrenovich, Prince of Serbia (r. 1817–39), 669

  Milton, John (1608–74), 362, 396, 451, 456, 479–80

  Mincio River, 174–76 passim

  miniature painting, 281

  mining and metallurgy, 5, 590, 597, 600

  Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, The (Scott), 505

  Miollis, Fra
nçois (1759–1828), 549

  Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel-Victor Riqueti, Comte de (1749–91), 15, 29–31, 129

  early life, 15

  pleads for emancipation of Jews (1787), 275

  visits Germany, writes impressions, 596, 602, 603

  in States-General, 13–16

  in National Assembly, 17, 23, 24, 29–30

  his dealings with King and Queen, 29–30

  death of, 30, 143

  discovery of Louis’ payments to, 31, 51

  Misogallo (Alfieri), 552

  Missolonghi, Greece, 457, 498–99, 501

  Mistress to an Age (Herold), 200*

  Modena, 101, 294, 541, 544

  Modena, Duke of, 101

  Modern Painters (Ruskin), 385

  Moldavia, 201, 228, 669, 671, 689, 696

  Moldechno, 710

  Molé, Count Louis-Mathieu (1781–1855), 276

  Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin; 1622–73), 93, 138

  Mollien, François-Nicolas (1758–1850), 323, 730

  Mona Lisa (Leonardo), 102

  Monastery, The (Scott), 506

  Moncey, Bon-Adrien-Jeannot de (1754–1812), 726

  Mondego River and Bay, Portugal, 225, 536

  Mondovi, battle of (1796), 98, 99

  Monet, Claude (1840–1926), 385

  Monge, Gaspard (1746–1818), 64, 142, 246, 265, 266, 322, 323

  on Egyptian expedition, 108, 114, 120

  Moniteur, he, 119, 135, 188, 287, 315, 598

  becomes government organ, 167

  Monsieur Necker’s Character and Private Life (Staël), 293

  Montagnards (Mountain), 34

  in Convention, 47–83 passim

  fall of, 83, 84

  and religion, 43, 72

  and September Massacres, 45

  Montagu, Basil (1770–1851), 421, 422, 439

  Montagu, Basil, Jr. (b. 1793), 422

  Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689–1762), 393

  Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de (1533–92), 34, 388, 654

  Montalivet, Jean-Baptiste Bachasson, Comte de (1766–1823), 264

  Montbéliard, 730

  “Mont Blanc” (Shelley), 478

  Montcalm, Marquis Louis-Joseph de (1712–59), 380

  Montebello, battle of (1800), 173, 270

  Montenotte, battle of (1796), 98, 99

  Montereau, battle of (1814), 723

  Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de (1689–1755), 14, 27, 34, 93, 300, 597, 685

  Montesquiou-Fezensac, Marquis Anne-Pierre de (1739–98), 49

  Monte Zemoto, 99

  Montferrand (Auguste Ricard; 1786–1858), 682

  Montholon, Comte Charles-Tristan de (1783–1853), 763

  accompanies N. after 2d abdication, 751, 757 ff.

  at St. Helena, 217, 758–60, 763, 764, 767–69

  and Napoleonic legend, 774

  Montholon, Comtesse Albinie de, nee de Vassal, 757, 759, 763

  Monti, Vincenzo (1754–1828), 552

  Montmirail, battle of (1814), 723

  Montmorency, Mathieu de (1767–1826), 273, 274, 294

  Montmorin, Comte Armand-Marc de (1745?–92), 64, 314

  Montpellier, 753

  Mont St. Jean, 746

  Moore, Sir John (1761–1809), 229–30, 537

  Moore, Thomas (1779–1852), 358, 370, 409

  and Byron, 459, 464, 487, 500, 508

  Moratín, Leandro Fernández de (1760–1828), 534

  Moravian Brethren, 299, 601

  More, Hannah (1745–1833), 359, 362

  Moreau, Jean-Victor (1763–1813), 64, 85

  military operations of in Bavaria and Italy (1796–1800), 97, 116–17, 171, 173, 176

  recommends N. to lead coup (1799), 119

  under consideration as replacement for N., 172, 176

  and generals’ plots against N., 185–86, 190, 192–93, 195, 273

  joins Allies, 716

  death of, 193, 718

  Morelli, Cosimo (1732–1810), 554

  Morelly (socialist, fl. 1755), 89

  Morgan, John Pierpont (1837–1913), 379

  Morley, John, Viscount Morley of Blackburn (1838–1923), 74*

  Morning Post, 378, 408, 433, 436, 437

  Mornington, Garret Wesley, 1st Earl of (1735–80, 535

  Mornington, Richard Colley Wellesley, 2d Earl of, later 1st Marquess Wellesley (1760–1842), 535–36

  Morris, Gouverneur (1752–1816), 21

  Mort de César, La (Voltaire), 227, 287

  Mort de Pompée, La (Corneille), 284

  Mortier, Édouard-Adolphe (1768–1835), 189, 204, 722–25

  Moscow: burning of (1812), 239, 283, 320, 704–6

  French retreat from, 707–10

  Moscow, University of, 674, 680

  Moscow Hospital, 675

  Moskovsky zhurnal, 685

  Moskva River, 703

  Moulin, Jean-François-Auguste (1752–1810), 117, 122

  Moulins, France, 69, 72

  Mounier, Jean-Joseph (1758–1806), 13, 16, 25

  Mountain, see Montagnards

  Mousehold Heath (Crome), 381

  Mozart, Leopold (in full, Johann Georg Leopold; 1719–87), 568

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91), 377, 553, 564, 570, 612, 613

  Beethoven and, 568, 571, 574, 582

  in Berlin, 594

  death of, 569

  Mozhaisk, 707

  Muiron, Colonel (d. 1796), 104

  Mulgrave, Sir Henry Phipps, 3d Baron, later 1st Earl of Mulgrave (1755–1831), 200–201

  Mulhouse, 730

  Müller, Adam Heinrich (1779–1829), 617

  Müller, Felix, 226

  Müller, Johannes von (1752–1809), 305, 591, 619, 659, 660

  Munchausen, Baron (Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Münchhäusen; 1720–97), 503

  Munich, 97, 388, 589, 624

  Munich, University of, 625

  Münster, 588, 590, 593

  Murat, Caroline, nee Maria Carolina Bonaparte (1782–1839), 92, 191, 220, 547, 771

  Murat, Joachim (1767–1815), King of Naples (r. 1805–15), 220, 282, 771

  and 13th-Vendémiaire coup (1795), 87

  in 1796 Italian campaign, 99, 103, 220

  sent by N. to bring Josephine to Italy, 100

  on Egyptian expedition, 114, 220

  marriage to Caroline Bonaparte, 220

  and 18th-Brumaire coup (1799), 123

  at Marengo (1800), 173, 220

  jealous of N., 185

  at N.’s coronation, 199

  in 1805 campaign, 202, 203, 204

  at Jena (1806), 209

  at Eylau (1807), 211

  as grand duke of Berg and Cleves, 215, 220, 590

  named grand admiral, 270

  heads occupation of Spain (1808), 223–24, 535

  conspires to be named N.’s heir, 230

  as king of Naples, 224, 278, 547–48, 553, 556

  in Russian campaign, 699, 703, 704, 705, 710

  returns to Naples, 710, 712

  goes over to Allies, 719, 721, 771

  death of, 771

  Muraviov, Mikhail Nikitch (1757–1807), 677, 680

  Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban (1617–82), 279, 533

  Murray, Alexander, philologist (1775–1813), 361

  Murray, John, publisher (1778–1843), 408, 409

  Byron’s correspondence with, 488, 489, 492

  and Byron’s secret memoirs, 500

  Byron’s works published by, 464, 478, 480

  and Coleridge, 437

  Mme. de Staël’s works published by, 300

  Muscadins, 86

  Musée Napoléon, Cap d’Antibes, 555

  Museo del Prado, Madrid, 533

  Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 87, 326

  Musikalische Gesellschaft, 566

  Musset, Alfred de (1810–57), 41, 155, 268

  “My Life and Adventures” (Byron), 487

  Mysteries of Udolpho, The (Radcliffe),

  Namur, 743–44

  Nancy, 8, 29, 51, 721

  Nantes, 6, 69

  and the blockades, 262, 693

  and Girondins, 34, 62

  Terror in, 68–69

  Vendéans executed at, 72

  Naples, kingdom of: under Bourbon rule (Kingdom of the Two Sicilies), 541, 543

  in 1st Coalition against France (1793), 517, 519

  truce with France (1796–98), 101, 519, 520

  in 2d Coalition (1799), 116, 521

  mainland captured by French (1798–99), 108, 114, 116, 545, 553

  Parthenopean Republic set up (1799), 116, 545

  Ferdinand IV restored (1799), 117, 545, 553, 676

  compelled to close ports to British (1801), 177, 546

  Ferdinand driven again from mainland (1806), 216, 547

  under Joseph Bonaparte (1806–08), 92, 266, 278, 547, 548, 549, 553, 556

  under Murat (1808–15), 224, 278, 547–48, 553, 556, 712

  Two Sicilies reunited under Ferdinand (1815), 521, 548, 771

  Naples, King of, see Ferdinand IV

  Napoleon I (1769–1821), Emperor of the French (r. 1804–14, 1815), 90–95, 97–105, 106–14, 119–23, 159–96, 197–259, 260–336 passim, 545–50, 556–57, 693–711, 715–28, 734–79

  EARLY YEARS (1769–99), 90–95

  birth and family, 91–92

  at Brienne, 92–93, 113, 242, 246, 722

  recaptures Toulon (1793), 74–75, 94

  protects Convention on 13th Vendémiaire, 87, 95

  appointed to command of Army of Italy, 88, 95

  marries Josephine, 95, 96, 218

  whirlwind Italian campaign, (1796–97), 97–105, 115, 116–17, 219, 333, 519, 544, 552

  letters to Josephine from Italy, 96, 97–98, 99–100, 102, 103

  proclamations to troops, 98, 99, 102

  called “Little Corporal,” 100

  at Arcole, 103–4, 171, 237, 248, 282

  diplomatic successes in Italy, 101, 104, 105, 519

  artistic spoliation of Italy, 101–2, 139

  advances toward Vienna (1797), 104–5, 558, 571

  and Treaty of Campoformio, 105, 107, 558, 571

  organizes Cisalpine and Ligurian Republics, 105

  triumphant return to Paris, 105–7, 151

  his designs on Egypt, 105, 107–8

  Egyptian-Syrian expedition, 108–14, 115, 116, 216, 219, 520, 544

  and scientists on expedition, 108, 114, 120, 128, 253

  learns of Josephine’s infidelity, 110–11

  at Acre, 113, 119, 408*

  returns to France, 113–14, 119

  reconciliation with Josephine, 119–20, 219

  and coup of 18th Brumaire (1799), 92, 119–23, 216

  AS CONSUL (1799–1804), 159–96

  as provisional consul (1799), 159–62

  as first consul (1799–1804), 151, 162–96

  organizes administration, 163–66

  proposes peace to George III, 169–70, 437

  moves to Tuileries, 168

  campaign of 1800 in Italy, 171–74, 289, 545


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