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The Age of Napoleon

Page 141

by Will Durant

  at Marengo, 173–74, 240, 248

  makes gesture of goodwill to Paul I, 176, 676

  “infernal machine” plot against, 176–77

  exacts Peace of Lunéville from Austria (1801), 177, 180, 558

  and Treaty of Florence with Naples, 177

  signs Peace of Amiens with England (1802), 179, 180, 184, 522

  has Code Napoléon drawn up, 54, 130, 180–82, 264

  and Concordat of 1801 with Pius VII, 182–85, 264, 546, 555

  generals’ jealousy of and plots against, 185–86, 190–93, 195, 250, 273

  made consul for life, 186

  named head of Italian Republic, 187, 201, 546

  annexes Piedmont, 187, 188, 201, 546

  expands French power in Switzerland, 187–88, 201, 659

  redistributes Rhineland states (1803), 189, 589

  prepares for invasion of England, 189, 202–3, 339, 522, 553, 617

  orders occupation of Hanover, 592

  Frederick William III is urged to conduct crusade against, 595, 624

  and execution of Due d’Enghien, 191–92

  moves toward imperial power, 126, 193–96, 202

  proclaimed emperor (1804), 196

  AS EMPEROR (1804–1814, 1815), 197–236, 237–336 passim

  coronation of, 197–99

  again proposes peace to George III, 200

  becomes king of north Italy, 202, 546; 3d Coalition formed against, 202

  hatred of “perfide Albion,” renews invasion plans, 202–3

  and Villeneuve’s defeat at Trafalgar, 203–4, 522–25

  leads Grande Armée to Austria (1805), 202–3, 522

  at Vienna, 203, 279, 549, 575

  victory at Austerlitz, 204–5, 240, 525, 549, 588, 595

  dictates treaties of Schönbrunn and Pressburg (1805), 205, 595

  seizes Pomerania and Stralsund, 661

  at Munich (1805), 206, 589

  makes Joseph king of Naples, 216, 547

  assumes protectorate over Rhine Confederation, 208, 589–90, 596

  and Metternich, 561

  Prussia mobilizes against (1806), 208, 596

  emotional parting from Josephine at Mainz, 208–9, 238

  victory at Jena (1806), 209, 276, 593, 596, 647

  in Berlin, 209–10, 549, 596, 668

  proclaims Continental Blockade, 209–10, 596

  in Warsaw, 210, 238, 668

  and Marie Walewska, 210–11, 232, 668

  orders occupation of Rome (1807), 276, 279, 549

  at Friedland, 211–12, 276, 295, 668

  makes peace at Tilsit, 212–13, 276, 319, 596, 668, 669, 671, 687

  dismembers Prussia, 213, 276, 598, 613, 617, 618, 641

  abolishes Tribunate, 214

  issues Milan Decree (1807), 219

  orders occupation of Peninsula (1807–08), 222–25, 532, 534–35

  summons Joseph to Spanish throne, 535, 547

  at Erfurt Congress, 225–28, 623

  leads Grande Armée in Spain (1808–09), 228–30

  campaign of 1809 against Austria, 231–32, 537, 538, 578

  annexes Papal States, 236, 549

  imprisons Pius VII, 185, 542, 549, 557, 720

  at Schönbrunn (1809), 232–33

  annexes Baltic cities, 236, 592

  divorces Josephine, 233–34

  marriage to Marie Louise (1810), 234–35, 538, 562, 598, 688

  annexes Holland, 217

  agrees to Bernadotte’s election as crown prince of Sweden, 661–62

  sells export licenses, 526, 694

  mounting friction with Alexander, 688, 696

  mobilizes for war (1811–12), 697–698

  again seizes Swedish Pomerania, 663

  entertains kings at Dresden (1812), 700

  Russian campaign, 238, 239, 307, 539, 556, 557, 700–711, 769

  campaign of 1813 in Germany, 307, 635, 715–19

  defeated at Leipzig, 218, 238, 300, 557, 590, 718–19

  campaign of France (1814), 320–21, 720–25

  first abdication (1814), 217, 274, 726–27

  attempts suicide, 727

  journey to Elba, 727–28, 771

  at Elba (1814–15), 220, 301, 733, 734–36, 772

  escapes to Paris, 274, 301, 307, 736–40

  his Hundred Days (1815), 92, 216, 217, 220, 279, 307–8, 740–51

  in the Waterloo campaign, 308, 743–49, 769

  second abdication, 124, 217, 750–52

  surrenders to British, 754–57

  at St. Helena (1815–21), 220, 245, 296, 550, 758–69, 772

  death of, 217, 221, 302, 763, 768–69

  will of, 254*, 763, 767, 775

  the legend, 763, 773–75, 777

  his remains brought back to Paris, 280, 775–76


  as administrator, 260–77

  ailments of, 211, 238, 699, 718, 766, 769

  ambition of, 242–43, 252

  appearance, 95, 237–38, 258

  art expropriation by, 205, 209, 279, 610

  as art patron, 141, 279–83, 555, 556

  censorship under, 154, 286–87, 288–302 passim

  character of, 93, 242–46

  conversation of, 245–46, 765–66

  court of, 194, 270–71

  despotism of, 250–53

  devotion of aides and troops to, 99, 241, 247

  desire for dynasty, 193

  and European union, 215, 221, 243, 257, 698

  family plan of, 215–21, 241

  as general, 246–50, 594

  and “ideologues,” 266, 272, 288, 330–31

  Italian influence on, 91, 93, 101, 175, 259

  and the Jews, 275–76, 603

  literature versus, 286–321

  love for Josephine, 97–100, 233–34, 242, 244, 251

  love for his son, 237, 242, 244, 699

  manners of, 245

  mind of, 90–91, 93, 239–42

  moods of, 208–9, 238, 258

  and music, 278–279

  and philosophers, 331, 332, 336

  philosophy of, 253–58

  and religion, 182–85, 253–55, 258, 292, 314, 330, 332, 768

  and science, 142, 144, 253, 322, 324–25, 330–31

  “Son of the Revolution,” 160, 258–59

  and theater, 283–87

  women, attitude toward, 243–44, 245, 255–256, 285, 288

  work habits of, 239, 240, 246, 250

  Napoleon II (Napoléon- François- Joseph Charles, King of Rome; 1811–32), 236, 237, 711, 719, 721

  death of, 772

  leaves unwillingly at N.’s downfall, 724, 727

  N. attempts to leave throne to, 726, 751

  N’s advice to from St. Helena, 253, 767–68, 774

  Napoleon III (Charles-Louis-Napoléon), Emperor of the French (r. 1852–71), 38*, 92, 278, 763, 772

  birth of, 216

  Jérôme Bonaparte and, 218, 770

  Napoleon (Lefebvre), 679*

  Napoleonic Code, see Code Napoléon Napoleonic France (1800–1815): agriculture in, 260

  annexations, 187, 201, 202, 217, 236, 546

  Army, 267–69

  art in, 140–41, 279–83

  censorship in, 167, 286–87, 288–302 passim

  colonies of, 189, 733

  commerce in, 693–94

  economy of, 159, 260–64, 695–96, 719

  education in, 182–83, 264–67, 606

  equal opportunity in, 260, 269–70

  French Empire established, 196–97

  industry in, 260–61

  Jews in, 274–77

  literature in, 288–321

  manners in, 134, 269–272

  morals in, 132, 133, 269

  museums in, 279

  music in, 137, 278–79

  Navy, 202–4, 522–25

  population of, 264

  prisons in, 252

  Provisional Government of (1815), 751, 752

p; public works in, 261, 263

  science and philosophy in, 322–36

  theater in, 283–85, 286, 287

  see also Consulate

  Napoleonic Wars

  Napoleonic Wars (1800–1815): war in Egypt (1800–01), 170, 174*

  campaign of 1800 in Italy, 170–76, 289, 545

  formation of 2d League of Armed Neutrality (1801), 176, 178, 663–65, 678

  Peace of Lunéville (1801), 177, 180, 588

  Treaty of Florence, 177

  British destruction of Danish fleet, 178, 664–65

  Peace of Amiens (1802), 178, 179, 180, 184, 188

  resumption of Anglo-French war (1803), 189, 345, 592

  projected invasion of England, 189, 202–3, 522, 553, 617

  formation of 3d Coalition against France, 201–2

  Anglo—French naval war (1805), 202–4, 522–525

  campaign of 1805 (Austerlitz), 202–203, 522, 595

  Treaties of Pressburg and Schönbrunn, 205, 595

  campaign of 1806–07, 208–212, 276, 593, 596, 617

  Peace of Tilsit (1807), 212–13, 276, 319, 596, 668, 669, 671, 687

  British bombardment of Copenhagen (1807), 526, 665

  French invasion of Peninsula, 222–25

  Treaty of Fontainebleau (1807), 222

  Peninsular War (1808–14), 225, 228–30, 537–39, 581, 695, 697

  campaign of 1809 against Austria, 231–32, 537, 538, 578

  Walcheren expedition, 526

  Peace of Schönbrunn (1809), 232–33

  French invasion of Russia (1812), 238, 239, 307, 539, 556, 557, 700–711, 769

  War of Liberation in Germany, 307, 635, 715–19

  campaign of France (1814), 320–21, 720–725

  1st Treaty of Paris, 730

  Waterloo campaign (1815), 308, 743–49, 769

  2d Treaty of Paris, 754

  Napoleon in Exile, or A Voice from St. Helena (O’Meara), 762

  Napoleon on the Bridge at Arcole (Gros), 104*, 282

  Narbonrie-Lara, Comte Louis de (1755–1813), 35, 148–50, 292, 307, 699, 717

  Narrative (John Byron), 454

  Nash, John (1752–1835), 378

  Nassau, 202, 206, 589, 597

  Natchez, Les (Chateaubriand), 312

  National (Constituent) Assembly (France, 1789–91), 15, 16–32

  Third Estate declares itself to be, 16

  defies Louis’ order to meet separately, 16–17

  “great renunciation” of privileges by nobles in, 21

  votes Declaration of the Rights of Man, 23, 128

  is compelled to move to Paris, 25

  writes Constitution (of 1791), 26–27, 130, 152

  votes Civil Constitution of Clergy, 27–28, 72

  honors Mirabeau, 30–31

  and King’s attempted escape, 31–32

  abolishes guilds, 125

  extends civil rights to Jews, 275

  National Convention (France), see Convention

  National Gallery, Berlin, 555, 612

  National Guard (Garde Nationale): establishment of, 18, 19

  and Women’s March on Versailles, 25

  at Feast of Federation (1790), 28–29

  and “Nancy massacre,” 29

  at Mirabeau’s funeral, 31

  brings King and Queen from Varennes, 31

  fires on abdication crowd (1791), 32, 67

  controlled by communes, 33

  Lafayette offers deal to Austria regarding, 37

  at Louis XVI’s execution, 52

  in anti—Girondin invasion of Convention, 56–57

  Committee of Public Safety subject to will of, 61

  and Danton, 77

  disperses bread rioters in Convention, 84

  N. entrusts wife and son to, 721

  called up by N., 742

  National Operative Builders Union, 350

  National Portrait Gallery, London, 372, 448

  National Theater, Berlin, 615–16

  Natural History (Pliny), 467

  natural selection, Darwin’s theory of, 327, 397

  Natural Theology (Paley), 397

  Nazarene school of painters, 611–12

  nebular hypothesis of cosmic origins, 323

  Necessity of Atheism, The (Shelley and Hogg), 469

  Necker, Germaine, see Staël, Germaine de Necker, Jacques (1732–1804), 5, 146–47, 272

  1st ministry of as director of Treasury (1777–81), 10, 146–47

  recalled to ministry (1788), advises Louis to call States-General, 11, 147

  addresses States-General, 13

  dismissed and ordered to leave France (1789), 17, 147

  his dismissal denounced, 18

  recalled to Paris, 19, 147

  denounced by Marat, 20

  advises Louis to move to Paris, 25

  resigns and retires to Coppet (1790), 29, 148

  Mme. de Staël’s worship of, 146, 288, 293

  flees to Rolle, 149

  mourns wife’s death, 150

  his loan to French Treasury, 288, 301

  reprimands Mme. de Staël for attacking N., 289

  publishes Dernières Vues, 291

  death of, 293, 306

  his policies defended by Mme. de Staël, 301

  Necker, Suzanne, nee Curchod (1737–94), 146–50 passim

  Neefe, Christian Gottlob (1748–98), 572

  Neipperg, Count Adam Adalbert von (1775–1829), 772

  Nelson, Frances Nisbet, 518–19, 520, 521, 524

  Nelson, Horatia, see Thompson, Horatia Nelson

  Nelson, Horatio, later Viscount Nelson (1758–1805), 339, 342, 380, 518–25, 526

  early life, 518

  meets Lady Hamilton, 519

  at Cape St. Vincent, 520

  misses Bonaparte’s Egyptian expedition, 109, 114, 520

  victory of at Abukir Bay (1798), 111, 116, 383, 520

  welcomed at Naples after battle, 521

  lands naval force at Leghorn to help Ferdinand, 544

  takes fleeing Ferdinand and Hamiltons to Palermo (1799), 116, 545

  brings them back, hangs rebel admiral, 545

  returns to England with Hamiltons, 521

  at Copenhagen (1801), 546, 664–65

  pursues French fleet to West Indies (1805), 202–3, 522

  victory at Trafalgar, 203–4, 377, 383–84, 523–24

  death of, 204, 524

  monument to, 377

  Southey’s life of, 450

  neoclassicism, 139

  in architecture, 377, 682

  in dress, 134–35

  in painting, 140–41, 279, 281–82, 380, 611, 612

  in sculpture, 554–56, 677

  Neo-Malthusians, 403

  Nero (Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus Germanicus), Emperor of Rome (r. 54–68), 319–20

  Nerva (Marcus Cocceius Nerva), Emperor of Rome (r. 96–98), 195

  Nesselrode, Count Karl Robert (1780–1862), 731

  Netherlands, Austrian or Spanish, see Belgium

  Netherlands, kingdom of (1815 ff.), 733

  Neuchâtel, 20, 215, 221, 333

  to France, 205, 595

  to Prussia, 593, 733

  Neumarkt, battle of (1797), 104

  Nevers, 69, 72

  Newcastle, 342

  Newcastle, Henry Pelham Clinton, 4th Duke of (1785–1851), 353

  New Harmony, 350

  New Idea of the Anatomy of the Brain, A (Bell), 391

  New Lanark, 347–50

  New Rochelle, N.Y., 396

  Newstead Abbey, 454, 455–56, 459, 461, 462, 464, 480, 500

  New System of Chemical Philosophy, A (Dalton), 389–90

  Newton, Sir Isaac (1642–1727), 20, 324, 388, 608

  Newton, John, 473

  Newtown, Wales, 346, 351

  New View of Society, A (Owen), 348

  New Zealand, 387

  Ney, Michel (1769–1815): in 1805 campaign, 202, 203

  at Jena (1806), 209

  at Tu
dela (1808), 229

  in Russian campaign, 699, 704, 708–10

  in 1813 campaign, 716, 717–18

  in 1814 campaign, 722

  urges N. to abdicate, 726

  defects to N., 738–39, 742

  at Quatre-Bras (1815), 744–46, 748

  at Waterloo, 747–49

  death of, 753, 774

  Niagara Falls, 311

  Niccolini, Antonio (1772–1850), 554

  Nice, 49, 97, 98, 169, 170, 172, 177

  Nicholas I, Czar of Russia (r. 1825–55), 348, 610

  Nicolle, Gabriel-Henri (1767–1829), 296–97

  Niebuhr, Barthold Georg (1776–1831), 607

  Niemen River, 212

  French cross in invasion, 300, 527, 700, 701, 709

  French cross in retreat, 710

  Russians cross, 713

  Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm (1844–1900), 91, 94, 251, 415, 609

  Nightmare, The (Fuseli), 380

  Nihilist movement, 684

  Nile, battle of the (1798), see Abukir Bay, battle of

  Nile River, 109, 110

  Nîmes, 62, 753

  9th Thermidor, 82–83

  Noailles, Vicomte Louis-Marie de (1756–1804), 22

  Noailles, Natalie de, 319

  noblesse d’épée, 4

  noblesse de race, 4–5

  noblesse de robe, 5, 152

  Nord département, 695

  Nordiske Digte (Oehlenschläger), 666

  Norfolk, Charles Howard, 11th Duke of (1746–1815), 353

  Nonhanger Abbey (Austen), 411

  Northumberland, H.M.S., 238–39, 757–58, 761, 764

  Northumberland, Sir Hugh Percy, 2d Duke of (1742–1817), 372

  Northwest Passage, 340

  Norway, 3, 663, 689, 714, 722

  Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, 73, 184, 198

  Nottinghamshire, weavers’ revolt in, 345, 460

  Nouveaux Principes d’économique politique (Sismondi), 660

  Nouvelle Héloïse, La, see Julie

  Novalis (Freiherr Georg Friedrich Philipp von Hardenberg; 1772–1801), 582, 623, 631–32

  Novi, 117, 173

  Novikov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1744–1818), 675

  Novosiltsov, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1761–1836), 678, 680, 687

  Nugent, Catherine, 475

  Nuremberg, 588, 624, 642

  Oath of the Horatii, The (David), 138, 140–41

  Obermann (Sénancour), 318

  Oberon (Wieland), 227

  Obrenovich, Prince Miloš, see Miloš

  Ochs, Peter (1752–1821), 659

  Oder River, 600, 716

  Odes (Collins), 416

  Odessa, 669, 673

  “Ode to Joy” (Schiller), 582–84

  “Ode to the West Wind” (Shelley), 482, 483

  O’Donnell, Moritz (b. 1780), 296

  Odyssey (Homer), 607

  Oehlenschläger, Adam Gottlob (1779–1850), 666–67

  Oersted, Hans Christian (1777–1851), 665, 666

  Offenbach, Jacques (1819–80), 626


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